To all those Saying it's ok for the feds to mandate a vaccine

1. Vaccines make you highly resistant, but not immune. Breakthrough cases can still kill you, though not nearly as often.
2. The more unvaccinated people catch it, the more a chance there is of another variant—Omega, maybe—that is even nastier than Delta, and then we start all over, maybe with millions dead this time.

3. There are a lot of people I like who are unvaccinated, and I don't particularly want any of them to get sick and die.
Bonus. I had the virus. I do not care what you think. My body my choice. How about dem apples?
CDC says there have been 45.6 million cases. About 740,000 deaths out of 45.6 million cases is a mortality rate of 1.62%. I'm not sure where you're getting those numbers.

Even if we discount everyone 17 and younger, the US has an adult population of about 210 million. That means only about 21% of the adult population has caught it. If we all had, the numbers of dead would likely be two million or more.
You stupid fuckhead. Off their website.
One available legal tool for increasing vaccination rates is for governments to require vaccination.5 Under the United States’ federalist system, states and the federal government share regulatory authority over public health matters, with states traditionally exercising the bulk of the authority in this area pursuant to their general police power.6 This power authorizes states, within constitutional limits, to enact laws “to provide for the public health, safety, and morals” of the states’ inhabitants.7 In contrast to this general power, the federal government’s powers are confined to those enumerated in the Constitution.

CDC says there have been 45.6 million cases. About 740,000 deaths out of 45.6 million cases is a mortality rate of 1.62%. I'm not sure where you're getting those numbers.

Even if we discount everyone 17 and younger, the US has an adult population of about 210 million. That means only about 21% of the adult population has caught it. If we all had, the numbers of dead would likely be two million or more.
You are one dumbass leftist.

120.2 Million​

Estimated Total Infections

101.8 Million​

Estimated Symptomatic Illnesses

6.2 Million​

Estimated Hospitalizations


Estimated Total Deaths
So we’re all those other “government mandates” made by decree from a President, or by laws passed by state and federal legislation?
They don't have a right to violate HIPPA laws.

Thanks for playing "you are a moron"
That's not what HIPAA laws cover. HIPAA prevents your health care provider from giving away your medical information. Your employer is not a covered entity.

You don't have to suffer through those boring annual health insurance slideshows? I sure do.

1. Vaccines make you highly resistant, but not immune. Breakthrough cases can still kill you, though not nearly as often.
2. The more unvaccinated people catch it, the more a chance there is of another variant—Omega, maybe—that is even nastier than Delta, and then we start all over, maybe with millions dead this time.

3. There are a lot of people I like who are unvaccinated, and I don't particularly want any of them to get sick and die.
See this is a redefinition. I dont take the flu vax, becasue it's not a vax. That's like saying penicilian is a's not, it reduces the symptoms and in some cases is a cure.....but it's not a vaccine.
Both Nut Job Biden and Nan Pelosi stated openly and without coercion that the government could not
compel citizens to get a covid injection (especially considering the recent spate of horrific blood clot

So were they wrong then? Or are they wrong now? People are not having hands and feet amputated
due to seat belts so that red herring fallacy will not fly. Or swim.
They weren't wrong either time. The federal government cannot *force* everyone to take the jab, so no goon squads holding you down and sticking you with it, and they can't fine or arrest you for refusing it. Your Governor, however, might be able to—it's a power left to the States, so check your State Constitution.

This mandate is from the federal government's power to regulate commerce, which is why it only affects people through their work.
You are one dumbass leftist.

120.2 Million​

Estimated Total Infections

101.8 Million​

Estimated Symptomatic Illnesses

6.2 Million​

Estimated Hospitalizations


Estimated Total Deaths
Azog is right here it is from the article

This is from pelitron's link, do you lefties ever read your own links, holy's a 99.4% survival rate........all these hystronics for a diseases that is as scary as the flu......and this is from someone who had it.........
Not only that, but dont the COVID humpers say you can be asymptamtic with it, which means who knows how many people have could be alot more than even the 120 million, so this thing is
Workplace safety has nothing to do with vaccinations.
To be clear, that's your opinion, not a legal fact. That said, I have a feeling we're going to hear people argue exactly that point a lot in court over the next two months.
Bonus. I had the virus. I do not care what you think. My body my choice. How about dem apples?
Dem apples are fine. You're the one who said you didn't understand it. 1 and 2 are the reasons I've been hearing from epidemiologists for months now.
Dem apples are fine. You're the one who said you didn't understand it. 1 and 2 are the reasons I've been hearing from epidemiologists for months now.
And? Doctors have been wrong before. When I got the virus in March 2020, I did not have a fever or a cough but it felt like a bad hangover and I lost all appetite. Puzzled the docs til I got the COVId test. Voila. I then donated platelets for 15 mos as the Red Cross got my name. Got my vaccine in Sept. Gave me annoying heart palpitations for 2 weeks post 2nd shot. My wife and oldest child didn’t have any side effects.

My body my choice. Mandates are a dangerous slippery slope. My 2 cents. 99.4% survival rate. We need to relax.
The link from their website that I just posted contradicts those numbers, and is current. Do you have a link to yours?
Duh…no it doesn’t. Your like is for known cases. Obviously not every case is reported and documented. Ever take a Stats class?
Pellinore per the cdc it’s a 99.4% survival rate. Are you leftists ever not complete demons?

Relax, man. It's conflicting information; we're not at war here. The CDC page I linked shows reported numbers of cases, and yours shows CDC estimates using statistical models to include all of the ones that weren't reported as Covid.
Pellinore guess you missed it. Ha ha ha ha
Yeah yeah yeah. By the time I responded to your earlier post, you had followed it up with the link. Perils of a message board.

But no worries, we solved it. We cracked the code. Two different data sets from the same source, measuring two different things, just like they showed us in Statistics class.

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