Titanic/Olympia..........Olympia/Titanic bait and swtich?

I've never heard this theory before.
Makes sense that a corrupt company would do this.
But WHY kill hundreds of people for it?

Here is one theory from Wikipedia:

Deliberately sunk[edit]​

Some theorists believe that the Titanic was sunk on purpose to eliminate opposition to the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank. Some of the wealthiest men in the world were aboard the Titanic for her maiden voyage, several of whom, including John Jacob Astor IV, Benjamin Guggenheim, and Isidor Straus, were allegedly opposed to the creation of a U.S. central bank. No evidence of their opposition to Morgan's centralized banking ideas has been found –– Astor and Guggenheim never spoke publicly on the subject, Straus spoke in favor of the concept.[5][6] All three men died during the sinking. Conspiracy theorists suggest that J.P. Morgan, the 74 year-old financier who set up the investment banking firm that still bears his name, arranged to have the men board the ship and then sunk it to eliminate them.[7] Morgan, nicknamed the "Napoleon of Wall Street", had helped create General Electric, U.S. Steel, and International Harvester, and was credited with almost single-handedly saving the U.S. banking system during the Panic of 1907. Morgan did have a hand in the creation of the Federal Reserve, and owned the International Mercantile Marine, which owned the White Star Line, and thus the Titanic.[8]

Morgan, who had attended the Titanic's launching in 1911, had booked a personal suite aboard the ship with his own private promenade deck and a bath equipped with specially designed cigar holders. He was reportedly booked on the ship's maiden voyage but instead cancelled the trip and remained at the French resort of Aix-les-Bains to enjoy his morning massages and sulfur baths.[8] His allegedly last-minute cancellation has fuelled speculation among conspiracy theorists that he knew of the ship's fate.[7][9] This theory has been refuted by Titanic experts George Behe, Don Lynch, and Ray Lepien who have each provided alternate, more widely-accepted theories as to why Morgan chose to cancel his trip on the Titanic.[10]
Here is one theory from Wikipedia:

Deliberately sunk[edit]​

Some theorists believe that the Titanic was sunk on purpose to eliminate opposition to the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank. Some of the wealthiest men in the world were aboard the Titanic for her maiden voyage, several of whom, including John Jacob Astor IV, Benjamin Guggenheim, and Isidor Straus, were allegedly opposed to the creation of a U.S. central bank. No evidence of their opposition to Morgan's centralized banking ideas has been found –– Astor and Guggenheim never spoke publicly on the subject, Straus spoke in favor of the concept.[5][6] All three men died during the sinking. Conspiracy theorists suggest that J.P. Morgan, the 74 year-old financier who set up the investment banking firm that still bears his name, arranged to have the men board the ship and then sunk it to eliminate them.[7] Morgan, nicknamed the "Napoleon of Wall Street", had helped create General Electric, U.S. Steel, and International Harvester, and was credited with almost single-handedly saving the U.S. banking system during the Panic of 1907. Morgan did have a hand in the creation of the Federal Reserve, and owned the International Mercantile Marine, which owned the White Star Line, and thus the Titanic.[8]

Morgan, who had attended the Titanic's launching in 1911, had booked a personal suite aboard the ship with his own private promenade deck and a bath equipped with specially designed cigar holders. He was reportedly booked on the ship's maiden voyage but instead cancelled the trip and remained at the French resort of Aix-les-Bains to enjoy his morning massages and sulfur baths.[8] His allegedly last-minute cancellation has fuelled speculation among conspiracy theorists that he knew of the ship's fate.[7][9] This theory has been refuted by Titanic experts George Behe, Don Lynch, and Ray Lepien who have each provided alternate, more widely-accepted theories as to why Morgan chose to cancel his trip on the Titanic.[10]

Yeah, I can understand them taking the opportunity to destroy a lot of powerful rich people, but thats something you'd see in a James Bond movie or Superman movie.

Goes to show you, humanity has its own super villains and no heroes to destroy them.
I think it was a bomb onboard the Titanic that sank it and not an iceberg.

According to the "historians" thats kind of what it was.

It wasn't the actual iceberg cutting into the ship that sank it, it was when the freezing water came into contact with the super hot boilers......BOOM! Blew a hole in the hull below the water line.

I've never heard this theory before.
Makes sense that a corrupt company would do this.
But WHY kill hundreds of people for it?

Here is your switch theory from Wikipedia:

Olympic exchange hypothesis[edit]​

One of the most controversial[2][3] and elaborate theories surrounding the sinking of the Titanic was advanced by Robin Gardiner in his book, Titanic: The Ship That Never Sank?[4] Gardiner draws on several events and coincidences that occurred in the months, days, and hours leading up to the sinking of the Titanic, and concludes that the ship that sank was in fact Titanic's sister ship Olympic, disguised as Titanic, as an insurance scam by its owners, the International Mercantile Marine Group, controlled by American financier J.P. Morgan that had acquired the White Star Line in 1902.

Researchers Bruce Beveridge and Steve Hall took issue with many of Gardiner's claims in their book, Olympic and Titanic: The Truth Behind the Conspiracy.[2] Author Mark Chirnside has also raised serious questions about the switch theory.[3] British historian Gareth Russell, for his part, calls the theory "so painfully ridiculous that one can only lament the thousands of trees which lost their lives to provide the paper on which it has been articulated." He notes that, "since the sister ships had significant interior architectural and design differences, switching them secretly in a week would be nearly impossible from a practical standpoint. A switch would also not be economically worthwhile, since the ship's owners could have simply damaged the ship while docked (for instance, by setting a fire) and collected the insurance money from that "accident," which "would have been far less severe, and infinitely less stupid, than sailing her out into the middle of the Atlantic with thousands of people, and their luggage, on board, and ramming her into an iceberg."[citation needed] Titanic conspiracy theories - Wikipedia
I think it was a bomb onboard the Titanic that sank it and not an iceberg.
i also think J.P. Morgan was behind the bombing of the Titanic. It was no coincidence that J.P. Morgan did not board the Titanic that he was scheduled to cruise on. Dolores Cannon said there are no coincidences.

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