To all those Saying it's ok for the feds to mandate a vaccine

Did he now? I saw Robert Kennedy III say basically that......

Hilarious you tried to be funny, but it blew up in your face......lefties do that all the time.
How did what now? Robert Kennedy Jr. is a fruitcake and nobody should pay any attention to what he has to say. Not sure what RFK Jr. has to do with my post except a familial relationship that isn't important to me making fun of Qanon.
To be clear, that's your opinion, not a legal fact. That said, I have a feeling we're going to hear people argue exactly that point a lot in court over the next two months.
Post the federal law that gives the feds the right to enforce vaccines. Provide one example of feds forcing vaccines before this.
That's not what HIPAA laws cover. HIPAA prevents your health care provider from giving away your medical information. Your employer is not a covered entity.

You don't have to suffer through those boring annual health insurance slideshows? I sure do.

HIPPA also states that you do not have to disclose medical information to your employer, so your employer does not have a right to know if you are vaxxed or not.
How did what now? Robert Kennedy Jr. is a fruitcake and nobody should pay any attention to what he has to say. Not sure what RFK Jr. has to do with my post except a familial relationship that isn't important to me making fun of Qanon.
No, you thought you were clever, but you're not.......only the left obsesses over Jan 6 and Q.....notice they give no shits about poor black people having their businesses ruined by rioters and looters that are leftwing media approved....
And you brought up a Kennedy, so the one Kennedy you don't like happens to be against your Nazi COVID mandate
Relax, man. It's conflicting information; we're not at war here. The CDC page I linked shows reported numbers of cases, and yours shows CDC estimates using statistical models to include all of the ones that weren't reported as Covid.
Yes we are because obviously not every COVID19 case is reported. In March 2020 everyone in my family had it but I was the only one on record. Why? I had the most severe symptoms so I actually got tested but my wife and kids had it too. Wife lost smell and taste as did my oldest daughter albeit briefly.
Yeah yeah yeah. By the time I responded to your earlier post, you had followed it up with the link. Perils of a message board.

But no worries, we solved it. We cracked the code. Two different data sets from the same source, measuring two different things, just like they showed us in Statistics class.
And you wonder why so many question the
CDC and Fauci?
One does not need to get a measles or chicken pox vaccination to enter public school if one acquired it naturally.

This is very relevant to today, as over half of Americans have already had COVID, and therefore don't need a mRNA vaccine that does not work against variants.
Simply not true. Certainly not in the definitive way you state it. Not everyone who’s had Covid has the same immune response to an infection. There’s simply no way of quantifying any given person’s residual natural immunity from a Covid infection. There is however via vaccination. Everyone should be vaccinated.
The risk COVID poses to youngsters in extremely small. This virus mostly impacts the elderly, obese and those with other serious health issues.

There’s no need or valid reason to force these inoculations upon children. The Biden administration is overstepping it’s bounds on this.
But of course the risk lies in the children potentially introducing the virus into their or others’ households where there may be at risk people residing.
No, you thought you were clever, but you're not.......only the left obsesses over Jan 6 and Q.....notice they give no shits about poor black people having their businesses ruined by rioters and looters that are leftwing media approved....
And you brought up a Kennedy, so the one Kennedy you don't like happens to be against your Nazi COVID mandate

I think all those rioters who destroyed property should pay a price whether in jail or paying for the damage they caused. Whether it was in 2020 or January 6th. Whether it was people who supported BLM or those who opposed BLM however instigated property damage and rioting during the BLM protests. And yes absolutely the scum on January 6th as well.

But what does that have anything to do with these conspiratorial nutballs who are anything but left? I'm sorry Q anon is you guys, either directly or through wanting to change the subject because you don't want to deal with the mental illness spreading through the right.

I originally responded to a post comparing Nazi Germany to a vaccine mandate. No matter what side of the issue you stand on, believing that these are anywhere near comparable is just as bad as any wingnut Q conspiracy you fuckin' idiots can dream up.

These are your people that you share overlapping conspiracies with namely stolen elections and the efficacy of vaccines to downright believing they are killing a large number of people. This is you.


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I think all those rioters who destroyed property should pay a price whether in jail or paying for the damage they caused. Whether it was in 2020 or January 6th. Whether it was people who supported BLM or those who opposed BLM however instigated property damage and rioting during the BLM protests. And yes absolutely the scum on January 6th as well.

But what does that have anything to do with these conspiratorial nutballs who are anything but left? I'm sorry Q anon is you guys, either directly or through wanting to change the subject because you don't want to deal with the mental illness spreading through the right.

I originally responded to a post comparing Nazi Germany to a vaccine mandate. No matter what side of the issue you stand on, believing that these are anywhere near comparable is just as bad as any wingnut Q conspiracy you fuckin' idiots can dream up.

These are your people that you share overlapping conspiracies with namely stolen elections and the efficacy of vaccines to downright believing they are killing a large number of people. This is you.

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Again with the Q shit. I don't do Q, I don't know any republicans that do. Again you guys are focused on a very small part, very small. And that's great you think that rioters should be in jail, but you support people who do not. They bail them out of jail and make excuses for them. Hell lefties even say rioting is's unreal.

And Jan 6, was a joke, nothing happend. It wasnt nearly as destructive as the riots your media excused and ignored. So why focus on this? oh it includes people they don't like, how new?
Again with the Q shit. I don't do Q,

No, you just believe have the shit they preach.

I don't know any republicans that do.

They show up at every Trump rally, they showed up in Dallas, they influence the conspiracies you believe in.

Again you guys are focused on a very small part, very small.

Election stolen? Qnuts think so and so do you. How are you on vaccines? I bet closer to Q than most people.

And that's great you think that rioters should be in jail, but you support people who do not. They bail them out of jail and make excuses for them. Hell lefties even say rioting is's unreal.

Bail is a legal process and I don't have a problem with it in general. I think most of the rioters caught back in 2020 there wasn't much evidence for whether they committed crimes or not since at least they were smart enough to cover their faces unlike the dipshits on January 6th.

And Jan 6, was a joke, nothing happend. It wasnt nearly as destructive as the riots your media excused and ignored. So why focus on this? oh it includes people they don't like, how new?

Of course not, I'm sure January 6th and the idiots who think the election was stolen haven't done anything to breakdown confidence in our own democracy. What harm is there in that, right? The BLM protests by and large are over, the damage from the conspiracy theorists and Q nuts who influence them into believing our election was fraudulent hasn't been fully realized yet. Now that's been rolled up further into claims that a vaccine mandate is tantamount to Nazi Germany, I can only wonder where that is headed.
No, you just believe have the shit they preach.

They show up at every Trump rally, they showed up in Dallas, they influence the conspiracies you believe in.

Election stolen? Qnuts think so and so do you. How are you on vaccines? I bet closer to Q than most people.

Bail is a legal process and I don't have a problem with it in general. I think most of the rioters caught back in 2020 there wasn't much evidence for whether they committed crimes or not since at least they were smart enough to cover their faces unlike the dipshits on January 6th.

Of course not, I'm sure January 6th and the idiots who think the election was stolen haven't done anything to breakdown confidence in our own democracy. What harm is there in that, right? The BLM protests by and large are over, the damage from the conspiracy theorists and Q nuts who influence them into believing our election was fraudulent hasn't been fully realized yet. Now that's been rolled up further into claims that a vaccine mandate is tantamount to Nazi Germany, I can only wonder where that is headed.
I have no idea what Q preaches, I don't care. I"m an America First republican, like I have been for 30 years.......
And so what if they go to a Trump rally, my question is why do you leftwing folks go to them Hint: to start shit.....which is why I love it when they carry you asshats off on a stretcher.

Providing bail for people held for burning down a city is an issue........and when did you guys care about a legal process? You're the side that wants a cop dead immediately if he shot a black criminal.
HIPPA also states that you do not have to disclose medical information to your employer, so your employer does not have a right to know if you are vaxxed or not.
Vaccination information is classed as PHI and is covered by the HIPAA Rules. However, HIPAA only applies to HIPAA-covered entities – healthcare providers, health plans, and healthcare clearinghouses – and their business associates. If an employer asks an employee to provide proof that they have been vaccinated in order to allow that individual to work without wearing a facemask, that is not a HIPAA violation as HIPAA does not apply to most employers.
I have no idea what Q preaches, I don't care. I"m an America First republican, like I have been for 30 years.......
And so what if they go to a Trump rally, my question is why do you leftwing folks go to them Hint: to start shit.....which is why I love it when they carry you asshats off on a stretcher.

They preach about stolen elections, vaccine conspiracies and how great Trump is. Sounds like you guys. Half your news sources are influenced by these nut jobs. What you should do is keep people like originaltree honest, he gives you all a bad name, especially when you don't call weirdos like him out. Take some responsibility for a change.

Providing bail for people held for burning down a city is an issue.

it's how the justice system works. I'm not sure how many people have been charged with arson and then let out on bail. I guess that's something you should look into.

.......and when did you guys care about a legal process? You're the side that wants a cop dead immediately if he shot a black criminal.

Oh? Which cop, which 'criminal'?
They preach about stolen elections, vaccine conspiracies and how great Trump is. Sounds like you guys. Half your news sources are influenced by these nut jobs. What you should do is keep people like originaltree honest, he gives you all a bad name, especially when you don't call weirdos like him out. Take some responsibility for a change.

it's how the justice system works. I'm not sure how many people have been charged with arson and then let out on bail. I guess that's something you should look into.

Oh? Which cop, which 'criminal'?
WEll elections are suspect.....and it's always the dems finding ballots in their cities.....weird how it always happens the same exact way......
Well it's not just the bail, it's the fact that dem politicians bailed them out.......I don't know of many poor whites or blacks that get bailed out by politicians unless they do something the dems approve of
Maybe she and her fund can do it again......he's obviously a great guy.

As for many have not been painted villians by your side or the media?
When you riot everytime a cop shoots a black guy without getting facts or a's rediculous.
WEll elections are suspect.....and it's always the dems finding ballots in their cities.....weird how it always happens the same exact way......

Q would approve. Thanks for proving my point.

Well it's not just the bail, it's the fact that dem politicians bailed them out.......I don't know of many poor whites or blacks that get bailed out by politicians unless they do something the dems approve of
Maybe she and her fund can do it again......he's obviously a great guy.

So what you are saying is that you can't find anyone arrested for arson that was bailed out? That was your point.

As for Kamala Harris she promoted an organization that helps poorer people often times minorities out with bail. So that they aren't subjected to more of the criminal process than others. Maybe you want to outlaw bail because we aren't fortune tellers.

As for many have not been painted villians by your side or the media?

You mean like the cop who shot the fruitloop in the middle of an insurrection? That guy is a hero.

However there is a problem with some police officers who aren't interested in protecting the civil rights of others based on lots of things, one of them being race. They should be removed from their positions and unfortunately you sometimes have others within the ranks who can't or won't speak out.

I don't see a problem with calling out injustices when they happen. I do have a problem with weirdos who fetishize law enforcement until law enforcement does things like protect our democracy from hooligans and then it's OK to beat the shit out of them and pretend it's no big deal. Sound like anyone YOU know?

When you riot everytime a cop shoots a black guy without getting facts or a's rediculous.

The irony is stunning.
Q would approve. Thanks for proving my point.

So what you are saying is that you can't find anyone arrested for arson that was bailed out? That was your point.

As for Kamala Harris she promoted an organization that helps poorer people often times minorities out with bail. So that they aren't subjected to more of the criminal process than others. Maybe you want to outlaw bail because we aren't fortune tellers.

You mean like the cop who shot the fruitloop in the middle of an insurrection? That guy is a hero.

However there is a problem with some police officers who aren't interested in protecting the civil rights of others based on lots of things, one of them being race. They should be removed from their positions and unfortunately you sometimes have others within the ranks who can't or won't speak out.

I don't see a problem with calling out injustices when they happen. I do have a problem with weirdos who fetishize law enforcement until law enforcement does things like protect our democracy from hooligans and then it's OK to beat the shit out of them and pretend it's no big deal. Sound like anyone YOU know?

The irony is stunning.
Q is an invention of Blue Anon.

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