To all you pro oil folks out there.

No it doesn't, it means the opposite. Better revisit the chapter on Capitalism and Supply and Demand again. No wonder you're a Neo-GOPer.

You didn't understand his post. No wonder everyone things you're stupid.

jc456 said demand was low DURING the pandemic then as we recover demand will grow and prices will go up. That is completely correct, I do this for a living.

As for you, we're left wondering if you're worse at reading or economics since you just blew yourself up on both
You didn't understand his post. No wonder everyone things you're stupid.

@jc456 said demand was low DURING the pandemic then as we recover demand will grow and prices will go up. That is completely correct, I do this for a living.
You say you make up lies for a living? Wow. Nice gig if you can get it I guess.

In reality he said "Thought demand was low during pandemic? Doesn’t that mean prices would go up?"

Can't fool me, you added "then as we recover demand will grow and prices will go up."

Nice Kaz, nice.
Much like the new discoveries in the Permian Basin in Texas that increased production to near 13 mbd and gave us the fabled 'Energy Independence" status was on private lands as well and had nothing to do with the fire sale of leases the Trump team engaged in. The drilling permits the BLM have approved under Biden do not limit fracking either.

You say you make up lies for a living? Wow. Nice gig if you can get it I guess.

In reality he said "Thought demand was low during pandemic? Doesn’t that mean prices would go up?"

Can't fool me, you added "then as we recover demand will grow and prices will go up."

Nice Kaz, nice.
Was demand higher in 2021?
No it doesn't, it means the opposite. Better revisit the chapter on Capitalism and Supply and Demand again. No wonder you're a Neo-GOPer.
So what happened to the supply that wasn’t used when demand went down? In 2021 price per barrel was near the same as 2019, yet pump prices were 50% higher?
Of course it was going up as the economy came back. But Ukraine KEPT it rising to these heights

Yes fuel does increase when the economy improves and the war is no help, but combined it wouldn't have more than doubled the cost of gasoline in a year and a half. It was much, much more than those two things.
Republicans gave oil companies all those loopholes & tax subsidies.

Both candidates are referring to H.R. 6, the 2005 energy bill that contained $14.3 billion in subsidies for energy companies. However, as we’ve reported numerous times, a vast majority of those subsidies (all but $2.8 billion) were for nuclear power, energy-efficient cars and buildings, and renewable fuels research. In addition, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service, the tax changes in the 2005 energy bill produced a net tax increase for the oil and gas companies, as we’ve reported time and time and time again. They did get some breaks, but they had more taken away.


Gas prices began to level in Nov 2021 and then in Feb they went directly UP


You chug the Kool-Aid and then beg for more. Why? These prices are exactly what President Joe Biden promised to deliver. Why are you making excuses for him? This is what he ran on, wanted, and you voted for, is it not?

Biden trashed all the policies of the Trump administration that made us energy independent on the day Biden took office. We knew then that gas prices were going to skyrocket, just as he wanted. Biden was desperate to show President Obama that he wasn't just a token "old white guy".

The invasion of Ukraine was because you elected a feckless, weak, president. President Putin could have invaded when President Trump was in office, he did not. Why?
You need better sources. Gasoline was pretty steady during Trump's last six months in 2020 and they started to increase in December of 2020 when it was pretty settled that Dementia took the election. It's been on the incline ever since.
In late 2020 Fuel Demand outpaced supply causing prices to rise. A year later we used up all the pandemic oil glut that was stashed in every tank & vessel that could be filled causing prices to rise more. Then Russia attacked Ukraine causing another price jump.

Why was gasoline not free under Trump when they were paying people -$40/barrel to take oil??? We still had to pay $2 at the pump!!! I could have filled 4 years worth of 300 gallon totes if it would have dropped to 50 cents. We got screwed under Trump because there was no free market for consumers, now were getting screwed again by wallstreet oil companies.
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lol no it hasn't, it's few percentage points less than that, and it certainly isn't near historic highs in real adjusted dollars. You just don't do math or have a grasp on what a dollar is worth from month to month in inflation spikes.

And, oil companies and retailers set prices, so you're lying here, not me.

No, they really don't set the prices.

Inflation is at 8.5%, gasoline went up over 150% and predicted to go higher. So what kind of math are you using?
Yall need to stop complaining about Biden and what you think he's done to increased gas prices. Biden is doing the oil companies a favor. Record profits with little overhead.
So if you're going to continue to be pro big oil, yall need to stop complaining about the price. It's a free market economy, and if the oil companies get to make $100 billion just in the 1st quarter, then you should all be proud. In fact, I'd advise you all to buy extra gas cans and fill them all up. Buy it and give it away to those who can't afford it.

You know, just to show your support for big oil.

Biden is a disgrace to this country. This is what an installed invalid looks like.
Why would any president want OPEC to lower production, when we all know that drives the ppb up?

Because the price was so low it would put a lot of companies out of business. When you look at gasoline and oil throughout the decades it hasn't gone up nearly as much as everyday products we buy like milk, pop, cereal, candy........ There is only so low they can sell fossil fuels before it becomes a huge loss.
In late 2020 Fuel Demand outpaced supply causing prices to rise. A year later we used up all the pandemic oil glut that was stashed in every tank & vessel that could be filled causing prices to rise more. Then Russia attacked Ukraine causing another price jump.

Why was gasoline not free under Trump when they were paying people -$40/barrel to take oil??? We still had to pay $2 at the pump!!! I could have filled 4 years worth of 300 gallon totes if it would have dropped to 50 cents. We got screwed under Trump because there was no free market for consumers, now were getting screwed again by wallstreet oil companies.
You may have missed it but this is the United States and that is the location about which is this thread.
That's not where I quoted Trump from. He said the quotes on CNBC to their hosts. Trump had them edit it from the excerpts on their website, but occasionally a recording of the actual live on air interview I saw on CNBC gets posted on youtube until Trump uses copyright law to remove them. NBC had broadcast contracts with Trump when he said this prior to taking office.

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