Tlaib calls the president a "motherf*cker" where is the house condemnation?

Yes, those are people of color dumbass.
We all have color, you dolt-they are nothing special so I will not honor them with a made up moniker-instead I'll use your term-they are all colored women.
No shit Sherlock, it’s not a literal term it’s an expression. If you are that uneducated that you don’t understand what it means then I really have no interest in explaining it to you.
No I see thru their agenda and your fascination with them.
If you think you see through something then display an understanding of it and then present a smart counter argument. Playing dumb just makes you sound dumb
Is that your go to argument-name calling? I thought you were smart enough to know this- their agenda is power. Your weakness is believing their crap. And if you think my words are dumb don't bother responding-I won't.
Name calling? What name do you think I called you?
I didn’t say he was talking to you or all. Town people. I don’t think he is a blanket racist. He targets his opponents and goes after them with whatever he can. In this case he resorted to racist attacks on the Squad and now his puppets are chanting “send her back” at his rally. It’s a sad and pathetic time in our politics.

I know what racism looks like up close and personal and it's pretty f'ing ugly. If I had a dollar for every racist comment made to me back in the 70's I'd be a millionaire. Nothing Trump said was racist. You're watering down to word "racist" to the point where it means nothing. It's pretty sad actually what Liberals are doing.
That has been done to trump a lot over the years and I agree the race card has been way overused, but in this case I disagree. His comment telling American citizens to go back where they came from crosses the line. I feel like we are all looking at a dog and y’all are insisting it’s a cat.

How do you explain the many Trump friends and allies including many of his defenders on conservative media that have come forward to call the statement racist? Why would they do that?
I'm really not sure exactly what this is.

If I absolutely had to bet, I think his relationship with people exists within the context of "how they can help me". The classic Narcissistic Personality Disorder. So I'm not quite sold on the notion that he judges people that much by their skin color.

I think it's possible that all he's doing is his standard talk radio play-to-the-base routine. All he has cared about from Day One was pleasing his base, and his thought processes, statements and policies have all been 100% talk radio friendly. So he just parrots the line. Even something this stupid and ignorant.

If that happens to be true, I think his problems may lay even deeper than simple racism.
Agreed and I’m not even trying to get into the heart and mind of Trump... I’m just making the simple statement that his words and how he used them were racist and wrong.
I'm sure this isn't good, but I've kinda become numb to it. I'm freakin' disconnected or something.

I hope that, whether it's in 2020 or 2024, the next person holding the office will be dignified, respectful, articulate, presidential. We can come back from this.
When you become numb is when you detach emotionally. When enough do this we move on.
I am one of those brown people. President Trump wasn't talking to me. I've experienced plenty of racism in my life and I can promise you it usually came from people of your ilk. Only a racist plays the race card.
I didn’t say he was talking to you or all. Town people. I don’t think he is a blanket racist. He targets his opponents and goes after them with whatever he can. In this case he resorted to racist attacks on the Squad and now his puppets are chanting “send her back” at his rally. It’s a sad and pathetic time in our politics.

I know what racism looks like up close and personal and it's pretty f'ing ugly. If I had a dollar for every racist comment made to me back in the 70's I'd be a millionaire. Nothing Trump said was racist. You're watering down to word "racist" to the point where it means nothing. It's pretty sad actually what Liberals are doing.
That has been done to trump a lot over the years and I agree the race card has been way overused, but in this case I disagree. His comment telling American citizens to go back where they came from crosses the line. I feel like we are all looking at a dog and y’all are insisting it’s a cat.

How do you explain the many Trump friends and allies including many of his defenders on conservative media that have come forward to call the statement racist? Why would they do that?
It was stupid and divisive.

But not racist.
Would you consider it racist if somebody who didn’t like Michelle Obama called her a monkey?
Not having this convo with you.
I didn’t say he was talking to you or all. Town people. I don’t think he is a blanket racist. He targets his opponents and goes after them with whatever he can. In this case he resorted to racist attacks on the Squad and now his puppets are chanting “send her back” at his rally. It’s a sad and pathetic time in our politics.

I know what racism looks like up close and personal and it's pretty f'ing ugly. If I had a dollar for every racist comment made to me back in the 70's I'd be a millionaire. Nothing Trump said was racist. You're watering down to word "racist" to the point where it means nothing. It's pretty sad actually what Liberals are doing.
That has been done to trump a lot over the years and I agree the race card has been way overused, but in this case I disagree. His comment telling American citizens to go back where they came from crosses the line. I feel like we are all looking at a dog and y’all are insisting it’s a cat.

How do you explain the many Trump friends and allies including many of his defenders on conservative media that have come forward to call the statement racist? Why would they do that?
It was stupid and divisive.

But not racist.
Would you consider it racist if somebody who didn’t like Michelle Obama called her a monkey?
Not having this convo with you.
Ok buddy. Stick to the trolling then, apparently that’s why you’re here.
I have experienced in my life, black men committing race hate crimes. The one I remember in particular, a little old White lady that used to put out chairs and a glass of lemonade next to her house by a RTD stop as a warm welcome to everyone. I don't remember her name, but I can sure as hell can find it out. She was beaten to death by young black males. This isn't an isolated instance. And just down the street, a section 8 housing bunch of black kids a few years later beat to death a Pearl Harbor survivors dog as his wife lay dying of Alzheimer's. How fucking humanitarian. So what is you experience of black hate crimes? Because things are NOT what they seem, or what liberals make them seem.
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Funny you misread trumps shit all the time. You inject your own personal spin to what he says to fit your own narrative. Don't like it done back to you, do you?

You never ask a simple question Slade. You try to set people up to try and pass yourself off as being correct vs trying to understand a counter viewpoint.

Look at page after page after page of this crap. Look what a few tweets from trump has done to the house. Pelosi had statements stricken from the record, first time in 35 years. Cleaver walked out because the hate for trump was keeping anything useful from being done.

In short you are doing exaxy what trump bieved most would do. Call him racist and focus on the wrong stuff.

It also put the gang of 4 as the poster children for the left. These 4 are NOT POPULAR at all and yet they now represent the left.

Trump is winning cause you are playing his game.

Tim Poole does an amazing in depth review of it.

You are just dancing everytime he tells you too. Way to go dude.

Are you trying to say that you intentionally misinterpreted my question to teach me a lesson?

And why is it bad for me to ask questions and try to bring perspective to the conversation? Isn’t that the point of having a debate/discussion?

There is no need for perspective the fact is you have been schooled and proven wrong.

You can only and have only lied like a punk to try and prove your idiotic claim of racism

Ok, well thanks for the lesson troll. Go take a victory lap and then move on to your next victim. I just can’t compete with your superior intelligence. Well done

Look up what troll means youngster you use the term incorrectly just as you mis used the term racist and had to lie about it

I know what it means. Perhaps you don’t recognize yourself doing it, some people are quick to criticize others but can’t see their own actions. You engage in thoughtless insults, avoid questions, and seem to only want to aggravate and provoke. That’s trolling and that’s exactly what you’ve done in the thread. You started out well and made some good points but you’ve devolved to trollsville.

No it is not what a troll is

You are as wrong about that as you are about the tweet which was not racist

Both of those facts are proven.

You lost the argument and you know it.

But a troll acts like you and refuses to admit it like an adult

A troll vomits shit like " if you can't see it there is nothing I can do for you ".

Your words

What you meant is that you were outclassed , proven wrong and exposed as an outright liar

You are the troll and the proven lying weasel

Grow the fuck up you are pathetic
Following your lead.
I’m not being dishonest or an asshole to you. I’m presenting my ideas and asking questions about yours. You just spent pages demanding a post a link to back up a statement that I never made? When did I do something that?
I've found an honest exchange is a waste.

Move on
Honest exchange is a waste so lying and trolling is better? What kind of philosophy is that? Seems as if your true colors are coming out. Too bad. We used to have some good debates... I had respect for ya
Ask your self

You were the one who is a proven liar
What did I lie about smart guy?
The tweet having any racial content dumb guy
Are you trying to say that you intentionally misinterpreted my question to teach me a lesson?

And why is it bad for me to ask questions and try to bring perspective to the conversation? Isn’t that the point of having a debate/discussion?
There is no need for perspective the fact is you have been schooled and proven wrong.

You can only and have only lied like a punk to try and prove your idiotic claim of racism
Ok, well thanks for the lesson troll. Go take a victory lap and then move on to your next victim. I just can’t compete with your superior intelligence. Well done
Look up what troll means youngster you use the term incorrectly just as you mis used the term racist and had to lie about it
I know what it means. Perhaps you don’t recognize yourself doing it, some people are quick to criticize others but can’t see their own actions. You engage in thoughtless insults, avoid questions, and seem to only want to aggravate and provoke. That’s trolling and that’s exactly what you’ve done in the thread. You started out well and made some good points but you’ve devolved to trollsville.
No it is not what a troll is

You are as wrong about that as you are about the tweet which was not racist

Both of those facts are proven.

You lost the argument and you know it.

But a troll acts like you and refuses to admit it like an adult

A troll vomits shit like " if you can't see it there is nothing I can do for you ".

Your words

What you meant is that you were outclassed , proven wrong and exposed as an outright liar

You are the troll and the proven lying weasel

Grow the fuck up you are pathetic
Really? A troll is saying “if you can’t see it there’s nothing I can do for you” that’s the harshest statement of mine you can find to call out as troll talk?! Haha. Ok buddy whatever floats your boat.

Meanwhile, you’ve avoided answering my questions, mischaracterized the things I’ve said, and ditching the discussion topic all together to try and rub in my face some sense of victory you have with obvious intent to aggravate. That is the exact definition of trolling. Look in the mirror man and grow up
I know what racism looks like up close and personal and it's pretty f'ing ugly. If I had a dollar for every racist comment made to me back in the 70's I'd be a millionaire. Nothing Trump said was racist. You're watering down to word "racist" to the point where it means nothing. It's pretty sad actually what Liberals are doing.
That has been done to trump a lot over the years and I agree the race card has been way overused, but in this case I disagree. His comment telling American citizens to go back where they came from crosses the line. I feel like we are all looking at a dog and y’all are insisting it’s a cat.

How do you explain the many Trump friends and allies including many of his defenders on conservative media that have come forward to call the statement racist? Why would they do that?
It was stupid and divisive.

But not racist.
Would you consider it racist if somebody who didn’t like Michelle Obama called her a monkey?
Not having this convo with you.
Ok buddy. Stick to the trolling then, apparently that’s why you’re here.
You know better than that, but hey; you seem to need some moral victory with you 6 degrees of separation to racism.

You have make several jumps from what trump said to RACISM and you believe your "logic" to be infallible.

It's just bullshit.

Have a day.
That has been done to trump a lot over the years and I agree the race card has been way overused, but in this case I disagree. His comment telling American citizens to go back where they came from crosses the line. I feel like we are all looking at a dog and y’all are insisting it’s a cat.

How do you explain the many Trump friends and allies including many of his defenders on conservative media that have come forward to call the statement racist? Why would they do that?
It was stupid and divisive.

But not racist.
Would you consider it racist if somebody who didn’t like Michelle Obama called her a monkey?
Not having this convo with you.
Ok buddy. Stick to the trolling then, apparently that’s why you’re here.
You know better than that, but hey; you seem to need some moral victory with you 6 degrees of separation to racism.

You have make several jumps from what trump said to RACISM and you believe your "logic" to be infallible.

It's just bullshit.

Have a day.
That’s not at all how I think. I have strong opinions, yes, but I’m also here to learn about and challenge other people’s opinions. It makes it difficult when I ask questions that get dodged, spun and ignored like you’ve done for most this thread. You used to engage in good debates but now this chip your carrying around has brought out a bitter evasive and insulting side of you that takes conversations straight down to the gutter. If that’s how you want to keep engaging then save it for somebody else. If you want to challenge my positions and bring smart ideas to the table like you used to do then please bring it on
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Doesn't our preschool president always call names? Why can't others call him names? Why is it a different standard for others?
Trump made fun of american soldiers that got captured, saying I prefer those that didn't get captured. Meanwhile he used his fathers wealth to skip Vietnam service. What a great patriot! lol
President Trump said he likes to grab women by the pussy because they let him, where is the religious right's condemnation? They obviously agree. Evangelical christianity has been exposed as a farce, as well the republican party=that claims "fiscal responsibility"...lmao
It was stupid and divisive.

But not racist.
Would you consider it racist if somebody who didn’t like Michelle Obama called her a monkey?
Not having this convo with you.
Ok buddy. Stick to the trolling then, apparently that’s why you’re here.
You know better than that, but hey; you seem to need some moral victory with you 6 degrees of separation to racism.

You have make several jumps from what trump said to RACISM and you believe your "logic" to be infallible.

It's just bullshit.

Have a day.
That’s not at all how I think. I have strong opinions, yes, but I’m also here to learn about and challenge other people’s opinions. It makes it difficult when I ask questions that get dodged, spun and ignored like you’ve done for most this thread. You used to engage in good debates but now this chip your carrying around has brought out a bitter evasive and insulting side of you that takes conversations straight down to the gutter. If that’s how you want to keep engaging then save it for somebody else. If you want to challenge my positions and bring smart ideas to the table like you used to do then please bring it on
Yea cause I spent a lot of time researching the mail server topic and tried hard to have an honest debate with you and when I found you were using birtpats replies to answer to my own, cause you didn't bother to read my posts, I found trying to be fair waa a total and complete waste of all the time I put in.

How do I know next "debate" you won't do that again?

You are far too busy making yourself understood you don't bother trying to understand counter points. You are just here to make sure people see how "smart" you are but have zero desire to understand a counter point of view. You don't believe something you just ignore what someone says and restress you own "smarts" again.

You got me on that one and lost all my respect. That was cemented by a lack of an apology it even recognition of the effort I was doing in an honest fashion.

Like I said, never again. Burn me once, my bad.

Won't happen again.

YOU did that. Not me.

And I will reply where and how I wish. Pisses you off, don't reply.
Would you consider it racist if somebody who didn’t like Michelle Obama called her a monkey?
Not having this convo with you.
Ok buddy. Stick to the trolling then, apparently that’s why you’re here.
You know better than that, but hey; you seem to need some moral victory with you 6 degrees of separation to racism.

You have make several jumps from what trump said to RACISM and you believe your "logic" to be infallible.

It's just bullshit.

Have a day.
That’s not at all how I think. I have strong opinions, yes, but I’m also here to learn about and challenge other people’s opinions. It makes it difficult when I ask questions that get dodged, spun and ignored like you’ve done for most this thread. You used to engage in good debates but now this chip your carrying around has brought out a bitter evasive and insulting side of you that takes conversations straight down to the gutter. If that’s how you want to keep engaging then save it for somebody else. If you want to challenge my positions and bring smart ideas to the table like you used to do then please bring it on
Yea cause I spent a lot of time researching the mail server topic and tried hard to have an honest debate with you and when I found you were using birtpats replies to answer to my own, cause you didn't bother to read my posts, I found trying to be fair waa a total and complete waste of all the time I put in.

How do I know next "debate" you won't do that again?

You are far too busy making yourself understood you don't bother trying to understand counter points. You are just here to make sure people see how "smart" you are but have zero desire to understand a counter point of view. You don't believe something you just ignore what someone says and restress you own "smarts" again.

You got me on that one and lost all my respect. That was cemented by a lack of an apology it even recognition of the effort I was doing in an honest fashion.

Like I said, never again. Burn me once, my bad.

Won't happen again.

YOU did that. Not me.

And I will reply where and how I wish. Pisses you off, don't reply.
Listen ICE. Sometimes I get locked into one subject with one person and have the time to dig deep and engage. Other times I’m talking to multiple people in multiple threads and reacting to my day to day life. During the busy times I miss things, confuse posters and topics, speed read, and react quickly. I don’t mean disrespect but that’s they way it is sometimes.

Yes I was reacting to Bripats timeline of events and I gave your link a sloppy skim at first. I also went back and read it closely and researched the author after I saw how hard you reacted.

Either way, that is long in the past. I am sorry that I upset you that much and it’s a shame that you are still holding onto it. Politics aside, I had respect for you, I enjoyed many of our past conversations, debates and thought it was great how we were able to find middle ground or agree to disagree. So with that in mind I do extend a sincere apology for my part in breaking that trust.
There is no need for perspective the fact is you have been schooled and proven wrong.

You can only and have only lied like a punk to try and prove your idiotic claim of racism
Ok, well thanks for the lesson troll. Go take a victory lap and then move on to your next victim. I just can’t compete with your superior intelligence. Well done
Look up what troll means youngster you use the term incorrectly just as you mis used the term racist and had to lie about it
I know what it means. Perhaps you don’t recognize yourself doing it, some people are quick to criticize others but can’t see their own actions. You engage in thoughtless insults, avoid questions, and seem to only want to aggravate and provoke. That’s trolling and that’s exactly what you’ve done in the thread. You started out well and made some good points but you’ve devolved to trollsville.
No it is not what a troll is

You are as wrong about that as you are about the tweet which was not racist

Both of those facts are proven.

You lost the argument and you know it.

But a troll acts like you and refuses to admit it like an adult

A troll vomits shit like " if you can't see it there is nothing I can do for you ".

Your words

What you meant is that you were outclassed , proven wrong and exposed as an outright liar

You are the troll and the proven lying weasel

Grow the fuck up you are pathetic
Really? A troll is saying “if you can’t see it there’s nothing I can do for you” that’s the harshest statement of mine you can find to call out as troll talk?! Haha. Ok buddy whatever floats your boat.

Meanwhile, you’ve avoided answering my questions, mischaracterized the things I’ve said, and ditching the discussion topic all together to try and rub in my face some sense of victory you have with obvious intent to aggravate. That is the exact definition of trolling. Look in the mirror man and grow up
Trolls are not defined by harshness
I have mischarcterized nothing

I ditched nothing

I proved you wrong and absolutely wrong and with absolute facts.

You know this true

But continue to lie proving what you are
Ok, well thanks for the lesson troll. Go take a victory lap and then move on to your next victim. I just can’t compete with your superior intelligence. Well done
Look up what troll means youngster you use the term incorrectly just as you mis used the term racist and had to lie about it
I know what it means. Perhaps you don’t recognize yourself doing it, some people are quick to criticize others but can’t see their own actions. You engage in thoughtless insults, avoid questions, and seem to only want to aggravate and provoke. That’s trolling and that’s exactly what you’ve done in the thread. You started out well and made some good points but you’ve devolved to trollsville.
No it is not what a troll is

You are as wrong about that as you are about the tweet which was not racist

Both of those facts are proven.

You lost the argument and you know it.

But a troll acts like you and refuses to admit it like an adult

A troll vomits shit like " if you can't see it there is nothing I can do for you ".

Your words

What you meant is that you were outclassed , proven wrong and exposed as an outright liar

You are the troll and the proven lying weasel

Grow the fuck up you are pathetic
Really? A troll is saying “if you can’t see it there’s nothing I can do for you” that’s the harshest statement of mine you can find to call out as troll talk?! Haha. Ok buddy whatever floats your boat.

Meanwhile, you’ve avoided answering my questions, mischaracterized the things I’ve said, and ditching the discussion topic all together to try and rub in my face some sense of victory you have with obvious intent to aggravate. That is the exact definition of trolling. Look in the mirror man and grow up
Trolls are not defined by harshness
I have mischarcterized nothing

I ditched nothing

I proved you wrong and absolutely wrong and with absolute facts.

You know this true

But continue to lie proving what you are
People complaining about being mischaracterized should be more open when people suggest said person is mischaracterizing others.

Not a one way street. And if you believe you are NOT mischaracterizing others, maybe others are not mischaracterizing said person.
Ok, well thanks for the lesson troll. Go take a victory lap and then move on to your next victim. I just can’t compete with your superior intelligence. Well done
Look up what troll means youngster you use the term incorrectly just as you mis used the term racist and had to lie about it
I know what it means. Perhaps you don’t recognize yourself doing it, some people are quick to criticize others but can’t see their own actions. You engage in thoughtless insults, avoid questions, and seem to only want to aggravate and provoke. That’s trolling and that’s exactly what you’ve done in the thread. You started out well and made some good points but you’ve devolved to trollsville.
No it is not what a troll is

You are as wrong about that as you are about the tweet which was not racist

Both of those facts are proven.

You lost the argument and you know it.

But a troll acts like you and refuses to admit it like an adult

A troll vomits shit like " if you can't see it there is nothing I can do for you ".

Your words

What you meant is that you were outclassed , proven wrong and exposed as an outright liar

You are the troll and the proven lying weasel

Grow the fuck up you are pathetic
Really? A troll is saying “if you can’t see it there’s nothing I can do for you” that’s the harshest statement of mine you can find to call out as troll talk?! Haha. Ok buddy whatever floats your boat.

Meanwhile, you’ve avoided answering my questions, mischaracterized the things I’ve said, and ditching the discussion topic all together to try and rub in my face some sense of victory you have with obvious intent to aggravate. That is the exact definition of trolling. Look in the mirror man and grow up
Trolls are not defined by harshness
I have mischarcterized nothing

I ditched nothing

I proved you wrong and absolutely wrong and with absolute facts.

You know this true

But continue to lie proving what you are
Not even close... I and many others read Trumps tweet as racist and I explained why. You and many others don’t see it as racist and you explained why. There was no absolute proof from either side, just a sharing of perspectives. This is why your fake victory is a joke and a display of your trolling. You ditched the conversation when you avoided answering my many questions and resorted to what now is probably over a dozen posts of you calling me a liar and repeating your idiotic victory speech. What you’ve been doing fits the definition of trolling which I’ll post below... now go to bed. You’re done

In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community(such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion,[3] whether for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.
Look up what troll means youngster you use the term incorrectly just as you mis used the term racist and had to lie about it
I know what it means. Perhaps you don’t recognize yourself doing it, some people are quick to criticize others but can’t see their own actions. You engage in thoughtless insults, avoid questions, and seem to only want to aggravate and provoke. That’s trolling and that’s exactly what you’ve done in the thread. You started out well and made some good points but you’ve devolved to trollsville.
No it is not what a troll is

You are as wrong about that as you are about the tweet which was not racist

Both of those facts are proven.

You lost the argument and you know it.

But a troll acts like you and refuses to admit it like an adult

A troll vomits shit like " if you can't see it there is nothing I can do for you ".

Your words

What you meant is that you were outclassed , proven wrong and exposed as an outright liar

You are the troll and the proven lying weasel

Grow the fuck up you are pathetic
Really? A troll is saying “if you can’t see it there’s nothing I can do for you” that’s the harshest statement of mine you can find to call out as troll talk?! Haha. Ok buddy whatever floats your boat.

Meanwhile, you’ve avoided answering my questions, mischaracterized the things I’ve said, and ditching the discussion topic all together to try and rub in my face some sense of victory you have with obvious intent to aggravate. That is the exact definition of trolling. Look in the mirror man and grow up
Trolls are not defined by harshness
I have mischarcterized nothing

I ditched nothing

I proved you wrong and absolutely wrong and with absolute facts.

You know this true

But continue to lie proving what you are
Not even close... I and many others read Trumps tweet as racist and I explained why. You and many others don’t see it as racist and you explained why. There was no absolute proof from either side, just a sharing of perspectives. This is why your fake victory is a joke and a display of your trolling. You ditched the conversation when you avoided answering my many questions and resorted to what now is probably over a dozen posts of you calling me a liar and repeating your idiotic victory speech. What you’ve been doing fits the definition of trolling which I’ll post below... now go to bed. You’re done

In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community(such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion,[3] whether for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.
Yes and that definition is all you

You read nothing as racist you lied about it being racist
I know what it means. Perhaps you don’t recognize yourself doing it, some people are quick to criticize others but can’t see their own actions. You engage in thoughtless insults, avoid questions, and seem to only want to aggravate and provoke. That’s trolling and that’s exactly what you’ve done in the thread. You started out well and made some good points but you’ve devolved to trollsville.
No it is not what a troll is

You are as wrong about that as you are about the tweet which was not racist

Both of those facts are proven.

You lost the argument and you know it.

But a troll acts like you and refuses to admit it like an adult

A troll vomits shit like " if you can't see it there is nothing I can do for you ".

Your words

What you meant is that you were outclassed , proven wrong and exposed as an outright liar

You are the troll and the proven lying weasel

Grow the fuck up you are pathetic
Really? A troll is saying “if you can’t see it there’s nothing I can do for you” that’s the harshest statement of mine you can find to call out as troll talk?! Haha. Ok buddy whatever floats your boat.

Meanwhile, you’ve avoided answering my questions, mischaracterized the things I’ve said, and ditching the discussion topic all together to try and rub in my face some sense of victory you have with obvious intent to aggravate. That is the exact definition of trolling. Look in the mirror man and grow up
Trolls are not defined by harshness
I have mischarcterized nothing

I ditched nothing

I proved you wrong and absolutely wrong and with absolute facts.

You know this true

But continue to lie proving what you are
Not even close... I and many others read Trumps tweet as racist and I explained why. You and many others don’t see it as racist and you explained why. There was no absolute proof from either side, just a sharing of perspectives. This is why your fake victory is a joke and a display of your trolling. You ditched the conversation when you avoided answering my many questions and resorted to what now is probably over a dozen posts of you calling me a liar and repeating your idiotic victory speech. What you’ve been doing fits the definition of trolling which I’ll post below... now go to bed. You’re done

In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community(such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion,[3] whether for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.
Yes and that definition is all you

You read nothing as racist you lied about it being racist
You have no way of knowing my perspective and you don’t seem interested in listening, you’re just gonna pass judgement that I’m lying because I hate Trump, which isn’t even true. You’re gonna ignore the fact that Trumps friends like The Mooch who spends most his time on cable news defending Trump, has come out and called the comments racist. So no it’s not a made up lie by Trump haters. There is a real perspective out there that believes what trumps said was wrong and racist. You should close your mouth more and open your ears. You don’t have to agree but perhaps you can learn something about how others think

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