Tired of this nonsense

The coronavirus is not a hoax. If any one thinks it is no worse than the seasonal flue they are willfully ignorant of what is going on in Italy, Spain, the U.K and New York. I do not recall the common cold or flu resulting in ERs overflowing with dying patient; doctors and other health professionals dying; our food supply now being endanger because so many are sick. It is a pathetic state of affairs that you have so-called responsible adults telling us to ignore the evidence around us for the sake of political expediency. But this is the era we live. Truth and facts are not absolutes. They are pliable.
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Nurses, doctors, firefighters, cops, grocery store clerks, nursing home attendants etc are all dying Gramps, not just old fat guys like Trump.....


The coronavirus is not a hoax. If any one thinks it is no worse than the seasonal flue they are willfully ignorant of what is going on in Italy, Spain, the U.K and New York. Last I looked I do not recall the common cold or flu resulting in ERs overflowing with dying patient; doctors and other health professionals dying. It is a pathetic state of affairs that you have grown so-called responsible adults telling us to ignore the evidence around us for the sake of political expediency. But this is the era we live. Truth and facts are not absolutes. They are pliable.

Hoax or no hoax, the Gub'Mit response is probably going to result in an economic downturn that's long and painful

Dibs a year from now we'll be claiming 'at least C19 took you quickly'

LoneLaugher, are you one of the dolts who thinks the Kung Flu is more dangerous than the seasonal flu? :auiqs.jpg:

Ladies and gentlemen, witness ignorance in all of its glory.

The president himself has acknowledged that this is a far greater threat than the seasonal flu.

Is it your opinion that he is a dolt?
A better explanation might be: if dumb Don says something the MSM agrees with, then I agree too.

Is that a reflex?

The COVID-19 virus is far more dangerous than the seasonal flu. That is a fact until we develop therapies and vaccines to make it less dangerous. As we have done with the seasonal flu.

Do you understand?
You might be right and you might be wrong. I know you think you have definitive information, but maybe not.

Is it news to you that some dispute this claim it is “far more dangerous?” If so, you might want to consider looking into a few different media sources.

I listen to epidemiologists and virologists. They are speaking in one voice.

You seek out weirdness on You Tube.

I’ll stick with my way, thanks.
They locked down construction, schools, restaurants, bars ,nightclubs , major manufacturers,small mom & pop shops. About the only thing open are food markets and the post office.

That very Gub'Mit that imparts this doctrine (no, it is NOT voluntary) has instituted a CARES package that's as full of sh*t as my pig pens

These very same people (pick one on any local,state or federal level) that are repeatedly telling me "We're all in this together" are still getting their tax paid check, while asking small biz to go without.

The projections for 'end of '20 into '21 bankruptcies make the '08 crash look like a minor bump in the capitalist road , and if one is paying ANY attention to the FED & Stock Market should be stuffin' a mattress

Congress is literally nationalizing fortune 500's (their true constituency, not YOU!) towards an overall objectively arguable feudal system

I'm a sm hand/mouth biz ,no work,no eat, who now has to sneak in/out of jobs , along with local authority on my tail redefining 'essential' every other day

So , all political stripe aside, how in the blue f*ck does anyone here see Government as helping you, your community, your country, your kids future, or anything else?


Construction and manufacturing have most certainly not been stopped.
They locked down construction, schools, restaurants, bars ,nightclubs , major manufacturers,small mom & pop shops. About the only thing open are food markets and the post office.

That very Gub'Mit that imparts this doctrine (no, it is NOT voluntary) has instituted a CARES package that's as full of sh*t as my pig pens

These very same people (pick one on any local,state or federal level) that are repeatedly telling me "We're all in this together" are still getting their tax paid check, while asking small biz to go without.

The projections for 'end of '20 into '21 bankruptcies make the '08 crash look like a minor bump in the capitalist road , and if one is paying ANY attention to the FED & Stock Market should be stuffin' a mattress

Congress is literally nationalizing fortune 500's (their true constituency, not YOU!) towards an overall objectively arguable feudal system

I'm a sm hand/mouth biz ,no work,no eat, who now has to sneak in/out of jobs , along with local authority on my tail redefining 'essential' every other day

So , all political stripe aside, how in the blue f*ck does anyone here see Government as helping you, your community, your country, your kids future, or anything else?


Construction and manufacturing have most certainly not been stopped.

depending on one's governor LL

ours looks great in jackboots!

This shut down shit blows. I'm so fucking bored I'm going nuts.

I live in a metro of 2.3 million. We have around 70 people who have died. Not to be a cold hearted dick but out of those 70 how many were going to die FROM OLD AGE or EXTREME OBESITY to begin with? How many would have died in those same 30 days?

And before yall jump down my ass my ex had it. Was in the ICU for about a week and after getting the drug no liberal will admit exists she got better.

I get that new Yorks mayor acted a complete fool and his staff had to threaten to quit in order for him to CLOSE THE SCHOOLS but hey..... I get that you don't know that and your mind is blown right now. The leftist media treats yall like a bunch of dumbfuck toddlers who dont know any better and you're too dumb to recognize it.

All is forgiven...

Vote for Biden so we can get a good reason to sink money into alzheimer research.

Goodnight all!
The coronavirus is not a hoax. If any one thinks it is no worse than the seasonal flue they are willfully ignorant of what is going on in Italy, Spain, the U.K and New York. Last I looked I do not recall the common cold or flu resulting in ERs overflowing with dying patient; doctors and other health professionals dying. It is a pathetic state of affairs that you have grown so-called responsible adults telling us to ignore the evidence around us for the sake of political expediency. But this is the era we live. Truth and facts are not absolutes. They are pliable.

Hoax or no hoax, the Gub'Mit response is probably going to result in an economic downturn that's long and painful

Dibs a year from now we'll be claiming 'at least C19 took you quickly'

I suspect the pain will be felt only by a certain group. Small business. Uncle and the Fed are doing their best to protect Wall Street and big business. Watch the stock market. It likely goes up because their businesses are protected.
LoneLaugher, are you one of the dolts who thinks the Kung Flu is more dangerous than the seasonal flu? :auiqs.jpg:

Ladies and gentlemen, witness ignorance in all of its glory.

The president himself has acknowledged that this is a far greater threat than the seasonal flu.

Is it your opinion that he is a dolt?
A better explanation might be: if dumb Don says something the MSM agrees with, then I agree too.

Is that a reflex?

The COVID-19 virus is far more dangerous than the seasonal flu. That is a fact until we develop therapies and vaccines to make it less dangerous. As we have done with the seasonal flu.

Do you understand?
You might be right and you might be wrong. I know you think you have definitive information, but maybe not.

Is it news to you that some dispute this claim it is “far more dangerous?” If so, you might want to consider looking into a few different media sources.

I listen to epidemiologists and virologists. They are speaking in one voice.

You seek out weirdness on You Tube.

I’ll stick with my way, thanks.
Yes of course. Your experts never lie or get things wrong.
They locked down construction, schools, restaurants, bars ,nightclubs , major manufacturers,small mom & pop shops. About the only thing open are food markets and the post office.

That very Gub'Mit that imparts this doctrine (no, it is NOT voluntary) has instituted a CARES package that's as full of sh*t as my pig pens

These very same people (pick one on any local,state or federal level) that are repeatedly telling me "We're all in this together" are still getting their tax paid check, while asking small biz to go without.

The projections for 'end of '20 into '21 bankruptcies make the '08 crash look like a minor bump in the capitalist road , and if one is paying ANY attention to the FED & Stock Market should be stuffin' a mattress

Congress is literally nationalizing fortune 500's (their true constituency, not YOU!) towards an overall objectively arguable feudal system

I'm a sm hand/mouth biz ,no work,no eat, who now has to sneak in/out of jobs , along with local authority on my tail redefining 'essential' every other day

So , all political stripe aside, how in the blue f*ck does anyone here see Government as helping you, your community, your country, your kids future, or anything else?

Personally not looking for government to help to help me as an individual or head of my family. I do expect government not to take steps (knowingly) that will kill me or someone in my family. True, I am retired, using multiple pensions for stable income. I know my situation is different than working America. The community and the people in it will recover, possibly slowly, but it will happen. Either that or as a group, they lack the strength to persevere, carry on and build again toward their goals. The quitters. Those that cannot work past their disillusionment. The president thanked Xi for all the work on coronavirus, cooperation, transparency, and support yesterday. Idiot. Day before, he declared that he was in total control, the power of the presidency is absolute and likened the governors o fthe states resisting reopening the economy at this time were like mutineers, before backing off those statements later in the day. The man cannot main a train of thought. He has no vision. He has no consistent message. He uses the daily briefings not to inform, but for politics. His regime has no clue. He has a history of lying, just because he can and likes to for a variety of reasons, so now people see, he cannot be trusted. People that did not think character mattered are seeing what they have put in charge of the executive branch. Should not have been elected. Should not have been possible to elect a man like that, except for the fact that the damned Democrats were running somebody like Hillary. Washington needs shaking up, they said. OK, it got shook up. Now when good government and both sides working together might help chart the course back for the country, the Federal Government looks like a squirrel fuck in a cage, rolling down a hill. The governors and the people will have to work through this. Trump and his regime is too self screwed to be of value.
and yeah, i'm an old construction dog, going on 4 decades. I can tell you all sorts of Gub'Mit horror stories, like shovel ready

now this lockdown

i haven't a choice but TO go out the door today, tomorrow, and any other day folks will allow me , or i can sneak in/out of a jobsite

add to that, i'm a retired emt, i KNOW the risks because i've lived them.

That said, i'm taking my old redneck bluecollar a** to work.....

Blame it all on my roots ,I showed in work boots
And ruined your lockdown affair
The last one to know, to act like a pro
I was the last one with quarantine cares
And I was not surprised by the fear in your eyes
Or pandemic times that fascism claims
And I toasted you ,and your subsequent ado
But you'll never hear me complain

'Cause I've got friends in essential places
Where the media clowns
And the gov misses our working days
And we'll be okay
yeah, I'm not big on social distance graces
Think I'll go find work in dirty places
Oh, I've got friends in essential places

Well, I guess I was wrong , we just don’t belong
But then , we’ve been there before
Everybody’s uptight, like some biblical blight
While they escort us from jobs out the door
Hey, they’re all keen to the bailout scene
But gave us the shaft yet again
By telling us how to work where and when

'Cause I've got friends in essential places
Where the media clowns
And the gubmit has their own oasis
And It just ain’t okay
yeah, I'm not big on social distance graces
Think I'll go find work in dirty places
Oh, I've got friends in essential places

Oh, I've got friends in esseeEEEEeential places

~S~w/apologies to Mr Brooks
The coronavirus is not a hoax. If any one thinks it is no worse than the seasonal flue they are willfully ignorant of what is going on in Italy, Spain, the U.K and New York. Last I looked I do not recall the common cold or flu resulting in ERs overflowing with dying patient; doctors and other health professionals dying. It is a pathetic state of affairs that you have grown so-called responsible adults telling us to ignore the evidence around us for the sake of political expediency. But this is the era we live. Truth and facts are not absolutes. They are pliable.

Hoax or no hoax, the Gub'Mit response is probably going to result in an economic downturn that's long and painful

Dibs a year from now we'll be claiming 'at least C19 took you quickly'

I suspect the pain will be felt only by a certain group. Small business. Uncle and the Fed are doing their best to protect Wall Street and big business. Watch the stock market. It likely goes up because their businesses are protected.

LoneLaugher, are you one of the dolts who thinks the Kung Flu is more dangerous than the seasonal flu? :auiqs.jpg:

Ladies and gentlemen, witness ignorance in all of its glory.

The president himself has acknowledged that this is a far greater threat than the seasonal flu.

Is it your opinion that he is a dolt?
A better explanation might be: if dumb Don says something the MSM agrees with, then I agree too.

Is that a reflex?

The COVID-19 virus is far more dangerous than the seasonal flu. That is a fact until we develop therapies and vaccines to make it less dangerous. As we have done with the seasonal flu.

Do you understand?
You might be right and you might be wrong. I know you think you have definitive information, but maybe not.

Is it news to you that some dispute this claim it is “far more dangerous?” If so, you might want to consider looking into a few different media sources.

I listen to epidemiologists and virologists. They are speaking in one voice.

You seek out weirdness on You Tube.

I’ll stick with my way, thanks.
Yes of course. Your experts never lie or get things wrong.

Well. They clearly get things wrong on occasion. They deal with shit that is very difficult. They must make assumptions based on evidence which is sometimes incomplete...especially when a new virus pops up.

However, these people don’t fucking lie, fool. They’ve no reason to lie. The Illuminati isn’t paying them to lie so they can make your life miserable.

Now, the COVID-19 virus has been with us long enough for us to know, with no question, that it poses a greater present danger to us than the seasonal flu.

LoneLaugher, are you one of the dolts who thinks the Kung Flu is more dangerous than the seasonal flu? :auiqs.jpg:

Ladies and gentlemen, witness ignorance in all of its glory.

The president himself has acknowledged that this is a far greater threat than the seasonal flu.

Is it your opinion that he is a dolt?
Since when do you believe Trump? Rather convenient no?

When hs says something that is supported by facts and evidence, I believe him.

You’re right. It’s a rare occurrence. But it does happen every so often.
In the beginning: Give me liberty or give me death.

Now: Give me liberty unless there’s a virus with a 98-99% recovery rate, then strip me of my freedoms, my job, my income, my constitutional rights, free speech and put me under house arrest.

May I add to your excellent post???


"Give me liberty unless there's a virus with a 98-99% recovery rate, then strip me of my freedoms, my job, my income, my constitutional rights, free speech and put me under house arrest and I will screech like a Puritan in menopause at anyone who disagrees with the Government Overlords."
It poses a bigger danger to old infirm and certain other conditions according to the science ....funny how the party of science ignores that. Most of us could go about our business. Chosen path is insane and as soon as this is over libs will sing out of the other side of their ass
The coronavirus is not a hoax. If any one thinks it is no worse than the seasonal flue they are willfully ignorant of what is going on in Italy, Spain, the U.K and New York. Last I looked I do not recall the common cold or flu resulting in ERs overflowing with dying patient; doctors and other health professionals dying. It is a pathetic state of affairs that you have grown so-called responsible adults telling us to ignore the evidence around us for the sake of political expediency. But this is the era we live. Truth and facts are not absolutes. They are pliable.

Hoax or no hoax, the Gub'Mit response is probably going to result in an economic downturn that's long and painful

Dibs a year from now we'll be claiming 'at least C19 took you quickly'

I suspect the pain will be felt only by a certain group. Small business. Uncle and the Fed are doing their best to protect Wall Street and big business. Watch the stock market. It likely goes up because their businesses are protected.

LoneLaugher, are you one of the dolts who thinks the Kung Flu is more dangerous than the seasonal flu? :auiqs.jpg:

Ladies and gentlemen, witness ignorance in all of its glory.

The president himself has acknowledged that this is a far greater threat than the seasonal flu.

Is it your opinion that he is a dolt?
A better explanation might be: if dumb Don says something the MSM agrees with, then I agree too.

Is that a reflex?

The COVID-19 virus is far more dangerous than the seasonal flu. That is a fact until we develop therapies and vaccines to make it less dangerous. As we have done with the seasonal flu.

Do you understand?
You might be right and you might be wrong. I know you think you have definitive information, but maybe not.

Is it news to you that some dispute this claim it is “far more dangerous?” If so, you might want to consider looking into a few different media sources.

I listen to epidemiologists and virologists. They are speaking in one voice.

You seek out weirdness on You Tube.

I’ll stick with my way, thanks.
Yes of course. Your experts never lie or get things wrong.

Well. They clearly get things wrong on occasion. They deal with shit that is very difficult. They must make assumptions based on evidence which is sometimes incomplete...especially when a new virus pops up.

However, these people don’t fucking lie, fool. They’ve no reason to lie. The Illuminati isn’t paying them to lie so they can make your life miserable.

Now, the COVID-19 virus has been with us long enough for us to know, with no question, that it poses a greater present danger to us than the seasonal flu.

Thinking they don’t lie, makes you a fool. Have you ever heard the ancient adage, “follow the money...dumbass?”
It poses a bigger danger to old infirm and certain other conditions according to the science ....funny how the party of science ignores that. Most of us could go about our business. Chosen path is insane and as soon as this is over libs will sing out of the other side of their ass

You will be telling us that the path we chose was insane. You will also be telling us that Trump saved thousands, if not millions, of lives because of the path that he led us to take.

It won’t concern you at all that both cannot be true at the same time.
The coronavirus is not a hoax. If any one thinks it is no worse than the seasonal flue they are willfully ignorant of what is going on in Italy, Spain, the U.K and New York. Last I looked I do not recall the common cold or flu resulting in ERs overflowing with dying patient; doctors and other health professionals dying. It is a pathetic state of affairs that you have grown so-called responsible adults telling us to ignore the evidence around us for the sake of political expediency. But this is the era we live. Truth and facts are not absolutes. They are pliable.

Hoax or no hoax, the Gub'Mit response is probably going to result in an economic downturn that's long and painful

Dibs a year from now we'll be claiming 'at least C19 took you quickly'

I suspect the pain will be felt only by a certain group. Small business. Uncle and the Fed are doing their best to protect Wall Street and big business. Watch the stock market. It likely goes up because their businesses are protected.

LoneLaugher, are you one of the dolts who thinks the Kung Flu is more dangerous than the seasonal flu? :auiqs.jpg:

Ladies and gentlemen, witness ignorance in all of its glory.

The president himself has acknowledged that this is a far greater threat than the seasonal flu.

Is it your opinion that he is a dolt?
A better explanation might be: if dumb Don says something the MSM agrees with, then I agree too.

Is that a reflex?

The COVID-19 virus is far more dangerous than the seasonal flu. That is a fact until we develop therapies and vaccines to make it less dangerous. As we have done with the seasonal flu.

Do you understand?
You might be right and you might be wrong. I know you think you have definitive information, but maybe not.

Is it news to you that some dispute this claim it is “far more dangerous?” If so, you might want to consider looking into a few different media sources.

I listen to epidemiologists and virologists. They are speaking in one voice.

You seek out weirdness on You Tube.

I’ll stick with my way, thanks.
Yes of course. Your experts never lie or get things wrong.

Well. They clearly get things wrong on occasion. They deal with shit that is very difficult. They must make assumptions based on evidence which is sometimes incomplete...especially when a new virus pops up.

However, these people don’t fucking lie, fool. They’ve no reason to lie. The Illuminati isn’t paying them to lie so they can make your life miserable.

Now, the COVID-19 virus has been with us long enough for us to know, with no question, that it poses a greater present danger to us than the seasonal flu.


"The experts don't lie". PERIOD

Gosh everyone ponder any period in history where experts lied....anything? Anyone?

The Leftists here are some real brain trusts aren't they
The coronavirus is not a hoax. If any one thinks it is no worse than the seasonal flue they are willfully ignorant of what is going on in Italy, Spain, the U.K and New York. Last I looked I do not recall the common cold or flu resulting in ERs overflowing with dying patient; doctors and other health professionals dying. It is a pathetic state of affairs that you have grown so-called responsible adults telling us to ignore the evidence around us for the sake of political expediency. But this is the era we live. Truth and facts are not absolutes. They are pliable.

Hoax or no hoax, the Gub'Mit response is probably going to result in an economic downturn that's long and painful

Dibs a year from now we'll be claiming 'at least C19 took you quickly'

I suspect the pain will be felt only by a certain group. Small business. Uncle and the Fed are doing their best to protect Wall Street and big business. Watch the stock market. It likely goes up because their businesses are protected.

LoneLaugher, are you one of the dolts who thinks the Kung Flu is more dangerous than the seasonal flu? :auiqs.jpg:

Ladies and gentlemen, witness ignorance in all of its glory.

The president himself has acknowledged that this is a far greater threat than the seasonal flu.

Is it your opinion that he is a dolt?
A better explanation might be: if dumb Don says something the MSM agrees with, then I agree too.

Is that a reflex?

The COVID-19 virus is far more dangerous than the seasonal flu. That is a fact until we develop therapies and vaccines to make it less dangerous. As we have done with the seasonal flu.

Do you understand?
You might be right and you might be wrong. I know you think you have definitive information, but maybe not.

Is it news to you that some dispute this claim it is “far more dangerous?” If so, you might want to consider looking into a few different media sources.

I listen to epidemiologists and virologists. They are speaking in one voice.

You seek out weirdness on You Tube.

I’ll stick with my way, thanks.
Yes of course. Your experts never lie or get things wrong.

Well. They clearly get things wrong on occasion. They deal with shit that is very difficult. They must make assumptions based on evidence which is sometimes incomplete...especially when a new virus pops up.

However, these people don’t fucking lie, fool. They’ve no reason to lie. The Illuminati isn’t paying them to lie so they can make your life miserable.

Now, the COVID-19 virus has been with us long enough for us to know, with no question, that it poses a greater present danger to us than the seasonal flu.

Thinking they don’t lie, makes you a fool. Have you ever heard the ancient adage, “follow the money...dumbass?”

Of course. If you are a conspiracy nut you will accuse scientists of lying about a pandemic to line their own pockets.

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