To all you pro oil folks out there.

Show us where the President can do anything about gas prices. Con-nect the dots for us.
That's not where I quoted Trump from. He said the quotes on CNBC to their hosts. Trump had them edit it from the excerpts on their website, but occasionally a recording of the actual live on air interview I saw on CNBC gets posted on youtube until Trump uses copyright law to remove them. NBC had broadcast contracts with Trump when he said this prior to taking office.
I agree with most of the rest, but the XL doesn't do squat but shave a few miles off the already existing Keystone; it's a CAnadian govt. owned pipeline anyway and our refineries use little of it, and since it has such a poor yield of usable fuel per bl equivalent, 20% at best, even the Texas refineries have little use for it and they're the best equipped to refine crappy oil since they use a lot of West Texas crude.

Say we have a four lane divided highway going 100 miles from one city to another. That highway is choked with traffic. If we widen that highway to four lanes in both directions, can it handle more cars effectively?
Big government makes more profit through taxation on a gallon of gasoline than big oil does. Big government invests nothing.
State government more than federal.
President Biden's policies didn't cause the price of oil to rise. That was OPEC and the other oil producing nations who cut production after oil prices briefly went negative in 2020. Those same nations refused to increase production as demand began to rise. US producers don't take orders from the government like those nations, but still market forces caused US production to drop. Active drilling rig count drop to it lowest, again in 2020.
The big oil companies are slowing down production. My family owns several leases and have gotten NO money since the beginning of the year.....which means they aren't pumping.
What tools does the President have to lower gas prices?

He has exactly one/. The Strategic Reserve. And he's releasing oil from it...and fuckers whined when he did that
President Biden campaigned on raising and breaking the back of the fossil fuel industry. How is that not clear? If he wanted, he could drop gas prices down to the levels we enjoyed during the Trump administration. IF he wanted, he wants them even higher! Even you know that to be true.

Big government makes more profit through taxation on a gallon of gasoline than big oil does. Big government invests nothing.

In 2019, revenues from the transportation fund were over $44 billion.

Depending on the jurisdiction, some of the revenue from gasoline and diesel taxes can only be used for transportation related programs like improving infrastructure. Other jurisdictions allow the revenues to be added to the general fund which is used for a variety of programs.

Meanwhile revenues from aviation fuel and jet fuel taxes mainly fund airport and Air Traffic Control operations by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

State government more than federal.

The big oil companies are slowing down production. My family owns several leases and have gotten NO money since the beginning of the year.....which means they aren't pumping.
Production seems to have reached a plateau.

State government more than federal.

The big oil companies are slowing down production. My family owns several leases and have gotten NO money since the beginning of the year.....which means they aren't pumping.
So you're the problem.
In late 2020 Fuel Demand outpaced supply causing prices to rise. A year later we used up all the pandemic oil glut that was stashed in every tank & vessel that could be filled causing prices to rise more. Then Russia attacked Ukraine causing another price jump.

Why was gasoline not free under Trump when they were paying people -$40/barrel to take oil??? We still had to pay $2 at the pump!!! I could have filled 4 years worth of 300 gallon totes if it would have dropped to 50 cents. We got screwed under Trump because there was no free market for consumers, now were getting screwed again by wallstreet oil companies.
That is illogical
You were free to buy crude futures when they dropped, why didn't you?
I almost got it done. There were many problems I thought I needed to solve before pulling the trigger on the contracts that soon might be delivered. I found 7 oil tanker rail cars to rent that were current with certifications & a rack platform to fill & empty them, but could not find a empty rail siding or spur in time to park them for several months. It's amazing how many old track spurs that have been removed for scrap due to our loss of manufacturing. The rest were already full of cars.

Then suddenly there was capacity to roll the contracts into the next month without taking physical delivery & the opportunity to get paid a lot to hold oil evaporated.
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I almost got it done. There were many problems I thought I needed to solve before pulling the trigger on the contracts that soon might be delivered. I found 7 rail oil tanker cars to rent that were current with certifications & a rack to fill them, but could not find a rail siding in time to park them for several months. It's amazing how many old track spurs that have been removed for scrap due to our loss of manufacturing.

Then suddenly there was capacity to roll the contracts into the next month & the opportunity to get paid a lot to hold oil evaporated.
can't make this shit up.
tell the oil companies go get oil and ramp up production. He won't though, he's self inflicting this pain on Americans for the greenies. You know this as well. He said it.
… what a dope! It is hard to believe folks can be so dumb, so wrapped up in conspiracy theories. But here we are. :sigh2:
What tools does the President have to lower gas prices?

He has exactly one/. The Strategic Reserve. And he's releasing oil from it...and fuckers whined when he did that
The strategic reserve is limited. And strategic.

Oh, and because it only provided mere days of relief as opposed to the permanent relief we desire.

That's not where I quoted Trump from. He said the quotes on CNBC to their hosts. Trump had them edit it from the excerpts on their website, but occasionally a recording of the actual live on air interview I saw on CNBC gets posted on youtube until Trump uses copyright law to remove them. NBC had broadcast contracts with Trump when he said this prior to taking office.
/———/ NAH I’m not buying your spin.

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