Timing Of Leaks To CNN About Indictments Pathetically Obvious

Here's what's funny. The OP thinks that leaking the information that someone had been indicted is more serious than someone being indicted. But that's all he has left
Oh....please spare me the BS.

It's clear you haven't a thing to offer the discussion other than insane musings.

Yeah, I saw all of your threads on how serious the indictment is. Sike!

You're just complaining that someone told about the indictment. You don't care 1 fucking bit that someone around Trump is getting indicted.

Funny stuff
What's really funny is Mueller's indictments won't stand because they were illegally obtained.


BREAKING: Mueller's Indictment May Not Stand Since FISA Warrant Illegally Obtained

BREAKING: Mueller’s Indictment May Not Stand Since FISA Warrant Illegally Obtained
BREAKING: Mueller’s Indictment May Not Stand Since FISA Warrant Illegally Obtained
Breaking News By Amy Moreno October 29, 2017
Special prosecutor Robert Mueller is conducting a massive witch-hunt in the (debunked) Russia probe.

He’s set to indict “someone” (many suspects it’s former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort) on Monday.

There’s only one major problem.

Regardless of who is being indicted, their indictment may not stand up in court, because the FISA warrant was obtained illegally, and funded by Hillary Clinton and the DNC.


When this lie is debunked tomorrow I'll hand you a towel to get the egg off your face. Until then you making up smears a 100 mph just shows your level of desperation.
You idiots also said Hillary was a shoe-in too.
You can tell how desperate mud is by the number of paragraphs. It's getting longer and longer
I'm not desperate at all.:disagree:

Usually you shitheads ask for links....because you know your shit is weak.:desk:

You can't refute a thing I post and asking for links is a lazy way of dodging the issue.

Then remarkably I provide an extensive argument, with links included, but then you say essentially I'm being too thorough. RLMAO!!!!

:haha:What a fucking putz!!!!:lame2:

No one is falling for your distractions and bullshit charges that you fling around then beg everyone to address your fantasy land bullshit.

nothing you say with deflect from Trump and his dealings with Russia. Trump and hiring shady people associated with Putin. Trump and his campaign meeting with Russians and lying about it...then lying about what it was about.
None of that goes away just because you copy and paste another Benghazi style smear job.

That shit wont fly champ and you're nervous and desperate
You are a serious dumbass.
Wait till tomorrow. I'd be willing to bet Mueller files unrelated charges against Flynn, Manifort, or some other schmuck that has nothing to do with Trump for something they did before they joined the Trump team. None of it will stick in court due to lack of evidence. The charges will be made up if they have anything to do with Trump himself, and any even remotely plausible charge is brought forward, it will be simply an attempt to apply guilt by association.
He's on a fishing expedition.
Meanwhile the Elephant in the room is the obvious criminality of Hillary, James Comey, and Obama.

But Trump picks the best people! How can Mueller files charges on things you've been saying are fake the entire time?

Oh, now that indictments are floating its not fake anymore but its totally unrelated to Trump for which Mueller is investigating? Oh, ok.

LOL. You better start working on pretending who ever gets indicted only was around Trump a little bit or some other bs

Why don't you fuck off you pathetic hack!!!!

Anyone who has studied law at all knows you can indict a ham sandwich if you really want to.

It doesn't mean shit until you get a conviction.
Somebody getting indicted probably said that nonsense. No ham sandwich has ever been indicted.
I'm not desperate at all.:disagree:

Usually you shitheads ask for links....because you know your shit is weak.:desk:

You can't refute a thing I post and asking for links is a lazy way of dodging the issue.

Then remarkably I provide an extensive argument, with links included, but then you say essentially I'm being too thorough. RLMAO!!!!

:haha:What a fucking putz!!!!:lame2:

No one is falling for your distractions and bullshit charges that you fling around then beg everyone to address your fantasy land bullshit.

nothing you say with deflect from Trump and his dealings with Russia. Trump and hiring shady people associated with Putin. Trump and his campaign meeting with Russians and lying about it...then lying about what it was about.
None of that goes away just because you copy and paste another Benghazi style smear job.

That shit wont fly champ and you're nervous and desperate
You are a serious dumbass.
Wait till tomorrow. I'd be willing to bet Mueller files unrelated charges against Flynn, Manifort, or some other schmuck that has nothing to do with Trump for something they did before they joined the Trump team. None of it will stick in court due to lack of evidence. The charges will be made up if they have anything to do with Trump himself, and any even remotely plausible charge is brought forward, it will be simply an attempt to apply guilt by association.
He's on a fishing expedition.
Meanwhile the Elephant in the room is the obvious criminality of Hillary, James Comey, and Obama.

But Trump picks the best people! How can Mueller files charges on things you've been saying are fake the entire time?

Oh, now that indictments are floating its not fake anymore but its totally unrelated to Trump for which Mueller is investigating? Oh, ok.

LOL. You better start working on pretending who ever gets indicted only was around Trump a little bit or some other bs

Why don't you fuck off you pathetic hack!!!!

Anyone who has studied law at all knows you can indict a ham sandwich if you really want to.

It doesn't mean shit until you get a conviction.
Somebody getting indicted probably said that nonsense. No ham sandwich has ever been indicted.
No.....a lawyer said that.
I learned that the law isn't exactly applied equally or fairly at all times.
Nevermind the fact that lawyers are never under oath so they lie all the time in court.
Some are even rewarded for the most creative application of the law.
Ahh, so now we're moving into the justice system is unfair to old white guys are we? How about you take a knee dumbasses. LMAO

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