Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

{**** drivel ****}


{**** more drivel ****}

Hey Brown, your "brownish object" is coming off the outer perimeter columns at a 90 degree angle.

Let's explore together what else could be at a 90 degree angle to an outer wall. Gee, what could it possibly be? Could it be an elevator? No, that doesn't sound right. Could it be an inner Invisicrete core? No, that's not connected to the outer columns.

What could it possibly be, I wonder?:confused:

Oh, it's just come to me. It's the concrete floor!! That's what it is you delusional, non-support paying idiot! Everyone else can see it, but you are just to retarded to accept the truth in your own photographs.

And again I ask, why aren't other 9/11 truth members backing up your "concrete core" bullshit, agent Big Ears?:hmpf:
it's clearly a floor section, you can even see the floor trusses on it
The fizz spam is of course cultivated as part of the FEMA deception







The real problem with fiz spam is that nothing from 9-11 provides support for the claims of steel core columns. And of course it all originates with FEMA.

Agents try to say that the brownish object in side the perimeter wall is a floor. They try to say that floor trusses are visible.


I see another piece of perimeter column stuck to the bottom of what must be a portion of the WTC 2 concrete core falling onto WTC 3.

I am assuming you, when you say "perimeter column", you are speaking of the core box columns that you say surrounded the concrete core and not the perimeter columns that made up the outside facade of the towers themselves correct?

It doesn't matter anyways because according to you, neither would have been connected to the concrete core.

The perimeter columns on the outside of the towers was nowhere near the concrete core.

The large interior box columns that you claim surrounded the core were not connected to the core either. Remember Chris, according to you, WTC2 was radically different than WTC1. WTC2 had the express elevators the OUTSIDE of the concrete core. That would mean that on either side of the core, there was about a 20' gap for the elevator shafts between the core columns and the concrete core wall all the way down the long axis of the for both elevator banks.
The fizz spam is of course cultivated as part of the FEMA deception







The real problem with fiz spam is that nothing from 9-11 provides support for the claims of steel core columns. And of course it all originates with FEMA.

calling it spam and saying that construction photos originate with FEMA shows the absurd lengths you will go to deny reality when proven wrong. :lol:
The construction photos have been filtered and the photos you show are approved by FEMA because they do not show concrete.

Here is when the publics photos were taken, but the perptrators won't allow you to recognize that even though the article says it.


Giuliani's "World Trade Center files" and "Millennium Project files," together with 6000 files of photographs, 1000 audiotapes, and 15,000 videotapes, are also reported to be a part of the records covered by the contract.

This diagramed structure,


is not and can never represent this.


The Twins had a concrete core and that is the only core that can be evidenced with verifiied information.
Manipulating agents leave the proof on the previous page. guiliani took the construction photos that show the concrete core during construction.


Giuliani's "World Trade Center files" and "Millennium Project files," together with 6000 files of photographs, 1000 audiotapes, and 15,000 videotapes, are also reported to be a part of the records covered by the contract.
Manipulating agents leave the proof on the previous page. guiliani took the construction photos that show the concrete core during construction.


Giuliani's "World Trade Center files" and "Millennium Project files," together with 6000 files of photographs, 1000 audiotapes, and 15,000 videotapes, are also reported to be a part of the records covered by the contract.
what you call "proof" and what really IS proof, are not in the same universe

and since the NYCLU doesnt still have that on their own site, they are NOT still interested in it
that tells anyone with a functioning brain that its not an issues now and has been resolved
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blah, blah, blah. Text from agents protecting the secret methods of mass murder.

Your service to the perpetrators is made obvious by trying to imply that because 9 years later the original site no longer has the story that somehow the story is not important or valid now.

Nonsense when 3,000 were killed in 20 seconds in something caused by what is termed, "collapse" and the buildings plans and photos of construction are stolen from the public.

You fail to observe violations of law by government controlling due process and you promote the deprivation of equal protection of law.
Manipulating agents leave the proof on the previous page. guiliani took the construction photos that show the concrete core during construction.


Giuliani's "World Trade Center files" and "Millennium Project files," together with 6000 files of photographs, 1000 audiotapes, and 15,000 videotapes, are also reported to be a part of the records covered by the contract.

where is your proof that the construction photos were part of what you claim guiliani took? you are just making that up. :cuckoo:
guiliani wasnt even mayor when the wtc was constructed. how the fuck could guiliani take construction pictures off the internet? out of books? your entire premise here is absolutely ridiculous and completely impossible. :lol:
The desparate agents attempt to misrepresent citizens promoting difficult truth at personal expense as profiteering from murder is unsupported in anyway.

the only person here trying to make money off the murder of 3000 innocent people is YOU, disinfo agent chris.:cuckoo:
The desparate agents attempt to misrepresent citizens promoting difficult truth at personal expense as profiteering from murder is unsupported in anyway.

How is it at "personal expense" when you made $6.38 from your website, and didn't pay filing fees or child support with it?
The desparate agents attempt to misrepresent citizens promoting difficult truth at personal expense as profiteering from murder is unsupported in anyway.

How is it at "personal expense" when you made $6.38 from your website, and didn't pay filing fees or child support with it?
he claims he pays $200 a year for his site
if he really does, he's a bigger idiot than i already think he is
Trying to pretend that building and maintaining a web is not an expense is futile. Since you have no evidence to show I profit, and there is none; I've disclosed the only actual income, a tiny fraction of the expense.

You cannot show I am affiliated with anyone. The expense is personal.

Your action does not establish steel core columns and is not functional towards doing that. You fail. You do not even try.

You never mention the future of this nation protected and empowered by its Constitution.


You refuse to recognize laws violated creating conditons enabling obstruction of justice, misprision of felony and treason.

The Twin Towers had a concrete rectangular, tubular core structure, A portion of the east wall of the WTC 1 core.

Trying to pretend that building and maintaining a web is not an expense is futile. Since you have no evidence to show I profit, and there is none; I've disclosed the only actual income, a tiny fraction of the expense.

You cannot show I am affiliated with anyone. The expense is personal.

Your action does not establish steel core columns and is not functional towards doing that. You fail. You do not even try.

You never mention the future of this nation protected and empowered by its Constitution.

You refuse to recognize laws violated creating conditons enabling obstruction of justice, misprision of felony and treason.

The Twin Towers had a concrete rectangular, tubular core structure, A portion of the east wall of the WTC 1 core.
you can get web space for about HALF what you pay, moron
You do not know how much space I have. You have not shown appreciation for the speed of the server.

The Newsweek article featuring the engineer of record for the structures is accurate and under the conditions it is NOT REASONABLE to suggest it is not.

9-11 images are consistent.

The end view of the west WTC 1 core wall. North looking south along the wall. Concretge on left, steel struture of spire, unique landmark to location showing that column is outside the core.

Trying to pretend that building and maintaining a web is not an expense is futile. Since you have no evidence to show I profit, and there is none; I've disclosed the only actual income, a tiny fraction of the expense.
just because you are too fucking stupid to make money doesnt mean you arent trying.
You cannot show I am affiliated with anyone. The expense is personal.
so would the profits be if you managed to make any. too bad your hoax is too fucking absurd to get any followers.

Your action does not establish steel core columns and is not functional towards doing that. You fail. You do not even try.
the steel core and their columns have been posted over and over again. you continue to deny it like the fucking psycho you are.

You never mention the future of this nation protected and empowered by its Constitution.
the constitution is just fine and so is the nation, not thanks to you and your lies.

You refuse to recognize laws violated creating conditons enabling obstruction of justice, misprision of felony and treason.
you refuse to prove any laws were violated. just because you file a paper doesnt mean its true. everyone that looks at your stupid shit laughs at it including the judge you filed it with. you dont have anything to back up your accusations. you are a delusional paranoid schizophrenic.

The Twin Towers had a concrete rectangular, tubular core structure, A portion of the east wall of the WTC 1 core.

the twin towers had a steel core. no concrete.

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