To all you calling BS on the Trump indictment…

Yes, he is a liberal and yes his PAC was funded by soros and yes, braggs is corrupt. He charged a man for defending himself.
You folks are a bad joke. Soros Soros Soros! You even claimed Soros “appointed” DA Alvin Bragg… You MAGAnuts really think like this? Do you still want to defend this retarded MAGAnut language? Just admit it was wrong!

Most MAGAnuts here on USMB know little of New York life or politics. Harvard educated African American Bragg won in a closely contested electoral race. His main opponent was in fact a rather more experienced prosecutor — Yale educated Tali Farahadin Weinstein — also a staunch Democrat. She happens to be a very religious Jew. Perhaps you would prefer she had won?

Me, I think she was certainly qualified — if I still lived in NYC I might even have voted for her — even though her husband is a Jewish Hedge Fund Manager and she spent $8.2 million of her own money in the campaign! They live in a $25 million dollar apartment.

Who knows? Tali Farahan Weinstein may have prosecuted Trump earlier, and perhaps even more vigorously and effectively than Alvin Bragg.

After watching Trump grow up in NYC, it was always clear to this blue collar working man that Trump was a very privileged crook who longed to be the center of attention. His own shyster lawyers kept him out of prison by suing and threatening to sue his many victims.

infamous in NYC for stiffing contractors and cheating investors, all the big NYC banks there washed their hands of him. Trump was already famous as a shady billionaire entertainer and playboy. So he remade himself as a reality TV personality. He is a master conman and demagogue.

Tali Farahadin Weinstein and Alvin Bragg were rather different. Tali came to the U.S. as a child with her family, all desperate refugees from Iran’s Muslim Revolution. She was a really bright student, became a clerk to Judge Merrick Garland and then USSC Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, and then a law professor at Columbia University. In 2009-2010 she joined the U.S. Department of Justice as Counsel to Attorney General Eric Holder.

She may not have received — and certainly did not need — any money from that devil Soros ( :) ) but she was endorsed by … Hillary Clinton & Eric Holder! Hell, even Gloria Steinham & the NYC branch of the National Organization for Women endorsed her!

If she had won her close race with Alvin Bragg and indicted Trump for any charge at all I suspect you Trump supporters would be calling her a puppet of the DNC and a Satanic “Demonrat” & “baby killer” … just as bad as Soros.

It seems you guys who scream that Trump is being indicted — and perhaps eventually found innocent in this case — like all Trump “true believers,” will probably always be unhappy. :cool:
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The time to judge whether it’s political prosecution or bullshit charges would be at the point where we see the evidence and charges.

Nah. I can tell you already. Just open your eyes. Think. Be honest. You can do that, maybe. Can’t you?
We aren’t there yet.

I know. I’ve said that several times.
So all those making hay are just playing the peanut gallery
Again, nah. It’s a speculation-based conversation. It’s silly to pretend we conclusively know how it will turn out. But we can look back to see how close we were.
Nah. I can tell you already. Just open your eyes. Think. Be honest. You can do that, maybe. Can’t you?
That’s what I’m doing. and I’m seeing people like you making assumptions without knowing the facts
You folks are a bad joke. Soros Soros Soros! You even claimed Soros “appointed” DA Alvin Bragg… You MAGAnuts really think like this? You want to defend this restarted language? Just admit it was wrong.

Most MAGAnuts here on USMB know little of New York life or politics. Harvard educated African American Bragg won in a closely contested electoral race. His main opponent was in fact a rather more experienced prosecutor — Yale educated Tali Farahadin Weinstein — also a staunch Democrat. She happens is a very religious Jew. Perhaps you would prefer she had won?

Me, I think she was certainly qualified — if I still lived in NYC I might have voted for her — even though her husband is a Jewish Hedge Fund Manager and she spent $8.2 million of her own money in the campaign! They live in a $25 million dollar apartment.

Who knows? Tali Farahan Weinstein may have prosecuted Trump earlier, and perhaps even more vigorously and effectively than Alvin Bragg.

After watching Trump grow up in NYC, it was always clear to this blue collar working man that Trump was a very privileged crook who longed to be the center of attention. His own shyster lawyers kept him out of prison by suing and threatening to sue his many victims. infamous in NYC for stiffing contractors and cheating investors, all the big NYC banks there washed their hands of him. Trump was already famous as a billionaire born with s silver spoon entertainer and playboy. So he remade himself as a reality TV personality.

Tali Farahadin Weinstein and Alvin Bragg were complete opposites. Tali came to the U.S. as a child with her family, all desperate refugees from Iran’s Muslim Revolution. She was a really bright student, became a clerk to Judge Merrick Garland and then USSC Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, and then a law professor at Columbia University. In 2009-2010 she joined the U.S. Department of Justice as Counsel to Attorney General Eric Holder.

She may not have received — and certainly did not need — any money from that devil Soros :)dev3:) but she was endorsed by … Hillary Clinton & Eric Holder! Hell, even Gloria Steinham & the NYC branch of the National Organization for Women endorsed her!

If she had won her close race with Alvin Bragg and indicted Trump for any charge at all I suspect you Trump supporters would be calling her a puppet of the DNC and a Satanic “Demonrat” & “baby killer” … just as bad as Soros.

You guys will always be unhappy, it seems. :cool:
You’re not worth the time it takes to read your wicked-wordy pablum.
That’s what I’m doing. and I’m seeing people like you making assumptions without knowing the facts
As I’ve noted repeatedly, we all have the general outline and can reasonably discern what Bragg has in mind as his “theory of the case.”

I don’t know what you’re bitching about. But then again, it doesn’t really matter.

You mean his campaign finance reports?

The supposed "falsification" isn't a falsification at all...

Paying for an NDA IS a legal expense!
Trump claimed he was paying Cohen for legal advice.

He didnt pay Cohen for the NDA.
As I’ve noted repeatedly, we all have the general outline and can reasonably discern what Bragg has in mind as his “theory of the case.”

I don’t know what you’re bitching about. But then again, it doesn’t really matter.
You can assume whatever you want is going on in brags head. In the end a grand jury saw evidence and indicted Trump. That’s what we know happened. We don’t know the charges and we don’t know the evidence behind the charges. Yet the peanut gallery continues
You can assume whatever you want is going on in brags head.
Yeah. Evidence is already pretty obvious.
In the end a grand jury saw evidence and indicted Trump. That’s what we know happened.

So far. But then again, not disputed.

We don’t know the charges and we don’t know the evidence behind the charges.
No. But we have the ability to read clues. Maybe you don’t. That’s ok.
Yet the peanut gallery continues
Speculative conversations are perfectly permissible.

Get over yourself.
Trump claimed he was paying Cohen for legal advice.

He didnt pay Cohen for the NDA.
And Cohen confirmed that...

"President Trump's personal attorney claims he personally paid $130,000 to Stormy Daniels, a former porn actress who allegedly had a sexual relationship with Trump in 2006.

In a statement to The New York Times, Michael Cohen said he made the payment to Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, and was not reimbursed by the Trump campaign or the Trump organization."

If that is the case, by your own theory of "the crime", Cohen made a "campaign contribution" to a third party?

And Trump paid Cohen for legal advice...which was a legal expense.

So...where is the crime committed by Trump?
Yeah. Evidence is already pretty obvious.

So far. But then again, not disputed.

No. But we have the ability to read clues. Maybe you don’t. That’s ok.

Speculative conversations are perfectly permissible.

Get over yourself.
Speculative conversations are fine but we have US senators and elected officials repeating this speculative garbage to millions of parrots out there that are stuck on repeat… all without actually seeing anything for themselves to make a real call. It just shows how many people just react. It doesn’t matter what evidence comes out. If it’s against Trump it will be excused. It’s pretty sad
And Cohen confirmed that...

"President Trump's personal attorney claims he personally paid $130,000 to Stormy Daniels, a former porn actress who allegedly had a sexual relationship with Trump in 2006.

In a statement to The New York Times, Michael Cohen said he made the payment to Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, and was not reimbursed by the Trump campaign or the Trump organization."

If that is the case, by your own theory of "the crime", Cohen made a "campaign contribution" to a third party?

And Trump paid Cohen for legal advice...which was a legal expense.

So...where is the crime committed by Trump?
Trump didn’t pay Cohen for legal advice. He paid money to Cohen to pay him back for the money Cohen paid to Stormy Daniels on Trump’s behalf.

The statement from 2018 is a lie. Cohen was lying when he said he did it all by himself.

And yes, it can be a campaign contribution if you’re spending money for a campaign, it’s called an in kind donation. This happened when the National Enquirer bought the story from a different person on behalf of Trump.

Speculative conversations are fine but we have US senators and elected officials repeating this speculative garbage to millions of parrots out there that are stuck on repeat… all without actually seeing anything for themselves to make a real call. It just shows how many people just react. It doesn’t matter what evidence comes out. If it’s against Trump it will be excused. It’s pretty sad
Well, those sharing my views are smart. 😎 And it’s ok to discuss these matters before the ridiculous indictment is unsealed anyway. I think most folks grasp that the charges aren’t yet unsealed.
Trump didn’t pay Cohen for legal advice. He paid money to Cohen to pay him back for the money Cohen paid to Stormy Daniels on Trump’s behalf.

The statement from 2018 is a lie. Cohen was lying when he said he did it all by himself.
Where is your proof of this?

"He was lying then...but he's totally not lying now!"

See how far that gets ya.
Where is your proof of this?

"He was lying then...but he's totally not lying now!"

See how far that gets ya.
Cohen has tapes and checks.

Don’t be stupid. No one actually thinks that Cohen was taking out second mortgages to pay people Trump had an affair with if he wasn’t going to get paid back.

Even Rudy figured it out.

Trump didn’t pay Cohen for legal advice. He paid money to Cohen to pay him back for the money Cohen paid to Stormy Daniels on Trump’s behalf.

The statement from 2018 is a lie. Cohen was lying when he said he did it all by himself.

And yes, it can be a campaign contribution if you’re spending money for a campaign, it’s called an in kind donation. This happened when the National Enquirer bought the story from a different person on behalf of Trump.

Even if that was taken into consideration, all that really proves is that Bragg's star witness isn't credible and enough for a fair judge to dismiss.
Cohen has tapes and checks.

Don’t be stupid. No one actually thinks that Cohen was taking out second mortgages to pay people Trump had an affair with if he wasn’t going to get paid back.

Even Rudy figured it out.

He has checks for legal advice services rendered.

Cohen believed he was going to get a position on Trump's Presidential Staff.

Trump himself floated the idea of making him the president's legal council.

That is a pretty powerful motivation to take out a second mortgage.
How do you know it’s bs?!
Yep, you figured it out.

The charges haven't even been announced yet. There are 34 of them, so they have to be about more than just Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal. So far, though, none of us know what they are of what evidence there is.

Anyone saying he is absolutely innocent of all of them at this point is either just defending their tribe, or they think they know Trump so well that he couldn't possibly have done anything illegal. Chances are they're just defending their tribe.
The time to judge whether it’s political prosecution or bullshit charges would be at the point where we see the evidence and charges. We aren’t there yet. So all those making hay are just playing the peanut gallery

If fat Alvin had anything else on Trump besides the Stormy thing, don't you think he would have put that out there to avoid the scrutiny and Stormy talk?
Even if that was taken into consideration, all that really proves is that Bragg's star witness isn't credible and enough for a fair judge to dismiss.
If the entire case hinged on Cohen’s testimony, that would be a problem.

I doubt that’s the case.

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