To all you calling BS on the Trump indictment…

Doesn't matter to the demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies, of course!
Go fuck yourself you commie POS!!!
To ALL you fucking communist ASSHOLES:
Another demented avenger subverted demoralized zombie Marxist ASSHOLE neo-Bolshevik poster shows its true colors.
You can SHOVE your pretentious BULLSHIT up your ASS!!!!!
Ah, that is regrettable. So early in the morning (or at the tail-end of a long long night?) the earnest poster Sea7 too clearly demonstrates the sad cliché that much of America and perhaps much of the world...holds about Trump supporters, about MAGA's about QAnon'rs.

To wit: they are grievance-filled ne'er-do-wells who are angry because of their station in life and that they were unable to craft a better and happier life for themselves and their families. And that anger too often surfaces in outbursts of hostile profanity and vulgarity.
It is sad, oh sure.

But America is a big-tent society. We can absorb and tolerate the anger-filled, the unsuccessful, and the crassly crude.

It could be worse.
After all, those aggrieved hysterical ones could also own powerful high-capacity firearms!
Alternatively, if the evidence is NOT charge would be dereliction of duty. And a corrosive abuse of power.
IF there was evidence there would not have had a need for a campaign promise to indict Trump for something (anything)

This to me is the red flag because it was done before there was any accusation of wrongdoing.
If this crooked prosecutor in Manhattan suddenly pulls something substantial out of his substantial backside I'll be amazed.

But he most likely did not, as you well know.

Meanwhile your fellow travelers are celebrating a won battle but a very lost war.
Had to get the tranny shooter out of the news
When someone tallies up the cost of the witch hunt, then compares that cost to violent felony trials, everyone will see how pathetic this DA is. How many violent felonydeals did the state cut because they couldn't afford a trial?

Bragg is a pro-criminal DA who doesn't think rapists, pedophiles, tjieves, and murderers are 'bad' people. He believes conservatives are worse.
Of course we don't even yet know what the indictment is for. Since the Grand Jury is a secret process ( which in itself is another problem IMO)

But as I said it seems to me they want to try and call the 130 K a "campaign" donation
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Nice try.

If the defendant was continuously outside New York state or if the defendant's whereabouts were "continuously unknown and continuously unascertainable by the exercise of reasonable diligence," then the clock is tolled.

But a lot hinges on the word "continuous." Plainly read, the word seems to mean that the defendant would have to spend each and every day over a period of time outside of New York. And it's tough to see how this applies to Trump; after all, even while serving as president, Trump spent time at his New York home and until autumn of 2019 maintained his residence as New York.
No, a very good, legitimate try.
IF what you're claiming is true, they wouldn't have even proceeded, the judge would have thrown it out.
Much like Trump's 60+ election fraud cases.
Ah, that is regrettable. So early in the morning (or at the tail-end of a long long night?) the earnest poster Sea7 too clearly demonstrates the sad cliché that much of America and perhaps much of the world...holds about Trump supporters, about MAGA's about QAnon'rs.

To wit: they are grievance-filled ne'er-do-wells who are angry because of their station in life and that they were unable to craft a better and happier life for themselves and their families. And that anger too often surfaces in outbursts of hostile profanity and vulgarity.
It is sad, oh sure.

But America is a big-tent society. We can absorb and tolerate the anger-filled, the unsuccessful, and the crassly crude.

It could be worse.
After all, those aggrieved hysterical ones could also own powerful high-capacity firearms!
How do you know it’s bs?!

Ummmmm, because it is. Trump has been investigated more than any person in the history of the USA and found to have not committed a crime.

In fact those who were investigating DID commit crimes while they were investigating him.

That's how we KNOW this is fascism 101 from that pos bragg.
The reason why anyone would think this is bs is simply because this is the culmination of a 7 year attack campaign where
Ah, I dunno about that.
I think there is a legitimate and credible perspective that there has been a decades long embedded sentiment to hold Don Trump answerable for a long long list of perceived illegalities, moral failures, and dishonesty. I think that rather than use the word "attack"......perhaps "accountable" is more apropos.


IF there was evidence there would not have had a need for a campaign promise to indict Trump for something (anything). This to me is the red flag because it was done before there was any accusation of wrongdoing.

Well, such a campaign statement, if it was, indeed, made.....will go into the mix of the exchanges during hearings. It will be thoroughly dissected by defendant's lawyers. We as observers will witness that.

On the other hand, this prosecutor would have known that there was some evidence....strong evidence.... there was illegality here. After all, Cohen went to prison, and there was this 'unindicted co-conspirator' thingy. It didn't just drop out of the sky. Clearly the "illegal campaign contribution' was on a lot of folk's radars. It didn't suddenly pop up with the candidacy of this current prosecutor.

Still, I am confident it will be thoroughly combed over by the defense. On the other hand, a newly elected prosecutor facing the most humongous case he will likely ever see, and knowing that he and his staff will be meeting very formidable defense lawyers who can tap into many many Republican hi-test legal minds, (not to mention the safety risk he and his staff will now face with angered MAGA/QAnon extremists) well, I suspect, I would anticipate, I would hope, that he has dotted his i's, an crossed his t's.

At the minor level, he needs to have done so for his own career and the reputation of his office; but on much more important level he need to have done so for America. If he accomplishes a successful prosecution then he will reaffirm our foundational belief that 'No man is above the law'.
So, clearly, there is much at stake here.

America has seldom been so interesting to live in (I think)
Ah, I dunno about that.
I think there is a legitimate and credible perspective that there has been a decades long embedded sentiment to hold Don Trump answerable for a long long list of perceived illegalities, moral failures, and dishonesty. I think that rather than use the word "attack"......perhaps "accountable" is more apropos.


Well, such a campaign statement, if it was, indeed, made.....will go into the mix of the exchanges during hearings. It will be thoroughly dissected by defendant's lawyers. We as observers will witness that.

On the other hand, this prosecutor would have known that there was some evidence....strong evidence.... there was illegality here. After all, Cohen went to prison, and there was this 'unindicted co-conspirator' thingy. It didn't just drop out of the sky. Clearly the "illegal campaign contribution' was on a lot of folk's radars. It didn't suddenly pop up with the candidacy of this current prosecutor.

Still, I am confident it will be thoroughly combed over by the defense. On the other hand, a newly elected prosecutor facing the most humongous case he will likely ever see, and knowing that he and his staff will be meeting very formidable defense lawyers who can tap into many many Republican hi-test legal minds, (not to mention the safety risk he and his staff will now face with angered MAGA/QAnon extremists) well, I suspect, I would anticipate, I would hope, that he has dotted his i's, an crossed his t's.

At the minor level, he needs to have done so for his own career and the reputation of his office; but on much more important level he need to have done so for America. If he accomplishes a successful prosecution then he will reaffirm our foundational belief that 'No man is above the law'.
So, clearly, there is much at stake here.

America has seldom been so interesting to live in (I think)
The government can indict anyone for anything as it is well known that a Grand Jury is pretty much going to come out with some kind of indictment.

It's a secret process and therefore it is always suspect
Lastly, what America ---and Don Trump --- may now have the opportunity to achieve, at least with this one of 4 current investigations --- is the opportunity to see official charges and be able to officially respond to them.

Don Trump and his counsel should welcome that opportunity to air it all out. His voice can be heard in a court of law. Which would carry more weight than if the same words were posted to his Truth Social page.

Lastly, what America ---and Don Trump --- may now have the opportunity to achieve, at least with this one of 4 current investigations --- is the opportunity to see official charges and be able to officially respond to them.

Don Trump and his counsel should welcome that opportunity to air it all out. His voice can be heard in a court of law. Which would carry more weight than if the same words were posted to his Truth Social page.

And he should be able to sue the State of NY and the DA for damages if this is proven to be a witch hunt.
I see an IF and a MOST LIKELY, which are two ways to display that you don’t really know about either of those things. Correct?

People celebrating the indictment have every right to do so if they don’t like Trump and want to see him go down
Lastly, what America ---and Don Trump --- may now have the opportunity to achieve, at least with this one of 4 current investigations --- is the opportunity to see official charges and be able to officially respond to them.

Don Trump and his counsel should welcome that opportunity to air it all out. His voice can be heard in a court of law. Which would carry more weight than if the same words were posted to his Truth Social page.

Then why are the Democrats stonewalling the GOP’s investigation of the weaponization of government agencies against conservatives? Of, for that matter, why are conservative voices silenced when we bring up the opposing opinion? Seems the Left would welcome the opportunity to air it all out.

The degree to which the Demoncrats are going to turn a civil misdemeanor, if that, into Some felony with the media using words like “surrender” is a political witch-hunt, while at the same time they protect Biden’s Crime Family. This type of anti-American process will turn off enough Independents that Trump could likely win again.

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