Tlaib calls the president a "motherf*cker" where is the house condemnation?

Look up what troll means youngster you use the term incorrectly just as you mis used the term racist and had to lie about it
I know what it means. Perhaps you don’t recognize yourself doing it, some people are quick to criticize others but can’t see their own actions. You engage in thoughtless insults, avoid questions, and seem to only want to aggravate and provoke. That’s trolling and that’s exactly what you’ve done in the thread. You started out well and made some good points but you’ve devolved to trollsville.
No it is not what a troll is

You are as wrong about that as you are about the tweet which was not racist

Both of those facts are proven.

You lost the argument and you know it.

But a troll acts like you and refuses to admit it like an adult

A troll vomits shit like " if you can't see it there is nothing I can do for you ".

Your words

What you meant is that you were outclassed , proven wrong and exposed as an outright liar

You are the troll and the proven lying weasel

Grow the fuck up you are pathetic
Really? A troll is saying “if you can’t see it there’s nothing I can do for you” that’s the harshest statement of mine you can find to call out as troll talk?! Haha. Ok buddy whatever floats your boat.

Meanwhile, you’ve avoided answering my questions, mischaracterized the things I’ve said, and ditching the discussion topic all together to try and rub in my face some sense of victory you have with obvious intent to aggravate. That is the exact definition of trolling. Look in the mirror man and grow up
Trolls are not defined by harshness
I have mischarcterized nothing

I ditched nothing

I proved you wrong and absolutely wrong and with absolute facts.

You know this true

But continue to lie proving what you are
Not even close... I and many others read Trumps tweet as racist and I explained why. You and many others don’t see it as racist and you explained why. There was no absolute proof from either side, just a sharing of perspectives. This is why your fake victory is a joke and a display of your trolling. You ditched the conversation when you avoided answering my many questions and resorted to what now is probably over a dozen posts of you calling me a liar and repeating your idiotic victory speech. What you’ve been doing fits the definition of trolling which I’ll post below... now go to bed. You’re done

In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community(such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion,[3] whether for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.
Is it possible that since race was NEVER mentioned by trump he didn't care about race but their position on issues or what he felt was a lack of focus on a traditional America?

If you feel and believe you are being mischaracterized, it may be true. But you simply don't seem to be open to the option you may be mischaracterizing what trump said.
No it is not what a troll is

You are as wrong about that as you are about the tweet which was not racist

Both of those facts are proven.

You lost the argument and you know it.

But a troll acts like you and refuses to admit it like an adult

A troll vomits shit like " if you can't see it there is nothing I can do for you ".

Your words

What you meant is that you were outclassed , proven wrong and exposed as an outright liar

You are the troll and the proven lying weasel

Grow the fuck up you are pathetic
Really? A troll is saying “if you can’t see it there’s nothing I can do for you” that’s the harshest statement of mine you can find to call out as troll talk?! Haha. Ok buddy whatever floats your boat.

Meanwhile, you’ve avoided answering my questions, mischaracterized the things I’ve said, and ditching the discussion topic all together to try and rub in my face some sense of victory you have with obvious intent to aggravate. That is the exact definition of trolling. Look in the mirror man and grow up
Trolls are not defined by harshness
I have mischarcterized nothing

I ditched nothing

I proved you wrong and absolutely wrong and with absolute facts.

You know this true

But continue to lie proving what you are
Not even close... I and many others read Trumps tweet as racist and I explained why. You and many others don’t see it as racist and you explained why. There was no absolute proof from either side, just a sharing of perspectives. This is why your fake victory is a joke and a display of your trolling. You ditched the conversation when you avoided answering my many questions and resorted to what now is probably over a dozen posts of you calling me a liar and repeating your idiotic victory speech. What you’ve been doing fits the definition of trolling which I’ll post below... now go to bed. You’re done

In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community(such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion,[3] whether for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.
Yes and that definition is all you

You read nothing as racist you lied about it being racist
You have no way of knowing my perspective and you don’t seem interested in listening, you’re just gonna pass judgement that I’m lying because I hate Trump, which isn’t even true. You’re gonna ignore the fact that Trumps friends like The Mooch who spends most his time on cable news defending Trump, has come out and called the comments racist. So no it’s not a made up lie by Trump haters. There is a real perspective out there that believes what trumps said was wrong and racist. You should close your mouth more and open your ears. You don’t have to agree but perhaps you can learn something about how others think
Facts do not change with perspective

The facts prove without question it was not racist.

People tried that same stunt with the fiasco over the Covington Catholic kids

The facts proved them wrong as well

There is no perspective seeing his tweet as racist just as there is no perspective seeing the earth as flat.

You sir are a disgusting liar when you call it racist and that has been proven
I know what it means. Perhaps you don’t recognize yourself doing it, some people are quick to criticize others but can’t see their own actions. You engage in thoughtless insults, avoid questions, and seem to only want to aggravate and provoke. That’s trolling and that’s exactly what you’ve done in the thread. You started out well and made some good points but you’ve devolved to trollsville.
No it is not what a troll is

You are as wrong about that as you are about the tweet which was not racist

Both of those facts are proven.

You lost the argument and you know it.

But a troll acts like you and refuses to admit it like an adult

A troll vomits shit like " if you can't see it there is nothing I can do for you ".

Your words

What you meant is that you were outclassed , proven wrong and exposed as an outright liar

You are the troll and the proven lying weasel

Grow the fuck up you are pathetic
Really? A troll is saying “if you can’t see it there’s nothing I can do for you” that’s the harshest statement of mine you can find to call out as troll talk?! Haha. Ok buddy whatever floats your boat.

Meanwhile, you’ve avoided answering my questions, mischaracterized the things I’ve said, and ditching the discussion topic all together to try and rub in my face some sense of victory you have with obvious intent to aggravate. That is the exact definition of trolling. Look in the mirror man and grow up
Trolls are not defined by harshness
I have mischarcterized nothing

I ditched nothing

I proved you wrong and absolutely wrong and with absolute facts.

You know this true

But continue to lie proving what you are
Not even close... I and many others read Trumps tweet as racist and I explained why. You and many others don’t see it as racist and you explained why. There was no absolute proof from either side, just a sharing of perspectives. This is why your fake victory is a joke and a display of your trolling. You ditched the conversation when you avoided answering my many questions and resorted to what now is probably over a dozen posts of you calling me a liar and repeating your idiotic victory speech. What you’ve been doing fits the definition of trolling which I’ll post below... now go to bed. You’re done

In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community(such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion,[3] whether for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.
Is it possible that since race was NEVER mentioned by trump he didn't care about race but their position on issues or what he felt was a lack of focus on a traditional America?

If you feel and believe you are being mischaracterized, it may be true. But you simply don't seem to be open to the option you may be mischaracterizing what trump said.
I agree that he was attacking them personally because they are his political opponents and he doesn’t like the positions they take. But the language and manner of attack was racial in nature. That’s why I brought up the Africa and Monkey questions. Neither of those statement specifically mention race but they are racist statements based on decades of degradation and use against blacks.

Call a black person a monkey you aren’t saying race but your being racist. Tell a black American to go back to Africa that is racist. Trumps statement was along those lines which is why I and many others see it as racist.

He may not be racist, I actually don’t think he is, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t capable of making racist and offensive comments. As POTUS he needs to be called out on that shit as all Americans should find it unacceptable IMO.
Really? A troll is saying “if you can’t see it there’s nothing I can do for you” that’s the harshest statement of mine you can find to call out as troll talk?! Haha. Ok buddy whatever floats your boat.

Meanwhile, you’ve avoided answering my questions, mischaracterized the things I’ve said, and ditching the discussion topic all together to try and rub in my face some sense of victory you have with obvious intent to aggravate. That is the exact definition of trolling. Look in the mirror man and grow up
Trolls are not defined by harshness
I have mischarcterized nothing

I ditched nothing

I proved you wrong and absolutely wrong and with absolute facts.

You know this true

But continue to lie proving what you are
Not even close... I and many others read Trumps tweet as racist and I explained why. You and many others don’t see it as racist and you explained why. There was no absolute proof from either side, just a sharing of perspectives. This is why your fake victory is a joke and a display of your trolling. You ditched the conversation when you avoided answering my many questions and resorted to what now is probably over a dozen posts of you calling me a liar and repeating your idiotic victory speech. What you’ve been doing fits the definition of trolling which I’ll post below... now go to bed. You’re done

In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community(such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion,[3] whether for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.
Yes and that definition is all you

You read nothing as racist you lied about it being racist
You have no way of knowing my perspective and you don’t seem interested in listening, you’re just gonna pass judgement that I’m lying because I hate Trump, which isn’t even true. You’re gonna ignore the fact that Trumps friends like The Mooch who spends most his time on cable news defending Trump, has come out and called the comments racist. So no it’s not a made up lie by Trump haters. There is a real perspective out there that believes what trumps said was wrong and racist. You should close your mouth more and open your ears. You don’t have to agree but perhaps you can learn something about how others think
Facts do not change with perspective

The facts prove without question it was not racist.

People tried that same stunt with the fiasco over the Covington Catholic kids

The facts proved them wrong as well

There is no perspective seeing his tweet as racist just as there is no perspective seeing the earth as flat.

You sir are a disgusting liar when you call it racist and that has been proven
You are literally trolling again. I just explained AGAIN why I see it as racist. It’s not a lie and it’s not made up, it is real and it is explained. But go ahead and keep trolling. I stopped taking you seriously pages ago.
No it is not what a troll is

You are as wrong about that as you are about the tweet which was not racist

Both of those facts are proven.

You lost the argument and you know it.

But a troll acts like you and refuses to admit it like an adult

A troll vomits shit like " if you can't see it there is nothing I can do for you ".

Your words

What you meant is that you were outclassed , proven wrong and exposed as an outright liar

You are the troll and the proven lying weasel

Grow the fuck up you are pathetic
Really? A troll is saying “if you can’t see it there’s nothing I can do for you” that’s the harshest statement of mine you can find to call out as troll talk?! Haha. Ok buddy whatever floats your boat.

Meanwhile, you’ve avoided answering my questions, mischaracterized the things I’ve said, and ditching the discussion topic all together to try and rub in my face some sense of victory you have with obvious intent to aggravate. That is the exact definition of trolling. Look in the mirror man and grow up
Trolls are not defined by harshness
I have mischarcterized nothing

I ditched nothing

I proved you wrong and absolutely wrong and with absolute facts.

You know this true

But continue to lie proving what you are
Not even close... I and many others read Trumps tweet as racist and I explained why. You and many others don’t see it as racist and you explained why. There was no absolute proof from either side, just a sharing of perspectives. This is why your fake victory is a joke and a display of your trolling. You ditched the conversation when you avoided answering my many questions and resorted to what now is probably over a dozen posts of you calling me a liar and repeating your idiotic victory speech. What you’ve been doing fits the definition of trolling which I’ll post below... now go to bed. You’re done

In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community(such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion,[3] whether for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.
Is it possible that since race was NEVER mentioned by trump he didn't care about race but their position on issues or what he felt was a lack of focus on a traditional America?

If you feel and believe you are being mischaracterized, it may be true. But you simply don't seem to be open to the option you may be mischaracterizing what trump said.
I agree that he was attacking them personally because they are his political opponents and he doesn’t like the positions they take. But the language and manner of attack was racial in nature. That’s why I brought up the Africa and Monkey questions. Neither of those statement specifically mention race but they are racist statements based on decades of degradation and use against blacks.

Call a black person a monkey you aren’t saying race but your being racist. Tell a black American to go back to Africa that is racist. Trumps statement was along those lines which is why I and many others see it as racist.

He may not be racist, I actually don’t think he is, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t capable of making racist and offensive comments. As POTUS he needs to be called out on that shit as all Americans should find it unacceptable IMO.
The language was not the least bit racial

He made no mention of race he did not even infer race.

Insults do not become racial based on who they are directed at

He told no one to go back to Africa and his words were not along those lines

It is a stupid progressive lie to call it racist
Trolls are not defined by harshness
I have mischarcterized nothing

I ditched nothing

I proved you wrong and absolutely wrong and with absolute facts.

You know this true

But continue to lie proving what you are
Not even close... I and many others read Trumps tweet as racist and I explained why. You and many others don’t see it as racist and you explained why. There was no absolute proof from either side, just a sharing of perspectives. This is why your fake victory is a joke and a display of your trolling. You ditched the conversation when you avoided answering my many questions and resorted to what now is probably over a dozen posts of you calling me a liar and repeating your idiotic victory speech. What you’ve been doing fits the definition of trolling which I’ll post below... now go to bed. You’re done

In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community(such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion,[3] whether for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.
Yes and that definition is all you

You read nothing as racist you lied about it being racist
You have no way of knowing my perspective and you don’t seem interested in listening, you’re just gonna pass judgement that I’m lying because I hate Trump, which isn’t even true. You’re gonna ignore the fact that Trumps friends like The Mooch who spends most his time on cable news defending Trump, has come out and called the comments racist. So no it’s not a made up lie by Trump haters. There is a real perspective out there that believes what trumps said was wrong and racist. You should close your mouth more and open your ears. You don’t have to agree but perhaps you can learn something about how others think
Facts do not change with perspective

The facts prove without question it was not racist.

People tried that same stunt with the fiasco over the Covington Catholic kids

The facts proved them wrong as well

There is no perspective seeing his tweet as racist just as there is no perspective seeing the earth as flat.

You sir are a disgusting liar when you call it racist and that has been proven
You are literally trolling again. I just explained AGAIN why I see it as racist. It’s not a lie and it’s not made up, it is real and it is explained. But go ahead and keep trolling. I stopped taking you seriously pages ago.
You are lying .
We have settled this and proven that you lied

That makes you the troll
Not even close... I and many others read Trumps tweet as racist and I explained why. You and many others don’t see it as racist and you explained why. There was no absolute proof from either side, just a sharing of perspectives. This is why your fake victory is a joke and a display of your trolling. You ditched the conversation when you avoided answering my many questions and resorted to what now is probably over a dozen posts of you calling me a liar and repeating your idiotic victory speech. What you’ve been doing fits the definition of trolling which I’ll post below... now go to bed. You’re done

In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community(such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion,[3] whether for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.
Yes and that definition is all you

You read nothing as racist you lied about it being racist
You have no way of knowing my perspective and you don’t seem interested in listening, you’re just gonna pass judgement that I’m lying because I hate Trump, which isn’t even true. You’re gonna ignore the fact that Trumps friends like The Mooch who spends most his time on cable news defending Trump, has come out and called the comments racist. So no it’s not a made up lie by Trump haters. There is a real perspective out there that believes what trumps said was wrong and racist. You should close your mouth more and open your ears. You don’t have to agree but perhaps you can learn something about how others think
Facts do not change with perspective

The facts prove without question it was not racist.

People tried that same stunt with the fiasco over the Covington Catholic kids

The facts proved them wrong as well

There is no perspective seeing his tweet as racist just as there is no perspective seeing the earth as flat.

You sir are a disgusting liar when you call it racist and that has been proven
You are literally trolling again. I just explained AGAIN why I see it as racist. It’s not a lie and it’s not made up, it is real and it is explained. But go ahead and keep trolling. I stopped taking you seriously pages ago.
You are lying .
We have settled this and proven that you lied

That makes you the troll
If this is settled and over then why are you still talking?! I make points and you say, No liar!! I could do the same thing with everything you say but I’m not a troll so I’m not going to do that. Go to bed. Take the victory, I really don’t give a shit. Whatever you need to feel superior.
No it is not what a troll is

You are as wrong about that as you are about the tweet which was not racist

Both of those facts are proven.

You lost the argument and you know it.

But a troll acts like you and refuses to admit it like an adult

A troll vomits shit like " if you can't see it there is nothing I can do for you ".

Your words

What you meant is that you were outclassed , proven wrong and exposed as an outright liar

You are the troll and the proven lying weasel

Grow the fuck up you are pathetic
Really? A troll is saying “if you can’t see it there’s nothing I can do for you” that’s the harshest statement of mine you can find to call out as troll talk?! Haha. Ok buddy whatever floats your boat.

Meanwhile, you’ve avoided answering my questions, mischaracterized the things I’ve said, and ditching the discussion topic all together to try and rub in my face some sense of victory you have with obvious intent to aggravate. That is the exact definition of trolling. Look in the mirror man and grow up
Trolls are not defined by harshness
I have mischarcterized nothing

I ditched nothing

I proved you wrong and absolutely wrong and with absolute facts.

You know this true

But continue to lie proving what you are
Not even close... I and many others read Trumps tweet as racist and I explained why. You and many others don’t see it as racist and you explained why. There was no absolute proof from either side, just a sharing of perspectives. This is why your fake victory is a joke and a display of your trolling. You ditched the conversation when you avoided answering my many questions and resorted to what now is probably over a dozen posts of you calling me a liar and repeating your idiotic victory speech. What you’ve been doing fits the definition of trolling which I’ll post below... now go to bed. You’re done

In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community(such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion,[3] whether for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.
Is it possible that since race was NEVER mentioned by trump he didn't care about race but their position on issues or what he felt was a lack of focus on a traditional America?

If you feel and believe you are being mischaracterized, it may be true. But you simply don't seem to be open to the option you may be mischaracterizing what trump said.
I agree that he was attacking them personally because they are his political opponents and he doesn’t like the positions they take. But the language and manner of attack was racial in nature. That’s why I brought up the Africa and Monkey questions. Neither of those statement specifically mention race but they are racist statements based on decades of degradation and use against blacks.

Call a black person a monkey you aren’t saying race but your being racist. Tell a black American to go back to Africa that is racist. Trumps statement was along those lines which is why I and many others see it as racist.

He may not be racist, I actually don’t think he is, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t capable of making racist and offensive comments. As POTUS he needs to be called out on that shit as all Americans should find it unacceptable IMO.
The Real Story Behind H&M's Racist Monkey Sweatshirt

The black mother of this black child was mad at everyone for the protests because she did NOT find it racist.

The problem I see is you are defaulting to a word = racism EVERY Time and it simply does not.

If a group of children from all races are playing on monkey bars and a black AND white person both say "look at those monkies!" who is being racist?

We have outlawed many potentially racist words and actions from white people to ever say because it COULD be racist.

Far as i know no other race has these social restrictions. Isn't that racist against whites?

Trouble is the left keeps making EVERYTHING racist and it simply devalues the meaning.

So the comment of" Michelle Obama is a monkey" COULD be racist but I will never let COULD be 100% all inclusive.

In my mind that is what you are doing. What trump said COULD be racist but not based ONLY on what he said in this instance.

And why is the OK symbol now a racist gesture?

See what I mean?
Really? A troll is saying “if you can’t see it there’s nothing I can do for you” that’s the harshest statement of mine you can find to call out as troll talk?! Haha. Ok buddy whatever floats your boat.

Meanwhile, you’ve avoided answering my questions, mischaracterized the things I’ve said, and ditching the discussion topic all together to try and rub in my face some sense of victory you have with obvious intent to aggravate. That is the exact definition of trolling. Look in the mirror man and grow up
Trolls are not defined by harshness
I have mischarcterized nothing

I ditched nothing

I proved you wrong and absolutely wrong and with absolute facts.

You know this true

But continue to lie proving what you are
Not even close... I and many others read Trumps tweet as racist and I explained why. You and many others don’t see it as racist and you explained why. There was no absolute proof from either side, just a sharing of perspectives. This is why your fake victory is a joke and a display of your trolling. You ditched the conversation when you avoided answering my many questions and resorted to what now is probably over a dozen posts of you calling me a liar and repeating your idiotic victory speech. What you’ve been doing fits the definition of trolling which I’ll post below... now go to bed. You’re done

In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community(such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion,[3] whether for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.
Is it possible that since race was NEVER mentioned by trump he didn't care about race but their position on issues or what he felt was a lack of focus on a traditional America?

If you feel and believe you are being mischaracterized, it may be true. But you simply don't seem to be open to the option you may be mischaracterizing what trump said.
I agree that he was attacking them personally because they are his political opponents and he doesn’t like the positions they take. But the language and manner of attack was racial in nature. That’s why I brought up the Africa and Monkey questions. Neither of those statement specifically mention race but they are racist statements based on decades of degradation and use against blacks.

Call a black person a monkey you aren’t saying race but your being racist. Tell a black American to go back to Africa that is racist. Trumps statement was along those lines which is why I and many others see it as racist.

He may not be racist, I actually don’t think he is, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t capable of making racist and offensive comments. As POTUS he needs to be called out on that shit as all Americans should find it unacceptable IMO.
The Real Story Behind H&M's Racist Monkey Sweatshirt

The black mother of this black child was mad at everyone for the protests because she did NOT find it racist.

The problem I see is you are defaulting to a word = racism EVERY Time and it simply does not.

If a group of children from all races are playing on monkey bars and a black AND white person both say "look at those monkies!" who is being racist?

We have outlawed many potentially racist words and actions from white people to ever say because it COULD be racist.

Far as i know no other race has these social restrictions. Isn't that racist against whites?

Trouble is the left keeps making EVERYTHING racist and it simply devalues the meaning.

So the comment of" Michelle Obama is a monkey" COULD be racist but I will never let COULD be 100% all inclusive.

In my mind that is what you are doing. What trump said COULD be racist but not based ONLY on what he said in this instance.

And why is the OK symbol now a racist gesture?

See what I mean?
Yes, I totally agree with you. We are over sensitive and context matters. Calling a black kid a little monkey in a playful way I wouldn’t take as racist although I bet many would. I’d also try and choose better words to use given the historical context of the phrase. Madonna is going through backlash for taking photos of her black kids with watermelon. Same kind of thing... don’t think she is racist but she could have thought it through a bit better.

But with that said, context does matter and that’s why I’m taking Trumps comments the way I am. He wasn’t being playful he was being pointed and attacking and denigrating. He told 3 naturally born Americans to go back to the shitty broken countries they came from. That’s right there with the Africa comment in my eyes. They just weren’t all “from” Africa only two of them were.

We now see the aftermath, a crowd of people chanting “send her back” at a rally. How disgusting is that?! I just think it is sick what Trump is doing to this country. He is our leader. He should be cooling the jets on this type of hate and division, not fanning the flames. Some
Very valid arguments can be mad against the views of the Squad. It didn’t need to go where Trump took it.

I don’t want you to think I’m ignoring your POV, I understand your frustration with over use of the race card. I’ve called it out often in the past, I just genuinely think that this situation is different.
Trolls are not defined by harshness
I have mischarcterized nothing

I ditched nothing

I proved you wrong and absolutely wrong and with absolute facts.

You know this true

But continue to lie proving what you are
Not even close... I and many others read Trumps tweet as racist and I explained why. You and many others don’t see it as racist and you explained why. There was no absolute proof from either side, just a sharing of perspectives. This is why your fake victory is a joke and a display of your trolling. You ditched the conversation when you avoided answering my many questions and resorted to what now is probably over a dozen posts of you calling me a liar and repeating your idiotic victory speech. What you’ve been doing fits the definition of trolling which I’ll post below... now go to bed. You’re done

In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community(such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion,[3] whether for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.
Is it possible that since race was NEVER mentioned by trump he didn't care about race but their position on issues or what he felt was a lack of focus on a traditional America?

If you feel and believe you are being mischaracterized, it may be true. But you simply don't seem to be open to the option you may be mischaracterizing what trump said.
I agree that he was attacking them personally because they are his political opponents and he doesn’t like the positions they take. But the language and manner of attack was racial in nature. That’s why I brought up the Africa and Monkey questions. Neither of those statement specifically mention race but they are racist statements based on decades of degradation and use against blacks.

Call a black person a monkey you aren’t saying race but your being racist. Tell a black American to go back to Africa that is racist. Trumps statement was along those lines which is why I and many others see it as racist.

He may not be racist, I actually don’t think he is, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t capable of making racist and offensive comments. As POTUS he needs to be called out on that shit as all Americans should find it unacceptable IMO.
The Real Story Behind H&M's Racist Monkey Sweatshirt

The black mother of this black child was mad at everyone for the protests because she did NOT find it racist.

The problem I see is you are defaulting to a word = racism EVERY Time and it simply does not.

If a group of children from all races are playing on monkey bars and a black AND white person both say "look at those monkies!" who is being racist?

We have outlawed many potentially racist words and actions from white people to ever say because it COULD be racist.

Far as i know no other race has these social restrictions. Isn't that racist against whites?

Trouble is the left keeps making EVERYTHING racist and it simply devalues the meaning.

So the comment of" Michelle Obama is a monkey" COULD be racist but I will never let COULD be 100% all inclusive.

In my mind that is what you are doing. What trump said COULD be racist but not based ONLY on what he said in this instance.

And why is the OK symbol now a racist gesture?

See what I mean?
Yes, I totally agree with you. We are over sensitive and context matters. Calling a black kid a little monkey in a playful way I wouldn’t take as racist although I bet many would. I’d also try and choose better words to use given the historical context of the phrase. Madonna is going through backlash for taking photos of her black kids with watermelon. Same kind of thing... don’t think she is racist but she could have thought it through a bit better.

But with that said, context does matter and that’s why I’m taking Trumps comments the way I am. He wasn’t being playful he was being pointed and attacking and denigrating. He told 3 naturally born Americans to go back to the shitty broken countries they came from. That’s right there with the Africa comment in my eyes. They just weren’t all “from” Africa only two of them were.

We now see the aftermath, a crowd of people chanting “send her back” at a rally. How disgusting is that?! I just think it is sick what Trump is doing to this country. He is our leader. He should be cooling the jets on this type of hate and division, not fanning the flames. Some
Very valid arguments can be mad against the views of the Squad. It didn’t need to go where Trump took it.

I don’t want you to think I’m ignoring your POV, I understand your frustration with over use of the race card. I’ve called it out often in the past, I just genuinely think that this situation is different.
We shouldn't have to live our lives under worry some overly sensitive asshole will get mad. It's gone way too far and puts people on eggshells they can predict.

Name any other race that has to be so "careful" in what words they use.

And trump just made the gang of 4, who NEVER get called out for the shit they say, the face of the democratic party.

I believe that was his goal, not racism.

And again, Trump never said go back to Africa now did he? You are putting that word on him.
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Not even close... I and many others read Trumps tweet as racist and I explained why. You and many others don’t see it as racist and you explained why. There was no absolute proof from either side, just a sharing of perspectives. This is why your fake victory is a joke and a display of your trolling. You ditched the conversation when you avoided answering my many questions and resorted to what now is probably over a dozen posts of you calling me a liar and repeating your idiotic victory speech. What you’ve been doing fits the definition of trolling which I’ll post below... now go to bed. You’re done

In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community(such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion,[3] whether for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.
Is it possible that since race was NEVER mentioned by trump he didn't care about race but their position on issues or what he felt was a lack of focus on a traditional America?

If you feel and believe you are being mischaracterized, it may be true. But you simply don't seem to be open to the option you may be mischaracterizing what trump said.
I agree that he was attacking them personally because they are his political opponents and he doesn’t like the positions they take. But the language and manner of attack was racial in nature. That’s why I brought up the Africa and Monkey questions. Neither of those statement specifically mention race but they are racist statements based on decades of degradation and use against blacks.

Call a black person a monkey you aren’t saying race but your being racist. Tell a black American to go back to Africa that is racist. Trumps statement was along those lines which is why I and many others see it as racist.

He may not be racist, I actually don’t think he is, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t capable of making racist and offensive comments. As POTUS he needs to be called out on that shit as all Americans should find it unacceptable IMO.
The Real Story Behind H&M's Racist Monkey Sweatshirt

The black mother of this black child was mad at everyone for the protests because she did NOT find it racist.

The problem I see is you are defaulting to a word = racism EVERY Time and it simply does not.

If a group of children from all races are playing on monkey bars and a black AND white person both say "look at those monkies!" who is being racist?

We have outlawed many potentially racist words and actions from white people to ever say because it COULD be racist.

Far as i know no other race has these social restrictions. Isn't that racist against whites?

Trouble is the left keeps making EVERYTHING racist and it simply devalues the meaning.

So the comment of" Michelle Obama is a monkey" COULD be racist but I will never let COULD be 100% all inclusive.

In my mind that is what you are doing. What trump said COULD be racist but not based ONLY on what he said in this instance.

And why is the OK symbol now a racist gesture?

See what I mean?
Yes, I totally agree with you. We are over sensitive and context matters. Calling a black kid a little monkey in a playful way I wouldn’t take as racist although I bet many would. I’d also try and choose better words to use given the historical context of the phrase. Madonna is going through backlash for taking photos of her black kids with watermelon. Same kind of thing... don’t think she is racist but she could have thought it through a bit better.

But with that said, context does matter and that’s why I’m taking Trumps comments the way I am. He wasn’t being playful he was being pointed and attacking and denigrating. He told 3 naturally born Americans to go back to the shitty broken countries they came from. That’s right there with the Africa comment in my eyes. They just weren’t all “from” Africa only two of them were.

We now see the aftermath, a crowd of people chanting “send her back” at a rally. How disgusting is that?! I just think it is sick what Trump is doing to this country. He is our leader. He should be cooling the jets on this type of hate and division, not fanning the flames. Some
Very valid arguments can be mad against the views of the Squad. It didn’t need to go where Trump took it.

I don’t want you to think I’m ignoring your POV, I understand your frustration with over use of the race card. I’ve called it out often in the past, I just genuinely think that this situation is different.
We shouldn't have to live our lives under worry some overly sensitive asshole will get mad.

It's gone way too far and puts people on eggshells they can predict.
This is true... but on the other hand we should also do our best to understand the plight of others. I am pretty close friends with a lesbian couple. We were getting drinks the other day and talking about their future. They want to have a baby in the next year or two at which time they plan to move away, I asked why and they explained that there are very few communities out there where they feel like a kid with gay parents would be accepted and it was the first time I really thought about the constant judgement and uncomfortable that these two amazing good hearted people deal with on a daily basis. Something most of us take advantage of. I know this is a little off topic but in regards to racism and all the feelings and struggles that go along with it I imagine there are similar story’s that our minorities share. As a result I’m always going to error on the side of caution and consideration
Talib referring publicly to The President and sounding like a pig fucking Street whore and expects to be protected by her gender and ethnicity. Roll with the punches
NOT mofo, dofo.





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Ah, I see where you're going here. Trump is Paul Maud'Dib, and the Dems are House Harkonnen.

Trump: "My own name is a killing word"

Well played sir

P.S. -- Frank Herbert was a great story writer. The Dune saga could have been a better movie franchise than Star Wars if it had been done properly. One of the big studios should consider giving it another try, perhaps with J.J. Abrams or Joss Whedon directing. The one from the 80s directed by David Lynch was a disaster, giving the starring role to Kyle MacLachlan as his first ever acting gig.

Edit: Shit, I just looked it up and saw that Dune is indeed being rebooted in a two-part movie, the first of which is scheduled for release in 2020. It's got an all-star cast, consisting of quite a few headliners from the recent Marvel & DC movies--Josh Brolin, Jason Momoa and Dave Bautista--and some great supporting actors such as Javier Barden (Academy Award for No Country for Old Men) and Oscar Isaac. The screenplay was written by Eric Wroth (Forest Gump (Academy Award for best screenplay), The Curious Case of Benjamin Button), and directed by
Denis Villeneuve (Sicaro, Arrival, Blade Runner 2049, and 3x winner of the Canadian Academy Award for Best Motion Picture). I'm excited for this, hopefully they don't screw it up!!
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Yes and that definition is all you

You read nothing as racist you lied about it being racist
You have no way of knowing my perspective and you don’t seem interested in listening, you’re just gonna pass judgement that I’m lying because I hate Trump, which isn’t even true. You’re gonna ignore the fact that Trumps friends like The Mooch who spends most his time on cable news defending Trump, has come out and called the comments racist. So no it’s not a made up lie by Trump haters. There is a real perspective out there that believes what trumps said was wrong and racist. You should close your mouth more and open your ears. You don’t have to agree but perhaps you can learn something about how others think
Facts do not change with perspective

The facts prove without question it was not racist.

People tried that same stunt with the fiasco over the Covington Catholic kids

The facts proved them wrong as well

There is no perspective seeing his tweet as racist just as there is no perspective seeing the earth as flat.

You sir are a disgusting liar when you call it racist and that has been proven
You are literally trolling again. I just explained AGAIN why I see it as racist. It’s not a lie and it’s not made up, it is real and it is explained. But go ahead and keep trolling. I stopped taking you seriously pages ago.
You are lying .
We have settled this and proven that you lied

That makes you the troll
If this is settled and over then why are you still talking?! I make points and you say, No liar!! I could do the same thing with everything you say but I’m not a troll so I’m not going to do that. Go to bed. Take the victory, I really don’t give a shit. Whatever you need to feel superior.
No you are still lying

You are gonna keep getting corrected your PC garbage is always gonna be corrcted.

I do not say liar ..I prove it

You know it and like a cry baby bitch you think repeating it endlessly saves face

It doesn't
You have no way of knowing my perspective and you don’t seem interested in listening, you’re just gonna pass judgement that I’m lying because I hate Trump, which isn’t even true. You’re gonna ignore the fact that Trumps friends like The Mooch who spends most his time on cable news defending Trump, has come out and called the comments racist. So no it’s not a made up lie by Trump haters. There is a real perspective out there that believes what trumps said was wrong and racist. You should close your mouth more and open your ears. You don’t have to agree but perhaps you can learn something about how others think
Facts do not change with perspective

The facts prove without question it was not racist.

People tried that same stunt with the fiasco over the Covington Catholic kids

The facts proved them wrong as well

There is no perspective seeing his tweet as racist just as there is no perspective seeing the earth as flat.

You sir are a disgusting liar when you call it racist and that has been proven
You are literally trolling again. I just explained AGAIN why I see it as racist. It’s not a lie and it’s not made up, it is real and it is explained. But go ahead and keep trolling. I stopped taking you seriously pages ago.
You are lying .
We have settled this and proven that you lied

That makes you the troll
If this is settled and over then why are you still talking?! I make points and you say, No liar!! I could do the same thing with everything you say but I’m not a troll so I’m not going to do that. Go to bed. Take the victory, I really don’t give a shit. Whatever you need to feel superior.
No you are still lying

You are gonna keep getting corrected your PC garbage is always gonna be corrcted.

I do not say liar ..I prove it

You know it and like a cry baby bitch you think repeating it endlessly saves face

It doesn't
You say you prove it but then you don’t prove it. You just calling me a liar and a cry baby and a bitch bit that doesn’t make it true it just validates my point that you are a troll. Nothing that youve said in the past few pages to me has anything to do with the topic. It’s all trolling.
Facts do not change with perspective

The facts prove without question it was not racist.

People tried that same stunt with the fiasco over the Covington Catholic kids

The facts proved them wrong as well

There is no perspective seeing his tweet as racist just as there is no perspective seeing the earth as flat.

You sir are a disgusting liar when you call it racist and that has been proven
You are literally trolling again. I just explained AGAIN why I see it as racist. It’s not a lie and it’s not made up, it is real and it is explained. But go ahead and keep trolling. I stopped taking you seriously pages ago.
You are lying .
We have settled this and proven that you lied

That makes you the troll
If this is settled and over then why are you still talking?! I make points and you say, No liar!! I could do the same thing with everything you say but I’m not a troll so I’m not going to do that. Go to bed. Take the victory, I really don’t give a shit. Whatever you need to feel superior.
No you are still lying

You are gonna keep getting corrected your PC garbage is always gonna be corrcted.

I do not say liar ..I prove it

You know it and like a cry baby bitch you think repeating it endlessly saves face

It doesn't
You say you prove it but then you don’t prove it. You just calling me a liar and a cry baby and a bitch bit that doesn’t make it true it just validates my point that you are a troll. Nothing that youve said in the past few pages to me has anything to do with the topic. It’s all trolling.
I did prove it

I put proof in your face and you could not even touch it.

\That is why you are a proven liar a coward and a sack of shit

You are the fucking troll repeating proven lies and you do not deserve respect

You are the only one here doing what trolls do by definition. Try another thread punk people here are better than you
You have no way of knowing my perspective and you don’t seem interested in listening, you’re just gonna pass judgement that I’m lying because I hate Trump, which isn’t even true. You’re gonna ignore the fact that Trumps friends like The Mooch who spends most his time on cable news defending Trump, has come out and called the comments racist. So no it’s not a made up lie by Trump haters. There is a real perspective out there that believes what trumps said was wrong and racist. You should close your mouth more and open your ears. You don’t have to agree but perhaps you can learn something about how others think
Facts do not change with perspective

The facts prove without question it was not racist.

People tried that same stunt with the fiasco over the Covington Catholic kids

The facts proved them wrong as well

There is no perspective seeing his tweet as racist just as there is no perspective seeing the earth as flat.

You sir are a disgusting liar when you call it racist and that has been proven
You are literally trolling again. I just explained AGAIN why I see it as racist. It’s not a lie and it’s not made up, it is real and it is explained. But go ahead and keep trolling. I stopped taking you seriously pages ago.
You are lying .
We have settled this and proven that you lied

That makes you the troll
If this is settled and over then why are you still talking?! I make points and you say, No liar!! I could do the same thing with everything you say but I’m not a troll so I’m not going to do that. Go to bed. Take the victory, I really don’t give a shit. Whatever you need to feel superior.
No you are still lying

You are gonna keep getting corrected your PC garbage is always gonna be corrcted.

I do not say liar ..I prove it

You know it and like a cry baby bitch you think repeating it endlessly saves face

It doesn't
Where in this statement did you prove anything except for the fact that you are a troll?

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