To all you pro oil folks out there.

Yall need to stop complaining about Biden and what you think he's done to increased gas prices. Biden is doing the oil companies a favor. Record profits with little overhead.
So if you're going to continue to be pro big oil, yall need to stop complaining about the price. It's a free market economy, and if the oil companies get to make $100 billion just in the 1st quarter, then you should all be proud. In fact, I'd advise you all to buy extra gas cans and fill them all up. Buy it and give it away to those who can't afford it.

You know, just to show your support for big oil.

You are delusional. Try reading sources that don't agree with you on this issue. There's a reason that gas prices were so low under Trump, even when demand dropped dramatically during the lockdowns of 2020.
Yall need to stop complaining about Biden and what you think he's done to increased gas prices. Biden is doing the oil companies a favor. Record profits with little overhead.
So if you're going to continue to be pro big oil, yall need to stop complaining about the price. It's a free market economy, and if the oil companies get to make $100 billion just in the 1st quarter, then you should all be proud. In fact, I'd advise you all to buy extra gas cans and fill them all up. Buy it and give it away to those who can't afford it.

You know, just to show your support for big oil.
No one is pro big oil, you fukcing dumbass. We're pro whatever keeps prices low. That isn't any of Biden's policies which are intended to choke off production.

I advise you to keep your mouth shut before people decide you're an idiot.

Whoops! Too late!
Los Angeles

You beleive Exxon is paying $100 a bl for the oil it refines and retails?
Why haven't the monopolies set the price at $200? Or $300?
If the price is set, why does the chart move between $68 and $120?

View attachment 655363

Isn't the price "set by the monopolies"?

Whenever you ever answer anybody else's questions we might take you seriously. They set the prices at whatever they can get away with without provoking major backlashes re end consumers, and they set whilesales prices to whatever serves their political agendas at the moment. Their only 'competition' is themselves. not some idiotic 'supply and demand' nonsense you simpletons keep hoping to peddle.
/-------/ Net profits? What do you mean?
Is that a serious question?

Net profit definition: what is net profit?​

Net profit is the measurement of a company's profit once operating costs, taxes, interest and depreciation have all been subtracted from its total revenues. The term is often referred to as a company's 'bottom line' and may also be described as 'net earnings' or 'net income'. --

And in vertically integrated conglomerates they also set their own 'prices' when they 'buy and sell' their own goods between subsidiaries, so all that book massaging is smoke and mirrors for tax avoidance and capital gains claims for tax purposes. That's why no matter what they pay producers on paper they always guarantee themselves nice profits at all levels,

And as always you can watch the retail prices fall back a whole lot slower than they went up, which you dumbasses never seem to remember when you run around shilling for what ever Hive feeds you your fake narratives.
Whenever you ever answer anybody else's questions we might take you seriously. They set the prices at whatever they can get away with without provoking major backlashes re end consumers, and they set whilesales prices to whatever serves their political agendas at the moment. Their only 'competition' is themselves. not some idiotic 'supply and demand' nonsense you simpletons keep hoping to peddle.
Who else would they compete with aside from other oil companies, you fucking moron? By "major backlashes" you mean that consumers won't pay above where the supply curve crosses the demand curve.

You've denied that you reject the laws of supply and demand, yet here you are rejecting it once again.
And in vertically integrated conglomerates they also set their own 'prices' when they 'buy and sell' their own goods between subsidiaries, so all that book massaging is smoke and mirrors for tax avoidance and capital gains claims for tax purposes. That's why no matter what they pay producers on paper they always guarantee themselves nice profits at all levels,
If they all guarantee themselves nice profits, then why do any of them ever go bankrupt?

Do you ever think about the horseshit ideas you post?
And as always you can watch the retail prices fall back a whole lot slower than they went up, which you dumbasses never seem to remember when you run around shilling for what ever Hive feeds you your fake narratives.
If they can charge whatever price they like, then why would prices ever go down?

Do you actually think about this stuff?
They set the prices at whatever they can get away with without provoking major backlashes re end consumers,

Just like the free market does. What a coincidence.

Their only 'competition' is themselves.

Right. Hundreds (thousands?) of oil suppliers, only competing with each other.
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Just like the free market does. What a coincidence.

Their only 'competition' is themselves.

Right. Hundereds (thousands?) of oil suppliers, only competing with each other.
lol still trying to save face and fool somebody into believing you're not a moron. Are you and @BritPat in the same therapy group?
And in vertically integrated conglomerates they also set their own 'prices' when they 'buy and sell' their own goods between subsidiaries, so all that book massaging is smoke and mirrors for tax avoidance and capital gains claims for tax purposes. That's why no matter what they pay producers on paper they always guarantee themselves nice profits at all levels,

And as always you can watch the retail prices fall back a whole lot slower than they went up, which you dumbasses never seem to remember when you run around shilling for what ever Hive feeds you your fake narratives.

And in vertically integrated conglomerates they also set their own 'prices' when they 'buy and sell' their own goods between subsidiaries, so all that book massaging is smoke and mirrors for tax avoidance and capital gains claims for tax purposes.

Quick, call the IRS! You've discovered the secret.


That's why no matter what they pay producers on paper they always guarantee themselves nice profits at all levels,

Pay producers? They're the producers.
If they all guarantee themselves nice profits, then why do any of them ever go bankrupt?

Do you ever think about the horseshit ideas you post?

If they can charge whatever price they like, then why would prices ever go down?

Do you actually think about this stuff?

Can you ever get what anybody says straight? Oh, that's right, you rely on ideological gibberish, not real life.

If they all guarantee themselves nice profits, then why do any of them ever go bankrupt?

You mean you don't know your Heroic idiot CEO's and CFO's will sooner or later bankrupt even sure things? Jus more evidence you don't shit about 'business'. Did you buy a lot of ENRON?
No one is pro big oil, you fukcing dumbass. We're pro whatever keeps prices low. That isn't any of Biden's policies which are intended to choke off production.

I advise you to keep your mouth shut before people decide you're an idiot.

Whoops! Too late!

Facts don't care about your feeling, you retarded liberal fuck. Trump wasn't trying to keep the price low when he made a deal with Saudi to decrease production.
Who do you think is going to pay for all those drilling rigs, pipelines, geologist, Xray techs, drillers and grunts?
You enjoyed your $2 per gallon gas since Trumps 3rd year. Now it's time to pay the piper.

Stop whining. You sound like AOC.

In fact, go cover your house in solar panels and buy you a Tesla, you friggin tree huggin liberal commi.

"WHAAA WHAAA. My gas price is too high, and I'm too stupid to understand why, so I just blame the president." I swear you Trump supporters are equally as dumb as the radical progressives when it comes to ANYTHING that takes two braincells.

If you can't afford an extra $50 to $100 a month, maybe you should get a better job.
You are delusional. Try reading sources that don't agree with you on this issue. There's a reason that gas prices were so low under Trump, even when demand dropped dramatically during the lockdowns of 2020.

The reason gas prices were so low under Trump was because of the boom cycle here in the USA and with OPEC. Prices are always ALWAYS low during a boom cycle. Production goes way up, prices go down because they're flooding the market with oil/gas.
Is it a coincidence that OPEC initiated their bust cycle at the same time US oil companies did?

How do they lower production?
They don't pressurize oil cavities that push oil existing wells that are producing. This lowers the flow rate into production tanks. They lower the flow rate in pipelines. "The spigot."

This keeps the market from being flooded. But they don't turn down the spigot so low that they actually create a shortage. If you haven't noticed, there's no long lines at the pumps. There's no shortage.

It's just business. They're raking in the profits right now, and will start the next bust cycle when THEY want to. Not when Biden says so. This bust cycle will pay for all the new wells they're going to drill. The permits, the Xray techs, geologist, drillers, frackers, pipeliners, truckers and every other person in the oil fields.

Quit bitchin, and give'm your money. They're going to need. That measly $4 billion they made in 2020 isn't going to be enough to pay all those hands when they get back to work.

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