To Americans following your own foreign politics

Geez, a one-and-done garners 20 replies.

Knock yourselves out, ladies.
Franco is the only USMB poster I have on ignore because all of his nutty posts are exactly the same... Dupes, Dupes, and more Dupes.
If things are so much better in Europe why not find a forum that Europe promotes and tell us why the number #1 name for male children in the country formerly known as England is Mohammed. We saved your sorry European DNA in two world wars and you still haven't thanked us.

dont even get americans started on WW2

We saved your freaking sorry asses in two world wars and you still haven't got down on your God forsaken knees and thanked the greatest Country and the last super power left in the whole damned globe.

Actually Russia played an equal role
Hello. I joined this forum because i want to ask you americans some questions.

1. Why is there actually a question whether you have done well or not in Afghanistan, considering Al Qaeda(a terrorist organization, not governmental) "just" killed a few thousand of you compared to how many american and other nations troops have killed in Afghanistan? In my view, none of the killings of innocents in USA justify the damage done in Afghanistan. The truth is (you may be not served these news in the US) that the entire operation has failed, compared to what the operation was actually about! There is no more peace in Afghanistan today than before. Except a few places, but those are still controlled by soldiers from foreign countries!

2. Why is Israel any better than the Palestinians? Are they all perfect, or are you just told that they are?

3. Why isn't the 2nd amendment regarding weapons (I think it is if i´m correct) up for discussion? Are americans really that "fucked up" that they truly believe that carrying weapons is a peace-maker?

These are just thoughts i make myself here in Europe as things are quite different, and obviously better here, as i watch the presidential debate. The more i look at the debate the more i lose respect for american politics, as do everyone i speak with! Its a joke! All of it!

First of all...we weren't the ones who hijacked civilian airliners full of innocent people and crashed them into buildings full of other innocent people. We went into Afghanistan because the Taliban was running the country and sheltering the people who carried out those acts of terror. Just a thought, Sparky...when these Islamic terrorists finish with us do you think that your smug ass is going to be safe over there in Europe? If you think it is all I can say is that you didn't learn much from the last World War. The truth is our sons and daughters are dying so you can sit there on your computer and tell us how we should do things "better". If you asshats would stop buying black market oil from corrupt regimes like Iraq and Iran then maybe we wouldn't have to play the role of world's policeman.

You see, you guys over there didn't have a problem with us coming over to kick out the facists...nor did you have a problem with us keeping the communists from overrunning you quiche eaters...but boy, you SURE do like to criticize us for being so "warlike".

Israel is no better or worse than the Palestinians. They're a country trying to survive...surrounded by enemies that started attacking them within hours of their formation as a nation and haven't stopped doing so in over 70 years. I happen to admire Israel because against all odds they HAVE survived and created a prosperous nation without the benefit of huge oil reserves or bountiful natural resources. I look at the Palestinians and I see a people that seem determined to be downtrodden. If they put half as much effort into creating a nation as they do into trying to exterminate another then their lives would be so much better.

Our second amendment is up for discussion. We discuss it all the time. That's the way it works here. One of the premises of the Founding Fathers was that well armed citizens were one way of preventing tyranny by government. It's worked for us for well over two hundred years. If it doesn't we'll change it but we won't be doing so because someone else that we had to go rescue fifty years ago thinks we're "too violent".
dont even get americans started on WW2

We saved your freaking sorry asses in two world wars and you still haven't got down on your God forsaken knees and thanked the greatest Country and the last super power left in the whole damned globe.

Actually Russia played an equal role

Ah...I guess but if we don't send the USSR some serious materials to keep them going then the Germans probably succeed with their invasion. The Soviets were teetering on the brink before we started sending them huge amounts of Lend/Lease stuff. If Hitler wasn't such an idiot they probably would have.

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