To claim asylum you must be physically in the US .

What's the big deal about just getting a work visa and then applying for citizenship?
We have normal ways to immigrate.
The Unites States of America allows a million foreigners to become citizens of this country every year. No other industrialized or modernized country in the world comes close to our generosity.

So don't let these leftists tell you we are being greedy, inconsiderate, or uncaring of other people in the world outside our country unless they can show you one other country that comes close to ours when it comes to immigration.
People that legally immigrate to the US wait months and even years to do so. They pay thousands of dollars travel and relocation cost. They give up their jobs, their friends, their home, and their way of life to come here. America benefits by legal immigration just as immigrant do. It is not generosity. History shows us that it is mutually beneficial.

No, it's not mutually beneficial. If it were, then we would be asking them to come here.

The truth of the matter is that the US is the greatest country in the world. So it stands to reason that most everybody would want to come here. That's why it's so hard to get in. But as a country of 325 million people, letting everybody in, or even a good percentage in is not in our best interests. We have way more than enough people here to do what we need to do.

There are good jobs and bad jobs in the US. The bad jobs are easy to get. In fact, they are begging people to come work for them. The good jobs? You're not going to get in that easy. You may be on a list for years. You may need to take tests or acquire skills or education. You may not get in at all.

That's the way it works for good countries and bad countries.
43 percent of companies in the 2017 Fortune 500 were founded or co-founded by an immigrant or the child of an immigrant. Today 46% of the Inc. 5000 fastest growing small businesses were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.

Like so many developed nations we are growing older. Birth rates are lower and falling. Retirement is pulling millions out the workforce We need people, not just entrepreneurs but people to pick fruit, build houses, and work in factories. The US Commerce Department projects a labor shortage that will grow from the current 6 million today to over 24 million in just 6 years.

Immigration is vital to our future economic growth. However, the US has the 5th most restrictive immigration policies in the world. With the current target of 1 million legal immigrants a year, we are adding only .3% to our population which is not near enough to meet our needs.

Bull. The less people in this country, the better. How did we survive when we had 25 million less people, 50 million less people, 100 million less people? We did just fine. In fact in some ways, better.

You people on the left use any excuse possible to usher these foreigners into this country because you were using different excuses when we were in the recession.

Sent from my iPad using
When we had populations less than 100 miillion we survived because we were basically an agrarian society where most of the population raised it's own food. Expected life span was less than 50, the workweek averaged about 65 hours, 6 days a week. Most Americans entered the workforce at about age 14 and remained until death. Maybe you consider that getting along just fine but I doubt many Americans would agree with you.
Last edited:
Yes, words don't really mean words. They mean whatever the fuck you want to interpret them as, no matter how many damned times your ignorant ass has it explained to you.

I can only assume that's an actual picture of you sitting at your computer, deluding yourself that you're thinking and making cogent points.

If they wanted to accept asylum applications, they wouldn't have closed the border........Dope.
they haven't closed the border. link!!!

Read the conversation or stay the fuck out of it, dope. I'm referencing when it was closed.
when was it closed?

Don't talk to me, dope.
:itsok: well was it closed?
What's the big deal about just getting a work visa and then applying for citizenship?
We have normal ways to immigrate.
The Unites States of America allows a million foreigners to become citizens of this country every year. No other industrialized or modernized country in the world comes close to our generosity.

So don't let these leftists tell you we are being greedy, inconsiderate, or uncaring of other people in the world outside our country unless they can show you one other country that comes close to ours when it comes to immigration.
People that legally immigrate to the US wait months and even years to do so. They pay thousands of dollars travel and relocation cost. They give up their jobs, their friends, their home, and their way of life to come here. America benefits by legal immigration just as immigrant do. It is not generosity. History shows us that it is mutually beneficial.

No, it's not mutually beneficial. If it were, then we would be asking them to come here.

The truth of the matter is that the US is the greatest country in the world. So it stands to reason that most everybody would want to come here. That's why it's so hard to get in. But as a country of 325 million people, letting everybody in, or even a good percentage in is not in our best interests. We have way more than enough people here to do what we need to do.

There are good jobs and bad jobs in the US. The bad jobs are easy to get. In fact, they are begging people to come work for them. The good jobs? You're not going to get in that easy. You may be on a list for years. You may need to take tests or acquire skills or education. You may not get in at all.

That's the way it works for good countries and bad countries.
43 percent of companies in the 2017 Fortune 500 were founded or co-founded by an immigrant or the child of an immigrant. Today 46% of the Inc. 5000 fastest growing small businesses were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.

Like so many developed nations we are growing older. Birth rates are lower and falling. Retirement is pulling millions out the workforce We need people, not just entrepreneurs but people to pick fruit, build houses, and work in factories. The US Commerce Department projects a labor shortage that will grow from the current 6 million today to over 24 million in just 6 years.

Immigration is vital to our future economic growth. However, the US has the 5th most restrictive immigration policies in the world. With the current target of 1 million legal immigrants a year, we are adding only .3% to our population which is not near enough to meet our needs.
what does any of that have to do with illegal entry into our country. Illegals are not immigrants their are illegal aliens.
What's the big deal about just getting a work visa and then applying for citizenship?
We have normal ways to immigrate.
The Unites States of America allows a million foreigners to become citizens of this country every year. No other industrialized or modernized country in the world comes close to our generosity.

So don't let these leftists tell you we are being greedy, inconsiderate, or uncaring of other people in the world outside our country unless they can show you one other country that comes close to ours when it comes to immigration.
People that legally immigrate to the US wait months and even years to do so. They pay thousands of dollars travel and relocation cost. They give up their jobs, their friends, their home, and their way of life to come here. America benefits by legal immigration just as immigrant do. It is not generosity. History shows us that it is mutually beneficial.

No, it's not mutually beneficial. If it were, then we would be asking them to come here.

The truth of the matter is that the US is the greatest country in the world. So it stands to reason that most everybody would want to come here. That's why it's so hard to get in. But as a country of 325 million people, letting everybody in, or even a good percentage in is not in our best interests. We have way more than enough people here to do what we need to do.

There are good jobs and bad jobs in the US. The bad jobs are easy to get. In fact, they are begging people to come work for them. The good jobs? You're not going to get in that easy. You may be on a list for years. You may need to take tests or acquire skills or education. You may not get in at all.

That's the way it works for good countries and bad countries.
43 percent of companies in the 2017 Fortune 500 were founded or co-founded by an immigrant or the child of an immigrant. Today 46% of the Inc. 5000 fastest growing small businesses were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.

Like so many developed nations we are growing older. Birth rates are lower and falling. Retirement is pulling millions out the workforce We need people, not just entrepreneurs but people to pick fruit, build houses, and work in factories. The US Commerce Department projects a labor shortage that will grow from the current 6 million today to over 24 million in just 6 years.

Immigration is vital to our future economic growth. However, the US has the 5th most restrictive immigration policies in the world. With the current target of 1 million legal immigrants a year, we are adding only .3% to our population which is not near enough to meet our needs.

Bull. The less people in this country, the better. How did we survive when we had 25 million less people, 50 million less people, 100 million less people? We did just fine. In fact in some ways, better.

You people on the left use any excuse possible to usher these foreigners into this country because you were using different excuses when we were in the recession.

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more proof they hate americans and america.
Sorry, but I fail to see how their hike - which we didn't ask them to make and, in fact, have repeatedly told them NOT to make - engenders any sort of obligation on our part. Is there some heretofore secret section of the Immigration and Naturalization Code that says, "But if you make pointless effort and then have a riot, you get to bypass the normal requirements"?

BTW, no one gives a shit what Mexico does and doesn't require for their borders. Last time I checked, Mexico isn't part of the US government, and has no authority in regards to our immigration laws.
My reply was to a previous post. How the migrants got to the border is irrelevant as far as asylum laws are concerned but is relevant in regard to their determination to present their petition for asylum. Nobody spends two months walking 1700 miles without good reason. They are well aware that they are not likely to be accepted but it's likely their best option.

Actually, a lot of people do care what Mexico does on their southern border. They are demanding that Mexico tighten security and in effect stop the caravans which is ridiculous. Mexico has relativity open borders and they're under no obligation to change their policy just because of US immigration laws.

Mexico allows them to use their country as a boardwalk to the United States. Of course they bear some responsibility. If we had people running guns to the drug lords in Mexico and our government welcomed it with open arms, wouldn't you think Mexico would have a legitimate complaint against us?
Allies and trading partners should look out for each other. We look out for Mexico by sending over 320 million taxpayer dollars a year, the least they can do for that money is try to keep these people away from our border.

Why does Mexico bear any responsibility for letting the caravans come to the US? It is our asylum laws that attract them, not theirs. For the most part, the people in the caravans are not violating any Mexican law by crossing their border.

Furthermore, Mexico benefits from having relatively open borders. It increases commerce and the mobility of it's people. For Mexico to do what the US wants, they would have to change their laws and dedicate a lot of money to border control, something the Mexican people don't support. And they should do this because they should lookout for US who branded them as rapists, murders, and animal. I don't think so.

Mexico already has border patrol at their southern ends. Yes, it is illegal go be in Mexico as it is in the US unless you have the governments permission.
Government permission to enter Mexico amounts to showing id and getting a stamped entry card. They don't control their southern border and never have. Locals often cross the border at unmanned or unmarked locations. If stopped by border patrol and they're not carrying contraband, nothing happens. The border with Guatemala is over 700 miles long. There're 350 crossing but most are unmanned. There is fencing near heavily populated areas but most of the border is not fenced and some places it's not even marked.

The reality is Mexican border enforcement means looking for drugs, firearms, human trafficking, and wanted felons. Other than that they admit anyone with proper identification.
when did we become mexico? oh that is what you want, I see.....
The Unites States of America allows a million foreigners to become citizens of this country every year. No other industrialized or modernized country in the world comes close to our generosity.

So don't let these leftists tell you we are being greedy, inconsiderate, or uncaring of other people in the world outside our country unless they can show you one other country that comes close to ours when it comes to immigration.
People that legally immigrate to the US wait months and even years to do so. They pay thousands of dollars travel and relocation cost. They give up their jobs, their friends, their home, and their way of life to come here. America benefits by legal immigration just as immigrant do. It is not generosity. History shows us that it is mutually beneficial.

No, it's not mutually beneficial. If it were, then we would be asking them to come here.

The truth of the matter is that the US is the greatest country in the world. So it stands to reason that most everybody would want to come here. That's why it's so hard to get in. But as a country of 325 million people, letting everybody in, or even a good percentage in is not in our best interests. We have way more than enough people here to do what we need to do.

There are good jobs and bad jobs in the US. The bad jobs are easy to get. In fact, they are begging people to come work for them. The good jobs? You're not going to get in that easy. You may be on a list for years. You may need to take tests or acquire skills or education. You may not get in at all.

That's the way it works for good countries and bad countries.
43 percent of companies in the 2017 Fortune 500 were founded or co-founded by an immigrant or the child of an immigrant. Today 46% of the Inc. 5000 fastest growing small businesses were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.

Like so many developed nations we are growing older. Birth rates are lower and falling. Retirement is pulling millions out the workforce We need people, not just entrepreneurs but people to pick fruit, build houses, and work in factories. The US Commerce Department projects a labor shortage that will grow from the current 6 million today to over 24 million in just 6 years.

Immigration is vital to our future economic growth. However, the US has the 5th most restrictive immigration policies in the world. With the current target of 1 million legal immigrants a year, we are adding only .3% to our population which is not near enough to meet our needs.

Bull. The less people in this country, the better. How did we survive when we had 25 million less people, 50 million less people, 100 million less people? We did just fine. In fact in some ways, better.

You people on the left use any excuse possible to usher these foreigners into this country because you were using different excuses when we were in the recession.

Sent from my iPad using
We survived because we were basically an agrarian society where 60% of the population raised it's own food. Expected life span was less than 50, the workweek averaged about 65 hours, 6 days a week. Most Americans entered the workforce at about age 14 and remained until death. Maybe you consider that getting along just fine but I doubt many Americans would agree with you.
What's the big deal about just getting a work visa and then applying for citizenship?
We have normal ways to immigrate.
The Unites States of America allows a million foreigners to become citizens of this country every year. No other industrialized or modernized country in the world comes close to our generosity.

So don't let these leftists tell you we are being greedy, inconsiderate, or uncaring of other people in the world outside our country unless they can show you one other country that comes close to ours when it comes to immigration.
People that legally immigrate to the US wait months and even years to do so. They pay thousands of dollars travel and relocation cost. They give up their jobs, their friends, their home, and their way of life to come here. America benefits by legal immigration just as immigrant do. It is not generosity. History shows us that it is mutually beneficial.

No, it's not mutually beneficial. If it were, then we would be asking them to come here.

The truth of the matter is that the US is the greatest country in the world. So it stands to reason that most everybody would want to come here. That's why it's so hard to get in. But as a country of 325 million people, letting everybody in, or even a good percentage in is not in our best interests. We have way more than enough people here to do what we need to do.

There are good jobs and bad jobs in the US. The bad jobs are easy to get. In fact, they are begging people to come work for them. The good jobs? You're not going to get in that easy. You may be on a list for years. You may need to take tests or acquire skills or education. You may not get in at all.

That's the way it works for good countries and bad countries.
43 percent of companies in the 2017 Fortune 500 were founded or co-founded by an immigrant or the child of an immigrant. Today 46% of the Inc. 5000 fastest growing small businesses were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.

Like so many developed nations we are growing older. Birth rates are lower and falling. Retirement is pulling millions out the workforce We need people, not just entrepreneurs but people to pick fruit, build houses, and work in factories. The US Commerce Department projects a labor shortage that will grow from the current 6 million today to over 24 million in just 6 years.

Immigration is vital to our future economic growth. However, the US has the 5th most restrictive immigration policies in the world. With the current target of 1 million legal immigrants a year, we are adding only .3% to our population which is not near enough to meet our needs.
what does any of that have to do with illegal entry into our country. Illegals are not immigrants their are illegal aliens.
change the law, silly. only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy,
What's the big deal about just getting a work visa and then applying for citizenship?
We have normal ways to immigrate.
The Unites States of America allows a million foreigners to become citizens of this country every year. No other industrialized or modernized country in the world comes close to our generosity.

So don't let these leftists tell you we are being greedy, inconsiderate, or uncaring of other people in the world outside our country unless they can show you one other country that comes close to ours when it comes to immigration.
People that legally immigrate to the US wait months and even years to do so. They pay thousands of dollars travel and relocation cost. They give up their jobs, their friends, their home, and their way of life to come here. America benefits by legal immigration just as immigrant do. It is not generosity. History shows us that it is mutually beneficial.

No, it's not mutually beneficial. If it were, then we would be asking them to come here.

The truth of the matter is that the US is the greatest country in the world. So it stands to reason that most everybody would want to come here. That's why it's so hard to get in. But as a country of 325 million people, letting everybody in, or even a good percentage in is not in our best interests. We have way more than enough people here to do what we need to do.

There are good jobs and bad jobs in the US. The bad jobs are easy to get. In fact, they are begging people to come work for them. The good jobs? You're not going to get in that easy. You may be on a list for years. You may need to take tests or acquire skills or education. You may not get in at all.

That's the way it works for good countries and bad countries.
43 percent of companies in the 2017 Fortune 500 were founded or co-founded by an immigrant or the child of an immigrant. Today 46% of the Inc. 5000 fastest growing small businesses were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.

Like so many developed nations we are growing older. Birth rates are lower and falling. Retirement is pulling millions out the workforce We need people, not just entrepreneurs but people to pick fruit, build houses, and work in factories. The US Commerce Department projects a labor shortage that will grow from the current 6 million today to over 24 million in just 6 years.

Immigration is vital to our future economic growth. However, the US has the 5th most restrictive immigration policies in the world. With the current target of 1 million legal immigrants a year, we are adding only .3% to our population which is not near enough to meet our needs.
what does any of that have to do with illegal entry into our country. Illegals are not immigrants their are illegal aliens.

It's Flopper's way of saying "See, some of them are doing great, that's a good reason to let them all in!"

So far I've heard how great workers they are, how religious they are, how family values matter so much to them, how nice of people they are, how they have less percentage of criminals than US born citizens, but I think you could find that in just about any group of people.

However we don't base their acceptance to this country on that. We base it on coming here legally, assimilating into our country, and yes, waiting their turn if need be.

If immigrants were renown to vote Republican, the leftist would have had a wall up 30 years ago, and everybody here today supporting their intrusion on this country would be totally against them today due to crime, diseases, inability to communicate, lack of education or training.
The Unites States of America allows a million foreigners to become citizens of this country every year. No other industrialized or modernized country in the world comes close to our generosity.

So don't let these leftists tell you we are being greedy, inconsiderate, or uncaring of other people in the world outside our country unless they can show you one other country that comes close to ours when it comes to immigration.
People that legally immigrate to the US wait months and even years to do so. They pay thousands of dollars travel and relocation cost. They give up their jobs, their friends, their home, and their way of life to come here. America benefits by legal immigration just as immigrant do. It is not generosity. History shows us that it is mutually beneficial.

No, it's not mutually beneficial. If it were, then we would be asking them to come here.

The truth of the matter is that the US is the greatest country in the world. So it stands to reason that most everybody would want to come here. That's why it's so hard to get in. But as a country of 325 million people, letting everybody in, or even a good percentage in is not in our best interests. We have way more than enough people here to do what we need to do.

There are good jobs and bad jobs in the US. The bad jobs are easy to get. In fact, they are begging people to come work for them. The good jobs? You're not going to get in that easy. You may be on a list for years. You may need to take tests or acquire skills or education. You may not get in at all.

That's the way it works for good countries and bad countries.
43 percent of companies in the 2017 Fortune 500 were founded or co-founded by an immigrant or the child of an immigrant. Today 46% of the Inc. 5000 fastest growing small businesses were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.

Like so many developed nations we are growing older. Birth rates are lower and falling. Retirement is pulling millions out the workforce We need people, not just entrepreneurs but people to pick fruit, build houses, and work in factories. The US Commerce Department projects a labor shortage that will grow from the current 6 million today to over 24 million in just 6 years.

Immigration is vital to our future economic growth. However, the US has the 5th most restrictive immigration policies in the world. With the current target of 1 million legal immigrants a year, we are adding only .3% to our population which is not near enough to meet our needs.

Bull. The less people in this country, the better. How did we survive when we had 25 million less people, 50 million less people, 100 million less people? We did just fine. In fact in some ways, better.

You people on the left use any excuse possible to usher these foreigners into this country because you were using different excuses when we were in the recession.

Sent from my iPad using
We survived because we were basically an agrarian society where 60% of the population raised it's own food. Expected life span was less than 50, the workweek averaged about 65 hours, 6 days a week. Most Americans entered the workforce at about age 14 and remained until death. Maybe you consider that getting along just fine but I doubt many Americans would agree with you.

Cherry pick any items you desire, but we had less crime, neighborhoods that held value, a strongly religious country, a country where strangers actually greeted each other on the street, a much weaker and less intrusive government, and a work ethic where people were too happy to work 6 days a week. Several times in my life I held two jobs; at one point three. Even today as I'm starting to push 60 years old, I have a full-time job and a landlord as well.

You want all these people to come into this country because of jobs. Well guess what? Those jobs won't be there forever. Then what will we do with these people when they are no longer needed? Ship them back to their country?

These excuses and reasons for them coming here is not something I buy into because I believe we AMERICANS can get along just fine without any immigration. I mean, wouldn't it be a better country if we dialed back and you didn't have to much any button on your phone or ATM machine to speak the language of your country????
The Unites States of America allows a million foreigners to become citizens of this country every year. No other industrialized or modernized country in the world comes close to our generosity.

So don't let these leftists tell you we are being greedy, inconsiderate, or uncaring of other people in the world outside our country unless they can show you one other country that comes close to ours when it comes to immigration.
People that legally immigrate to the US wait months and even years to do so. They pay thousands of dollars travel and relocation cost. They give up their jobs, their friends, their home, and their way of life to come here. America benefits by legal immigration just as immigrant do. It is not generosity. History shows us that it is mutually beneficial.

No, it's not mutually beneficial. If it were, then we would be asking them to come here.

The truth of the matter is that the US is the greatest country in the world. So it stands to reason that most everybody would want to come here. That's why it's so hard to get in. But as a country of 325 million people, letting everybody in, or even a good percentage in is not in our best interests. We have way more than enough people here to do what we need to do.

There are good jobs and bad jobs in the US. The bad jobs are easy to get. In fact, they are begging people to come work for them. The good jobs? You're not going to get in that easy. You may be on a list for years. You may need to take tests or acquire skills or education. You may not get in at all.

That's the way it works for good countries and bad countries.
43 percent of companies in the 2017 Fortune 500 were founded or co-founded by an immigrant or the child of an immigrant. Today 46% of the Inc. 5000 fastest growing small businesses were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.

Like so many developed nations we are growing older. Birth rates are lower and falling. Retirement is pulling millions out the workforce We need people, not just entrepreneurs but people to pick fruit, build houses, and work in factories. The US Commerce Department projects a labor shortage that will grow from the current 6 million today to over 24 million in just 6 years.

Immigration is vital to our future economic growth. However, the US has the 5th most restrictive immigration policies in the world. With the current target of 1 million legal immigrants a year, we are adding only .3% to our population which is not near enough to meet our needs.

Bull. The less people in this country, the better. How did we survive when we had 25 million less people, 50 million less people, 100 million less people? We did just fine. In fact in some ways, better.

You people on the left use any excuse possible to usher these foreigners into this country because you were using different excuses when we were in the recession.

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FACT: The Democratic Party's open borders goal is to displace educated middle class voters with poor illiterate anti-American third worlders.

To some degree you are correct. But the larger picture is to wipe out the white race. Once Democrats can do that, we will become a single-party country forever because every race of people outside of whites vote Democrat.

Down the road when Democrats get their dream of turning this country into another socialist shithole, our children may be able to read history of this country if they don't wipe out history as well. They will imagine themselves living in our world and ask "WTF did they do this to us?"

Thank God I'll be off this planet by then.
What's the big deal about just getting a work visa and then applying for citizenship?
We have normal ways to immigrate.
The Unites States of America allows a million foreigners to become citizens of this country every year. No other industrialized or modernized country in the world comes close to our generosity.

So don't let these leftists tell you we are being greedy, inconsiderate, or uncaring of other people in the world outside our country unless they can show you one other country that comes close to ours when it comes to immigration.
People that legally immigrate to the US wait months and even years to do so. They pay thousands of dollars travel and relocation cost. They give up their jobs, their friends, their home, and their way of life to come here. America benefits by legal immigration just as immigrant do. It is not generosity. History shows us that it is mutually beneficial.

No, it's not mutually beneficial. If it were, then we would be asking them to come here.

The truth of the matter is that the US is the greatest country in the world. So it stands to reason that most everybody would want to come here. That's why it's so hard to get in. But as a country of 325 million people, letting everybody in, or even a good percentage in is not in our best interests. We have way more than enough people here to do what we need to do.

There are good jobs and bad jobs in the US. The bad jobs are easy to get. In fact, they are begging people to come work for them. The good jobs? You're not going to get in that easy. You may be on a list for years. You may need to take tests or acquire skills or education. You may not get in at all.

That's the way it works for good countries and bad countries.
43 percent of companies in the 2017 Fortune 500 were founded or co-founded by an immigrant or the child of an immigrant. Today 46% of the Inc. 5000 fastest growing small businesses were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.

Like so many developed nations we are growing older. Birth rates are lower and falling. Retirement is pulling millions out the workforce We need people, not just entrepreneurs but people to pick fruit, build houses, and work in factories. The US Commerce Department projects a labor shortage that will grow from the current 6 million today to over 24 million in just 6 years.

Immigration is vital to our future economic growth. However, the US has the 5th most restrictive immigration policies in the world. With the current target of 1 million legal immigrants a year, we are adding only .3% to our population which is not near enough to meet our needs.
what does any of that have to do with illegal entry into our country. Illegals are not immigrants their are illegal aliens.
My reply was rebuttal to your anti- immigration post.
People that legally immigrate to the US wait months and even years to do so. They pay thousands of dollars travel and relocation cost. They give up their jobs, their friends, their home, and their way of life to come here. America benefits by legal immigration just as immigrant do. It is not generosity. History shows us that it is mutually beneficial.

No, it's not mutually beneficial. If it were, then we would be asking them to come here.

The truth of the matter is that the US is the greatest country in the world. So it stands to reason that most everybody would want to come here. That's why it's so hard to get in. But as a country of 325 million people, letting everybody in, or even a good percentage in is not in our best interests. We have way more than enough people here to do what we need to do.

There are good jobs and bad jobs in the US. The bad jobs are easy to get. In fact, they are begging people to come work for them. The good jobs? You're not going to get in that easy. You may be on a list for years. You may need to take tests or acquire skills or education. You may not get in at all.

That's the way it works for good countries and bad countries.
43 percent of companies in the 2017 Fortune 500 were founded or co-founded by an immigrant or the child of an immigrant. Today 46% of the Inc. 5000 fastest growing small businesses were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.

Like so many developed nations we are growing older. Birth rates are lower and falling. Retirement is pulling millions out the workforce We need people, not just entrepreneurs but people to pick fruit, build houses, and work in factories. The US Commerce Department projects a labor shortage that will grow from the current 6 million today to over 24 million in just 6 years.

Immigration is vital to our future economic growth. However, the US has the 5th most restrictive immigration policies in the world. With the current target of 1 million legal immigrants a year, we are adding only .3% to our population which is not near enough to meet our needs.

Bull. The less people in this country, the better. How did we survive when we had 25 million less people, 50 million less people, 100 million less people? We did just fine. In fact in some ways, better.

You people on the left use any excuse possible to usher these foreigners into this country because you were using different excuses when we were in the recession.

Sent from my iPad using
We survived because we were basically an agrarian society where 60% of the population raised it's own food. Expected life span was less than 50, the workweek averaged about 65 hours, 6 days a week. Most Americans entered the workforce at about age 14 and remained until death. Maybe you consider that getting along just fine but I doubt many Americans would agree with you.

Cherry pick any items you desire, but we had less crime, neighborhoods that held value, a strongly religious country, a country where strangers actually greeted each other on the street, a much weaker and less intrusive government, and a work ethic where people were too happy to work 6 days a week. Several times in my life I held two jobs; at one point three. Even today as I'm starting to push 60 years old, I have a full-time job and a landlord as well.

You want all these people to come into this country because of jobs. Well guess what? Those jobs won't be there forever. Then what will we do with these people when they are no longer needed? Ship them back to their country?

These excuses and reasons for them coming here is not something I buy into because I believe we AMERICANS can get along just fine without any immigration. I mean, wouldn't it be a better country if we dialed back and you didn't have to much any button on your phone or ATM machine to speak the language of your country????
Ah, yes the good old days but how really good were they. The “good old days” are always viewed through the rose-colored glasses of nostalgia. The reminiscer does not actually remember how it was, especially when they’re talking about their childhood and young adulthood. The human brain is extremely unreliable when it comes to long-term memory, so some of those good times may not have even happened.

From a historical standpoint, things are objectively better now. There are less wars than any other point in human history, world hunger is at an all-time low, people are more educated now than any other generation, there have been huge leaps in medicine and technology that have extended and improved the quality of life, many diseases have been eradicated or are close to being so by vaccines and other medical advancements, we’re connected to each other no matter where we are thanks to the internet, more minority groups have more rights than ever before, and hard labor is being replaced by machines so we don’t have to do dangerous tasks.

The “good old days” are a fantasy. It’s better for everyone if we live in the real present. However, if those "good old days" were really that good, it was immigrants, parents and grandparents and great grandparents of those immigrants that made it that good.
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People that legally immigrate to the US wait months and even years to do so. They pay thousands of dollars travel and relocation cost. They give up their jobs, their friends, their home, and their way of life to come here. America benefits by legal immigration just as immigrant do. It is not generosity. History shows us that it is mutually beneficial.

No, it's not mutually beneficial. If it were, then we would be asking them to come here.

The truth of the matter is that the US is the greatest country in the world. So it stands to reason that most everybody would want to come here. That's why it's so hard to get in. But as a country of 325 million people, letting everybody in, or even a good percentage in is not in our best interests. We have way more than enough people here to do what we need to do.

There are good jobs and bad jobs in the US. The bad jobs are easy to get. In fact, they are begging people to come work for them. The good jobs? You're not going to get in that easy. You may be on a list for years. You may need to take tests or acquire skills or education. You may not get in at all.

That's the way it works for good countries and bad countries.
43 percent of companies in the 2017 Fortune 500 were founded or co-founded by an immigrant or the child of an immigrant. Today 46% of the Inc. 5000 fastest growing small businesses were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.

Like so many developed nations we are growing older. Birth rates are lower and falling. Retirement is pulling millions out the workforce We need people, not just entrepreneurs but people to pick fruit, build houses, and work in factories. The US Commerce Department projects a labor shortage that will grow from the current 6 million today to over 24 million in just 6 years.

Immigration is vital to our future economic growth. However, the US has the 5th most restrictive immigration policies in the world. With the current target of 1 million legal immigrants a year, we are adding only .3% to our population which is not near enough to meet our needs.

Bull. The less people in this country, the better. How did we survive when we had 25 million less people, 50 million less people, 100 million less people? We did just fine. In fact in some ways, better.

You people on the left use any excuse possible to usher these foreigners into this country because you were using different excuses when we were in the recession.

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FACT: The Democratic Party's open borders goal is to displace educated middle class voters with poor illiterate anti-American third worlders.

To some degree you are correct. But the larger picture is to wipe out the white race. Once Democrats can do that, we will become a single-party country forever because every race of people outside of whites vote Democrat.

Down the road when Democrats get their dream of turning this country into another socialist shithole, our children may be able to read history of this country if they don't wipe out history as well. They will imagine themselves living in our world and ask "WTF did they do this to us?"

Thank God I'll be off this planet by then.

The Orwellian Left Wingers already constantly scrub the internet of things that they don't like
The Unites States of America allows a million foreigners to become citizens of this country every year. No other industrialized or modernized country in the world comes close to our generosity.

So don't let these leftists tell you we are being greedy, inconsiderate, or uncaring of other people in the world outside our country unless they can show you one other country that comes close to ours when it comes to immigration.
People that legally immigrate to the US wait months and even years to do so. They pay thousands of dollars travel and relocation cost. They give up their jobs, their friends, their home, and their way of life to come here. America benefits by legal immigration just as immigrant do. It is not generosity. History shows us that it is mutually beneficial.

No, it's not mutually beneficial. If it were, then we would be asking them to come here.

The truth of the matter is that the US is the greatest country in the world. So it stands to reason that most everybody would want to come here. That's why it's so hard to get in. But as a country of 325 million people, letting everybody in, or even a good percentage in is not in our best interests. We have way more than enough people here to do what we need to do.

There are good jobs and bad jobs in the US. The bad jobs are easy to get. In fact, they are begging people to come work for them. The good jobs? You're not going to get in that easy. You may be on a list for years. You may need to take tests or acquire skills or education. You may not get in at all.

That's the way it works for good countries and bad countries.
43 percent of companies in the 2017 Fortune 500 were founded or co-founded by an immigrant or the child of an immigrant. Today 46% of the Inc. 5000 fastest growing small businesses were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.

Like so many developed nations we are growing older. Birth rates are lower and falling. Retirement is pulling millions out the workforce We need people, not just entrepreneurs but people to pick fruit, build houses, and work in factories. The US Commerce Department projects a labor shortage that will grow from the current 6 million today to over 24 million in just 6 years.

Immigration is vital to our future economic growth. However, the US has the 5th most restrictive immigration policies in the world. With the current target of 1 million legal immigrants a year, we are adding only .3% to our population which is not near enough to meet our needs.
what does any of that have to do with illegal entry into our country. Illegals are not immigrants their are illegal aliens.
My reply was rebuttal to your anti- immigration post.
What anti immigration post! I love immigrants. My family is. Why are you anti Americans ?
No, it's not mutually beneficial. If it were, then we would be asking them to come here.

The truth of the matter is that the US is the greatest country in the world. So it stands to reason that most everybody would want to come here. That's why it's so hard to get in. But as a country of 325 million people, letting everybody in, or even a good percentage in is not in our best interests. We have way more than enough people here to do what we need to do.

There are good jobs and bad jobs in the US. The bad jobs are easy to get. In fact, they are begging people to come work for them. The good jobs? You're not going to get in that easy. You may be on a list for years. You may need to take tests or acquire skills or education. You may not get in at all.

That's the way it works for good countries and bad countries.
43 percent of companies in the 2017 Fortune 500 were founded or co-founded by an immigrant or the child of an immigrant. Today 46% of the Inc. 5000 fastest growing small businesses were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.

Like so many developed nations we are growing older. Birth rates are lower and falling. Retirement is pulling millions out the workforce We need people, not just entrepreneurs but people to pick fruit, build houses, and work in factories. The US Commerce Department projects a labor shortage that will grow from the current 6 million today to over 24 million in just 6 years.

Immigration is vital to our future economic growth. However, the US has the 5th most restrictive immigration policies in the world. With the current target of 1 million legal immigrants a year, we are adding only .3% to our population which is not near enough to meet our needs.

Bull. The less people in this country, the better. How did we survive when we had 25 million less people, 50 million less people, 100 million less people? We did just fine. In fact in some ways, better.

You people on the left use any excuse possible to usher these foreigners into this country because you were using different excuses when we were in the recession.

Sent from my iPad using
We survived because we were basically an agrarian society where 60% of the population raised it's own food. Expected life span was less than 50, the workweek averaged about 65 hours, 6 days a week. Most Americans entered the workforce at about age 14 and remained until death. Maybe you consider that getting along just fine but I doubt many Americans would agree with you.

Cherry pick any items you desire, but we had less crime, neighborhoods that held value, a strongly religious country, a country where strangers actually greeted each other on the street, a much weaker and less intrusive government, and a work ethic where people were too happy to work 6 days a week. Several times in my life I held two jobs; at one point three. Even today as I'm starting to push 60 years old, I have a full-time job and a landlord as well.

You want all these people to come into this country because of jobs. Well guess what? Those jobs won't be there forever. Then what will we do with these people when they are no longer needed? Ship them back to their country?

These excuses and reasons for them coming here is not something I buy into because I believe we AMERICANS can get along just fine without any immigration. I mean, wouldn't it be a better country if we dialed back and you didn't have to much any button on your phone or ATM machine to speak the language of your country????
Ah, yes the good old days but how really good were they. The “good old days” are always viewed through the rose-colored glasses of nostalgia. The reminiscer does not actually remember how it was, especially when they’re talking about their childhood and young adulthood. The human brain is extremely unreliable when it comes to long-term memory, so some of those good times may not have even happened.

From a historical standpoint, things are objectively better now. There are less wars than any other point in human history, world hunger is at an all-time low, people are more educated now than any other generation, there have been huge leaps in medicine and technology that have extended and improved the quality of life, many diseases have been eradicated or are close to being so by vaccines and other medical advancements, we’re connected to each other no matter where we are thanks to the internet, more minority groups have more rights than ever before, and hard labor is being replaced by machines so we don’t have to do dangerous tasks.

The “good old days” are a fantasy. It’s better for everyone if we live in the real present. However, if those "good old days" were really that good, it was immigrants, parents and grandparents and great grandparents of those immigrants that made it that good.

To some degree yes. It was immigrants who were welcome here at the time and came here legally; they were needed at one time.

We don't want or need them now. As I mentioned earlier, if immigrants were known to vote Republican, the Democrats would have stopped them long ago. So what this is really about is politics and not our dependency on any third world workers.

As far as today and yesterday, you're talking to a guy with a 80" Hi-Def television with an iPhone X and remote car start that works from a cell phone. I love technology. But I'm going beyond that. I'm speaking more about society and environment...... and perhaps yes, government as well.
People that legally immigrate to the US wait months and even years to do so. They pay thousands of dollars travel and relocation cost. They give up their jobs, their friends, their home, and their way of life to come here. America benefits by legal immigration just as immigrant do. It is not generosity. History shows us that it is mutually beneficial.

No, it's not mutually beneficial. If it were, then we would be asking them to come here.

The truth of the matter is that the US is the greatest country in the world. So it stands to reason that most everybody would want to come here. That's why it's so hard to get in. But as a country of 325 million people, letting everybody in, or even a good percentage in is not in our best interests. We have way more than enough people here to do what we need to do.

There are good jobs and bad jobs in the US. The bad jobs are easy to get. In fact, they are begging people to come work for them. The good jobs? You're not going to get in that easy. You may be on a list for years. You may need to take tests or acquire skills or education. You may not get in at all.

That's the way it works for good countries and bad countries.
43 percent of companies in the 2017 Fortune 500 were founded or co-founded by an immigrant or the child of an immigrant. Today 46% of the Inc. 5000 fastest growing small businesses were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.

Like so many developed nations we are growing older. Birth rates are lower and falling. Retirement is pulling millions out the workforce We need people, not just entrepreneurs but people to pick fruit, build houses, and work in factories. The US Commerce Department projects a labor shortage that will grow from the current 6 million today to over 24 million in just 6 years.

Immigration is vital to our future economic growth. However, the US has the 5th most restrictive immigration policies in the world. With the current target of 1 million legal immigrants a year, we are adding only .3% to our population which is not near enough to meet our needs.
what does any of that have to do with illegal entry into our country. Illegals are not immigrants their are illegal aliens.
My reply was rebuttal to your anti- immigration post.
What anti immigration post! I love immigrants. My family is. Why are you anti Americans ?
Sorry jc. That post was meant for Ray
43 percent of companies in the 2017 Fortune 500 were founded or co-founded by an immigrant or the child of an immigrant. Today 46% of the Inc. 5000 fastest growing small businesses were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.

Like so many developed nations we are growing older. Birth rates are lower and falling. Retirement is pulling millions out the workforce We need people, not just entrepreneurs but people to pick fruit, build houses, and work in factories. The US Commerce Department projects a labor shortage that will grow from the current 6 million today to over 24 million in just 6 years.

Immigration is vital to our future economic growth. However, the US has the 5th most restrictive immigration policies in the world. With the current target of 1 million legal immigrants a year, we are adding only .3% to our population which is not near enough to meet our needs.

Bull. The less people in this country, the better. How did we survive when we had 25 million less people, 50 million less people, 100 million less people? We did just fine. In fact in some ways, better.

You people on the left use any excuse possible to usher these foreigners into this country because you were using different excuses when we were in the recession.

Sent from my iPad using
We survived because we were basically an agrarian society where 60% of the population raised it's own food. Expected life span was less than 50, the workweek averaged about 65 hours, 6 days a week. Most Americans entered the workforce at about age 14 and remained until death. Maybe you consider that getting along just fine but I doubt many Americans would agree with you.

Cherry pick any items you desire, but we had less crime, neighborhoods that held value, a strongly religious country, a country where strangers actually greeted each other on the street, a much weaker and less intrusive government, and a work ethic where people were too happy to work 6 days a week. Several times in my life I held two jobs; at one point three. Even today as I'm starting to push 60 years old, I have a full-time job and a landlord as well.

You want all these people to come into this country because of jobs. Well guess what? Those jobs won't be there forever. Then what will we do with these people when they are no longer needed? Ship them back to their country?

These excuses and reasons for them coming here is not something I buy into because I believe we AMERICANS can get along just fine without any immigration. I mean, wouldn't it be a better country if we dialed back and you didn't have to much any button on your phone or ATM machine to speak the language of your country????
Ah, yes the good old days but how really good were they. The “good old days” are always viewed through the rose-colored glasses of nostalgia. The reminiscer does not actually remember how it was, especially when they’re talking about their childhood and young adulthood. The human brain is extremely unreliable when it comes to long-term memory, so some of those good times may not have even happened.

From a historical standpoint, things are objectively better now. There are less wars than any other point in human history, world hunger is at an all-time low, people are more educated now than any other generation, there have been huge leaps in medicine and technology that have extended and improved the quality of life, many diseases have been eradicated or are close to being so by vaccines and other medical advancements, we’re connected to each other no matter where we are thanks to the internet, more minority groups have more rights than ever before, and hard labor is being replaced by machines so we don’t have to do dangerous tasks.

The “good old days” are a fantasy. It’s better for everyone if we live in the real present. However, if those "good old days" were really that good, it was immigrants, parents and grandparents and great grandparents of those immigrants that made it that good.

To some degree yes. It was immigrants who were welcome here at the time and came here legally; they were needed at one time.

We don't want or need them now. As I mentioned earlier, if immigrants were known to vote Republican, the Democrats would have stopped them long ago. So what this is really about is politics and not our dependency on any third world workers.

As far as today and yesterday, you're talking to a guy with a 80" Hi-Def television with an iPhone X and remote car start that works from a cell phone. I love technology. But I'm going beyond that. I'm speaking more about society and environment...... and perhaps yes, government as well.
I agree with you. We don't need immigrants at this time. We will need them in 5 to 10 years after they learn the language, established themselves, and become citizens. It takes years to adjust to a new country and really become productive. More so, we need their children and their children's children.

A shrinking workforce due to a falling birthrate, increased rate of retirement, and aging population will make it impossible for the nation to provide enough workers over the next 30 years to sustain the economic growth we need without immigration.

Some people say we should reduce immigration but the fact is we need to increase immigration. For a nation to prosper, it needs to grow economically and it can only grow if it has a sufficient workforce. This is even more important in nations such as ours that have borrowed heavily counting on strong economic growth in the future.
Last edited:
Bull. The less people in this country, the better. How did we survive when we had 25 million less people, 50 million less people, 100 million less people? We did just fine. In fact in some ways, better.

You people on the left use any excuse possible to usher these foreigners into this country because you were using different excuses when we were in the recession.

Sent from my iPad using
We survived because we were basically an agrarian society where 60% of the population raised it's own food. Expected life span was less than 50, the workweek averaged about 65 hours, 6 days a week. Most Americans entered the workforce at about age 14 and remained until death. Maybe you consider that getting along just fine but I doubt many Americans would agree with you.

Cherry pick any items you desire, but we had less crime, neighborhoods that held value, a strongly religious country, a country where strangers actually greeted each other on the street, a much weaker and less intrusive government, and a work ethic where people were too happy to work 6 days a week. Several times in my life I held two jobs; at one point three. Even today as I'm starting to push 60 years old, I have a full-time job and a landlord as well.

You want all these people to come into this country because of jobs. Well guess what? Those jobs won't be there forever. Then what will we do with these people when they are no longer needed? Ship them back to their country?

These excuses and reasons for them coming here is not something I buy into because I believe we AMERICANS can get along just fine without any immigration. I mean, wouldn't it be a better country if we dialed back and you didn't have to much any button on your phone or ATM machine to speak the language of your country????
Ah, yes the good old days but how really good were they. The “good old days” are always viewed through the rose-colored glasses of nostalgia. The reminiscer does not actually remember how it was, especially when they’re talking about their childhood and young adulthood. The human brain is extremely unreliable when it comes to long-term memory, so some of those good times may not have even happened.

From a historical standpoint, things are objectively better now. There are less wars than any other point in human history, world hunger is at an all-time low, people are more educated now than any other generation, there have been huge leaps in medicine and technology that have extended and improved the quality of life, many diseases have been eradicated or are close to being so by vaccines and other medical advancements, we’re connected to each other no matter where we are thanks to the internet, more minority groups have more rights than ever before, and hard labor is being replaced by machines so we don’t have to do dangerous tasks.

The “good old days” are a fantasy. It’s better for everyone if we live in the real present. However, if those "good old days" were really that good, it was immigrants, parents and grandparents and great grandparents of those immigrants that made it that good.

To some degree yes. It was immigrants who were welcome here at the time and came here legally; they were needed at one time.

We don't want or need them now. As I mentioned earlier, if immigrants were known to vote Republican, the Democrats would have stopped them long ago. So what this is really about is politics and not our dependency on any third world workers.

As far as today and yesterday, you're talking to a guy with a 80" Hi-Def television with an iPhone X and remote car start that works from a cell phone. I love technology. But I'm going beyond that. I'm speaking more about society and environment...... and perhaps yes, government as well.
I agree with you. We don't need immigrants at this time. We will need them in 5 to 10 years after they learn the language, established themselves, and become citizens. It takes years to adjust to a new country and really become productive. More so, we need their children and their children's children.

A shrinking workforce due to a falling birthrate, increased rate of retirement, and aging population will make it impossible for the nation to provide enough workers over the next 30 years to sustain the economic growth we need without immigration.

Some people say we should reduce immigration but the fact is we need to increase immigration. For a nation to prosper, it needs to grow economically and it can only grow if it has a sufficient workforce. This is even more important in nations such as ours that have borrowed heavily counting on strong economic growth in the future.

Then your stance is we have to depend on vagrants due to our failing social programs. Food for thought in the future.

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We survived because we were basically an agrarian society where 60% of the population raised it's own food. Expected life span was less than 50, the workweek averaged about 65 hours, 6 days a week. Most Americans entered the workforce at about age 14 and remained until death. Maybe you consider that getting along just fine but I doubt many Americans would agree with you.

Cherry pick any items you desire, but we had less crime, neighborhoods that held value, a strongly religious country, a country where strangers actually greeted each other on the street, a much weaker and less intrusive government, and a work ethic where people were too happy to work 6 days a week. Several times in my life I held two jobs; at one point three. Even today as I'm starting to push 60 years old, I have a full-time job and a landlord as well.

You want all these people to come into this country because of jobs. Well guess what? Those jobs won't be there forever. Then what will we do with these people when they are no longer needed? Ship them back to their country?

These excuses and reasons for them coming here is not something I buy into because I believe we AMERICANS can get along just fine without any immigration. I mean, wouldn't it be a better country if we dialed back and you didn't have to much any button on your phone or ATM machine to speak the language of your country????
Ah, yes the good old days but how really good were they. The “good old days” are always viewed through the rose-colored glasses of nostalgia. The reminiscer does not actually remember how it was, especially when they’re talking about their childhood and young adulthood. The human brain is extremely unreliable when it comes to long-term memory, so some of those good times may not have even happened.

From a historical standpoint, things are objectively better now. There are less wars than any other point in human history, world hunger is at an all-time low, people are more educated now than any other generation, there have been huge leaps in medicine and technology that have extended and improved the quality of life, many diseases have been eradicated or are close to being so by vaccines and other medical advancements, we’re connected to each other no matter where we are thanks to the internet, more minority groups have more rights than ever before, and hard labor is being replaced by machines so we don’t have to do dangerous tasks.

The “good old days” are a fantasy. It’s better for everyone if we live in the real present. However, if those "good old days" were really that good, it was immigrants, parents and grandparents and great grandparents of those immigrants that made it that good.

To some degree yes. It was immigrants who were welcome here at the time and came here legally; they were needed at one time.

We don't want or need them now. As I mentioned earlier, if immigrants were known to vote Republican, the Democrats would have stopped them long ago. So what this is really about is politics and not our dependency on any third world workers.

As far as today and yesterday, you're talking to a guy with a 80" Hi-Def television with an iPhone X and remote car start that works from a cell phone. I love technology. But I'm going beyond that. I'm speaking more about society and environment...... and perhaps yes, government as well.
I agree with you. We don't need immigrants at this time. We will need them in 5 to 10 years after they learn the language, established themselves, and become citizens. It takes years to adjust to a new country and really become productive. More so, we need their children and their children's children.

A shrinking workforce due to a falling birthrate, increased rate of retirement, and aging population will make it impossible for the nation to provide enough workers over the next 30 years to sustain the economic growth we need without immigration.

Some people say we should reduce immigration but the fact is we need to increase immigration. For a nation to prosper, it needs to grow economically and it can only grow if it has a sufficient workforce. This is even more important in nations such as ours that have borrowed heavily counting on strong economic growth in the future.

Then your stance is we have to depend on vagrants due to our failing social programs. Food for thought in the future.
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Our bloated welfare system can't be blamed on immigrants. It’s home-grown, not imported.
Immigrants use 39 percent fewer welfare and entitlements benefits per person than native-born Americans. Immigrants are less likely to use the individual programs in most cases and, when they do, the benefits they receive tend to be smaller. As I have said before legal immigrants are an asset not a liability.

Don't Blame Immigrants for Bloated Welfare State
Cherry pick any items you desire, but we had less crime, neighborhoods that held value, a strongly religious country, a country where strangers actually greeted each other on the street, a much weaker and less intrusive government, and a work ethic where people were too happy to work 6 days a week. Several times in my life I held two jobs; at one point three. Even today as I'm starting to push 60 years old, I have a full-time job and a landlord as well.

You want all these people to come into this country because of jobs. Well guess what? Those jobs won't be there forever. Then what will we do with these people when they are no longer needed? Ship them back to their country?

These excuses and reasons for them coming here is not something I buy into because I believe we AMERICANS can get along just fine without any immigration. I mean, wouldn't it be a better country if we dialed back and you didn't have to much any button on your phone or ATM machine to speak the language of your country????
Ah, yes the good old days but how really good were they. The “good old days” are always viewed through the rose-colored glasses of nostalgia. The reminiscer does not actually remember how it was, especially when they’re talking about their childhood and young adulthood. The human brain is extremely unreliable when it comes to long-term memory, so some of those good times may not have even happened.

From a historical standpoint, things are objectively better now. There are less wars than any other point in human history, world hunger is at an all-time low, people are more educated now than any other generation, there have been huge leaps in medicine and technology that have extended and improved the quality of life, many diseases have been eradicated or are close to being so by vaccines and other medical advancements, we’re connected to each other no matter where we are thanks to the internet, more minority groups have more rights than ever before, and hard labor is being replaced by machines so we don’t have to do dangerous tasks.

The “good old days” are a fantasy. It’s better for everyone if we live in the real present. However, if those "good old days" were really that good, it was immigrants, parents and grandparents and great grandparents of those immigrants that made it that good.

To some degree yes. It was immigrants who were welcome here at the time and came here legally; they were needed at one time.

We don't want or need them now. As I mentioned earlier, if immigrants were known to vote Republican, the Democrats would have stopped them long ago. So what this is really about is politics and not our dependency on any third world workers.

As far as today and yesterday, you're talking to a guy with a 80" Hi-Def television with an iPhone X and remote car start that works from a cell phone. I love technology. But I'm going beyond that. I'm speaking more about society and environment...... and perhaps yes, government as well.
I agree with you. We don't need immigrants at this time. We will need them in 5 to 10 years after they learn the language, established themselves, and become citizens. It takes years to adjust to a new country and really become productive. More so, we need their children and their children's children.

A shrinking workforce due to a falling birthrate, increased rate of retirement, and aging population will make it impossible for the nation to provide enough workers over the next 30 years to sustain the economic growth we need without immigration.

Some people say we should reduce immigration but the fact is we need to increase immigration. For a nation to prosper, it needs to grow economically and it can only grow if it has a sufficient workforce. This is even more important in nations such as ours that have borrowed heavily counting on strong economic growth in the future.

Then your stance is we have to depend on vagrants due to our failing social programs. Food for thought in the future.
Sent from my iPad using
Our bloated welfare system can't be blamed on immigrants. It’s home-grown, not imported.
Immigrants use 39 percent fewer welfare and entitlements benefits per person than native-born Americans. Immigrants are less likely to use the individual programs in most cases and, when they do, the benefits they receive tend to be smaller. As I have said before legal immigrants are an asset not a liability.

Don't Blame Immigrants for Bloated Welfare State
wow dude you really are an anti american :290968001256257790-final:

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