Titanic was an inside job

I saw that video years ago. Really sad that there are those who make light of genocide and simply take the government's word as gospel because it's "too difficult to believe they could do such an atrocity to their own people".

They're not making light of genocide. They're making light of you.
looks like 911rimjob will have yet another new ass to lick

dwivecon enjoys imagining other poster in homosexual acts...he is strange that way
I saw that video years ago. Really sad that there are those who make light of genocide and simply take the government's word as gospel because it's "too difficult to believe they could do such an atrocity to their own people".

As you are well aware Twoofer, there were no Muslims on the Titanic. They obviously got advance warning of the planned sinking and changed their travel plans

I still contend it was not an iceberg but a thermite-berg.

It wasn't a thermite-berg, it was a Navy A-6 painted to look like a United 757. It hit the bow right after the cruise missile fired from the extra pod under the right wing. It struck in the exact area where they just finished berg-proofing.
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Celine Dion buit a time machine just so she could sneak into visit the helmsman and distract him with a BJ just enough that he wasn't paying attention just so she could sell all those CD's.

And you can't prove she didn't.
I am sure the people in third class or steerage were fed up with the extravagance of the rich flaunting their wealth above them on the upper decks. They saw this as their big chance at social justice, so they busted the rivets in a majority of the compartments until the hull burst open.

The elite locked them below deck making sure those involved did not live to tell the truth as it would have caused a wave of uprising against the rich back home & in the new world.
As you are well aware Twoofer, there were no Muslims on the Titanic. They obviously got advance warning of the planned sinking and changed their travel plans

I still contend it was not an iceberg but a thermite-berg.

It wasn't a thermite-berg, it was a Navy A-6 painted to look like a United 757. It hit the bow right after the cruise missile fired from the extra pod under the right wing. It struck in the exact area where they just finished berg-proofing.

No, no, no. You are all fucking wrong. It was the entrance to Cthulu's layer. H.P. Lovecraft was on the Titanic, saw the whole thing, and got off by dressing as a woman.

Then, wracked with guilt, he started to "hint" at the conspiracy in his writings. That's why he met his "untimely" demise at the age of 46. "Colon cancer" my ass. The zionists just can't admit that they are the henchmen for the Cthulu Cult.

To prove my point, the Government has never officially denied that Cthulu sank the Titanic.

I rest my case.

OCTA really means "Official Cthulu Trained Agents" but the c is silent so it's sneaky to those "not in the know".
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Celine Dion buit a time machine just so she could sneak into visit the helmsman and distract him with a BJ just enough that he wasn't paying attention just so she could sell all those CD's.

And you can't prove she didn't.

Another lie from a government OCTA meant to discredit the actual champions of truth.

Everyone knows Celine Dion hates oral and loves anal.
You know, after thinking about it, maybe the Titanic was sunk by the 3" re-bar sticking out from the concrete core of the iceberg. When the iceberg collapsed at free-fall speed, the re-bar caused a controlled demolition of the Titanic's upper stories. The keel & lower hull continued to burn at 1000 degrees for weeks after the collapse.

The concrete core of the iceberg is evidenced in a photo of the berg that I haven't been able to find as of yet, but I will keep looking for it.
You know, after thinking about it, maybe the Titanic was sunk by the 3" re-bar sticking out from the concrete core of the iceberg. When the iceberg collapsed at free-fall speed, the re-bar caused a controlled demolition of the Titanic's upper stories. The keel & lower hull continued to burn at 1000 degrees for weeks after the collapse.

The concrete core of the iceberg is evidenced in a photo of the berg that I haven't been able to find as of yet, but I will keep looking for it.
the perps are hiding that photo
The Titanic wasn't made with a steel core. It was made with wood. And chewing gum.

And some unlucky Irishmen that were trapped between the hulls during construction.

...And agent Chrissy's infamous "Invisicrete".
The Titanic wasn't made with a steel core. It was made with wood. And chewing gum.

And some unlucky Irishmen that were trapped between the hulls during construction.

...And agent Chrissy's infamous "Invisicrete".

That is not possible... Everyone knows the Titanic sunk at freefall speed and was probably built out of concrete

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