To all the refugee children- God Bless you all, and welcome to America

Im sick of this hatred towards those poor children. Seeing the faces of those little girls on TV...they are obviously scared, lonely, desperate. I can only imagine if, as a child, I was sent to another country by my parents to avoid hunger and violence, and that new land showed so much anger towards my presence. As if God himself said I have no place in the world.

To all those DO have a place in this world, and if it is now America, then God Bless you all and WELCOME to our nation of immigrants.

These are fellow human beings folks. Children.

Dude, do you know how many poor children there are in this world? the US cannot afford to be the home of poor child on this planet.

That's not his/her point, it thinks it will make the more pragmatic among us "feel" bad for being realistic enough to understand they don't belong here.
Taxes are for the common good. We don't get to individually pick and choose - except at the ballot box.

Our taxes are for the common good of Americans not illegals.

Your an idiot.

Once again for the mentally impaired:

Taxes are for the common good. We don't get to individually pick and choose - except at the ballot box.

Consider it "foreign aid"...


How much do you get from the Tribe every month?
Our taxes are for the common good of Americans not illegals.

Your an idiot.

Once again for the mentally impaired:

Taxes are for the common good. We don't get to individually pick and choose - except at the ballot box.

Consider it "foreign aid"...


How much do you get from the Tribe every month?

Lots, but even more from casinos. Then there's my SS check, retirement checks, investment dividends checks, rental properties checks, etc...

How much is your check from the Tribe each month?

exactly..I have a friend who is Indian he gets a check every month, free medical, dental, education, etc
so what do they care about the rest of us
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Taxes are for the common good. We don't get to individually pick and choose - except at the ballot box.

Our taxes are for the common good of Americans not illegals.

Your an idiot.

Once again for the mentally impaired:

Taxes are for the common good. We don't get to individually pick and choose - except at the ballot box.

Consider it "foreign aid"...

Speaking of the mentally impaired.

Foreign aid huh? Foreign aid for a bunch of illegals in the US. Nope. Don't think so.

How much do you get from the Tribe every month?

Lots, but even more from casinos.

So how much extra do you send in since you get SO much money for nothing?

She's gonna answer that one about as quick as she answered the one about how many of these kids she's gonna take in and support.

The only thing she can say is taxes are for the common good. Apparantly in her eyes our taxes are for EVERYONE'S common good.

As I said. She's an idiot.
Im sick of this hatred towards those poor children. Seeing the faces of those little girls on TV...they are obviously scared, lonely, desperate. I can only imagine if, as a child, I was sent to another country by my parents to avoid hunger and violence, and that new land showed so much anger towards my presence. As if God himself said I have no place in the world.

To all those DO have a place in this world, and if it is now America, then God Bless you all and WELCOME to our nation of immigrants.

These are fellow human beings folks. Children.

Show them sympathy, provide them food and temporary shelter, but send them home. I know your faux liberal compassion only stems so far. If you provide them amnesty, then you will see a second, third, fourth etc wave. What to do with these children then?

Why stop their, children in India and Africa have it much worse. Why no send freedom ships and we take every child that wants to come!

C'mon oh Benevolent Red one with the Great Spirit and his wondrous creation.....thia may be the moment for you to put your money where your mouth is.....
Im sick of this hatred towards those poor children. Seeing the faces of those little girls on TV...they are obviously scared, lonely, desperate. I can only imagine if, as a child, I was sent to another country by my parents to avoid hunger and violence, and that new land showed so much anger towards my presence. As if God himself said I have no place in the world.

To all those DO have a place in this world, and if it is now America, then God Bless you all and WELCOME to our nation of immigrants.

These are fellow human beings folks. Children.

Show them sympathy, provide them food and temporary shelter, but send them home. I know your faux liberal compassion only stems so far. If you provide them amnesty, then you will see a second, third, fourth etc wave. What to do with these children then?

Why stop their, children in India and Africa have it much worse. Why no send freedom ships and we take every child that wants to come!
I think most people, both right and left, support them going through the government process for refugees, being treated well, through this process, but once the process is complete, they should be sent home...and Most will be sent home, UNLESS during the process the gvt does determine that certain refugees are at risk for their life or sexual trafficking, or if the refugee child has a relative living here already, that can take them in.
Im sick of this hatred towards those poor children. Seeing the faces of those little girls on TV...they are obviously scared, lonely, desperate. I can only imagine if, as a child, I was sent to another country by my parents to avoid hunger and violence, and that new land showed so much anger towards my presence. As if God himself said I have no place in the world.

To all those DO have a place in this world, and if it is now America, then God Bless you all and WELCOME to our nation of immigrants.

These are fellow human beings folks. Children.

Fuck off you moron.

If you want them then have them ALL stay at your house. You feed em, pay for their education, medical care and anything else they need. Open up YOUR wallet, YOUR checkbook and YOUR debit card and you bear the expense. Oh and you can have all the disease these little turds carry.

Your a fucking idiot.

Yeah, man! That's the fucking spirit. It is about time someone else grows a pair of watermelon size balls and tells off these fuckers.

I am thinking about getting together some gear, and guns, and heading down to the border to hook up with the militias to guard the border. I may have to buy a magnifier to mount in front of my Eotech sight since I am guessing that there will be the need for some distance skills required down there in the desert. I have some fine pieces that can handle the long distance, but my AR is just so damned fun.

Sent from my iPhone using

C'mon oh Benevolent Red one with the Great Spirit and his wondrous creation.....thia may be the moment for you to put your money where your mouth is.....

I put lots of money where my mouth is - and much of it is also a tax-deductible. Ain't America great!
Im sick of this hatred towards those poor children. Seeing the faces of those little girls on TV...they are obviously scared, lonely, desperate. I can only imagine if, as a child, I was sent to another country by my parents to avoid hunger and violence, and that new land showed so much anger towards my presence. As if God himself said I have no place in the world.

To all those DO have a place in this world, and if it is now America, then God Bless you all and WELCOME to our nation of immigrants.

These are fellow human beings folks. Children.

Show them sympathy, provide them food and temporary shelter, but send them home. I know your faux liberal compassion only stems so far. If you provide them amnesty, then you will see a second, third, fourth etc wave. What to do with these children then?

Why stop their, children in India and Africa have it much worse. Why no send freedom ships and we take every child that wants to come!

The liberal experience is to put them on a commune and let them eventually kill each other off as they age. Just check out the inner city of Chicago. It happens all the time there. No liberal support at all, nope as far away as someone diseased. They have no common concern for anyone but themself. They are a pathetic group.

C'mon oh Benevolent Red one with the Great Spirit and his wondrous creation.....thia may be the moment for you to put your money where your mouth is.....

I put lots of money where my mouth is - and much of it is also a tax-deductible. Ain't America great!
you wouldn't help anyone. You're liberal.

All you all know how to do is talk alot about what you wouldn't do.
Golden Rule

The Golden Rule is an ethical rule that is often stated as, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," or more simply, "Treat others as you would like to be treated." Also known as the ethic of reciprocity, the same concept has been the basis of social morality in many cultures throughout history. Although the Golden Rule is often attributed to Jesus, many forms of the ethical principle long pre-date him. Jesus himself, in Matthew 7:12 Bible-icon.png, describes it as the "sum of the law and the Prophets."

Historically, the Golden Rule can be found in ancient Babylon, China, and even within Native American tribes. The Golden Rule did not come into existence exclusively with the development of Judaism or Christianity.

MORE: Golden Rule - Iron Chariots Wiki

As most Atheist already know, Christians don't have a lock on morality - and never have. One does not have to be a Christian to have compassion, honor, and morals.
Golden Rule

The Golden Rule is an ethical rule that is often stated as, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," or more simply, "Treat others as you would like to be treated." Also known as the ethic of reciprocity, the same concept has been the basis of social morality in many cultures throughout history. Although the Golden Rule is often attributed to Jesus, many forms of the ethical principle long pre-date him. Jesus himself, in Matthew 7:12 Bible-icon.png, describes it as the "sum of the law and the Prophets."

Historically, the Golden Rule can be found in ancient Babylon, China, and even within Native American tribes. The Golden Rule did not come into existence exclusively with the development of Judaism or Christianity.

MORE: Golden Rule - Iron Chariots Wiki

As most Atheist already know, Christians don't have a lock on morality - and never have. One does not have to be a Christian to have compassion, honor, and morals.

Allowing disease infested children into America to infect citizens is not compassionate, honorable, or moral. You're a fake.
Golden Rule

The Golden Rule is an ethical rule that is often stated as, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," or more simply, "Treat others as you would like to be treated." Also known as the ethic of reciprocity, the same concept has been the basis of social morality in many cultures throughout history. Although the Golden Rule is often attributed to Jesus, many forms of the ethical principle long pre-date him. Jesus himself, in Matthew 7:12 Bible-icon.png, describes it as the "sum of the law and the Prophets."

Historically, the Golden Rule can be found in ancient Babylon, China, and even within Native American tribes. The Golden Rule did not come into existence exclusively with the development of Judaism or Christianity.

MORE: Golden Rule - Iron Chariots Wiki

As most Atheist already know, Christians don't have a lock on morality - and never have. One does not have to be a Christian to have compassion, honor, and morals.
we all know good from evil....We are born with that Knowledge...since Eve ate the fruit from ''The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil''! (whatever this Bible episode really means, or how it happened I am not truly certain) :D but it seems that we all inherently 'know' since then, right from wrong, good from evil, up from down...doesn't mean we all follow ''good'' and are perfect, but I think it means we (in the general terms of everyone) know (for the most part), when we have done wrong...

so, of course, even from a Christian perspective as mine, you are right! There is no ''lock'' on it! And the Golden rule (which existed long before Jesus), sums it up, as Christ said it did....
Golden Rule

The Golden Rule is an ethical rule that is often stated as, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," or more simply, "Treat others as you would like to be treated." Also known as the ethic of reciprocity, the same concept has been the basis of social morality in many cultures throughout history. Although the Golden Rule is often attributed to Jesus, many forms of the ethical principle long pre-date him. Jesus himself, in Matthew 7:12 Bible-icon.png, describes it as the "sum of the law and the Prophets."

Historically, the Golden Rule can be found in ancient Babylon, China, and even within Native American tribes. The Golden Rule did not come into existence exclusively with the development of Judaism or Christianity.

MORE: Golden Rule - Iron Chariots Wiki

As most Atheist already know, Christians don't have a lock on morality - and never have. One does not have to be a Christian to have compassion, honor, and morals.

Allowing disease infested children into America to infect citizens is not compassionate, honorable, or moral. You're a fake.
you are the fake and phony baloney one.

Treat those refugees that are sick and in our custody....problem solved....

how hard was that?
So how many are you willing to move into your house for you to support and be responsible for without taxpayer money?

every person that has been asked that in this thread so far has either ignored the question or has left the thread.....

I answered it with FACT, they don't need foster parents to take in most of these children, PERIOD.

Because most of these children will be RETURNED to their homeland, or placed with THEIR OWN RELATIVES, that live here Harry.... And I would be willing to take a child or two in, if they would accept Matt and I, at our age, to be foster parents to them....and if we could pass their rigorous process in fostering International children.

if they dont why did i hear them ask for families to take them in yesterday on the news?.....and they did not say what you said Care.....they said they would like people to house and take care of them while they are here.....if they allow these folk to dissipate into the many do you think will show up for their so called hearings?

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