Tired of this nonsense

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
This shut down shit blows. I'm so fucking bored I'm going nuts.

I live in a metro of 2.3 million. We have around 70 people who have died. Not to be a cold hearted dick but out of those 70 how many were going to die FROM OLD AGE or EXTREME OBESITY to begin with? How many would have died in those same 30 days?

And before yall jump down my ass my ex had it. Was in the ICU for about a week and after getting the drug no liberal will admit exists she got better.

I get that new Yorks mayor acted a complete fool and his staff had to threaten to quit in order for him to CLOSE THE SCHOOLS but hey..... I get that you don't know that and your mind is blown right now. The leftist media treats yall like a bunch of dumbfuck toddlers who dont know any better and you're too dumb to recognize it.

All is forgiven...

Vote for Biden so we can get a good reason to sink money into alzheimer research.

Goodnight all!
I got so many iggied now I lost count...........and I'm up in the middle of the night because they woke me up and I don't go to work today.........

Go the hell to sleep Grampa..........LOL
LoneLaugher, are you one of the dolts who thinks the Kung Flu is more dangerous than the seasonal flu? :auiqs.jpg:

Ladies and gentlemen, witness ignorance in all of its glory.

The president himself has acknowledged that this is a far greater threat than the seasonal flu.

Is it your opinion that he is a dolt?
Since when do you believe Trump? Rather convenient no?
LoneLaugher, are you one of the dolts who thinks the Kung Flu is more dangerous than the seasonal flu? :auiqs.jpg:

Ladies and gentlemen, witness ignorance in all of its glory.

The president himself has acknowledged that this is a far greater threat than the seasonal flu.

Is it your opinion that he is a dolt?
Since when do you believe Trump? Rather convenient no?

When hs says something that is supported by facts and evidence, I believe him.

You’re right. It’s a rare occurrence. But it does happen every so often.
LoneLaugher, are you one of the dolts who thinks the Kung Flu is more dangerous than the seasonal flu? :auiqs.jpg:

Ladies and gentlemen, witness ignorance in all of its glory.

The president himself has acknowledged that this is a far greater threat than the seasonal flu.

Is it your opinion that he is a dolt?
Since when do you believe Trump? Rather convenient no?

When hs says something that is supported by facts and evidence, I believe him.

You’re right. It’s a rare occurrence. But it does happen every so often.
In the beginning: Give me liberty or give me death.

Now: Give me liberty unless there’s a virus with a 98-99% recovery rate, then strip me of my freedoms, my job, my income, my constitutional rights, free speech and put me under house arrest.
LoneLaugher, are you one of the dolts who thinks the Kung Flu is more dangerous than the seasonal flu? :auiqs.jpg:

Ladies and gentlemen, witness ignorance in all of its glory.

The president himself has acknowledged that this is a far greater threat than the seasonal flu.

Is it your opinion that he is a dolt?
A better explanation might be: if dumb Don says something the MSM agrees with, then I agree too.
LoneLaugher, are you one of the dolts who thinks the Kung Flu is more dangerous than the seasonal flu? :auiqs.jpg:

Ladies and gentlemen, witness ignorance in all of its glory.

The president himself has acknowledged that this is a far greater threat than the seasonal flu.

Is it your opinion that he is a dolt?
A better explanation might be: if dumb Don says something the MSM agrees with, then I agree too.

Is that a reflex?

The COVID-19 virus is far more dangerous than the seasonal flu. That is a fact until we develop therapies and vaccines to make it less dangerous. As we have done with the seasonal flu.

Do you understand?
They locked down construction, schools, restaurants, bars ,nightclubs , major manufacturers,small mom & pop shops. About the only thing open are food markets and the post office.

That very Gub'Mit that imparts this doctrine (no, it is NOT voluntary) has instituted a CARES package that's as full of sh*t as my pig pens

These very same people (pick one on any local,state or federal level) that are repeatedly telling me "We're all in this together" are still getting their tax paid check, while asking small biz to go without.

The projections for 'end of '20 into '21 bankruptcies make the '08 crash look like a minor bump in the capitalist road , and if one is paying ANY attention to the FED & Stock Market should be stuffin' a mattress

Congress is literally nationalizing fortune 500's (their true constituency, not YOU!) towards an overall objectively arguable feudal system

I'm a sm hand/mouth biz ,no work,no eat, who now has to sneak in/out of jobs , along with local authority on my tail redefining 'essential' every other day

So , all political stripe aside, how in the blue f*ck does anyone here see Government as helping you, your community, your country, your kids future, or anything else?

LoneLaugher, are you one of the dolts who thinks the Kung Flu is more dangerous than the seasonal flu? :auiqs.jpg:

Ladies and gentlemen, witness ignorance in all of its glory.

The president himself has acknowledged that this is a far greater threat than the seasonal flu.

Is it your opinion that he is a dolt?
A better explanation might be: if dumb Don says something the MSM agrees with, then I agree too.

Is that a reflex?

The COVID-19 virus is far more dangerous than the seasonal flu. That is a fact until we develop therapies and vaccines to make it less dangerous. As we have done with the seasonal flu.

Do you understand?
You might be right and you might be wrong. I know you think you have definitive information, but maybe not.

Is it news to you that some dispute this claim it is “far more dangerous?” If so, you might want to consider looking into a few different media sources.
They locked down construction, schools, restaurants, bars ,nightclubs , major manufacturers,small mom & pop shops. About the only thing open are food markets and the post office.

That very Gub'Mit that imparts this doctrine (no, it is NOT voluntary) has instituted a CARES package that's as full of sh*t as my pig pens

These very same people (pick one on any local,state or federal level) that are repeatedly telling me "We're all in this together" are still getting their tax paid check, while asking small biz to go without.

The projections for 'end of '20 into '21 bankruptcies make the '08 crash look like a minor bump in the capitalist road , and if one is paying ANY attention to the FED & Stock Market should be stuffin' a mattress

Congress is literally nationalizing fortune 500's (their true constituency, not YOU!) towards an overall objectively arguable feudal system

I'm a sm hand/mouth biz ,no work,no eat, who now has to sneak in/out of jobs , along with local authority on my tail redefining 'essential' every other day

So , all political stripe aside, how in the blue f*ck does anyone here see Government as helping you, your community, your country, your kids future, or anything else?

We may be witnessing the biggest transfer of wealth, into the hands of a select few who are already enormously wealthy, in the history of mankind.

With the demise of small businesses all over the country, who will benefit? I think I know.
Nurses, doctors, firefighters, cops, grocery store clerks, nursing home attendants etc are all dying Gramps, not just old fat guys like Trump.....
This shut down shit blows. I'm so fucking bored I'm going nuts.

I live in a metro of 2.3 million. We have around 70 people who have died. Not to be a cold hearted dick but out of those 70 how many were going to die FROM OLD AGE or EXTREME OBESITY to begin with? How many would have died in those same 30 days?

And before yall jump down my ass my ex had it. Was in the ICU for about a week and after getting the drug no liberal will admit exists she got better.

I get that new Yorks mayor acted a complete fool and his staff had to threaten to quit in order for him to CLOSE THE SCHOOLS but hey..... I get that you don't know that and your mind is blown right now. The leftist media treats yall like a bunch of dumbfuck toddlers who dont know any better and you're too dumb to recognize it.

All is forgiven...

Vote for Biden so we can get a good reason to sink money into alzheimer research.

Goodnight all!
My brother suffers Alzheimer's Disease and more research is needed to cure Dementia.
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