To all you calling BS on the Trump indictment…

The stench is a clue.

Bogus charges. Creative but dishonest legal theory of the persecutor’s case.

The jury was stacked. The judge was biased and showed it. The defense was disallowed the right to present a fair defense case.

Plus, of course, Trump broke no actual law.
What was the defense not allowed to do?
Be sure and wear your Biden hat and T-shirt in NY today to celebrate.
I don’t have a Biden hat and shirt. But it doesn’t surprise me that this is what you’de rather talk about than the substance of the matter
What was the defense not allowed to do?
Present a defence. The ShitLord State DA and corrupt judge refused to hear evidence from one of the most credible witnesses possible nationwide.

Judge Juan Merchan said that allowing a Federal Election Commission (FEC) expert to testify on the additional subjects that Donald Trump's lawyers are seeking would lead to a "battle of the experts," which would "only confuse and not assist" the jury.

"The jury would hear legal instructions from three different people. As Mr. Bove eluded to there is no question this would result in a battle of the experts and would only serve to confuse and not assist he jury," the judge said.

In essence, the corrupt judge denied the best expert witness in The United States on the subject, but allowed the one from the prosecutor.

That's what it is. And that's a problem. "We can't have him talking because then it would foil our narrative."

Da FuQ is going on here? The charges in and of themselves are bogus.

If this stands, they can convict anyone of anything at any time, with no crime being committed at all.

That's bad. I shouldn't have to explain why.
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Present a defence. The ShitLord State DA and corrupt judge refused to hear evidence from one of the most credible witnesses possible nationwide.
Trumps “expert” is not a witness to anything to do with this trial. Judges define the laws and constraints of trials in their courtroom. If Trump wants to appeal he can use his “witness” make a case for why the judge was wrong. But as for this trial, it wouldn’t be appropriate or relevant for this “witness” to be called

You really gotta stop repeating these talking points you hear without understanding the whole situation
Here's what the world knows, the US has turned into a banana republic.

About the only way a cretin, like you, can feel better about yourself.

Poor baby. Cry louder. I can't hear you in this downpour.

Trumps “expert” is not a witness to anything to do with this trial. Judges define the laws and constraints of trials in their courtroom. If Trump wants to appeal he can use his “witness” make a case for why the judge was wrong. But as for this trial, it wouldn’t be appropriate or relevant for this “witness” to be called

You really gotta stop repeating these talking points you hear without understanding the whole situation
The talking points from CNN? :dunno:

I think he needs a better lawyer. An old Jew or Italian NY lawyer probably could be found.
The stench is a clue.

Bogus charges. Creative but dishonest legal theory of the persecutor’s case.

The jury was stacked. The judge was biased and showed it. The defense was disallowed the right to present a fair defense case.

Plus, of course, Trump broke no actual law.

Nope, not bogus charges. It was proven in court that Trump falsified business records to cover up crimes involving illegal campaign contributions.
And the key witness against Trump in the latest show trial that's a known perjurer, who embezzled money from Trump when he was his client, and it was a lot more than $2700. :rolleyes-41:
And he admitted it in court. Will he be prosecuted for embezzling? Hmm?
No charges have been brought about that..I find that odd, maybe you don't.

So? Now, like Cohen, Trump is a convicted felon. That means Trump has no credibility either, right?

Nope, not bogus charges. It was proven in court that Trump falsified business records to cover up crimes involving illegal campaign contributions.
Illegal campaign contributions he says. What a road to go down! Let's Do This! w00T! w0oT!


I'm sure everyone in the government wants to hear all about that, amirite? :D


Ahh, for realz I bet all their assholes just achieved maximum puckerage.
How do you know it’s bs?!

The truth is, it doesn't matter to them. Trump is their savior and they will accept nothing negative about him.

They continue to scream that this is all politically motivated. But, oddly, they do not claim Trump did not do what he is being prosecuted for.
If this crooked prosecutor in Manhattan suddenly pulls something substantial out of his substantial backside I'll be amazed.

But he most likely did not, as you well know.

Meanwhile your fellow travelers are celebrating a won battle but a very lost war.
how do i know the judge, jury, and prosecutor are not corrupt?

easy. if they were corrupt, trump would have paid them off and he would be walking like he always has.
Must you shit yourself in public like this?

Your complete detachment from reality to keep denying that Dear Leader did something wrong is seriously pathetic.

What a braindead tool.
Antoinette, you hack bitch retard:

The only one shitting itself is, as always, you.

You are the denier of reality.

Your brain death was confirmed when the nurses emptied your first diaper.

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