Tired of this nonsense

The coronavirus is not a hoax. If any one thinks it is no worse than the seasonal flue they are willfully ignorant of what is going on in Italy, Spain, the U.K and New York. Last I looked I do not recall the common cold or flu resulting in ERs overflowing with dying patient; doctors and other health professionals dying. It is a pathetic state of affairs that you have grown so-called responsible adults telling us to ignore the evidence around us for the sake of political expediency. But this is the era we live. Truth and facts are not absolutes. They are pliable.

Hoax or no hoax, the Gub'Mit response is probably going to result in an economic downturn that's long and painful

Dibs a year from now we'll be claiming 'at least C19 took you quickly'

I suspect the pain will be felt only by a certain group. Small business. Uncle and the Fed are doing their best to protect Wall Street and big business. Watch the stock market. It likely goes up because their businesses are protected.

LoneLaugher, are you one of the dolts who thinks the Kung Flu is more dangerous than the seasonal flu? :auiqs.jpg:

Ladies and gentlemen, witness ignorance in all of its glory.

The president himself has acknowledged that this is a far greater threat than the seasonal flu.

Is it your opinion that he is a dolt?
A better explanation might be: if dumb Don says something the MSM agrees with, then I agree too.

Is that a reflex?

The COVID-19 virus is far more dangerous than the seasonal flu. That is a fact until we develop therapies and vaccines to make it less dangerous. As we have done with the seasonal flu.

Do you understand?
You might be right and you might be wrong. I know you think you have definitive information, but maybe not.

Is it news to you that some dispute this claim it is “far more dangerous?” If so, you might want to consider looking into a few different media sources.

I listen to epidemiologists and virologists. They are speaking in one voice.

You seek out weirdness on You Tube.

I’ll stick with my way, thanks.
Yes of course. Your experts never lie or get things wrong.

Well. They clearly get things wrong on occasion. They deal with shit that is very difficult. They must make assumptions based on evidence which is sometimes incomplete...especially when a new virus pops up.

However, these people don’t fucking lie, fool. They’ve no reason to lie. The Illuminati isn’t paying them to lie so they can make your life miserable.

Now, the COVID-19 virus has been with us long enough for us to know, with no question, that it poses a greater present danger to us than the seasonal flu.

Thinking they don’t lie, makes you a fool. Have you ever heard the ancient adage, “follow the money...dumbass?”

Of course. If you are a conspiracy nut you will accuse scientists of lying about a pandemic to line their own pockets.
Yes anyone who questions the authorities is a conspiracy nut. You have learned well comrade. You will excel in our Orwellian future.

You believe that I do not question authority?

For my part, not only do you not question it, you act like a Brownshirt for authority, parroting the daily talking points, screeching like a Puritan in menopause at anyone who does not Just Obey Orders
I’m trying to determine if LL more resembles a Stasi agent or a Nazi SS gopher.

I think his avatar is supposed to be Trump screeching at a nurse but this is how his posts always sound to me

like this, like all unhinged Leftists posts in the pandemic


.....how did I do
Things will not return to normal, pre COVID conditions, ever again.

We can wish all we want, but it will never happen.

And the next 3 years will not even come close to what we knew as normal...

Large gatherings and sports events, concerts etc, will not return in an old fashioned manner...

Hand shakes as greetings will be no more....or cheek kissing in Europe as a greeting....

Businesses have liability, for safety of employees and customers.... decisions to make, before they can open....

People will be wary of spending, as they once freely did.... the economy will not come back roaring....

The hyper spending debt will weigh us all down, with inflation...perhaps?

It just won't ever ever ever, be the same Sue....

I reject this wholly and utterly.

"She is clothed in strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come."--Proverbs 31:25

May God honestly prevent me from cowering in the corner, pronouncing doom on all the "days to come"
We certainly have come a long way from the land of the free and home of the brave.
It poses a bigger danger to old infirm and certain other conditions according to the science ....funny how the party of science ignores that. Most of us could go about our business. Chosen path is insane and as soon as this is over libs will sing out of the other side of their ass
Science is saying that in Italy and here, 40% of the people who have died from it, Are NOT Seniors.
You left off the other part of the science....other underlying conditions like asthma......ooooops
Yeah all the doctors and nurses and medical technicians, and EMTs, and fire fighters, and grocery store clerks and newborns, and nursing home assistants, and dollar store cashiers, were all non seniors that were going to die ANYWAY, right?

Is that what you are saying?

Life is risky

Live anyway
It poses a bigger danger to old infirm and certain other conditions according to the science ....funny how the party of science ignores that. Most of us could go about our business. Chosen path is insane and as soon as this is over libs will sing out of the other side of their ass
Science is saying that in Italy and here, 40% of the people who have died from it, Are NOT Seniors.
You left off the other part of the science....other underlying conditions like asthma......ooooops
Yeah all the doctors and nurses and medical technicians, and EMTs, and fire fighters, and grocery store clerks and newborns, and nursing home assistants, and dollar store cashiers, were all non seniors that were going to die ANYWAY, right?

Is that what you are saying?

100+ Americans die every single day in car crashes. NOT with pre-existing conditions. Randomly. Young and old; rich and poor alike. On highways and byways.

You've stopped driving and flagellate yourself daily about that too. Right?
The coronavirus is not a hoax. If any one thinks it is no worse than the seasonal flue they are willfully ignorant of what is going on in Italy, Spain, the U.K and New York. I do not recall the common cold or flu resulting in ERs overflowing with dying patient; doctors and other health professionals dying; our food supply now being endanger because so many are sick. It is a pathetic state of affairs that you have so-called responsible adults telling us to ignore the evidence around us for the sake of political expediency. But this is the era we live. Truth and facts are not absolutes. They are pliable.
Oh it's real enough, just that it's being used as a lever to enact an unnecessary famine and transfer of wealth to the elites and corporations and give more power to the government.

This is a big "Fuck You" to all American workers that pay all government job-havers' salary.

This is engineered to go like Marie-Antoinette-days France.
The coronavirus is not a hoax. If any one thinks it is no worse than the seasonal flue they are willfully ignorant of what is going on in Italy, Spain, the U.K and New York. Last I looked I do not recall the common cold or flu resulting in ERs overflowing with dying patient; doctors and other health professionals dying. It is a pathetic state of affairs that you have grown so-called responsible adults telling us to ignore the evidence around us for the sake of political expediency. But this is the era we live. Truth and facts are not absolutes. They are pliable.

Hoax or no hoax, the Gub'Mit response is probably going to result in an economic downturn that's long and painful

Dibs a year from now we'll be claiming 'at least C19 took you quickly'

I suspect the pain will be felt only by a certain group. Small business. Uncle and the Fed are doing their best to protect Wall Street and big business. Watch the stock market. It likely goes up because their businesses are protected.

LoneLaugher, are you one of the dolts who thinks the Kung Flu is more dangerous than the seasonal flu? :auiqs.jpg:

Ladies and gentlemen, witness ignorance in all of its glory.

The president himself has acknowledged that this is a far greater threat than the seasonal flu.

Is it your opinion that he is a dolt?
A better explanation might be: if dumb Don says something the MSM agrees with, then I agree too.

Is that a reflex?

The COVID-19 virus is far more dangerous than the seasonal flu. That is a fact until we develop therapies and vaccines to make it less dangerous. As we have done with the seasonal flu.

Do you understand?
You might be right and you might be wrong. I know you think you have definitive information, but maybe not.

Is it news to you that some dispute this claim it is “far more dangerous?” If so, you might want to consider looking into a few different media sources.

I listen to epidemiologists and virologists. They are speaking in one voice.

You seek out weirdness on You Tube.

I’ll stick with my way, thanks.
Yes of course. Your experts never lie or get things wrong.

Well. They clearly get things wrong on occasion. They deal with shit that is very difficult. They must make assumptions based on evidence which is sometimes incomplete...especially when a new virus pops up.

However, these people don’t fucking lie, fool. They’ve no reason to lie. The Illuminati isn’t paying them to lie so they can make your life miserable.

Now, the COVID-19 virus has been with us long enough for us to know, with no question, that it poses a greater present danger to us than the seasonal flu.

Thinking they don’t lie, makes you a fool. Have you ever heard the ancient adage, “follow the money...dumbass?”

Of course. If you are a conspiracy nut you will accuse scientists of lying about a pandemic to line their own pockets.
Yes anyone who questions the authorities is a conspiracy nut. You have learned well comrade. You will excel in our Orwellian future.

You believe that I do not question authority?

For my part, not only do you not question it, you act like a Brownshirt for authority, parroting the daily talking points, screeching like a Puritan in menopause at anyone who does not Just Obey Orders
I’m trying to determine if LL more resembles a Stasi agent or a Nazi SS gopher.

I think his avatar is supposed to be Trump screeching at a nurse but this is how his posts always sound to me

like this, like all unhinged Leftists posts in the pandemic


.....how did I do
Things will not return to normal, pre COVID conditions, ever again.

We can wish all we want, but it will never happen.

And the next 3 years will not even come close to what we knew as normal...

Large gatherings and sports events, concerts etc, will not return in an old fashioned manner...

Hand shakes as greetings will be no more....or cheek kissing in Europe as a greeting....

Businesses have liability, for safety of employees and customers.... decisions to make, before they can open....

People will be wary of spending, as they once freely did.... the economy will not come back roaring....

The hyper spending debt will weigh us all down, with inflation...perhaps?

It just won't ever ever ever, be the same Sue....

I reject this wholly and utterly.

"She is clothed in strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come."--Proverbs 31:25

May God honestly prevent me from cowering in the corner, pronouncing doom on all the "days to come"
We certainly have come a long way from the land of the free and home of the brave.

She picked the wrong woman to play Eeyore with this morning
The coronavirus is not a hoax. If any one thinks it is no worse than the seasonal flue they are willfully ignorant of what is going on in Italy, Spain, the U.K and New York. Last I looked I do not recall the common cold or flu resulting in ERs overflowing with dying patient; doctors and other health professionals dying. It is a pathetic state of affairs that you have grown so-called responsible adults telling us to ignore the evidence around us for the sake of political expediency. But this is the era we live. Truth and facts are not absolutes. They are pliable.

Hoax or no hoax, the Gub'Mit response is probably going to result in an economic downturn that's long and painful

Dibs a year from now we'll be claiming 'at least C19 took you quickly'

I suspect the pain will be felt only by a certain group. Small business. Uncle and the Fed are doing their best to protect Wall Street and big business. Watch the stock market. It likely goes up because their businesses are protected.

LoneLaugher, are you one of the dolts who thinks the Kung Flu is more dangerous than the seasonal flu? :auiqs.jpg:

Ladies and gentlemen, witness ignorance in all of its glory.

The president himself has acknowledged that this is a far greater threat than the seasonal flu.

Is it your opinion that he is a dolt?
A better explanation might be: if dumb Don says something the MSM agrees with, then I agree too.

Is that a reflex?

The COVID-19 virus is far more dangerous than the seasonal flu. That is a fact until we develop therapies and vaccines to make it less dangerous. As we have done with the seasonal flu.

Do you understand?
You might be right and you might be wrong. I know you think you have definitive information, but maybe not.

Is it news to you that some dispute this claim it is “far more dangerous?” If so, you might want to consider looking into a few different media sources.

I listen to epidemiologists and virologists. They are speaking in one voice.

You seek out weirdness on You Tube.

I’ll stick with my way, thanks.
Yes of course. Your experts never lie or get things wrong.

Well. They clearly get things wrong on occasion. They deal with shit that is very difficult. They must make assumptions based on evidence which is sometimes incomplete...especially when a new virus pops up.

However, these people don’t fucking lie, fool. They’ve no reason to lie. The Illuminati isn’t paying them to lie so they can make your life miserable.

Now, the COVID-19 virus has been with us long enough for us to know, with no question, that it poses a greater present danger to us than the seasonal flu.


"The experts don't lie". PERIOD

Gosh everyone ponder any period in history where experts lied....anything? Anyone?

The Leftists here are some real brain trusts aren't they

That’s right. Our NIH and CDC doctors and scientists do not lie about their findings about a pandemic in order to get a payday.

If Leftists could think better, they wouldn't be Leftists
The coronavirus is not a hoax. If any one thinks it is no worse than the seasonal flue they are willfully ignorant of what is going on in Italy, Spain, the U.K and New York. Last I looked I do not recall the common cold or flu resulting in ERs overflowing with dying patient; doctors and other health professionals dying. It is a pathetic state of affairs that you have grown so-called responsible adults telling us to ignore the evidence around us for the sake of political expediency. But this is the era we live. Truth and facts are not absolutes. They are pliable.

Hoax or no hoax, the Gub'Mit response is probably going to result in an economic downturn that's long and painful

Dibs a year from now we'll be claiming 'at least C19 took you quickly'

I suspect the pain will be felt only by a certain group. Small business. Uncle and the Fed are doing their best to protect Wall Street and big business. Watch the stock market. It likely goes up because their businesses are protected.

LoneLaugher, are you one of the dolts who thinks the Kung Flu is more dangerous than the seasonal flu? :auiqs.jpg:

Ladies and gentlemen, witness ignorance in all of its glory.

The president himself has acknowledged that this is a far greater threat than the seasonal flu.

Is it your opinion that he is a dolt?
A better explanation might be: if dumb Don says something the MSM agrees with, then I agree too.

Is that a reflex?

The COVID-19 virus is far more dangerous than the seasonal flu. That is a fact until we develop therapies and vaccines to make it less dangerous. As we have done with the seasonal flu.

Do you understand?
You might be right and you might be wrong. I know you think you have definitive information, but maybe not.

Is it news to you that some dispute this claim it is “far more dangerous?” If so, you might want to consider looking into a few different media sources.

I listen to epidemiologists and virologists. They are speaking in one voice.

You seek out weirdness on You Tube.

I’ll stick with my way, thanks.
Yes of course. Your experts never lie or get things wrong.

Well. They clearly get things wrong on occasion. They deal with shit that is very difficult. They must make assumptions based on evidence which is sometimes incomplete...especially when a new virus pops up.

However, these people don’t fucking lie, fool. They’ve no reason to lie. The Illuminati isn’t paying them to lie so they can make your life miserable.

Now, the COVID-19 virus has been with us long enough for us to know, with no question, that it poses a greater present danger to us than the seasonal flu.

Thinking they don’t lie, makes you a fool. Have you ever heard the ancient adage, “follow the money...dumbass?”

Of course. If you are a conspiracy nut you will accuse scientists of lying about a pandemic to line their own pockets.
Yes anyone who questions the authorities is a conspiracy nut. You have learned well comrade. You will excel in our Orwellian future.

You believe that I do not question authority?

For my part, not only do you not question it, you act like a Brownshirt for authority, parroting the daily talking points, screeching like a Puritan in menopause at anyone who does not Just Obey Orders
I’m trying to determine if LL more resembles a Stasi agent or a Nazi SS gopher.

I think his avatar is supposed to be Trump screeching at a nurse but this is how his posts always sound to me

like this, like all unhinged Leftists posts in the pandemic


.....how did I do
Things will not return to normal, pre COVID conditions, ever again.

We can wish all we want, but it will never happen.

And the next 3 years will not even come close to what we knew as normal...

Large gatherings and sports events, concerts etc, will not return in an old fashioned manner...

Hand shakes as greetings will be no more....or cheek kissing in Europe as a greeting....

Businesses have liability, for safety of employees and customers.... decisions to make, before they can open....

People will be wary of spending, as they once freely did.... the economy will not come back roaring....

The hyper spending debt will weigh us all down, with inflation...perhaps?

It just won't ever ever ever, be the same Sue....
I suspect the oligarchy wants it so.
The oligarchy' s wants, matters naught....

It will never be the same... we humans can not just blink and wiggle our nose, to make this whole experience, just go away...

I just think we should not pretend things will be normal, if and when we can safely reopen everywhere...

I don't see how it could be? The writing is already on the wall, in permanent ink....
The coronavirus is not a hoax. If any one thinks it is no worse than the seasonal flue they are willfully ignorant of what is going on in Italy, Spain, the U.K and New York. Last I looked I do not recall the common cold or flu resulting in ERs overflowing with dying patient; doctors and other health professionals dying. It is a pathetic state of affairs that you have grown so-called responsible adults telling us to ignore the evidence around us for the sake of political expediency. But this is the era we live. Truth and facts are not absolutes. They are pliable.

Hoax or no hoax, the Gub'Mit response is probably going to result in an economic downturn that's long and painful

Dibs a year from now we'll be claiming 'at least C19 took you quickly'

I suspect the pain will be felt only by a certain group. Small business. Uncle and the Fed are doing their best to protect Wall Street and big business. Watch the stock market. It likely goes up because their businesses are protected.

LoneLaugher, are you one of the dolts who thinks the Kung Flu is more dangerous than the seasonal flu? :auiqs.jpg:

Ladies and gentlemen, witness ignorance in all of its glory.

The president himself has acknowledged that this is a far greater threat than the seasonal flu.

Is it your opinion that he is a dolt?
A better explanation might be: if dumb Don says something the MSM agrees with, then I agree too.

Is that a reflex?

The COVID-19 virus is far more dangerous than the seasonal flu. That is a fact until we develop therapies and vaccines to make it less dangerous. As we have done with the seasonal flu.

Do you understand?
You might be right and you might be wrong. I know you think you have definitive information, but maybe not.

Is it news to you that some dispute this claim it is “far more dangerous?” If so, you might want to consider looking into a few different media sources.

I listen to epidemiologists and virologists. They are speaking in one voice.

You seek out weirdness on You Tube.

I’ll stick with my way, thanks.
Yes of course. Your experts never lie or get things wrong.

Well. They clearly get things wrong on occasion. They deal with shit that is very difficult. They must make assumptions based on evidence which is sometimes incomplete...especially when a new virus pops up.

However, these people don’t fucking lie, fool. They’ve no reason to lie. The Illuminati isn’t paying them to lie so they can make your life miserable.

Now, the COVID-19 virus has been with us long enough for us to know, with no question, that it poses a greater present danger to us than the seasonal flu.

Thinking they don’t lie, makes you a fool. Have you ever heard the ancient adage, “follow the money...dumbass?”

Of course. If you are a conspiracy nut you will accuse scientists of lying about a pandemic to line their own pockets.
Yes anyone who questions the authorities is a conspiracy nut. You have learned well comrade. You will excel in our Orwellian future.

You believe that I do not question authority?

For my part, not only do you not question it, you act like a Brownshirt for authority, parroting the daily talking points, screeching like a Puritan in menopause at anyone who does not Just Obey Orders
I’m trying to determine if LL more resembles a Stasi agent or a Nazi SS gopher.

I think his avatar is supposed to be Trump screeching at a nurse but this is how his posts always sound to me

like this, like all unhinged Leftists posts in the pandemic


.....how did I do
Things will not return to normal, pre COVID conditions, ever again.

We can wish all we want, but it will never happen.

And the next 3 years will not even come close to what we knew as normal...

Large gatherings and sports events, concerts etc, will not return in an old fashioned manner...

Hand shakes as greetings will be no more....or cheek kissing in Europe as a greeting....

Businesses have liability, for safety of employees and customers.... decisions to make, before they can open....

People will be wary of spending, as they once freely did.... the economy will not come back roaring....

The hyper spending debt will weigh us all down, with inflation...perhaps?

It just won't ever ever ever, be the same Sue....

You live your way, sister. I refuse to live in fear as far as I am able. In fact. I refuse ON PURPOSE to live in fear, as far as I am able, as a matter of principle, absolutely in the face of those who tell me "my life will never be the same".

As if THEY can presume to tell me such a thing.

So. There.
Your actions and feelings and what you think, won't change what is happening now and will continue to happen....

I applaud the fight in you, to keep things The Way we Were...

But I'm old enough and wise enough to know from life experiences, that it simply will not be all honky dory as it once was.... the spending debt burden alone, has changed that....
Let alone the dead count, once the fat lady, sings.
The coronavirus is not a hoax. If any one thinks it is no worse than the seasonal flue they are willfully ignorant of what is going on in Italy, Spain, the U.K and New York. Last I looked I do not recall the common cold or flu resulting in ERs overflowing with dying patient; doctors and other health professionals dying. It is a pathetic state of affairs that you have grown so-called responsible adults telling us to ignore the evidence around us for the sake of political expediency. But this is the era we live. Truth and facts are not absolutes. They are pliable.

Hoax or no hoax, the Gub'Mit response is probably going to result in an economic downturn that's long and painful

Dibs a year from now we'll be claiming 'at least C19 took you quickly'

I suspect the pain will be felt only by a certain group. Small business. Uncle and the Fed are doing their best to protect Wall Street and big business. Watch the stock market. It likely goes up because their businesses are protected.

LoneLaugher, are you one of the dolts who thinks the Kung Flu is more dangerous than the seasonal flu? :auiqs.jpg:

Ladies and gentlemen, witness ignorance in all of its glory.

The president himself has acknowledged that this is a far greater threat than the seasonal flu.

Is it your opinion that he is a dolt?
A better explanation might be: if dumb Don says something the MSM agrees with, then I agree too.

Is that a reflex?

The COVID-19 virus is far more dangerous than the seasonal flu. That is a fact until we develop therapies and vaccines to make it less dangerous. As we have done with the seasonal flu.

Do you understand?
You might be right and you might be wrong. I know you think you have definitive information, but maybe not.

Is it news to you that some dispute this claim it is “far more dangerous?” If so, you might want to consider looking into a few different media sources.

I listen to epidemiologists and virologists. They are speaking in one voice.

You seek out weirdness on You Tube.

I’ll stick with my way, thanks.
Yes of course. Your experts never lie or get things wrong.

Well. They clearly get things wrong on occasion. They deal with shit that is very difficult. They must make assumptions based on evidence which is sometimes incomplete...especially when a new virus pops up.

However, these people don’t fucking lie, fool. They’ve no reason to lie. The Illuminati isn’t paying them to lie so they can make your life miserable.

Now, the COVID-19 virus has been with us long enough for us to know, with no question, that it poses a greater present danger to us than the seasonal flu.

Thinking they don’t lie, makes you a fool. Have you ever heard the ancient adage, “follow the money...dumbass?”

Of course. If you are a conspiracy nut you will accuse scientists of lying about a pandemic to line their own pockets.
Yes anyone who questions the authorities is a conspiracy nut. You have learned well comrade. You will excel in our Orwellian future.

You believe that I do not question authority?

For my part, not only do you not question it, you act like a Brownshirt for authority, parroting the daily talking points, screeching like a Puritan in menopause at anyone who does not Just Obey Orders
I’m trying to determine if LL more resembles a Stasi agent or a Nazi SS gopher.

I think his avatar is supposed to be Trump screeching at a nurse but this is how his posts always sound to me

like this, like all unhinged Leftists posts in the pandemic


.....how did I do
Things will not return to normal, pre COVID conditions, ever again.

We can wish all we want, but it will never happen.

And the next 3 years will not even come close to what we knew as normal...

Large gatherings and sports events, concerts etc, will not return in an old fashioned manner...

Hand shakes as greetings will be no more....or cheek kissing in Europe as a greeting....

Businesses have liability, for safety of employees and customers.... decisions to make, before they can open....

People will be wary of spending, as they once freely did.... the economy will not come back roaring....

The hyper spending debt will weigh us all down, with inflation...perhaps?

It just won't ever ever ever, be the same Sue....

It will be the same, but not overnight. Americans have a short memory. We like to move forward, not live in the past.

The case loads will decrease, and that will give people some encouragement. More people getting tested, more people developing immunities, more people able to get tested to see if they have the natural antibodies to fight this thing off.

In the meantime, we get one step closer to a vaccine every day. More N-95 masks will make them available to everybody--not just medical personnel and first responders. If these blood transfusions work, that's another way to immune more people.

We are an anxious country. We want things to be overnight. The OP is a perfect example. We are not a people that can relax and take it easy, especially by force.
The coronavirus is not a hoax. If any one thinks it is no worse than the seasonal flue they are willfully ignorant of what is going on in Italy, Spain, the U.K and New York. Last I looked I do not recall the common cold or flu resulting in ERs overflowing with dying patient; doctors and other health professionals dying. It is a pathetic state of affairs that you have grown so-called responsible adults telling us to ignore the evidence around us for the sake of political expediency. But this is the era we live. Truth and facts are not absolutes. They are pliable.

Hoax or no hoax, the Gub'Mit response is probably going to result in an economic downturn that's long and painful

Dibs a year from now we'll be claiming 'at least C19 took you quickly'

I suspect the pain will be felt only by a certain group. Small business. Uncle and the Fed are doing their best to protect Wall Street and big business. Watch the stock market. It likely goes up because their businesses are protected.

LoneLaugher, are you one of the dolts who thinks the Kung Flu is more dangerous than the seasonal flu? :auiqs.jpg:

Ladies and gentlemen, witness ignorance in all of its glory.

The president himself has acknowledged that this is a far greater threat than the seasonal flu.

Is it your opinion that he is a dolt?
A better explanation might be: if dumb Don says something the MSM agrees with, then I agree too.

Is that a reflex?

The COVID-19 virus is far more dangerous than the seasonal flu. That is a fact until we develop therapies and vaccines to make it less dangerous. As we have done with the seasonal flu.

Do you understand?
You might be right and you might be wrong. I know you think you have definitive information, but maybe not.

Is it news to you that some dispute this claim it is “far more dangerous?” If so, you might want to consider looking into a few different media sources.

I listen to epidemiologists and virologists. They are speaking in one voice.

You seek out weirdness on You Tube.

I’ll stick with my way, thanks.
Yes of course. Your experts never lie or get things wrong.

Well. They clearly get things wrong on occasion. They deal with shit that is very difficult. They must make assumptions based on evidence which is sometimes incomplete...especially when a new virus pops up.

However, these people don’t fucking lie, fool. They’ve no reason to lie. The Illuminati isn’t paying them to lie so they can make your life miserable.

Now, the COVID-19 virus has been with us long enough for us to know, with no question, that it poses a greater present danger to us than the seasonal flu.

Thinking they don’t lie, makes you a fool. Have you ever heard the ancient adage, “follow the money...dumbass?”

Of course. If you are a conspiracy nut you will accuse scientists of lying about a pandemic to line their own pockets.
Yes anyone who questions the authorities is a conspiracy nut. You have learned well comrade. You will excel in our Orwellian future.

You believe that I do not question authority?

For my part, not only do you not question it, you act like a Brownshirt for authority, parroting the daily talking points, screeching like a Puritan in menopause at anyone who does not Just Obey Orders
I’m trying to determine if LL more resembles a Stasi agent or a Nazi SS gopher.

I think his avatar is supposed to be Trump screeching at a nurse but this is how his posts always sound to me

like this, like all unhinged Leftists posts in the pandemic


.....how did I do
Things will not return to normal, pre COVID conditions, ever again.

We can wish all we want, but it will never happen.

And the next 3 years will not even come close to what we knew as normal...

Large gatherings and sports events, concerts etc, will not return in an old fashioned manner...

Hand shakes as greetings will be no more....or cheek kissing in Europe as a greeting....

Businesses have liability, for safety of employees and customers.... decisions to make, before they can open....

People will be wary of spending, as they once freely did.... the economy will not come back roaring....

The hyper spending debt will weigh us all down, with inflation...perhaps?

It just won't ever ever ever, be the same Sue....

You live your way, sister. I refuse to live in fear as far as I am able. In fact. I refuse ON PURPOSE to live in fear, as far as I am able, as a matter of principle, absolutely in the face of those who tell me "my life will never be the same".

As if THEY can presume to tell me such a thing.

So. There.
Your actions and feelings and what you think, won't change what is happening now and will continue to happen....

I applaud the fight in you, to keep things The Way we Were...

But I'm old enough and wise enough to know from life experiences, that it simply will not be all honky dory as it once was.... the spending debt burden alone, has changed that....
Let alone the dead count, once the fat lady, sings.

I don't know how old you are. I'm 51. I do absolutely know that your actions, thoughts and feelings can change a lot about your life. In the Obama years we were told that the unemployment numbers we saw just in Feb were impossible, we would never see them again.

Worldview, ideals, and principles are foundational, in fact.
It poses a bigger danger to old infirm and certain other conditions according to the science ....funny how the party of science ignores that. Most of us could go about our business. Chosen path is insane and as soon as this is over libs will sing out of the other side of their ass
Science is saying that in Italy and here, 40% of the people who have died from it, Are NOT Seniors.

I don't know if you want to recheck those figures. In Italy, the doctors were questioning how their other deaths took a huge decrease in numbers while this is going on. They know their country. On average, they have X amount of people die from heart problems, X amount of people die from the flu, X amount of people die from kidney failure and so on.

They quit counting all deaths of people who had Covid in their blood samples as a Covid death unless it was the virus that actually killed the person.
I'm a sm hand/mouth biz ,no work,no eat, who now has to sneak in/out of jobs , along with local authority on my tail redefining 'essential' every other day

So , all political stripe aside, how in the blue f*ck does anyone here see Government as helping you, your community, your country, your kids future, or anything else?

As a noun: a thing that is absolutely necessary.

It seems to me politicians have taken on the role of a god-

I've seen some high unemployment numbers- so, are they going to remain on the little godvernment teat indefinitely since their jobs aren't politically essential?

I don't recall that being in the US constitution. I honestly don't know about State constitutions.
To me, as a tax payer, I don't see empty suit wages as essential, state or federal.
Why is the fed gov't willing to increase the hold of a central bank on the lives of citizens but not "forgive" taxes?
The same can be said for State gov't.
Oh, that's right- it's not politically expedient and won't really help anyone- right?
LoneLaugher, are you one of the dolts who thinks the Kung Flu is more dangerous than the seasonal flu? :auiqs.jpg:

Ladies and gentlemen, witness ignorance in all of its glory.

The president himself has acknowledged that this is a far greater threat than the seasonal flu.

Is it your opinion that he is a dolt?
A better explanation might be: if dumb Don says something the MSM agrees with, then I agree too.

Is that a reflex?

The COVID-19 virus is far more dangerous than the seasonal flu. That is a fact until we develop therapies and vaccines to make it less dangerous. As we have done with the seasonal flu.

Do you understand?

We dont know if its more dangerous. Annually, the flu kills about 500-600 thousand worldwide every year. Currently, we're at 128,000 deaths after four months. It may or may not be more deadly. We dont know yet.
LoneLaugher, are you one of the dolts who thinks the Kung Flu is more dangerous than the seasonal flu? :auiqs.jpg:

Ladies and gentlemen, witness ignorance in all of its glory.

The president himself has acknowledged that this is a far greater threat than the seasonal flu.

Is it your opinion that he is a dolt?
A better explanation might be: if dumb Don says something the MSM agrees with, then I agree too.

Is that a reflex?

The COVID-19 virus is far more dangerous than the seasonal flu. That is a fact until we develop therapies and vaccines to make it less dangerous. As we have done with the seasonal flu.

Do you understand?

We dont know if its more dangerous. Annually, the flu kills about 500-600 thousand worldwide every year. Currently, we're at 128,000 deaths after four months. It may or may not be more deadly. We dont know yet.

It's being used as a scare tactic lever in an all-out assault on working people in America.

Make no mistake, Coronavirus scare is just cover for putting MILLIONS out of work.

When people realize how they were deceived, there's going to be some serious anger.

"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."
Abraham Lincoln
LoneLaugher, are you one of the dolts who thinks the Kung Flu is more dangerous than the seasonal flu? :auiqs.jpg:

Ladies and gentlemen, witness ignorance in all of its glory.

The president himself has acknowledged that this is a far greater threat than the seasonal flu.

Is it your opinion that he is a dolt?
A better explanation might be: if dumb Don says something the MSM agrees with, then I agree too.

Is that a reflex?

The COVID-19 virus is far more dangerous than the seasonal flu. That is a fact until we develop therapies and vaccines to make it less dangerous. As we have done with the seasonal flu.

Do you understand?

We dont know if its more dangerous. Annually, the flu kills about 500-600 thousand worldwide every year. Currently, we're at 128,000 deaths after four months. It may or may not be more deadly. We dont know yet.

It's being used as a scare tactic lever in an all-out assault on working people in America.

Make no mistake, Coronavirus scare is just cover for putting MILLIONS out of work.

It certainly is.
It poses a bigger danger to old infirm and certain other conditions according to the science ....funny how the party of science ignores that. Most of us could go about our business. Chosen path is insane and as soon as this is over libs will sing out of the other side of their ass
Science is saying that in Italy and here, 40% of the people who have died from it, Are NOT Seniors.
You left off the other part of the science....other underlying conditions like asthma......ooooops
Yeah all the doctors and nurses and medical technicians, and EMTs, and fire fighters, and grocery store clerks and newborns, and nursing home assistants, and dollar store cashiers, were all non seniors that were going to die ANYWAY, right?

Is that what you are saying?

Life is risky

Live anyway

They have to cower in fear. Worried about what the lying mainstream feeds them. Its appalling.
It poses a bigger danger to old infirm and certain other conditions according to the science ....funny how the party of science ignores that. Most of us could go about our business. Chosen path is insane and as soon as this is over libs will sing out of the other side of their ass
Science is saying that in Italy and here, 40% of the people who have died from it, Are NOT Seniors.
You left off the other part of the science....other underlying conditions like asthma......ooooops
Yeah all the doctors and nurses and medical technicians, and EMTs, and fire fighters, and grocery store clerks and newborns, and nursing home assistants, and dollar store cashiers, were all non seniors that were going to die ANYWAY, right?

Is that what you are saying?

100+ Americans die every single day in car crashes. NOT with pre-existing conditions. Randomly. Young and old; rich and poor alike. On highways and byways.

You've stopped driving and flagellate yourself daily about that too. Right?

Stupid post. 1500 people die from COVID a day with extreme measures of social distancing being put in place. You want to ignore warnings at the expense of other people. You are the epitome of selfish.
The coronavirus is not a hoax. If any one thinks it is no worse than the seasonal flue they are willfully ignorant of what is going on in Italy, Spain, the U.K and New York. Last I looked I do not recall the common cold or flu resulting in ERs overflowing with dying patient; doctors and other health professionals dying. It is a pathetic state of affairs that you have grown so-called responsible adults telling us to ignore the evidence around us for the sake of political expediency. But this is the era we live. Truth and facts are not absolutes. They are pliable.

Hoax or no hoax, the Gub'Mit response is probably going to result in an economic downturn that's long and painful

Dibs a year from now we'll be claiming 'at least C19 took you quickly'

I suspect the pain will be felt only by a certain group. Small business. Uncle and the Fed are doing their best to protect Wall Street and big business. Watch the stock market. It likely goes up because their businesses are protected.

LoneLaugher, are you one of the dolts who thinks the Kung Flu is more dangerous than the seasonal flu? :auiqs.jpg:

Ladies and gentlemen, witness ignorance in all of its glory.

The president himself has acknowledged that this is a far greater threat than the seasonal flu.

Is it your opinion that he is a dolt?
A better explanation might be: if dumb Don says something the MSM agrees with, then I agree too.

Is that a reflex?

The COVID-19 virus is far more dangerous than the seasonal flu. That is a fact until we develop therapies and vaccines to make it less dangerous. As we have done with the seasonal flu.

Do you understand?
You might be right and you might be wrong. I know you think you have definitive information, but maybe not.

Is it news to you that some dispute this claim it is “far more dangerous?” If so, you might want to consider looking into a few different media sources.

I listen to epidemiologists and virologists. They are speaking in one voice.

You seek out weirdness on You Tube.

I’ll stick with my way, thanks.
Yes of course. Your experts never lie or get things wrong.

Well. They clearly get things wrong on occasion. They deal with shit that is very difficult. They must make assumptions based on evidence which is sometimes incomplete...especially when a new virus pops up.

However, these people don’t fucking lie, fool. They’ve no reason to lie. The Illuminati isn’t paying them to lie so they can make your life miserable.

Now, the COVID-19 virus has been with us long enough for us to know, with no question, that it poses a greater present danger to us than the seasonal flu.

Thinking they don’t lie, makes you a fool. Have you ever heard the ancient adage, “follow the money...dumbass?”

Of course. If you are a conspiracy nut you will accuse scientists of lying about a pandemic to line their own pockets.
Yes anyone who questions the authorities is a conspiracy nut. You have learned well comrade. You will excel in our Orwellian future.

You believe that I do not question authority?

For my part, not only do you not question it, you act like a Brownshirt for authority, parroting the daily talking points, screeching like a Puritan in menopause at anyone who does not Just Obey Orders
I’m trying to determine if LL more resembles a Stasi agent or a Nazi SS gopher.

I think his avatar is supposed to be Trump screeching at a nurse but this is how his posts always sound to me

like this, like all unhinged Leftists posts in the pandemic


.....how did I do
Things will not return to normal, pre COVID conditions, ever again.

We can wish all we want, but it will never happen.

And the next 3 years will not even come close to what we knew as normal...

Large gatherings and sports events, concerts etc, will not return in an old fashioned manner...

Hand shakes as greetings will be no more....or cheek kissing in Europe as a greeting....

Businesses have liability, for safety of employees and customers.... decisions to make, before they can open....

People will be wary of spending, as they once freely did.... the economy will not come back roaring....

The hyper spending debt will weigh us all down, with inflation...perhaps?

It just won't ever ever ever, be the same Sue....

It will be the same, but not overnight. Americans have a short memory. We like to move forward, not live in the past.

The case loads will decrease, and that will give people some encouragement. More people getting tested, more people developing immunities, more people able to get tested to see if they have the natural antibodies to fight this thing off.

In the meantime, we get one step closer to a vaccine every day. More N-95 masks will make them available to everybody--not just medical personnel and first responders. If these blood transfusions work, that's another way to immune more people.

We are an anxious country. We want things to be overnight. The OP is a perfect example. We are not a people that can relax and take it easy, especially by force.
true, we are an anxious society....
and forgetful....

And things will be better once most of society is vaccinated or immune from having it.... but that's a few years away for society to accomplish the part of getting people vaccinated...

and yes, a stock of N-95 masks for everyone to wear daily in the mean time, will ease some fears....

but that alone Ray, supports my assessment, that things will not be the same as it was before COVID ever existed.

THEN we have all of this debt from bail outs and hospital costs, PPE costs, high unemployment costs, that will continue to grow the next 2 to 3 years too.... which likely breaks social security and Medicare's backs sooner than estimated....

nothing is going to be the same again.... too much has happened already....that changed the line of destiny...for too many people....

I think there are some positives that will come out of it.... we likely will not be caught with our pants down again, on our supplies of PPE at hospitals, state, and federal supply levels, and PPE at all essential businesses like grocery stores, and food processing plants etc., and bringing manufacturing home for medications that we need ingredients from China on, we will likely have a better and more efficient Pandemic teams in our gvts and at hospitals, with known early measures practiced and memorized....

we will likely manage and run nursing homes in a more safe manner....

live and learn...
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It poses a bigger danger to old infirm and certain other conditions according to the science ....funny how the party of science ignores that. Most of us could go about our business. Chosen path is insane and as soon as this is over libs will sing out of the other side of their ass
Science is saying that in Italy and here, 40% of the people who have died from it, Are NOT Seniors.
You left off the other part of the science....other underlying conditions like asthma......ooooops
Yeah all the doctors and nurses and medical technicians, and EMTs, and fire fighters, and grocery store clerks and newborns, and nursing home assistants, and dollar store cashiers, were all non seniors that were going to die ANYWAY, right?

Is that what you are saying?

100+ Americans die every single day in car crashes. NOT with pre-existing conditions. Randomly. Young and old; rich and poor alike. On highways and byways.

You've stopped driving and flagellate yourself daily about that too. Right?

Stupid post. 1500 people die from COVID a day with extreme measures of social distancing being put in place. You want to ignore warnings at the expense of other people. You are the epitome of selfish.

A point well made.

The measures we have taken have put the virus in check. To bitch and moan about said measures while yelling “I told you so” because the damage isn’t as bad as it could have been is peek ignorance.

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