To all those Saying it's ok for the feds to mandate a vaccine

Q would approve. Thanks for proving my point.

So what you are saying is that you can't find anyone arrested for arson that was bailed out? That was your point.

As for Kamala Harris she promoted an organization that helps poorer people often times minorities out with bail. So that they aren't subjected to more of the criminal process than others. Maybe you want to outlaw bail because we aren't fortune tellers.

You mean like the cop who shot the fruitloop in the middle of an insurrection? That guy is a hero.

However there is a problem with some police officers who aren't interested in protecting the civil rights of others based on lots of things, one of them being race. They should be removed from their positions and unfortunately you sometimes have others within the ranks who can't or won't speak out.

I don't see a problem with calling out injustices when they happen. I do have a problem with weirdos who fetishize law enforcement until law enforcement does things like protect our democracy from hooligans and then it's OK to beat the shit out of them and pretend it's no big deal. Sound like anyone YOU know?

The irony is stunning.

“The results from Tuesday’s election continue to come in, for instance there were 12,000 ballots recently found in one county,” Sweeney said in a statement on Monday. “While I am currently trailing in the race, we want to make sure every vote is counted. Our voters deserve that, and we will wait for the final results.”

Well no shit.......hilarious how that always happens to democrats.....they just lose ballots and then they randomly find's like clockwork..........

I Win........again.

“The results from Tuesday’s election continue to come in, for instance there were 12,000 ballots recently found in one county,” Sweeney said in a statement on Monday. “While I am currently trailing in the race, we want to make sure every vote is counted. Our voters deserve that, and we will wait for the final results.”

Well no shit.......hilarious how that always happens to democrats.....they just lose ballots and then they randomly find's like clockwork..........

I Win........again.
So your idea of proving voter fraud is to provide a source that is not claiming voter fraud?
So your idea of proving voter fraud is to provide a source that is not claiming voter fraud?
LOL, you really don't get it........they just happen to find 12000 more a random county? Where is teh chain of custody? how do we know these are legit? I mean they just find them in high schools.......Cmon man!
Post the federal law that gives the feds the right to enforce vaccines. Provide one example of feds forcing vaccines before this.
I don't know of one, but I didn't say that I did. But, again: This is not mandating a vaccine. There is an alternative.
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The Commerce Clause. That is the authority by which Congress established OSHA in 1970, giving them this power.
So the clause that gives them the ability to go after states when they are disrupting interstate trade, gives them the power to mandate individual products on people? :lol: :lol:
LOL, you really don't get it........they just happen to find 12000 more a random county? Where is teh chain of custody? how do we know these are legit? I mean they just find them in high schools.......Cmon man!
Who is they in your source? It's a quote from one of the candidates who appears to have been unaware that all the votes weren't counted and they (the campaign) discovered this to be the case. It's not the state or the county that discovered anything. The votes weren't counted yet, that is all.

But you Q-influenced people just have to have a conspiracy to fall back on every time. Like every time and for every election that doesn't go your way. No proof necessary, all you have to do is misconstrue the context of an innocent article and away you go.
So the clause that gives them the ability to go after states when they are disrupting interstate trade, gives them the power to mandate individual products on people? :lol: :lol:
It's not a mandate, but otherwise: Yes.

If you think that's bonkers, well, Congress, the President at the time, and the Supreme Court on multiple occasions has disagreed with you.
It's not a mandate, but otherwise: Yes.

If you think that's bonkers, well, Congress, the President at the time, and the Supreme Court on multiple occasions has disagreed with you.
This has been brought to the supreme court and they cited the commerce clause? Link?
Who is they in your source? It's a quote from one of the candidates who appears to have been unaware that all the votes weren't counted and they (the campaign) discovered this to be the case. It's not the state or the county that discovered anything. The votes weren't counted yet, that is all.

But you Q-influenced people just have to have a conspiracy to fall back on every time. Like every time and for every election that doesn't go your way. No proof necessary, all you have to do is misconstrue the context of an innocent article and away you go.
Funny you use Q, but you behave exactally like that. For example: not on my list as a right wing news outlett
How about the Daily Mail
So if these ballots are not new.......and the race has been called, what is the hold up?

Who called the race you ask? Glad you asked

The New York Times

Washington Post

CBS: Philadelphia

And just today we here about 12000 odd is that????? Where were these ballots?
You never see this shit from republicans.......random ballots appearing.......even with Trumps challenge, it was about the democrats and their shady activities, not about mass loads of republican ballots appearing out of thin air.....
Funny you use Q, but you behave exactally like that. For example: not on my list as a right wing news outlett

Why would they be? You misunderstood their article, maybe even on purpose.

How about the Daily Mail
So if these ballots are not new.......and the race has been called, what is the hold up?

Who called the race you ask? Glad you asked

The New York Times

Washington Post

CBS: Philadelphia

You're going to have to quote from these articles the pieces that back up your article. The first source you provided didn't and I'm not wasting my time in your gish gallop.
And just today we here about 12000 odd is that????? Where were these ballots?
You never see this shit from republicans.......random ballots appearing.......even with Trumps challenge, it was about the democrats and their shady activities, not about mass loads of republican ballots appearing out of thin air.....

Those ballots weren't counted yet. Not uncommon at all for thousands of ballots to remain uncounted for days after an election and the only time anyone cares is when the election is close. But hey! Conspiracy time.
Why would they be? You misunderstood their article, maybe even on purpose.

You're going to have to quote from these articles the pieces that back up your article. The first source you provided didn't and I'm not wasting my time in your gish gallop.

Those ballots weren't counted yet. Not uncommon at all for thousands of ballots to remain uncounted for days after an election and the only time anyone cares is when the election is close. But hey! Conspiracy time.
Uh so all these new sources declared the trucker the winner, in a race decided by 2000 votes, KNOWING atleast 12000 votes were uncounted?

You are twisting like a pretzel now.....the truth always comes why would the declare a winner in that scenario?
Uh so all these new sources declared the trucker the winner, in a race decided by 2000 votes, KNOWING atleast 12000 votes were uncounted?

Yep. How many times are elections called before a majority of the vote is cast where the difference could overturn the election? Often. However they call it when they have confidence of what the uncounted vote looks like based mostly off of geography. Happens quite often, nothing nefarious.

You are twisting like a pretzel now.....the truth always comes why would the declare a winner in that scenario?
How so now?
Yep. How many times are elections called before a majority of the vote is cast where the difference could overturn the election? Often. However they call it when they have confidence of what the uncounted vote looks like based mostly off of geography. Happens quite often, nothing nefarious.

How so now?
Becasue the percentage is much higher........that's why. A 2000 vote lead with 12000 found in a democrat sounds like noone knew about them.....becasue the NYT didnt want a republican to win, much less knock off the senate president.....same with the WaPo.......
I mean you act like this is normal, it's not........and for fucks sake it's Friday, how long does it take to count a state senate election.......

The AP called it too
Becasue the percentage is much higher........that's why. A 2000 vote lead with 12000 found in a democrat sounds like noone knew about them.....becasue the NYT didnt want a republican to win, much less knock off the senate president.....same with the WaPo.......
I mean you act like this is normal, it's not........and for fucks sake it's Friday, how long does it take to count a state senate election.......
The AP called it too
For starters I'd ask if there really were 12k votes. That's the opinion of a desperate campaign, is it really true? I don't know, not one of your sources verified that.

Now, however if it is true often times elections are called when the outstanding vote outnumbers the vote difference because they know where the vote is coming from either by county or even precinct.

So, start with the first point and then move to the 2nd. You know who else immediately jumps to conspiracy conclusions? Q.
Becasue they do it for schools.........I just looked it up and it's interesting when you actually find information

Each state decides which vaccines are required for your child’s enrollment and attendance at a childcare facility or school in that state.

Well all be a son of a bitch.....the states decide those...........because it's not up to the keep using but but they do it for schools....NO STATES do it for schools....thank you for playing
Leave it to progressive California to take the lead.
Leave it to progressive California to take the lead.
Thats alot better than the national mandate and get fired if you dont take the jab....I still think it's over nothing....
LOL, you really don't get it........they just happen to find 12000 more a random county? Where is teh chain of custody? how do we know these are legit? I mean they just find them in high schools.......Cmon man!
The election was certified.

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