To claim asylum you must be physically in the US .

Very few immigrants win their asylum claims and are denied entry into the nation...but we used to let them in to wait for a hearing they never show up for....Trump has ended that they must wait outside of the US...
Trump's new plan is to have asylum seekers wait in Mexico if they can not establish creditable fear of doing so. A Mexican official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said that current Mexican immigration law does not allow those seeking asylum in another country to stay in Mexico.
Therefore, having them wait in Mexico would be tantamount to sending them back to the country they are trying to escape. I think Trump is going to end up in court again. It's not quite as easy for Trump as president to skirt around the law as it was when he was president of the Trump Organization.
So, you can then state the law that says if Mexico does not allow them to stay there, that we must let them in? Mexico offered this to the US and the UN as a solution to the problem. The fact that they now wish to do otherwise is not incumbent upon us to change the course of action.

The whole point of our immigration policy is to allow IN only those who have met our standards of immigration. The fact remains, it is wrong and an illicit use of power to want to bring in people whom you know cannot pass asylum criteria in the hopes that they'll be released into our society awaiting a backlogged judiciary.

They can wait OUTSIDE our borders for their claims to be adjudicated.
What's the big deal about just getting a work visa and then applying for citizenship?
We have normal ways to immigrate.

The Unites States of America allows a million foreigners to become citizens of this country every year. No other industrialized or modernized country in the world comes close to our generosity.

So don't let these leftists tell you we are being greedy, inconsiderate, or uncaring of other people in the world outside our country unless they can show you one other country that comes close to ours when it comes to immigration.
People that legally immigrate to the US wait months and even years to do so. They pay thousands of dollars travel and relocation cost. They give up their jobs, their friends, their home, and their way of life to come here. America benefits by legal immigration just as immigrant do. It is not generosity. History shows us that it is mutually beneficial.
Very few immigrants win their asylum claims and are denied entry into the nation...but we used to let them in to wait for a hearing they never show up for....Trump has ended that they must wait outside of the US...
Trump's new plan is to have asylum seekers wait in Mexico if they can not establish creditable fear of doing so. A Mexican official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said that current Mexican immigration law does not allow those seeking asylum in another country to stay in Mexico.
Therefore, having them wait in Mexico would be tantamount to sending them back to the country they are trying to escape. I think Trump is going to end up in court again. It's not quite as easy for Trump as president to skirt around the law as it was when he was president of the Trump Organization.
So, you can then state the law that says if Mexico does not allow them to stay there, that we must let them in? Mexico offered this to the US and the UN as a solution to the problem. The fact that they now wish to do otherwise is not incumbent upon us to change the course of action.

The whole point of our immigration policy is to allow IN only those who have met our standards of immigration. The fact remains, it is wrong and an illicit use of power to want to bring in people whom you know cannot pass asylum criteria in the hopes that they'll be released into our society awaiting a backlogged judiciary.

They can wait OUTSIDE our borders for their claims to be adjudicated.
It is just a ruse to circumvent the asylum law. Mexico will not allow them to stay in Mexico while they are are seeking asylum elsewhere. I think the courts will see through it.
What's the big deal about just getting a work visa and then applying for citizenship?
We have normal ways to immigrate.

The Unites States of America allows a million foreigners to become citizens of this country every year. No other industrialized or modernized country in the world comes close to our generosity.

So don't let these leftists tell you we are being greedy, inconsiderate, or uncaring of other people in the world outside our country unless they can show you one other country that comes close to ours when it comes to immigration.
People that legally immigrate to the US wait months and even years to do so. They pay thousands of dollars travel and relocation cost. They give up their jobs, their friends, their home, and their way of life to come here. America benefits by legal immigration just as immigrant do. It is not generosity. History shows us that it is mutually beneficial.

No, it's not mutually beneficial. If it were, then we would be asking them to come here.

The truth of the matter is that the US is the greatest country in the world. So it stands to reason that most everybody would want to come here. That's why it's so hard to get in. But as a country of 325 million people, letting everybody in, or even a good percentage in is not in our best interests. We have way more than enough people here to do what we need to do.

There are good jobs and bad jobs in the US. The bad jobs are easy to get. In fact, they are begging people to come work for them. The good jobs? You're not going to get in that easy. You may be on a list for years. You may need to take tests or acquire skills or education. You may not get in at all.

That's the way it works for good countries and bad countries.
Very few immigrants win their asylum claims and are denied entry into the nation...but we used to let them in to wait for a hearing they never show up for....Trump has ended that they must wait outside of the US...
Trump's new plan is to have asylum seekers wait in Mexico if they can not establish creditable fear of doing so. A Mexican official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said that current Mexican immigration law does not allow those seeking asylum in another country to stay in Mexico.
Therefore, having them wait in Mexico would be tantamount to sending them back to the country they are trying to escape. I think Trump is going to end up in court again. It's not quite as easy for Trump as president to skirt around the law as it was when he was president of the Trump Organization.
So, you can then state the law that says if Mexico does not allow them to stay there, that we must let them in? Mexico offered this to the US and the UN as a solution to the problem. The fact that they now wish to do otherwise is not incumbent upon us to change the course of action.

The whole point of our immigration policy is to allow IN only those who have met our standards of immigration. The fact remains, it is wrong and an illicit use of power to want to bring in people whom you know cannot pass asylum criteria in the hopes that they'll be released into our society awaiting a backlogged judiciary.

They can wait OUTSIDE our borders for their claims to be adjudicated.
It is just a ruse to circumvent the asylum law. Mexico will not allow them to stay in Mexico while they are are seeking asylum elsewhere. I think the courts will see through it.
The courts would have to engage in partisan hackery to make what Mexico does with their squatters part of our problem.

Of course, if the Democrats AND Republicans got together and started addressing each of these issues -- by subject issue only and not comprehensively -- then the problem would be resolved. But Congress speaks about immigration reform as a ruse to circumvent they're having to acknowledge that they want these people for votes (Democrats) and for cheap labor (Democrats AND Republicans).

I have no problem with these people being held where they are while they await their applications to be processed. This way, they don't just 'disappear' in our society.
I'm sorry, but I just don't see the political advantage one way or the other. Yes, laws need to be changed, but good luck finding the people to do it. Piglosi and her clan certainly won't, and they plan on spending most of their time trying to remove Trump from office than anything else that needs to be addressed by Congress.
all congress has to do this next month is pass a one line bill written like the president's EO..

New executive order making immigrants ineligible for asylum if they arrive in the U.S. without papers. It's really quite simple and they can do while they have the House.
Telling 4,000 people that walked 2,000 miles to get to the border that they have go back home and get more identification should be good for another riot at the border which would certainly please Trump immensely.
BTW, Mexico requires ids at both their southern and northern border.
You act like they have a right to come in. Too fkn bad let em come and kill em all rioting! I’m all good you’re a dick
Our laws give them the right to apply for asylum. Unfortunately our laws require them to come to the US to do so.

International law on asylum assumes that if they genuinely need it, they're fleeing whatever they need asylum from. So yeah, mailing off an application and waiting for a reply wouldn't really be a thing. That's also why asylum laws specify that you apply in the first safe country; because, if you're really a refugee, you're about safety, not "country-shopping".

Meanwhile, we have yet to deny all these marchers the ability to request asylum. They - and you - just need to get over the idea that such requests are made by staging riots, assaulting Border Patrol officers, crossing barriers, and whining and crying.
I didn't say you mail off an application. I said you apply at an embassy. If you have creditable fear of returning to your home, embassies can offer temporary sanctuary until an asylum agent can conduct and interview. Investigations and background checks can be done much better in the home country than an in an immigration office in the US.
Don’t believe the righty propaganda about “applying the right way”. You actually have to be in the US to claim asylum. So if someone walks up to the border and claims asylum they aren’t illegal .
You can't cross over another neutral nation to get here to claim many times do you need to hear that before you get it?.....
You can if they let you and Mexico allowed the caravans to enter the country.
Very few immigrants win their asylum claims and are denied entry into the nation...but we used to let them in to wait for a hearing they never show up for....Trump has ended that they must wait outside of the US...
Trump's new plan is to have asylum seekers wait in Mexico if they can not establish creditable fear of doing so. A Mexican official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said that current Mexican immigration law does not allow those seeking asylum in another country to stay in Mexico.
Therefore, having them wait in Mexico would be tantamount to sending them back to the country they are trying to escape. I think Trump is going to end up in court again. It's not quite as easy for Trump as president to skirt around the law as it was when he was president of the Trump Organization.
So, you can then state the law that says if Mexico does not allow them to stay there, that we must let them in? Mexico offered this to the US and the UN as a solution to the problem. The fact that they now wish to do otherwise is not incumbent upon us to change the course of action.

The whole point of our immigration policy is to allow IN only those who have met our standards of immigration. The fact remains, it is wrong and an illicit use of power to want to bring in people whom you know cannot pass asylum criteria in the hopes that they'll be released into our society awaiting a backlogged judiciary.

They can wait OUTSIDE our borders for their claims to be adjudicated.
It is just a ruse to circumvent the asylum law. Mexico will not allow them to stay in Mexico while they are are seeking asylum elsewhere. I think the courts will see through it.
The courts would have to engage in partisan hackery to make what Mexico does with their squatters part of our problem.

Of course, if the Democrats AND Republicans got together and started addressing each of these issues -- by subject issue only and not comprehensively -- then the problem would be resolved. But Congress speaks about immigration reform as a ruse to circumvent they're having to acknowledge that they want these people for votes (Democrats) and for cheap labor (Democrats AND Republicans).

I have no problem with these people being held where they are while they await their applications to be processed. This way, they don't just 'disappear' in our society.
After walking a thousand miles or more, passing a preliminary creditable fear interview with a border agent and an asylum interview, they are not likely to miss their day in court. In fact it's rare for any asylum seeker to miss their day in court day.
Did you even bother to read your own link? Yes, if the country is designated ALREADY as a "safe third country", they would have to seek asylum there. But, currently, Mexico isn't designated as a safe third country YET.
yes it order of the president of mexico and president Trump two weeks ago....Mexico said they would provide them with a safe harbor and offer why do you want them to get in?....
They are offering safe harbor for those applying for asylum in Mexico, not the US.
So now you can see that Mexico ISN'T a safe third country, and no long term agreement has been worked out. So, because Mexico isn't a safe third country yet, the immigrants are legally allowed to seek asylum in the US.
Mexico is perfectly safe for these people...they even speak the same language...they can find jobs easier there than hear...they can fit in easier there than here....come on man...don't let your hatred of Trump make you crazy...
You can't legally work in Mexico without a work permit. The permit is paid for and issued to employer. Mexico like most countries controls foreign workers.
Don’t believe the righty propaganda about “applying the right way”. You actually have to be in the US to claim asylum. So if someone walks up to the border and claims asylum they aren’t illegal .

Obtaining Asylum in the United States

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.

So they give us their applications outside the US. If the application is approved, then they can come in and claim asylum. What's the problem?

The problem is like most Democrats, you want them sneaking in this country like they did under Ears and disappear after they make their claim never to be seen again.
Yep, they can get in line and we'll open a single door at a port of entry. Outside that door will be a stack of asylum applications. Inside, an ICE agent backed by a platoon of the First Cavalry, fully armed. Give the ICE agent a single rubber stamp and an ink pad. The stamp should read, "Rejected".

The first question on the form should be, "have you been offered asylum from any other country?
The second should read, "Have you in the past 24 hours, fled for your life from your home country?

The legalese should read, "Under penalty of perjury, punishable by 25 years in US Federal Prison, I certify that these statements are true.

The form should be written in English only.

Then let them line up for an application. Should take about two years or so.

Really should read the Constitution, there is a bit in there about due process...
I have. The authority of immigration is granted to the Executive Branch. I do not care that most of the left follows administrative law over Constitutional law.

They can have their due process on the same hour that they file for asylum if they file at our border. The judgment is made and they are either let in the country then, or released back into Mexico, Canada, or whatever country they applied from.
The law requires that they apply only from within the US. Border agents give them a creditable fear interview. If they fail the interview, they are sent on their way. If they pass, then are escorted into the US and held for an asylum interview in which they present their case and a background check. If they pass, a court date is set.
Very few immigrants win their asylum claims and are denied entry into the nation...but we used to let them in to wait for a hearing they never show up for....Trump has ended that they must wait outside of the US...
Trump's new plan is to have asylum seekers wait in Mexico if they can not establish creditable fear of doing so. A Mexican official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said that current Mexican immigration law does not allow those seeking asylum in another country to stay in Mexico.
Therefore, having them wait in Mexico would be tantamount to sending them back to the country they are trying to escape. I think Trump is going to end up in court again. It's not quite as easy for Trump as president to skirt around the law as it was when he was president of the Trump Organization.
So, you can then state the law that says if Mexico does not allow them to stay there, that we must let them in? Mexico offered this to the US and the UN as a solution to the problem. The fact that they now wish to do otherwise is not incumbent upon us to change the course of action.

The whole point of our immigration policy is to allow IN only those who have met our standards of immigration. The fact remains, it is wrong and an illicit use of power to want to bring in people whom you know cannot pass asylum criteria in the hopes that they'll be released into our society awaiting a backlogged judiciary.

They can wait OUTSIDE our borders for their claims to be adjudicated.
If Mexico's intent is to deport them back to their home country if Trump makes them wait in Mexico, it seems to me that Trump would be circumventing the law by forcing them to wait in Mexico, assuming they have creditable fear of returning home.

We do not bring people into the US that we know can not meet the asylum criteria. A border agent gives them a preliminary interview to determine if it is likely that creditable fear exist and the person may have qualifying reasons for applying. If they pass this interview, they are brought into the country and held for an asylum interview and background check. If they pass, a court date is set.
Don’t believe the righty propaganda about “applying the right way”. You actually have to be in the US to claim asylum. So if someone walks up to the border and claims asylum they aren’t illegal .

Obtaining Asylum in the United States

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.

So they give us their applications outside the US. If the application is approved, then they can come in and claim asylum. What's the problem?

The problem is like most Democrats, you want them sneaking in this country like they did under Ears and disappear after they make their claim never to be seen again.
Yep, they can get in line and we'll open a single door at a port of entry. Outside that door will be a stack of asylum applications. Inside, an ICE agent backed by a platoon of the First Cavalry, fully armed. Give the ICE agent a single rubber stamp and an ink pad. The stamp should read, "Rejected".

The first question on the form should be, "have you been offered asylum from any other country?
The second should read, "Have you in the past 24 hours, fled for your life from your home country?

The legalese should read, "Under penalty of perjury, punishable by 25 years in US Federal Prison, I certify that these statements are true.

The form should be written in English only.

Then let them line up for an application. Should take about two years or so.

Really should read the Constitution, there is a bit in there about due process...
I have. The authority of immigration is granted to the Executive Branch. I do not care that most of the left follows administrative law over Constitutional law.

They can have their due process on the same hour that they file for asylum if they file at our border. The judgment is made and they are either let in the country then, or released back into Mexico, Canada, or whatever country they applied from.
The law requires that they apply only from within the US. Border agents give them a creditable fear interview. If they fail the interview, they are sent on their way. If they pass, then are escorted into the US and held for an asylum interview in which they present their case and a background check. If they pass, a court date is set.
They already fail a credible fear interview. They are in Mexico and have passed through two other countries to get to where they are right now.

The US can set up a consulate and they can apply there if they still wish to. A consulate is considered American territory by international law. There is no need for them to actually enter the US proper.
Very few immigrants win their asylum claims and are denied entry into the nation...but we used to let them in to wait for a hearing they never show up for....Trump has ended that they must wait outside of the US...
Trump's new plan is to have asylum seekers wait in Mexico if they can not establish creditable fear of doing so. A Mexican official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said that current Mexican immigration law does not allow those seeking asylum in another country to stay in Mexico.
Therefore, having them wait in Mexico would be tantamount to sending them back to the country they are trying to escape. I think Trump is going to end up in court again. It's not quite as easy for Trump as president to skirt around the law as it was when he was president of the Trump Organization.
So, you can then state the law that says if Mexico does not allow them to stay there, that we must let them in? Mexico offered this to the US and the UN as a solution to the problem. The fact that they now wish to do otherwise is not incumbent upon us to change the course of action.

The whole point of our immigration policy is to allow IN only those who have met our standards of immigration. The fact remains, it is wrong and an illicit use of power to want to bring in people whom you know cannot pass asylum criteria in the hopes that they'll be released into our society awaiting a backlogged judiciary.

They can wait OUTSIDE our borders for their claims to be adjudicated.
If Mexico's intent is to deport them back to their home country if Trump makes them wait in Mexico, it seems to me that Trump would be circumventing the law by forcing them to wait in Mexico, assuming they have creditable fear of returning home.

We do not bring people into the US that we know can not meet the asylum criteria. A border agent gives them a preliminary interview to determine if it is likely that creditable fear exist and the person may have qualifying reasons for applying. If they pass this interview, they are brought into the country and held for an asylum interview and background check. If they pass, a court date is set.
No, nothing in the law states that they must wait in the US to have their plea adjudicated. That simply does not exist. The courts would have to create a law for that to be the case, and the Constitution forbids the Judiciary from writing the law.
Very few immigrants win their asylum claims and are denied entry into the nation...but we used to let them in to wait for a hearing they never show up for....Trump has ended that they must wait outside of the US...
Trump's new plan is to have asylum seekers wait in Mexico if they can not establish creditable fear of doing so. A Mexican official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said that current Mexican immigration law does not allow those seeking asylum in another country to stay in Mexico.
Therefore, having them wait in Mexico would be tantamount to sending them back to the country they are trying to escape. I think Trump is going to end up in court again. It's not quite as easy for Trump as president to skirt around the law as it was when he was president of the Trump Organization.

Just like most of the immigration problems, we can fix asylum by changing the law, not circumventing it and trying to turn it into a national crisis for political reasons.

I'm sorry, but I just don't see the political advantage one way or the other. Yes, laws need to be changed, but good luck finding the people to do it. Piglosi and her clan certainly won't, and they plan on spending most of their time trying to remove Trump from office than anything else that needs to be addressed by Congress.
all congress has to do this next month is pass a one line bill written like the president's EO..

New executive order making immigrants ineligible for asylum if they arrive in the U.S. without papers. It's really quite simple and they can do while they have the House.
Telling 4,000 people that walked 2,000 miles to get to the border that they have go back home and get more identification should be good for another riot at the border which would certainly please Trump immensely.
BTW, Mexico requires ids at both their southern and northern border.

Sorry, but I fail to see how their hike - which we didn't ask them to make and, in fact, have repeatedly told them NOT to make - engenders any sort of obligation on our part. Is there some heretofore secret section of the Immigration and Naturalization Code that says, "But if you make pointless effort and then have a riot, you get to bypass the normal requirements"?

BTW, no one gives a shit what Mexico does and doesn't require for their borders. Last time I checked, Mexico isn't part of the US government, and has no authority in regards to our immigration laws.
My reply was to a previous post. How the migrants got to the border is irrelevant as far as asylum laws are concerned but is relevant in regard to their determination to present their petition for asylum. Nobody spends two months walking 1700 miles without good reason. They are well aware that they are not likely to be accepted but it's likely their best option.

Actually, a lot of people do care what Mexico does on their southern border. They are demanding that Mexico tighten security and in effect stop the caravans which is ridiculous. Mexico has relativity open borders and they're under no obligation to change their policy just because of US immigration laws.
dude, that's hilarious. good reason is to get to america illegally. period, their only reason, not asylum. So again, you're saying that all of these people decided at the same time to come here? someone has a bridge to nowhere for you.
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Yep, they can get in line and we'll open a single door at a port of entry. Outside that door will be a stack of asylum applications. Inside, an ICE agent backed by a platoon of the First Cavalry, fully armed. Give the ICE agent a single rubber stamp and an ink pad. The stamp should read, "Rejected".

The law also guarantees them a hearing.

You may not like it....but it's the law
Okay, put a judge in with the ICE agent, and give him the rubber stamp.


Again that is not due process...
sure it is.
Did you even bother to read your own link? Yes, if the country is designated ALREADY as a "safe third country", they would have to seek asylum there. But, currently, Mexico isn't designated as a safe third country YET.
yes it order of the president of mexico and president Trump two weeks ago....Mexico said they would provide them with a safe harbor and offer why do you want them to get in?....

Actually, no, Mexico isn't designated as a safe third country yet, and the incoming Mexican administration said they won't be either. They will allow a short term solution, but Mexico isn't going to be designated as a safe third country. And this article was written last week.

Incoming Mexico gov’t: No deal to host US asylum-seekers - The Washington Post

MEXICO CITY — Mexico’s incoming government denied a report Saturday that it plans to allow asylum-seekers to wait in the country while their claims move through U.S. immigration courts, one of several options the Trump administration has been pursuing in negotiations for months.

The deal was seen as a way to dissuade thousands of Central American migrants from seeking asylum in the U.S., a process that can take years. In effect, Mexican border towns are already acting as waiting rooms for migrants hoping to start new lives in the U.S. due to bottlenecks at the border.

“There is no agreement of any sort between the incoming Mexican government and the U.S. government,” future Interior Minister Olga Sanchez said in a statement.

Hours earlier, The Washington Post quoted her as saying that the incoming administration of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador had agreed to allow migrants to stay in Mexico as a “short-term solution” while the U.S. considered their applications for asylum. Lopez Obrador will take office on Dec. 1.

The statement shared with The Associated Press said the future government’s principal concern related to the migrants is their well-being while in Mexico.

The Washington Post reported Saturday that the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump has won support from the Mexican president-elect’s team for a plan dubbed “Remain in Mexico.”

The newspaper also quoted Sanchez as saying: “For now, we have agreed to this policy of Remain in Mexico.”

Sanchez did not explain in the statement why The Washington Post had quoted her as saying there had been agreement.

your hatred for Trump is stronger than your love for your country....

Actually, it's because I love my country (served over 20 years in the military), and don't want to see Trump fuck it up. THAT is the reason I call Trump on his bullshit.

So now you can see that Mexico ISN'T a safe third country, and no long term agreement has been worked out. So, because Mexico isn't a safe third country yet, the immigrants are legally allowed to seek asylum in the US.

Trump told you that N. Korea denuclearized, but they haven't.

Now, Trump is telling you that Mexico is a safe third country, but currently, it isn't, and according to the president of Mexico, they won't become one either.
Not that I think you will listen or this will change your mind but you need to know that this is not playing well for the dems in the south or the heartland or the rust belt and the southern border states...that's pretty much everywhere but CA and NY.....keep cheering on the illegal Caravan members and watch Trump win in a landslide in 2020....
We already know the right wing doesn't really care about capitalism or natural rights. No reason to take them seriously in abortion threads.


We should be upgrading Ellis Island not increasing regulation at the border.
Well, if that is actually the case, you should have no problem providing a link, or telling us what post you previously posted it in to back up your claim. Link?
I'll do you one better...they have even admitted it on CNN...its in our asylum laws...look it up...hey...why do you want them to get in?....

So, no link. Got it, this is more crap you pulled out of your ass.

Individuals generally must make their claim for asylum in the first country they enter after fleeing persecution if that country is considered a “safe third country.”

United States Seeks to Reject Asylum Seekers by Designating Mexico a Safe Third Country

There are exceptions but they are very if Mexico wanted to arrest you due to a political or religious reason...then you can claim that Mexico is not a safe haven...but we in the USA have determined Mexico to be that ends it...get it dummy?....

Did you even bother to read your own link? Yes, if the country is designated ALREADY as a "safe third country", they would have to seek asylum there. But, currently, Mexico isn't designated as a safe third country YET. They are still in negotiations to do so, but it hasn't passed yet.

So no, they don't have to seek asylum in Mexico yet, at least not until Trump and Mexico pass the legislation. So, what you tried to claim as "proof" is actually bullshit. Negotiations only started this year (probably because of Trump looking for a way to stop them), and haven't been completed yet.

From your link..........................................

For generations, the United States has opened its doors to individuals from around the world seeking safety and protection. The process of seeking asylum in the United States is rigorous and well-established under U.S. law. But in a cynical attempt to reject asylum seekers who present themselves at ports of entry along the U.S. southern border, the Trump administration is working towards a system that forces them to seek asylum in Mexico instead.

Individuals generally must make their claim for asylum in the first country they enter after fleeing persecution if that country is considered a “safe third country.” If a country has not been designated a safe third country, an asylum seeker may pass through it and apply for asylum in the next country.

In May 2018, representatives of the U.S. and Mexican governments began discussions about whether to recognize each other as safe third countries. If this were to happen, the two countries would enter into a legal arrangement known as a “Safe Third Country Agreement,” or STCA. Under such an agreement, each country would designate the other as a safe third country for asylum seekers.
It means it's closed, dope.

Closed to traffic. Either vehicle or foot traffic.
It means it's officers and workers are not processing any entrants. The road was closed. The pedestrian entrances were closed.

What do you imagine it means?

View attachment 231651

View attachment 231652

It means, DOPE, that they aren't allowing regular passage through, BUT THEY'RE STILL THERE. You may not know this, sitting in your leftist LaLa-Land wherever the fuck you are, but those of us who live near the border know that the "closed" doesn't mean "abandoned". The Border Patrol is still hanging around. Which means if you have a legitimate asylum request, you can still find someone to make it to.


Closed means not open for business.
It means they arent processing anyone, dope.

See above. You clearly need to read things multiple times for the English to sink in.

Yes, closed doesn't mean closed it really means we're actually open but you have to ask one of the officers there to keep you out.


Yes, words don't really mean words. They mean whatever the fuck you want to interpret them as, no matter how many damned times your ignorant ass has it explained to you.

I can only assume that's an actual picture of you sitting at your computer, deluding yourself that you're thinking and making cogent points.

If they wanted to accept asylum applications, they wouldn't have closed the border........Dope.

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