To all the refugee children- God Bless you all, and welcome to America

no, she made it clear on her response that she does not believe in religion, so I guess I was mistaken when I thought she was a religious person?

How right you are. Religious I ain't.

I am however a taxpayer who's sick and tired of footing the bills for every freeloader in this country.

Taxes are for the common good. We don't get to individually pick and choose - except at the ballot box.

you believe that? come the wealthier areas have great schools and the poorer areas have shitty schools?....
How right you are. Religious I ain't.

I am however a taxpayer who's sick and tired of footing the bills for every freeloader in this country.

Taxes are for the common good. We don't get to individually pick and choose - except at the ballot box.

Tell me Redskin, how big is the check you get from the Tribe every month?

this is why the right will never get conservative "minorities" to side with them,even if they agree with them.....everything dealing with people gets turned racial.....
Im sick of this hatred towards those poor children. Seeing the faces of those little girls on TV...they are obviously scared, lonely, desperate. I can only imagine if, as a child, I was sent to another country by my parents to avoid hunger and violence, and that new land showed so much anger towards my presence. As if God himself said I have no place in the world.

To all those DO have a place in this world, and if it is now America, then God Bless you all and WELCOME to our nation of immigrants.

These are fellow human beings folks. Children.

Dude, do you know how many poor children there are in this world? the US cannot afford to be the home of poor child on this planet.

forget Buc....he hasnt been back since he started this thread.....
every person that has been asked that in this thread so far has either ignored the question or has left the thread.....

I answered it with FACT, they don't need foster parents to take in most of these children, PERIOD.

Because most of these children will be RETURNED to their homeland, or placed with THEIR OWN RELATIVES, that live here Harry.... And I would be willing to take a child or two in, if they would accept Matt and I, at our age, to be foster parents to them....and if we could pass their rigorous process in fostering International children.

if they dont why did i hear them ask for families to take them in yesterday on the news?.....and they did not say what you said Care.....they said they would like people to house and take care of them while they are here.....if they allow these folk to dissipate into the many do you think will show up for their so called hearings?
ahhhh, we are talking 2 different things harry....I was talking about being Foster Parents to these children so they can stay here in the USA, and you are talking about temporarily housing these children until the refugee process is completed and they are sent back home or in to relative's hands.
Im sick of this hatred towards those poor children. Seeing the faces of those little girls on TV...they are obviously scared, lonely, desperate. I can only imagine if, as a child, I was sent to another country by my parents to avoid hunger and violence, and that new land showed so much anger towards my presence. As if God himself said I have no place in the world.

To all those DO have a place in this world, and if it is now America, then God Bless you all and WELCOME to our nation of immigrants.

These are fellow human beings folks. Children.

Show them sympathy, provide them food and temporary shelter, but send them home. I know your faux liberal compassion only stems so far. If you provide them amnesty, then you will see a second, third, fourth etc wave. What to do with these children then?

Why stop their, children in India and Africa have it much worse. Why no send freedom ships and we take every child that wants to come!
I think most people, both right and left, support them going through the government process for refugees, being treated well, through this process, but once the process is complete, they should be sent home...and Most will be sent home, UNLESS during the process the gvt does determine that certain refugees are at risk for their life or sexual trafficking, or if the refugee child has a relative living here already, that can take them in.

Care.....once they are set loose with a so called hearing date....its many do you think show up for their hearing after being let loose into the population?.....especially after being told.....most of you will be sent back....
Show them sympathy, provide them food and temporary shelter, but send them home. I know your faux liberal compassion only stems so far. If you provide them amnesty, then you will see a second, third, fourth etc wave. What to do with these children then?

Why stop their, children in India and Africa have it much worse. Why no send freedom ships and we take every child that wants to come!
I think most people, both right and left, support them going through the government process for refugees, being treated well, through this process, but once the process is complete, they should be sent home...and Most will be sent home, UNLESS during the process the gvt does determine that certain refugees are at risk for their life or sexual trafficking, or if the refugee child has a relative living here already, that can take them in.

Care.....once they are set loose with a so called hearing date....its many do you think show up for their hearing after being let loose into the population?.....especially after being told.....most of you will be sent back....
you think the gvt is going to just ''release'' these minor children on to the streets? By law, I don't believe they can do that???
Im sick of this hatred towards those poor children. Seeing the faces of those little girls on TV...they are obviously scared, lonely, desperate. I can only imagine if, as a child, I was sent to another country by my parents to avoid hunger and violence, and that new land showed so much anger towards my presence. As if God himself said I have no place in the world.

To all those DO have a place in this world, and if it is now America, then God Bless you all and WELCOME to our nation of immigrants.

These are fellow human beings folks. Children.

This thread is only a day old and dozens of hateful responses from republicans. This thread proves an old adage to be true - a republican's humanity ends where his wallet begins. Bringing up "the children" will just intensify his hatred.

C'mon oh Benevolent Red one with the Great Spirit and his wondrous creation.....thia may be the moment for you to put your money where your mouth is.....

I put lots of money where my mouth is - and much of it is also a tax-deductible. Ain't America great!

Lakhota you are a taker, there is no benevolence in you at all.
Im sick of this hatred towards those poor children. Seeing the faces of those little girls on TV...they are obviously scared, lonely, desperate. I can only imagine if, as a child, I was sent to another country by my parents to avoid hunger and violence, and that new land showed so much anger towards my presence. As if God himself said I have no place in the world.

To all those DO have a place in this world, and if it is now America, then God Bless you all and WELCOME to our nation of immigrants.

These are fellow human beings folks. Children.

This thread is only a day old and dozens of hateful responses from republicans. This thread proves an old adage to be true - a republican's humanity ends where his wallet begins. Bringing up "the children" will just intensify his hatred.

Nothing hateful about turning back illegal aliens, or do you want every uneducated beaner coming here on our dime?
To all the people who think letting thousands of unvaccinated illegal alien children (and their lice) into the U.S.: how many are you going to have staying in you house?
Do we not have shots available to vaccinate them or have lice shampoo etc?

Or are we not allowed to vaccinate them or give them lice shampoo etc without parental consent or some US Law???

There are already camps where TB is spreading. How humanitarian of us - to import pods of disease.
Im sick of this hatred towards those poor children. Seeing the faces of those little girls on TV...they are obviously scared, lonely, desperate. I can only imagine if, as a child, I was sent to another country by my parents to avoid hunger and violence, and that new land showed so much anger towards my presence. As if God himself said I have no place in the world.

To all those DO have a place in this world, and if it is now America, then God Bless you all and WELCOME to our nation of immigrants.

These are fellow human beings folks. Children.

This thread is only a day old and dozens of hateful responses from republicans. This thread proves an old adage to be true - a republican's humanity ends where his wallet begins. Bringing up "the children" will just intensify his hatred.

Nothing hateful about turning back illegal aliens, or do you want every uneducated beaner coming here on our dime?

Beaners? Like I said, nothing brings out the hatred in some republicans like children in need. Thanks for proving my point.
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This thread is only a day old and dozens of hateful responses from republicans. This thread proves an old adage to be true - a republican's humanity ends where his wallet begins. Bringing up "the children" will just intensify his hatred.

Nothing hateful about turning back illegal aliens, or do you want every uneducated beaner coming here on our dime?

Beaners? Like I said, nothing brings out the hatred in some republicans like children in need. Thanks for proving my point.

There is nothing hateful about sending people back where they came from.
Send the kiddies back to the socialist paradises they come from.

They are hell holes created by USA's war on drugs, American corporations taking over most of the good growing land, also reagan's terrorist activities in that region in the 1980's. Really the opposite of socialism which is all about power to the people.
Send the kiddies back to the socialist paradises they come from.

They are hell holes created by USA's war on drugs, American corporations taking over most of the good growing land, also reagan's terrorist activities in that region in the 1980's. Really the opposite of socialism which is all about power to the people.

(rolling my eyes)
Why always America? Why can't the parents fight for a better home country that is free like us???

Are they lazy?

Fucking unbelievable. Why don't you go there and see how easy it is. Did YOU fight for your freedom? No. It was your ancesters several centuries ago. You can criticize from the comfort of your PC. Way to go warrior.

Roy Beck with NumbersUSA is full of shit. His goal is to prevent immigration to protect white Republican voters from becoming a minority. What goes around comes around.

BTW, people aren't gumballs.

Because you seem to be, obviously, too dazzled by the emotions of the situation to assess this situation clearly I figured you'd be better able to grasp the reason why we need to slow down our headlong rush to try and save all the world's needy people by bringing them here if I showed you these colorful gumballs instead.

Unfortunately, nothing seems able to snap you out of your stupid.

We can't save all the people who need saving.

The discussion we should be having is how to make their home so good, so free, so prosperous and so comfortable they don't want to leave there to come here.

Unless you actually propose we bring billions of needy people to the USA to 'save' them.

No one is saying we should save everyone.

What is needed is two things - deal - humanely and compassionately - with the situation as it is right now.

And two - what you said - I agree.
These kids are fleeing horrific conditions. Many of the children are traveling from Guatemala to escape violence, poverty and organized crime. The statistics for Guatemala are dismal: Why Are Kids From Central America Risking Solo Travel To The U.S.? : NPR
When you think of Guatemala and the situation there versus other countries, the driving force is extreme poverty for these children. These kids are living in very desperate situations. If you look at indices of kids in Guatemala, all of them are just alarming - infant mortality, underweight, malnutrition. And then you have teen pregnancy, which has exploded in the country. The number of girls between the ages of 10 and 14 has dramatically risen in teen pregnancy. There's also a lot of domestic violence that's affecting kids. And there is gang violence, too, in the urban centers of Guatemala. So it is a dire situation for kids there.
Not only that but journey through Mexico is incredibly shows how desperate they are that they even attempt this.

It's ironical that all these arguments being made - bringing in disease yada yada yada word for word mirror generations of arguments against immigrants - East European, Russian, Mexican, Irish, Chinese etc etc...people who I suspect were the forbears of many of us.

Those poor kids...they make this incredible journey and meet with such hostility and hate. Yet, I can't help but think that that bravery, endurance and fortitude represents exactly those qualities that built our country. We should welcome them.

The sanctuary church movement has the right idea.

I really doubt that is the case:

[ame=]Illegal Mom Caught At Border: People Told Me, If You Go To The U.S., Your Children Can Go To School - YouTube[/ame]

One youtube video versus a whole lot of well supported evidence on the conditions in Guatemala? Seriously TK?
Why always America? Why can't the parents fight for a better home country that is free like us???

Are they lazy?

The parents are the gang bangers throwing the children out. Keep the kids in the camps with the diseased and most of the problem will disappear in a mass grave.

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