Tlaib calls the president a "motherf*cker" where is the house condemnation?

Are you joking? Do you really need him to say the actual words “black or brown” to understand the racial implications... grow up man... when somebody tells brown skinned Americans to go back to the shitholes where they came from it is so in your face racist I don’t know how else to explain it.
Sorry, but telling assholes to either STFU, stop trashing America, or go back to where they came from and fix it isn't racist. Just not being White doesn't make you bulletproof. Ilhan Omar could go back to Somalia and try to do something about that country but she knows it's hopeless or she doesn't want to. She knows she can't fix that mess, and she turns around and is now trying to screw this country up....and laughs about it.

Trump pointed out the hypocrisy of these 4 assholes.
It's not Trump's fault that these women are hypocrites. It's not his fault that they're all using the color of their skin to bully others around them.
That was their choice.

These assholes held a press conference to spew a long list of lies about the current administration. They also showed us exactly what they think of White people. They removed all doubt that they are racists. They feel that the color of their skin gives them privileges that White People don't deserve. They are the definition of racism. They gave us all a taste of what they have been saying out loud for the last several months. They made fools of themselves. Every day they only compound their mistake. Every time they open their mouths they show us what they are and what they stand for. And that is People Of Color deserve more rights and privileges than White People.
Ok so he was telling Omar to go back to Somalia and fix it... great. Which countries are the rest of the women supposed to go back to?
He didn't mention anyone by name.
THEY were the ones that identified themselves.
You see he was speaking in general terms about any foreign born asshole who was able to come to America, yet doesn't appreciate the privilege, because they're trashing the country that gave them fame, fortune, and a comfortable place to live.
If the shoe fits......smell it.
Holy cramp is this really where the Trump defense has devolved to?! At first I heard puppets try and say he was telling AOC to go back to the Bronx and such... now this? He wasn’t talking about them? Really?! What a joke

Or admit you make this shit up. I went back 3 pages and saw no link, just your self rightious babble.
I never claimed trump said that dumbass... I asked if Trump did say those words would you consider it racist. I’m asking where the line is at. Slow down and comprehend before you react.
I got it------this is what TRUMP SAID-------"I HATE PERSONS OF COLOR"
" because some people say that my color is orange" All persons
OF COLOR should go to the land of COLOR (not the green isle of
Sounds like you’re done with serious conversation. Once you get your emotions in control perhaps we can finish.
When all you do is spin all to be RACIST TRUMP you are not worth having a serious conversation with.
Well that’s not all I do. I’ve defended Trump for years against racist attacks. But this case is different. The statement was racists, clear as day, I don’t need to spin
Then show me the fucking link where he said go back to Africa.
I never claimed he said those words. You’re not thinking clearly. Slow down.
Sorry, but telling assholes to either STFU, stop trashing America, or go back to where they came from and fix it isn't racist. Just not being White doesn't make you bulletproof. Ilhan Omar could go back to Somalia and try to do something about that country but she knows it's hopeless or she doesn't want to. She knows she can't fix that mess, and she turns around and is now trying to screw this country up....and laughs about it.

Trump pointed out the hypocrisy of these 4 assholes.
It's not Trump's fault that these women are hypocrites. It's not his fault that they're all using the color of their skin to bully others around them.
That was their choice.

These assholes held a press conference to spew a long list of lies about the current administration. They also showed us exactly what they think of White people. They removed all doubt that they are racists. They feel that the color of their skin gives them privileges that White People don't deserve. They are the definition of racism. They gave us all a taste of what they have been saying out loud for the last several months. They made fools of themselves. Every day they only compound their mistake. Every time they open their mouths they show us what they are and what they stand for. And that is People Of Color deserve more rights and privileges than White People.
Ok so he was telling Omar to go back to Somalia and fix it... great. Which countries are the rest of the women supposed to go back to?
He didn't mention anyone by name.
THEY were the ones that identified themselves.
You see he was speaking in general terms about any foreign born asshole who was able to come to America, yet doesn't appreciate the privilege, because they're trashing the country that gave them fame, fortune, and a comfortable place to live.
If the shoe fits......smell it.
Holy cramp is this really where the Trump defense has devolved to?! At first I heard puppets try and say he was telling AOC to go back to the Bronx and such... now this? He wasn’t talking about them? Really?! What a joke
When did he name anyone in his tweet which you spin and lie to call racist ?
Haha, this new line that he didn’t name names is soooo pathetic. Like there is any doubt about who he was talking about. Come on troll you can do better than that, you’re digressing
It is not new

It was pointed out from day one before you jumped in with racist lies

Let's go racist

Stop hating on minorities and answer
Sorry, but telling assholes to either STFU, stop trashing America, or go back to where they came from and fix it isn't racist. Just not being White doesn't make you bulletproof. Ilhan Omar could go back to Somalia and try to do something about that country but she knows it's hopeless or she doesn't want to. She knows she can't fix that mess, and she turns around and is now trying to screw this country up....and laughs about it.

Trump pointed out the hypocrisy of these 4 assholes.
It's not Trump's fault that these women are hypocrites. It's not his fault that they're all using the color of their skin to bully others around them.
That was their choice.

These assholes held a press conference to spew a long list of lies about the current administration. They also showed us exactly what they think of White people. They removed all doubt that they are racists. They feel that the color of their skin gives them privileges that White People don't deserve. They are the definition of racism. They gave us all a taste of what they have been saying out loud for the last several months. They made fools of themselves. Every day they only compound their mistake. Every time they open their mouths they show us what they are and what they stand for. And that is People Of Color deserve more rights and privileges than White People.
Ok so he was telling Omar to go back to Somalia and fix it... great. Which countries are the rest of the women supposed to go back to?
He didn't mention anyone by name.
THEY were the ones that identified themselves.
You see he was speaking in general terms about any foreign born asshole who was able to come to America, yet doesn't appreciate the privilege, because they're trashing the country that gave them fame, fortune, and a comfortable place to live.
If the shoe fits......smell it.
Holy cramp is this really where the Trump defense has devolved to?! At first I heard puppets try and say he was telling AOC to go back to the Bronx and such... now this? He wasn’t talking about them? Really?! What a joke

Or admit you make this shit up. I went back 3 pages and saw no link, just your self rightious babble.
I never claimed trump said that dumbass... I asked if Trump did say those words would you consider it racist. I’m asking where the line is at. Slow down and comprehend before you react.
You said he told her to go back to Africa.

Tlaib calls the president a "motherf*cker" where is the house condemnation?

He didn't say that.

Fuck off.
Sorry, but telling assholes to either STFU, stop trashing America, or go back to where they came from and fix it isn't racist. Just not being White doesn't make you bulletproof. Ilhan Omar could go back to Somalia and try to do something about that country but she knows it's hopeless or she doesn't want to. She knows she can't fix that mess, and she turns around and is now trying to screw this country up....and laughs about it.

Trump pointed out the hypocrisy of these 4 assholes.
It's not Trump's fault that these women are hypocrites. It's not his fault that they're all using the color of their skin to bully others around them.
That was their choice.

These assholes held a press conference to spew a long list of lies about the current administration. They also showed us exactly what they think of White people. They removed all doubt that they are racists. They feel that the color of their skin gives them privileges that White People don't deserve. They are the definition of racism. They gave us all a taste of what they have been saying out loud for the last several months. They made fools of themselves. Every day they only compound their mistake. Every time they open their mouths they show us what they are and what they stand for. And that is People Of Color deserve more rights and privileges than White People.
Ok so he was telling Omar to go back to Somalia and fix it... great. Which countries are the rest of the women supposed to go back to?
He didn't mention anyone by name.
THEY were the ones that identified themselves.
You see he was speaking in general terms about any foreign born asshole who was able to come to America, yet doesn't appreciate the privilege, because they're trashing the country that gave them fame, fortune, and a comfortable place to live.
If the shoe fits......smell it.
Holy cramp is this really where the Trump defense has devolved to?! At first I heard puppets try and say he was telling AOC to go back to the Bronx and such... now this? He wasn’t talking about them? Really?! What a joke

Or admit you make this shit up. I went back 3 pages and saw no link, just your self rightious babble.
I never claimed trump said that dumbass... I asked if Trump did say those words would you consider it racist. I’m asking where the line is at. Slow down and comprehend before you react.
False equivalency you retard

Show where he said it or take your racist was else where

You are not welcome here
That’s where you are wrong and you show the weakness of your spin or your utter ignorance of history. “Go back to Africa” was a common racist term used against black people for years. It meant you don’t belong here. It does not get more racist than that.
Trump did not tweet go back to Africa

And no it was not a common racial term

It was a common term used against anyone and had nothing to do with race.

It is not racist to say you do not belong here it may be nationalist but not racist .

You are truly a foolish liar and proven me correct with every post.

It was not racist and never has been

One more time boy read slowly and let it sink in : place of birth does not equate to race and the tweet is in no way racist unless you invent shit as YOU are doing.

I am stating facts and owning you

You are truly a fool
Of course it was a common racial term. Nobody told blond haired blue eyed Americans to go back to Africa. It was told to black Americans because of their race and was used to belittle, demean and segregate them. It we do agree on something, finally, the comment was also nationalist as well
You keep having to connect dots and assume shit.

How do you NOT call that spinning? You can't prove it, you just FEELZ it. If I feel like YOU are racist, are you? what if I say it 10000 times, are you?

Then stop doing it to others.
I’m not connecting or spinning anything. The statement speaks for itself. I’m simply trying to explain it for those of you trying to defend and deny. But at this point I dont know why I’m bothering. If you really dont think it is racist and if you think it’s ok to tell a black American that your having a confrontation with to go back to Africa then you go right ahead. It’s no skin of my back, but I’d get ready to duck if I were you
Yes you are spinning and connecting shit you made up.

Your explanations always involve hypotheticals and false equivalencies

It was not racist

That is a fact and you have spent pages failing massively to prove otherwise

You have in fact been proven wrong and know it.

In response you can only lie like a childish coward
This will be my last response to the trolling. Ask a legit question or actually respond to the questions I ask you and I’ll happily engage.
That’s where you are wrong and you show the weakness of your spin or your utter ignorance of history. “Go back to Africa” was a common racist term used against black people for years. It meant you don’t belong here. It does not get more racist than that.
Trump did not tweet go back to Africa

And no it was not a common racial term

It was a common term used against anyone and had nothing to do with race.

It is not racist to say you do not belong here it may be nationalist but not racist .

You are truly a foolish liar and proven me correct with every post.

It was not racist and never has been

One more time boy read slowly and let it sink in : place of birth does not equate to race and the tweet is in no way racist unless you invent shit as YOU are doing.

I am stating facts and owning you

You are truly a fool
Of course it was a common racial term. Nobody told blond haired blue eyed Americans to go back to Africa. It was told to black Americans because of their race and was used to belittle, demean and segregate them. It we do agree on something, finally, the comment was also nationalist as well
You keep having to connect dots and assume shit.

How do you NOT call that spinning? You can't prove it, you just FEELZ it. If I feel like YOU are racist, are you? what if I say it 10000 times, are you?

Then stop doing it to others.
I’m not connecting or spinning anything. The statement speaks for itself. I’m simply trying to explain it for those of you trying to defend and deny. But at this point I dont know why I’m bothering. If you really dont think it is racist and if you think it’s ok to tell a black American that your having a confrontation with to go back to Africa then you go right ahead. It’s no skin of my back, but I’d get ready to duck if I were you
Just give me the link where he said it. As usual you just keep spouting shit and never back it up.

What a fucking loser.
You asked I responded by posting the exact wording of his tweet. I dont know what more you want. Look it up yourself instead of being a pain in my ass.
This is an absolute joke. Trump tells them if they don't like America, leave and they are all offended. They call him a motherfucker and the house liberals are silent.

I really have reached the point that I flat out don't give a fuck about the fucking snowflake liberals in this country.
You’re not being honest. Trump told brown and black people to go back to where they came from.... I don’t see how you can defend that.
You are the one not being honest. You are repeating the same TWISTED WORDS that has been pushed by the Media. For the hundredth time, Trump said "If you don't love our country, YOU CAN LEAVE". To me, it meant LEAVE OFFICE. But of course the Media twisted it into what they wanted to make it RACIST.
That’s what he said to cover up and spin the “go back where you came from tweet” ... “love it or leave” is not racist and it’s not what the controversy is about
Sounds like you’re done with serious conversation. Once you get your emotions in control perhaps we can finish.
When all you do is spin all to be RACIST TRUMP you are not worth having a serious conversation with.
Well that’s not all I do. I’ve defended Trump for years against racist attacks. But this case is different. The statement was racists, clear as day, I don’t need to spin
Then show me the fucking link where he said go back to Africa.
I never claimed he said those words. You’re not thinking clearly. Slow down.
Tlaib calls the president a "motherf*cker" where is the house condemnation?

Lying sack of shit.
What did I lie about?
Ok so he was telling Omar to go back to Somalia and fix it... great. Which countries are the rest of the women supposed to go back to?
He didn't mention anyone by name.
THEY were the ones that identified themselves.
You see he was speaking in general terms about any foreign born asshole who was able to come to America, yet doesn't appreciate the privilege, because they're trashing the country that gave them fame, fortune, and a comfortable place to live.
If the shoe fits......smell it.
Holy cramp is this really where the Trump defense has devolved to?! At first I heard puppets try and say he was telling AOC to go back to the Bronx and such... now this? He wasn’t talking about them? Really?! What a joke

Or admit you make this shit up. I went back 3 pages and saw no link, just your self rightious babble.
I never claimed trump said that dumbass... I asked if Trump did say those words would you consider it racist. I’m asking where the line is at. Slow down and comprehend before you react.
You said he told her to go back to Africa.

Tlaib calls the president a "motherf*cker" where is the house condemnation?

He didn't say that.

Fuck off.
I did not say he told her those words. I dare you to quote me. I asked if you would consider it racist IF he said that. How are you not understanding this?
Trump did not tweet go back to Africa

And no it was not a common racial term

It was a common term used against anyone and had nothing to do with race.

It is not racist to say you do not belong here it may be nationalist but not racist .

You are truly a foolish liar and proven me correct with every post.

It was not racist and never has been

One more time boy read slowly and let it sink in : place of birth does not equate to race and the tweet is in no way racist unless you invent shit as YOU are doing.

I am stating facts and owning you

You are truly a fool
Of course it was a common racial term. Nobody told blond haired blue eyed Americans to go back to Africa. It was told to black Americans because of their race and was used to belittle, demean and segregate them. It we do agree on something, finally, the comment was also nationalist as well
You keep having to connect dots and assume shit.

How do you NOT call that spinning? You can't prove it, you just FEELZ it. If I feel like YOU are racist, are you? what if I say it 10000 times, are you?

Then stop doing it to others.
I’m not connecting or spinning anything. The statement speaks for itself. I’m simply trying to explain it for those of you trying to defend and deny. But at this point I dont know why I’m bothering. If you really dont think it is racist and if you think it’s ok to tell a black American that your having a confrontation with to go back to Africa then you go right ahead. It’s no skin of my back, but I’d get ready to duck if I were you
Yes you are spinning and connecting shit you made up.

Your explanations always involve hypotheticals and false equivalencies

It was not racist

That is a fact and you have spent pages failing massively to prove otherwise

You have in fact been proven wrong and know it.

In response you can only lie like a childish coward
This will be my last response to the trolling. Ask a legit question or actually respond to the questions I ask you and I’ll happily engage.
I did

You ran away and demanded answers

You have been proven wrong and a liar
Ok so he was telling Omar to go back to Somalia and fix it... great. Which countries are the rest of the women supposed to go back to?
He didn't mention anyone by name.
THEY were the ones that identified themselves.
You see he was speaking in general terms about any foreign born asshole who was able to come to America, yet doesn't appreciate the privilege, because they're trashing the country that gave them fame, fortune, and a comfortable place to live.
If the shoe fits......smell it.
Holy cramp is this really where the Trump defense has devolved to?! At first I heard puppets try and say he was telling AOC to go back to the Bronx and such... now this? He wasn’t talking about them? Really?! What a joke

Or admit you make this shit up. I went back 3 pages and saw no link, just your self rightious babble.
I never claimed trump said that dumbass... I asked if Trump did say those words would you consider it racist. I’m asking where the line is at. Slow down and comprehend before you react.
False equivalency you retard

Show where he said it or take your racist was else where

You are not welcome here
Man the trolls are teaming up today!!!

I didn’t claim he said those words. Read that again. I’m asking if you would consider that statement racist. Why can’t you answer a simple question?
When all you do is spin all to be RACIST TRUMP you are not worth having a serious conversation with.
Well that’s not all I do. I’ve defended Trump for years against racist attacks. But this case is different. The statement was racists, clear as day, I don’t need to spin
Then show me the fucking link where he said go back to Africa.
I never claimed he said those words. You’re not thinking clearly. Slow down.
Tlaib calls the president a "motherf*cker" where is the house condemnation?

Lying sack of shit.
What did I lie about?
You lied about the tweet being racist

From your first post on this thread
He didn't mention anyone by name.
THEY were the ones that identified themselves.
You see he was speaking in general terms about any foreign born asshole who was able to come to America, yet doesn't appreciate the privilege, because they're trashing the country that gave them fame, fortune, and a comfortable place to live.
If the shoe fits......smell it.
Holy cramp is this really where the Trump defense has devolved to?! At first I heard puppets try and say he was telling AOC to go back to the Bronx and such... now this? He wasn’t talking about them? Really?! What a joke

Or admit you make this shit up. I went back 3 pages and saw no link, just your self rightious babble.
I never claimed trump said that dumbass... I asked if Trump did say those words would you consider it racist. I’m asking where the line is at. Slow down and comprehend before you react.
False equivalency you retard

Show where he said it or take your racist was else where

You are not welcome here
Man the trolls are teaming up today!!!

I didn’t claim he said those words. Read that again. I’m asking if you would consider that statement racist. Why can’t you answer a simple question?
He did not say that
This is an absolute joke. Trump tells them if they don't like America, leave and they are all offended. They call him a motherfucker and the house liberals are silent.

I really have reached the point that I flat out don't give a fuck about the fucking snowflake liberals in this country.
You’re not being honest. Trump told brown and black people to go back to where they came from.... I don’t see how you can defend that.

A whiter nation is a safer, more productive, more unified nation..just as all the data proves. Good, real Americans know this....they have finally found their balls and acknowledged this...They are climbing out from under the control of PC and that scares the shit out of the whacko's. Sucks for you huh?
I thought you were just against illegal immigrants... now it’s all about a whiter nation? Ok, wonderful, I’ll keep that in mind for future conversations. Let me ask an honest question. Do you consider yourself a racist?

Like many Americans, I’m trying my ass off...I’m getting there slowly but surely...Like I said, Democrats have demanded that we hate dark folks and I think they’ll end up getting their way.
For now, I’ll remain a realist...acknowledging facts and statistics as the relate to ethnicity...I won’t be buying any property in any predominantly dark areas anytime soon that’s for sure.
He didn't mention anyone by name.
THEY were the ones that identified themselves.
You see he was speaking in general terms about any foreign born asshole who was able to come to America, yet doesn't appreciate the privilege, because they're trashing the country that gave them fame, fortune, and a comfortable place to live.
If the shoe fits......smell it.
Holy cramp is this really where the Trump defense has devolved to?! At first I heard puppets try and say he was telling AOC to go back to the Bronx and such... now this? He wasn’t talking about them? Really?! What a joke

Or admit you make this shit up. I went back 3 pages and saw no link, just your self rightious babble.
I never claimed trump said that dumbass... I asked if Trump did say those words would you consider it racist. I’m asking where the line is at. Slow down and comprehend before you react.
False equivalency you retard

Show where he said it or take your racist was else where

You are not welcome here
Man the trolls are teaming up today!!!

I didn’t claim he said those words. Read that again. I’m asking if you would consider that statement racist. Why can’t you answer a simple question?
WHEN/IF he says it let's talk. Your fantasies only serve your feelz.

If you can't find him making a racist statement you De evolve to this. Making one up and going that route.

Worry about what he says not what you want him to say.
Holy cramp is this really where the Trump defense has devolved to?! At first I heard puppets try and say he was telling AOC to go back to the Bronx and such... now this? He wasn’t talking about them? Really?! What a joke

Or admit you make this shit up. I went back 3 pages and saw no link, just your self rightious babble.
I never claimed trump said that dumbass... I asked if Trump did say those words would you consider it racist. I’m asking where the line is at. Slow down and comprehend before you react.
False equivalency you retard

Show where he said it or take your racist was else where

You are not welcome here
Man the trolls are teaming up today!!!

I didn’t claim he said those words. Read that again. I’m asking if you would consider that statement racist. Why can’t you answer a simple question?
He did not say that
No shit. I never said he did. I asked if you would consider it racist if he did. Why can’t you answer a simple question?
This is an absolute joke. Trump tells them if they don't like America, leave and they are all offended. They call him a motherfucker and the house liberals are silent.

I really have reached the point that I flat out don't give a fuck about the fucking snowflake liberals in this country.
You’re not being honest. Trump told brown and black people to go back to where they came from.... I don’t see how you can defend that.

A whiter nation is a safer, more productive, more unified nation..just as all the data proves. Good, real Americans know this....they have finally found their balls and acknowledged this...They are climbing out from under the control of PC and that scares the shit out of the whacko's. Sucks for you huh?
I thought you were just against illegal immigrants... now it’s all about a whiter nation? Ok, wonderful, I’ll keep that in mind for future conversations. Let me ask an honest question. Do you consider yourself a racist?

Like many Americans, I’m trying my ass off...I’m getting there slowly but surely...Like I said, Democrats have demanded that we hate dark folks and I think they’ll end up getting their way.
For now, I’ll remain a realist...acknowledging facts and statistics as the relate to ethnicity...I won’t be buying any property in any predominantly dark areas anytime soon that’s for sure.
So is that a yes on the racist thing or no?
This is an absolute joke. Trump tells them if they don't like America, leave and they are all offended. They call him a motherfucker and the house liberals are silent.

I really have reached the point that I flat out don't give a fuck about the fucking snowflake liberals in this country.
You’re not being honest. Trump told brown and black people to go back to where they came from.... I don’t see how you can defend that.

A whiter nation is a safer, more productive, more unified nation..just as all the data proves. Good, real Americans know this....they have finally found their balls and acknowledged this...They are climbing out from under the control of PC and that scares the shit out of the whacko's. Sucks for you huh?
I thought you were just against illegal immigrants... now it’s all about a whiter nation? Ok, wonderful, I’ll keep that in mind for future conversations. Let me ask an honest question. Do you consider yourself a racist?

Like many Americans, I’m trying my ass off...I’m getting there slowly but surely...Like I said, Democrats have demanded that we hate dark folks and I think they’ll end up getting their way.
For now, I’ll remain a realist...acknowledging facts and statistics as the relate to ethnicity...I won’t be buying any property in any predominantly dark areas anytime soon that’s for sure.
They wake up at 9 pm and by 10 they bust a cap or two.
Holy cramp is this really where the Trump defense has devolved to?! At first I heard puppets try and say he was telling AOC to go back to the Bronx and such... now this? He wasn’t talking about them? Really?! What a joke

Or admit you make this shit up. I went back 3 pages and saw no link, just your self rightious babble.
I never claimed trump said that dumbass... I asked if Trump did say those words would you consider it racist. I’m asking where the line is at. Slow down and comprehend before you react.
False equivalency you retard

Show where he said it or take your racist was else where

You are not welcome here
Man the trolls are teaming up today!!!

I didn’t claim he said those words. Read that again. I’m asking if you would consider that statement racist. Why can’t you answer a simple question?
WHEN/IF he says it let's talk. Your fantasies only serve your feelz.

If you can't find him making a racist statement you De evolve to this. Making one up and going that route.

Worry about what he says not what you want him to say.
First of all ICE I wasn't even talking to you when I asked the question, I was curious where the other guy drew the line on what was racist or not, he’s been avoiding answering that since yesterday. Second I never claimed Trump said those words, you misread what I asked and then went on several rants asking for a link and calling me an asshole liar. Third, it is perfectly legit to find out what people consider racist and not racist in a discussion like this. I’m asking a very simple question and you two decided to troll me instead of giving a straight answer.

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