Tlaib calls the president a "motherf*cker" where is the house condemnation?

Man the trolls are teaming up today!!!

I didn’t claim he said those words. Read that again. I’m asking if you would consider that statement racist. Why can’t you answer a simple question?
He did not say that
No shit. I never said he did. I asked if you would consider it racist if he did. Why can’t you answer a simple question?
You keep using it to compare which is a false and stupid comparison
I’ve said many times that I’m asking it to try and find out what you do and do not consider as a racist comment. There’s no code here, it’s a very straight forward question and here we are pages later and I’m still watching you avoid answering. Grow up.
And you still wish to do so only because you are too much of a childish brat to admit when you are wrong.

You know full well it was not a racist tweet you partisan asshole

You know you are a liar repeating knee jerk talking points you uneducated prick
Well at least I have the balls to answer questions. You’ve been running from answering simple questions for pages now and have resorted to petty name calling and claims of fake victories. That just tells me that you can’t debate the substance. And I’m done playing with trolls. Game over.
This is an absolute joke. Trump tells them if they don't like America, leave and they are all offended. They call him a motherfucker and the house liberals are silent.

I really have reached the point that I flat out don't give a fuck about the fucking snowflake liberals in this country.
You’re not being honest. Trump told brown and black people to go back to where they came from.... I don’t see how you can defend that.

You are not being honest. He told people who are constantly complaining about US that if they don’t like it, they can go back and/or leave. They just happen to be black and brown. He did not say or tell any and all black and brown people to leave or go back. The reality is that Liberals are not used to a President that is not afraid of being slapped with the overused race card nor is he afraid to punch back. These representatives need to learn to roll with the punches and not simply hide behind race and gender.
Where are they supposed to go back to?
Are you trying to say that you intentionally misinterpreted my question to teach me a lesson?

And why is it bad for me to ask questions and try to bring perspective to the conversation? Isn’t that the point of having a debate/discussion?
You intentionally misread trump at will.

Frustrating when do e to you, HUH?

and the point of a debate is to read and pay attention to what someone is saying and you don't do thst so no, we don't debate anymore. At least I don't.

TRUMP IS RACIST is not perspective. It's repetitive bullshit that remains unproven.
No I did not intentionally misread trump. As I’ve said many times, I recognize that he gets misquoted all the time and I have stood up for him in the past but in this case it is so obvious that I just don’t see how it can be denied. Why is it so hard for you to understand that many people including myself genuinely see his comment as racist? Why does it have to me this malicious spin and lies?

And if you’re going to condemn misrepresenting statements then you should really try harder because that’s all you’ve been doing here to me. I didn’t say Trump made the Africa statement but you acted like I did and demanded a link. It was a question, one you and your buddy both haven’t been able to answer. I also never said that Trump is a racist.

You may not like me but that doesn’t mean you need to debate like a dishonest asshole.
Following your lead.
I’m not being dishonest or an asshole to you. I’m presenting my ideas and asking questions about yours. You just spent pages demanding a post a link to back up a statement that I never made? When did I do something that?
I've found an honest exchange is a waste.

Move on
Honest exchange is a waste so lying and trolling is better? What kind of philosophy is that? Seems as if your true colors are coming out. Too bad. We used to have some good debates... I had respect for ya
WHEN/IF he says it let's talk. Your fantasies only serve your feelz.

If you can't find him making a racist statement you De evolve to this. Making one up and going that route.

Worry about what he says not what you want him to say.
First of all ICE I wasn't even talking to you when I asked the question, I was curious where the other guy drew the line on what was racist or not, he’s been avoiding answering that since yesterday. Second I never claimed Trump said those words, you misread what I asked and then went on several rants asking for a link and calling me an asshole liar. Third, it is perfectly legit to find out what people consider racist and not racist in a discussion like this. I’m asking a very simple question and you two decided to troll me instead of giving a straight answer.
Funny you misread trumps shit all the time. You inject your own personal spin to what he says to fit your own narrative. Don't like it done back to you, do you?

You never ask a simple question Slade. You try to set people up to try and pass yourself off as being correct vs trying to understand a counter viewpoint.

Look at page after page after page of this crap. Look what a few tweets from trump has done to the house. Pelosi had statements stricken from the record, first time in 35 years. Cleaver walked out because the hate for trump was keeping anything useful from being done.

In short you are doing exaxy what trump bieved most would do. Call him racist and focus on the wrong stuff.

It also put the gang of 4 as the poster children for the left. These 4 are NOT POPULAR at all and yet they now represent the left.

Trump is winning cause you are playing his game.

Tim Poole does an amazing in depth review of it.

You are just dancing everytime he tells you too. Way to go dude.

Are you trying to say that you intentionally misinterpreted my question to teach me a lesson?

And why is it bad for me to ask questions and try to bring perspective to the conversation? Isn’t that the point of having a debate/discussion?

There is no need for perspective the fact is you have been schooled and proven wrong.

You can only and have only lied like a punk to try and prove your idiotic claim of racism

Ok, well thanks for the lesson troll. Go take a victory lap and then move on to your next victim. I just can’t compete with your superior intelligence. Well done

Look up what troll means youngster you use the term incorrectly just as you mis used the term racist and had to lie about it
You intentionally misread trump at will.

Frustrating when do e to you, HUH?

and the point of a debate is to read and pay attention to what someone is saying and you don't do thst so no, we don't debate anymore. At least I don't.

TRUMP IS RACIST is not perspective. It's repetitive bullshit that remains unproven.
No I did not intentionally misread trump. As I’ve said many times, I recognize that he gets misquoted all the time and I have stood up for him in the past but in this case it is so obvious that I just don’t see how it can be denied. Why is it so hard for you to understand that many people including myself genuinely see his comment as racist? Why does it have to me this malicious spin and lies?

And if you’re going to condemn misrepresenting statements then you should really try harder because that’s all you’ve been doing here to me. I didn’t say Trump made the Africa statement but you acted like I did and demanded a link. It was a question, one you and your buddy both haven’t been able to answer. I also never said that Trump is a racist.

You may not like me but that doesn’t mean you need to debate like a dishonest asshole.
Following your lead.
I’m not being dishonest or an asshole to you. I’m presenting my ideas and asking questions about yours. You just spent pages demanding a post a link to back up a statement that I never made? When did I do something that?
I've found an honest exchange is a waste.

Move on
Honest exchange is a waste so lying and trolling is better? What kind of philosophy is that? Seems as if your true colors are coming out. Too bad. We used to have some good debates... I had respect for ya
Ask your self

You were the one who is a proven liar
This is an absolute joke. Trump tells them if they don't like America, leave and they are all offended. They call him a motherfucker and the house liberals are silent.

I really have reached the point that I flat out don't give a fuck about the fucking snowflake liberals in this country.
You’re not being honest. Trump told brown and black people to go back to where they came from.... I don’t see how you can defend that.

I am one of those brown people. President Trump wasn't talking to me. I've experienced plenty of racism in my life and I can promise you it usually came from people of your ilk. Only a racist plays the race card.
First of all ICE I wasn't even talking to you when I asked the question, I was curious where the other guy drew the line on what was racist or not, he’s been avoiding answering that since yesterday. Second I never claimed Trump said those words, you misread what I asked and then went on several rants asking for a link and calling me an asshole liar. Third, it is perfectly legit to find out what people consider racist and not racist in a discussion like this. I’m asking a very simple question and you two decided to troll me instead of giving a straight answer.
Funny you misread trumps shit all the time. You inject your own personal spin to what he says to fit your own narrative. Don't like it done back to you, do you?

You never ask a simple question Slade. You try to set people up to try and pass yourself off as being correct vs trying to understand a counter viewpoint.

Look at page after page after page of this crap. Look what a few tweets from trump has done to the house. Pelosi had statements stricken from the record, first time in 35 years. Cleaver walked out because the hate for trump was keeping anything useful from being done.

In short you are doing exaxy what trump bieved most would do. Call him racist and focus on the wrong stuff.

It also put the gang of 4 as the poster children for the left. These 4 are NOT POPULAR at all and yet they now represent the left.

Trump is winning cause you are playing his game.

Tim Poole does an amazing in depth review of it.

You are just dancing everytime he tells you too. Way to go dude.

Are you trying to say that you intentionally misinterpreted my question to teach me a lesson?

And why is it bad for me to ask questions and try to bring perspective to the conversation? Isn’t that the point of having a debate/discussion?

There is no need for perspective the fact is you have been schooled and proven wrong.

You can only and have only lied like a punk to try and prove your idiotic claim of racism

Ok, well thanks for the lesson troll. Go take a victory lap and then move on to your next victim. I just can’t compete with your superior intelligence. Well done

Look up what troll means youngster you use the term incorrectly just as you mis used the term racist and had to lie about it

I know what it means. Perhaps you don’t recognize yourself doing it, some people are quick to criticize others but can’t see their own actions. You engage in thoughtless insults, avoid questions, and seem to only want to aggravate and provoke. That’s trolling and that’s exactly what you’ve done in the thread. You started out well and made some good points but you’ve devolved to trollsville.
No I did not intentionally misread trump. As I’ve said many times, I recognize that he gets misquoted all the time and I have stood up for him in the past but in this case it is so obvious that I just don’t see how it can be denied. Why is it so hard for you to understand that many people including myself genuinely see his comment as racist? Why does it have to me this malicious spin and lies?

And if you’re going to condemn misrepresenting statements then you should really try harder because that’s all you’ve been doing here to me. I didn’t say Trump made the Africa statement but you acted like I did and demanded a link. It was a question, one you and your buddy both haven’t been able to answer. I also never said that Trump is a racist.

You may not like me but that doesn’t mean you need to debate like a dishonest asshole.
Following your lead.
I’m not being dishonest or an asshole to you. I’m presenting my ideas and asking questions about yours. You just spent pages demanding a post a link to back up a statement that I never made? When did I do something that?
I've found an honest exchange is a waste.

Move on
Honest exchange is a waste so lying and trolling is better? What kind of philosophy is that? Seems as if your true colors are coming out. Too bad. We used to have some good debates... I had respect for ya
Ask your self

You were the one who is a proven liar
What did I lie about smart guy?
This is an absolute joke. Trump tells them if they don't like America, leave and they are all offended. They call him a motherfucker and the house liberals are silent.

I really have reached the point that I flat out don't give a fuck about the fucking snowflake liberals in this country.
You’re not being honest. Trump told brown and black people to go back to where they came from.... I don’t see how you can defend that.

I am one of those brown people. President Trump wasn't talking to me. I've experienced plenty of racism in my life and I can promise you it usually came from people of your ilk. Only a racist plays the race card.
I didn’t say he was talking to you or all. Town people. I don’t think he is a blanket racist. He targets his opponents and goes after them with whatever he can. In this case he resorted to racist attacks on the Squad and now his puppets are chanting “send her back” at his rally. It’s a sad and pathetic time in our politics.
This is an absolute joke. Trump tells them if they don't like America, leave and they are all offended. They call him a motherfucker and the house liberals are silent.

I really have reached the point that I flat out don't give a fuck about the fucking snowflake liberals in this country.
You’re not being honest. Trump told brown and black people to go back to where they came from.... I don’t see how you can defend that.

I am one of those brown people. President Trump wasn't talking to me. I've experienced plenty of racism in my life and I can promise you it usually came from people of your ilk. Only a racist plays the race card.
I didn’t say he was talking to you or all. Town people. I don’t think he is a blanket racist. He targets his opponents and goes after them with whatever he can. In this case he resorted to racist attacks on the Squad and now his puppets are chanting “send her back” at his rally. It’s a sad and pathetic time in our politics.

I know what racism looks like up close and personal and it's pretty f'ing ugly. If I had a dollar for every racist comment made to me back in the 70's I'd be a millionaire. Nothing Trump said was racist. You're watering down to word "racist" to the point where it means nothing. It's pretty sad actually what Liberals are doing.
This is an absolute joke. Trump tells them if they don't like America, leave and they are all offended. They call him a motherfucker and the house liberals are silent.

I really have reached the point that I flat out don't give a fuck about the fucking snowflake liberals in this country.
You’re not being honest. Trump told brown and black people to go back to where they came from.... I don’t see how you can defend that.

I am one of those brown people. President Trump wasn't talking to me. I've experienced plenty of racism in my life and I can promise you it usually came from people of your ilk. Only a racist plays the race card.
I didn’t say he was talking to you or all. Town people. I don’t think he is a blanket racist. He targets his opponents and goes after them with whatever he can. In this case he resorted to racist attacks on the Squad and now his puppets are chanting “send her back” at his rally. It’s a sad and pathetic time in our politics.

I know what racism looks like up close and personal and it's pretty f'ing ugly. If I had a dollar for every racist comment made to me back in the 70's I'd be a millionaire. Nothing Trump said was racist. You're watering down to word "racist" to the point where it means nothing. It's pretty sad actually what Liberals are doing.
That has been done to trump a lot over the years and I agree the race card has been way overused, but in this case I disagree. His comment telling American citizens to go back where they came from crosses the line. I feel like we are all looking at a dog and y’all are insisting it’s a cat.

How do you explain the many Trump friends and allies including many of his defenders on conservative media that have come forward to call the statement racist? Why would they do that?
This is an absolute joke. Trump tells them if they don't like America, leave and they are all offended. They call him a motherfucker and the house liberals are silent.

I really have reached the point that I flat out don't give a fuck about the fucking snowflake liberals in this country.
Racism is a hedge. Blacks abuse whites, hurt whites, target whites or are anti Caucasian hate baiters. That is OK. But, if a white person sneezes, its RACISM because it's redefined (racism is systemic). Hence: only honky redneck crackers are racist. Yeah. Or, my favorite:" Its a micro aggression". Its delicious how many ways prog libs redefine something. How many hairs they spit and ignore macro aggressions. Like the high black on black murder rate. Liberalism and their violence and thought control are far larger threat than imaginary neo-Nazis or shadow white supremacist. Liberal Progs are a far larger more real form of fascism now. They scare the hell out of me. Like a uncontrolled mob.
Last edited:
This is an absolute joke. Trump tells them if they don't like America, leave and they are all offended. They call him a motherfucker and the house liberals are silent.

I really have reached the point that I flat out don't give a fuck about the fucking snowflake liberals in this country.
You’re not being honest. Trump told brown and black people to go back to where they came from.... I don’t see how you can defend that.

I am one of those brown people. President Trump wasn't talking to me. I've experienced plenty of racism in my life and I can promise you it usually came from people of your ilk. Only a racist plays the race card.
I didn’t say he was talking to you or all. Town people. I don’t think he is a blanket racist. He targets his opponents and goes after them with whatever he can. In this case he resorted to racist attacks on the Squad and now his puppets are chanting “send her back” at his rally. It’s a sad and pathetic time in our politics.

I know what racism looks like up close and personal and it's pretty f'ing ugly. If I had a dollar for every racist comment made to me back in the 70's I'd be a millionaire. Nothing Trump said was racist. You're watering down to word "racist" to the point where it means nothing. It's pretty sad actually what Liberals are doing.
That has been done to trump a lot over the years and I agree the race card has been way overused, but in this case I disagree. His comment telling American citizens to go back where they came from crosses the line. I feel like we are all looking at a dog and y’all are insisting it’s a cat.

How do you explain the many Trump friends and allies including many of his defenders on conservative media that have come forward to call the statement racist? Why would they do that?
I'm really not sure exactly what this is.

If I absolutely had to bet, I think his relationship with people exists within the context of "how they can help me". The classic Narcissistic Personality Disorder. So I'm not quite sold on the notion that he judges people that much by their skin color.

I think it's possible that all he's doing is his standard talk radio play-to-the-base routine. All he has cared about from Day One was pleasing his base, and his thought processes, statements and policies have all been 100% talk radio friendly. So he just parrots the line. Even something this stupid and ignorant.

If that happens to be true, I think his problems may lay even deeper than simple racism.
This is an absolute joke. Trump tells them if they don't like America, leave and they are all offended. They call him a motherfucker and the house liberals are silent.

I really have reached the point that I flat out don't give a fuck about the fucking snowflake liberals in this country.
You’re not being honest. Trump told brown and black people to go back to where they came from.... I don’t see how you can defend that.

I am one of those brown people. President Trump wasn't talking to me. I've experienced plenty of racism in my life and I can promise you it usually came from people of your ilk. Only a racist plays the race card.
I didn’t say he was talking to you or all. Town people. I don’t think he is a blanket racist. He targets his opponents and goes after them with whatever he can. In this case he resorted to racist attacks on the Squad and now his puppets are chanting “send her back” at his rally. It’s a sad and pathetic time in our politics.

I know what racism looks like up close and personal and it's pretty f'ing ugly. If I had a dollar for every racist comment made to me back in the 70's I'd be a millionaire. Nothing Trump said was racist. You're watering down to word "racist" to the point where it means nothing. It's pretty sad actually what Liberals are doing.
That has been done to trump a lot over the years and I agree the race card has been way overused, but in this case I disagree. His comment telling American citizens to go back where they came from crosses the line. I feel like we are all looking at a dog and y’all are insisting it’s a cat.

How do you explain the many Trump friends and allies including many of his defenders on conservative media that have come forward to call the statement racist? Why would they do that?
It was stupid and divisive.

But not racist.
You’re not being honest. Trump told brown and black people to go back to where they came from.... I don’t see how you can defend that.

I am one of those brown people. President Trump wasn't talking to me. I've experienced plenty of racism in my life and I can promise you it usually came from people of your ilk. Only a racist plays the race card.
I didn’t say he was talking to you or all. Town people. I don’t think he is a blanket racist. He targets his opponents and goes after them with whatever he can. In this case he resorted to racist attacks on the Squad and now his puppets are chanting “send her back” at his rally. It’s a sad and pathetic time in our politics.

I know what racism looks like up close and personal and it's pretty f'ing ugly. If I had a dollar for every racist comment made to me back in the 70's I'd be a millionaire. Nothing Trump said was racist. You're watering down to word "racist" to the point where it means nothing. It's pretty sad actually what Liberals are doing.
That has been done to trump a lot over the years and I agree the race card has been way overused, but in this case I disagree. His comment telling American citizens to go back where they came from crosses the line. I feel like we are all looking at a dog and y’all are insisting it’s a cat.

How do you explain the many Trump friends and allies including many of his defenders on conservative media that have come forward to call the statement racist? Why would they do that?
I'm really not sure exactly what this is.

If I absolutely had to bet, I think his relationship with people exists within the context of "how they can help me". The classic Narcissistic Personality Disorder. So I'm not quite sold on the notion that he judges people that much by their skin color.

I think it's possible that all he's doing is his standard talk radio play-to-the-base routine. All he has cared about from Day One was pleasing his base, and his thought processes, statements and policies have all been 100% talk radio friendly. So he just parrots the line. Even something this stupid and ignorant.

If that happens to be true, I think his problems may lay even deeper than simple racism.
Agreed and I’m not even trying to get into the heart and mind of Trump... I’m just making the simple statement that his words and how he used them were racist and wrong.
You’re not being honest. Trump told brown and black people to go back to where they came from.... I don’t see how you can defend that.

I am one of those brown people. President Trump wasn't talking to me. I've experienced plenty of racism in my life and I can promise you it usually came from people of your ilk. Only a racist plays the race card.
I didn’t say he was talking to you or all. Town people. I don’t think he is a blanket racist. He targets his opponents and goes after them with whatever he can. In this case he resorted to racist attacks on the Squad and now his puppets are chanting “send her back” at his rally. It’s a sad and pathetic time in our politics.

I know what racism looks like up close and personal and it's pretty f'ing ugly. If I had a dollar for every racist comment made to me back in the 70's I'd be a millionaire. Nothing Trump said was racist. You're watering down to word "racist" to the point where it means nothing. It's pretty sad actually what Liberals are doing.
That has been done to trump a lot over the years and I agree the race card has been way overused, but in this case I disagree. His comment telling American citizens to go back where they came from crosses the line. I feel like we are all looking at a dog and y’all are insisting it’s a cat.

How do you explain the many Trump friends and allies including many of his defenders on conservative media that have come forward to call the statement racist? Why would they do that?
It was stupid and divisive.

But not racist.
Would you consider it racist if somebody who didn’t like Michelle Obama called her a monkey?
I am one of those brown people. President Trump wasn't talking to me. I've experienced plenty of racism in my life and I can promise you it usually came from people of your ilk. Only a racist plays the race card.
I didn’t say he was talking to you or all. Town people. I don’t think he is a blanket racist. He targets his opponents and goes after them with whatever he can. In this case he resorted to racist attacks on the Squad and now his puppets are chanting “send her back” at his rally. It’s a sad and pathetic time in our politics.

I know what racism looks like up close and personal and it's pretty f'ing ugly. If I had a dollar for every racist comment made to me back in the 70's I'd be a millionaire. Nothing Trump said was racist. You're watering down to word "racist" to the point where it means nothing. It's pretty sad actually what Liberals are doing.
That has been done to trump a lot over the years and I agree the race card has been way overused, but in this case I disagree. His comment telling American citizens to go back where they came from crosses the line. I feel like we are all looking at a dog and y’all are insisting it’s a cat.

How do you explain the many Trump friends and allies including many of his defenders on conservative media that have come forward to call the statement racist? Why would they do that?
I'm really not sure exactly what this is.

If I absolutely had to bet, I think his relationship with people exists within the context of "how they can help me". The classic Narcissistic Personality Disorder. So I'm not quite sold on the notion that he judges people that much by their skin color.

I think it's possible that all he's doing is his standard talk radio play-to-the-base routine. All he has cared about from Day One was pleasing his base, and his thought processes, statements and policies have all been 100% talk radio friendly. So he just parrots the line. Even something this stupid and ignorant.

If that happens to be true, I think his problems may lay even deeper than simple racism.
Agreed and I’m not even trying to get into the heart and mind of Trump... I’m just making the simple statement that his words and how he used them were racist and wrong.
I'm sure this isn't good, but I've kinda become numb to it. I'm freakin' disconnected or something.

I hope that, whether it's in 2020 or 2024, the next person holding the office will be dignified, respectful, articulate, presidential. We can come back from this.
I didn’t say he was talking to you or all. Town people. I don’t think he is a blanket racist. He targets his opponents and goes after them with whatever he can. In this case he resorted to racist attacks on the Squad and now his puppets are chanting “send her back” at his rally. It’s a sad and pathetic time in our politics.

I know what racism looks like up close and personal and it's pretty f'ing ugly. If I had a dollar for every racist comment made to me back in the 70's I'd be a millionaire. Nothing Trump said was racist. You're watering down to word "racist" to the point where it means nothing. It's pretty sad actually what Liberals are doing.
That has been done to trump a lot over the years and I agree the race card has been way overused, but in this case I disagree. His comment telling American citizens to go back where they came from crosses the line. I feel like we are all looking at a dog and y’all are insisting it’s a cat.

How do you explain the many Trump friends and allies including many of his defenders on conservative media that have come forward to call the statement racist? Why would they do that?
I'm really not sure exactly what this is.

If I absolutely had to bet, I think his relationship with people exists within the context of "how they can help me". The classic Narcissistic Personality Disorder. So I'm not quite sold on the notion that he judges people that much by their skin color.

I think it's possible that all he's doing is his standard talk radio play-to-the-base routine. All he has cared about from Day One was pleasing his base, and his thought processes, statements and policies have all been 100% talk radio friendly. So he just parrots the line. Even something this stupid and ignorant.

If that happens to be true, I think his problems may lay even deeper than simple racism.
Agreed and I’m not even trying to get into the heart and mind of Trump... I’m just making the simple statement that his words and how he used them were racist and wrong.
I'm sure this isn't good, but I've kinda become numb to it. I'm freakin' disconnected or something.

I hope that, whether it's in 2020 or 2024, the next person holding the office will be dignified, respectful, articulate, presidential. We can come back from this.
Those used to be common America values but somehow we got stuck in an episode of the Real housewives.
Look at a photo blind as a bat-and you are stupid if you think they are noble-they just held up money to help kids. And your grow a pair comment sounds like projection from an emasculated individual. And people of color is bull shit-they are Palestinian, Puerto Rican, Somalian, and a black white mixture.
Yes, those are people of color dumbass.
We all have color, you dolt-they are nothing special so I will not honor them with a made up moniker-instead I'll use your term-they are all colored women.
No shit Sherlock, it’s not a literal term it’s an expression. If you are that uneducated that you don’t understand what it means then I really have no interest in explaining it to you.
No I see thru their agenda and your fascination with them.
If you think you see through something then display an understanding of it and then present a smart counter argument. Playing dumb just makes you sound dumb
Is that your go to argument-name calling? I thought you were smart enough to know this- their agenda is power. Your weakness is believing their crap. And if you think my words are dumb don't bother responding-I won't.

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