To all you pro oil folks out there.

Any one who pretends Trump is no better than Biden is a fucking moron. Trump isn't an idealogue, but he's more conservative than any Republican president we've had since Reagan.

That's the dumbest thing i've heard you say.

Trump isn't even close to be a fiscal conservative. He only identifies as one.

Fiscal and Constitutional Conservatives DO NOT:
Increase the size of government. Trump did.
Increase spending. Trump did.
Do things that go against the US Constitution. Trump did.
Fund Planned Parenthood. Trump did.
Fund gender studies. Trump did.
Assault our 2nd Amendment. Trump did.
Give tax breaks while eliminating tax deductions. Trump did.

You sir, have this media driven definition of what a fiscal and constitutional conservative is. And it's dead wrong.

I'm not pretending Trump is no better than Biden. Because on some issues, like immigration, Trump was better. But when it comes to the economy, monetary policy, borrowing from the fed, increasing the money supply, over inflating the value of the USD, Trump and Biden are exactly the same.
Trump increased spending 33% ABOVE Obama. Biden will increase spending probably 40% above Trump. And the cycle continues. Which is why we have inflation high's. It's why $10hr is a poverty wage. It's why $15hr will soon be a poverty wage.

Trump is a CINO. Conservative In Name Only.
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That's the dumbest thing i've heard you say.

Trump isn't even close to be a fiscal conservative. He only identifies as one.

Conservative DO NOT:
Increase the size of government. Trump did.
Increase spending. Trump did.
Do things that go against the US Constitution. Trump did.
Fund Planned Parenthood. Trump did.
Fund gender studies. Trump did.
Assault our 2nd Amendment. Trump did.
Give tax breaks while eliminating tax deductions. Trump did.

You sir, have this media driven definition of what a fiscal and constitutional conservative is. And it's dead wrong.
/——-/ Learn how our government works. Only Congress can spend money…DUHHHH
/——-/ Learn how our government works. Only Congress can spend money…DUHHHH

Ever heard of an appropriations bill? Guess who signs those spending bills into law? The president.
The ONLY appropriation bill that was vetoed under Trump, was vetoed because Trump himself said "It didn't spend enough."

I ain't making this shit up dude. I wanted to support Trump. Like a lot of folks, I had high hopes for him. But like all the others, he let me down, conservatively.

So do some research before you start claiming to know how government works.

Trumps veto's.

Ever heard of an appropriations bill? Guess who signs those spending bills into law? The president.
The ONLY appropriation bill that was vetoed under Trump, was vetoed because Trump himself said "It didn't spend enough."

I ain't making this shit up dude. I wanted to support Trump. Like a lot of folks, I had high hopes for him. But like all the others, he let me down, conservatively.

So do some research before you start claiming to know how government works.

Trumps veto's.
/——-/ And he is bullied by libtards and the media if he vetoes the bill dumbass. You scream the president is starving women and children and fed employees are one paycheck away from being homeless. Even Obama and Clinton had to sign bills they didn’t like. Again, learn how government works.
Ever heard of an appropriations bill? Guess who signs those spending bills into law? The president.
The ONLY appropriation bill that was vetoed under Trump, was vetoed because Trump himself said "It didn't spend enough."

I ain't making this shit up dude. I wanted to support Trump. Like a lot of folks, I had high hopes for him. But like all the others, he let me down, conservatively.

So do some research before you start claiming to know how government works.

Trumps veto's.
/———/ And learn how your party works. Democrats Attack Trump Over Not Signing Massive Spending and COVID-19 Relief Bill ⋆ Deneen Borelli
That's the dumbest thing i've heard you say.

Trump isn't even close to be a fiscal conservative. He only identifies as one.

Fiscal and Constitutional Conservatives DO NOT:
Increase the size of government. Trump did.
Increase spending. Trump did.
Do things that go against the US Constitution. Trump did.
Fund Planned Parenthood. Trump did.
Fund gender studies. Trump did.
Assault our 2nd Amendment. Trump did.
Give tax breaks while eliminating tax deductions. Trump did.

You sir, have this media driven definition of what a fiscal and constitutional conservative is. And it's dead wrong.

I'm not pretending Trump is no better than Biden. Because on some issues, like immigration, Trump was better. But when it comes to the economy, monetary policy, borrowing from the fed, increasing the money supply, over inflating the value of the USD, Trump and Biden are exactly the same.
Trump increased spending 33% ABOVE Obama. Biden will increase spending probably 40% above Trump. And the cycle continues. Which is why we have inflation high's. It's why $10hr is a poverty wage. It's why $15hr will soon be a poverty wage.

Trump is a CINO. Conservative In Name Only.
So what you're saying is that we haven't had a conservative president since Calvin Coolidge? Why is your ire reserved for Trump and not Bush I, Bush II, Reagan, Nixon, and Eisenhower?
So what you're saying is that we haven't had a conservative president since Calvin Coolidge? Why is your ire reserved for Trump and not Bush I, Bush II, Reagan, Nixon, and Eisenhower?

Because none of those, EXCEPT Trump are ever going to run again. Trump is still relevant in politics. People are still wanting him to be president in 2024.
I am not one of them. I want and will ONLY support a fiscal conservative. We've had a hundreds Trumps and 100 Biden's (POTUS, House and Senate). I'm sick of those kind of people.
There's not an ounce of difference between Trump and Reagan, W and the rest of them. Toss them all in a hat and pull one out. It makes no difference. Trumps record of increased spending, tax cuts that are still revenue neutral to the governments tax income. It's a shit show, the Trump cucks have bought into.
And the RNC isn't going to allow a REAL fiscal or constitutional conservative to get the nomination.
They'll black ball them during the primaries, using the media and any other way possible. I've seen this crap first hand when I was vying to be a delegate in the 2012. Any one but the party's favorite Candidate, that time it was Romney.
I wouldn't give you a bucket of piss for someone like Romney or McCain. Or W, HW, Reagan, Trump, Biden Clinton, McConnell, Romney, They're all the same because the party owns them. Question is, who owns the party's?
The lobbyist like the NRA, AMA, big Pharma and the MIC.
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The parties work exactly the same towards each other. And when the camera's are turned off, they'll hobnobbing with each other.
Because none of those, EXCEPT Trump are ever going to run again. Trump is still relevant in politic. People are still wanting him to be president in 2024.

So you're going to attack every Republican who runs for office. You aren't going to attack the bigger problem: Dims.

You're just another fake conservative.

I am not one of them. I want and will ONLY support a fiscal conservative. We've had a hundreds Trumps and 100 Biden's. I'm sick of those kind of people.

In other words, you will never support any Republican because none of them will ever meet your standard.

There's not an ounce of difference between Trump and Reagan, W and the rest of them. Toss in a hat and pull one out.
And the RNC isn't going to allow a REAL fiscal or constitutional conservative to get the nomination.
Just admit you are hostile to Repiublicans. You will always attack them and ignore Dims. We don't need you, brother.

They'll black ball them during the primaries, using the media and any other way possible. I've seen this crap first hand when I was vying to be a delegate in the 2012. Any one but the parties favorite Candidate, that time it was Romney. I wouldn't give you a bucket of piss for someone like Romney or McCain. Or W, HW, Reagan, Trump. They're all the same.

I've seen you kind before. You aren't worth a bucket of piss. It's weasels like you that help turds like Biden get elected.
So you're going to attack every Republican who runs for office. You aren't going to attack the bigger problem: Dims.

You're just another fake conservative.

I'm going to attack republicans who only identify as conservatives. CINO's. Trump, Romney, McConnell, Cheney. Those that are actual conservative, will get my vote. Rand Paul, Thomas Massie, Mike Lee
In other words, you will never support any Republican because none of them will ever meet your standard.

Exactly. My standards aren't too much to ask.
No nation building
No borrowing from the Fed.
Income tax cuts that actually reduce the amount of money the government takes in.
No more lobbyist
Cut regulations and leave only those that protect the innocent
Do something that addresses the monetary differences between the US, Mexico and South America, to help solve the immigration problem. And stop using eminent domain to cut Americans off from their land on our southern border.
Just admit you are hostile to Repiublicans. You will always attack them and ignore Dims. We don't need you, brother.

I don't ignore democrats and what they cause. But my focus is on this mid term and the 2024 election. And who's going to replace the woke radical progressives.
This is where you're two brain cells need to come together. You think because I'm calling out republicans who are too liberal for me, that I'm supporting the liberals? WTF is wrong with you? Only surface level thinkers can be that dumb.
I've seen you kind before. You aren't worth a bucket of piss. It's weasels like you that help turds like Biden get elected.

Look bro, if we had the last 20 years of Fiscal and Constitutional Conservatives running this country, the debt would be less than $1 trillion. $5hr would be a livable wage. The government would be so small that we'd hardly notice it. We wouldn't have 160 military instillations and bases around the globe. American manufacturers would afford to manufacture here and we'd be the manufacturing capital of the world. We'd be the ones selling cheap shit to China. Our currency wouldn't be "Federal Reserve Notes."
Charities would be the ones taking care of the poor. And we'd still have a safety net for those who fall on hard times. Like "Temporary disability."<< Key word, temporary.

It's hard to find anything "black & white" when you're trying to research "conservatism." Because all media outlets, 1,000 youtubers and social media stars together will not differentiate conservatism vs republicanism. Believe me, I've tried to find one easy source that will explain it better than I do. But at this point, 99% of those talking heads will have you believing there's no difference between a republican and a conservative.
Republicanism is what you got from Trump, W & Reagan. Huge spending increases. funding Planned Parenthood and Obamacare. Gender studies. They brought you this supersized government that has a hold on everyone's lives from cradle to grave. They borrow these HUGE sums of money, pump it into the economy (like Obama did) then everything looks great (during Trump). Until the bill comes due. Biden is trying to spend his way out of this recession and he's too stupid to understand that spending increases (and borrowing) is what got us here.
And since Trump increased spending (Over Obama's levels) then this is going into a recession.

Conservatives understand this. Republicans don't, so they just blame the democrats.
They have none now, and we're the worlds reserve currency.

Just stop borrowing from them. Period. End of story.
That would require the government to stop its deficit spending. Do you actually propose to end that in the next budget?
They have none now, and we're the worlds reserve currency.

Just stop borrowing from them. Period. End of story.

They have none now, and we're the worlds reserve currency.

Of course they have securities. When they want to expand the money supply, they buy US Treasury securities and guaranteed MBS. They currently hold $5.77 trillion of the former, $2.7 trillion of the latter.

Just stop borrowing from them.

Who do you think is borrowing from the Fed? How are they doing it?
That would require the government to stop its deficit spending. Do you actually propose to end that in the next budget?

I have no control over that. That's something the republicrats are gonna have to do on their own. And no, I don't expect them to, because they're not conservative. And they simply just don't care if $15 turns into a poverty wage, or $5 per gallon gas becomes the norm.
FFS, when you're getting hundreds of thousands from the lobbyist, plus your salary, what difference does it make, as long as you can convince your voters that you're against it, that you're going to fight to keep inflation down and still get re-elected. (Even though all you actually did was lie to your voters)
They have none now, and we're the worlds reserve currency.

Of course they have securities. When they want to expand the money supply, they buy US Treasury securities and guaranteed MBS. They currently hold $5.77 trillion of the former, $2.7 trillion of the latter.

Just stop borrowing from them.

Who do you think is borrowing from the Fed? How are they doing it?

Technically isn't not borrowing. But it's the same end result. They by bonds, and we have to pay them interest. Same end result. They just have BS legal wording for it.
We still get money from the Fed. We still have to pay the Fed back. with interest.
I have no control over that. That's something the republicrats are gonna have to do on their own. And no, I don't expect them to, because they're not conservative. And they simply just don't care if $15 turns into a poverty wage, or $5 per gallon gas becomes the norm.
FFS, when you're getting hundreds of thousands from the lobbyist, plus your salary, what difference does it make, as long as you can convince your voters that you're against it, that you're going to fight to keep inflation down and still get re-elected. (Even though all you actually did was lie to your voters)
So then you actually wouldn't vote for Rand Paul of Mike Lee.

Thanks for playing!
Technically isn't not borrowing. But it's the same end result. They by bonds, and we have to pay them interest. Same end result. They just have BS legal wording for it.
We still get money from the Fed. We still have to pay the Fed back. with interest.

Technically isn't not borrowing.

It isn't borrowing? Then why did you say they should stop? You sound confused.

They by bonds, and we have to pay them interest.

I know. What do they do with the interest we pay them?
Is it something bad?

We still get money from the Fed.

We get money from anyone who buys Treasuries at the weekly auctions.

We still have to pay the Fed back. with interest.

We have to pay back any Treasury holder, Fed or not.

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