To all you pro oil folks out there.

Trump & Republicans Stealing Our Gold & Printing Fiat Money!
Trump inserts Steven Mnuchin as Treasury Sec

Trump orders Mnuchin & McConnel to find the Gold


Trump orders Mnuchin & McConnel to steal the Gold

Trump orders Mnuchin to Run the Presses, Print, Print, Print!

Mnuchin Running the Money Printing Presses as Trump ordered!

The US Money Supply Explodes 500%
Trump & Republicans Stealing Our Gold & Printing Fiat Money!
Trump inserts Steven Mnuchin as Treasury Sec

Trump orders Mnuchin & McConnel to find the Gold


Trump orders Mnuchin & McConnel to steal the Gold

Trump orders Mnuchin to Run the Presses, Print, Print, Print!

Mnuchin Running the Money Printing Presses as Trump ordered!

The US Money Supply Explodes 500%

Why doesn't Biden reverse Trump's money printing?

What is he afraid of?
That's a lie & you know it.
/———/ Your piss poor public education is showing:
“No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in consequence of Appropriations made by Law.”
— U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 9

/———/ Your piss poor public education is showing:
“No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in consequence of Appropriations made by Law.”
— U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 9

I knew you would try to act that old document that has been shredded over the years was relevant today. LOL!

Next you will try to say presidents cant order the military to war & attack other countries.
I knew you would try to act that old document that has been shredded over the years was relevant today. LOL!

Next you will try to say presidents cant order the military to war & attack other countries.
/——-/ You said bankrupt, not ordering the military. You’re grasping at straws.
Trump destroyed the dollar is so badly that the US treasury has to replace it with "Stablecoin".
/------/ "Trump destroyed the dollar "
While the Fed Chair, Treasury Department, and democRAT controlled Congress stood by like helpless bystanders?
Yep. If you weren't an idiot, you'd know that oil profits and GDP are up all around the world! Easpecially in enemy countries like Russia, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere like 10% while our own profits are DOWN like 6%.


LMAO... I've posted the record profits from US oil companies like 3 times. And you still claim their profits are down.
HA HA HA HA HA.. And you call me an idiot. <<<<Priceless. You're brainwashed bro. A political loyalist.
They are doing it 100 times worse. Biden added $5 trillion to the deficit.

OMG, they all added trillions to the debt. All added up to what was there and what's there now. Blaming one party or politician without realizing they're all guilty of it, is only going the get the next big spending politician elected in 2024.
F'n Trump boot lickers are practically begging Trump to run again, when he's just as guilty of borrowing and spending as all the others.

Until the GOP voters figure out what fiscal and constitutional conservatism is, we'll always get the Trumps, Bidens, Obama's. Different rhetoric. Same outcomes.

Thomas Massie.
Ron DeSantis
Mike Lee
Rand Paul
Justin Amash

Those are fiscal and constitutional conservatives. Probably the only ones left because the GOP has outlawed fiscal conservatism.

This is not, and I AM NOT suffering from TDS. I'm just sick of these fucking Trump boot lickers claiming Trump is the answer, when his very OWN record makes him a moderate liberal at best.

FFS, Trump vetoed ONE (JUST ONE) appropriation bill. And that was because it didn't spend enough. He and Pelosi abolished the debt ceiling for 2 years, so it was harder to track their spending. What part of that do Trump supporters not get? Are you people so scared of the RNC and the DNC that you'll keep voting for liberals who only identify as conservatives? Or do you not even understand what fiscal conservatism is?
I’m not sure what “pro oil” even means.

I like to be able to afford gassing up my car. Assuming that recycling can be enhanced and so forth, I also like the availability of things like plastic.

I don’t buy the claims of the eco-doomsayers who tell us that global climate change (mostly meaning more atmospheric temperature increases) is caused by humankind and mostly by the burning of fossil fuels (as in “oil”). But to the limited extent there is some minor correlation, I think we’d better get the other forms of energy delivery up and running before we ditch “oil.”
OMG, they all added trillions to the debt. All added up to what was there and what's there now. Blaming one party or politician without realizing they're all guilty of it, is only going the get the next big spending politician elected in 2024.
F'n Trump boot lickers are practically begging Trump to run again, when he's just as guilty of borrowing and spending as all the others.

Until the GOP voters figure out what fiscal and constitutional conservatism is, we'll always get the Trumps, Bidens, Obama's. Different rhetoric. Same outcomes.

Thomas Massie.
Ron DeSantis
Mike Lee
Rand Paul
Justin Amash

Those are fiscal and constitutional conservatives. Probably the only ones left because the GOP has outlawed fiscal conservatism.

This is not, and I AM NOT suffering from TDS. I'm just sick of these fucking Trump boot lickers claiming Trump is the answer, when his very OWN record makes him a moderate liberal at best.

FFS, Trump vetoed ONE (JUST ONE) appropriation bill. And that was because it didn't spend enough. He and Pelosi abolished the debt ceiling for 2 years, so it was harder to track their spending. What part of that do Trump supporters not get? Are you people so scared of the RNC and the DNC that you'll keep voting for liberals who only identify as conservatives? Or do you not even understand what fiscal conservatism is?
Any one who pretends Trump is no better than Biden is a fucking moron. Trump isn't an idealogue, but he's more conservative than any Republican president we've had since Reagan.

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