To impeach or not to impeach, that is the question

There will not be a formal impeachment given to the senate...Pelosi is not going to allow if you libs are hoping for one you may as well forget about it....

You don't know wtf you are talking about.

This will be your reward:

There will not be a formal impeachment given to the senate...Pelosi is not going to allow if you libs are hoping for one you may as well forget about it....

You don't know wtf you are talking about.

This will be your reward:

Don't doubt me....its not going to happen...the dems will use this as an attempt to crack Trump's support but it will fail and most likely backfire....but go ahead doubt me again even though I've been right for the past 2.5 years and you have been hopeful but keep up the hope....:badgrin:
There will not be a formal impeachment given to the senate...Pelosi is not going to allow if you libs are hoping for one you may as well forget about it....

You don't know wtf you are talking about.

This will be your reward:

Don't doubt me...

Don't doubt you? You are out to lunch.

McConnell is telling Republicans get ready for a trial, but what does he know? :rolleyes:

McConnell eyes quick impeachment trial in Senate

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told Senate Republicans on Wednesday that he expects Speaker Nancy Pelosi to approve articles of impeachment as early as Thanksgiving
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There will not be a formal impeachment given to the senate...Pelosi is not going to allow if you libs are hoping for one you may as well forget about it....

You don't know wtf you are talking about.

This will be your reward:

Don't doubt me...

Don't doubt you? You are out to lunch.

McConnell is telling Republicans get ready for a trial, but what does he know? :rolleyes:

McConnell eyes quick impeachment trial in Senate

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told Senate Republicans on Wednesday that he expects Speaker Nancy Pelosi to approve articles of impeachment as early as Thanksgiving
He's right. It's NOT happening, Anton, the brainless one.
60 million people decided they wanted this president. In our country, Nancy Pelosi and Adam Shitty Schiff don't get to override them.
There are some who argue that, if the circumstances and evidence warrants it, it is the Constitutional duty of the House to impeach the President.

That is true. If the situation calls for it, it is the Constitutional duty of the House of Representatives to impeach the President. However, according to our Constitution, Congress has many Constitutional duties and sometimes they conflict with one another.

That is the case here. The ultimate purpose of impeaching the President is his removal from office. Impeachment is merely an indictment against the President. The trial to determine his removal from office takes place in the Senate with the chief justice presiding.

Therein lies the problem. As matters stand now, the 67 votes needed to remove Trump from office simply won't happen.

Indeed, the very opposite is likely to happen. When the Senate exonerates Trump, the sympathy vote could easily propel Trump toward another four years in office.

In terms of the purpose of impeachment, the very opposite result could happen, and it is extremely likely, as matters stand now, that Trump would not be removed from office.

Congress has another Constitutional duty. Through its oversight responsibilities, Congress has the Constitutional duty to keep Americans informed of the very bad judgments and the false statements of a very bad President to enable Americans to remove the very bad President from office in the next election.

In the opinion of many, including the leadership in the House, the Constitutional duty to keep Americans informed has a higher calling than the Constitutional duty to impeach. Why? Because the former will achieve the desired result while the latter is likely to cause unwelcome, unintended consequences.
A better question is what to impeach him for?
Is Senator Lindsey Graham stupid? Does Graham think the American people are stupid?

I ask these questions because, in his presentation today, he didn't know the difference between an impeachment inquiry and articles of impeachment.

He said the full House voted down an impeachment inquiry in July. Then he put up a poster to proves his point. The poster showed clearly that the full House voted down Al Green's Articles of Impeachment of Trump. That has happened a few times in the House. Green is premature, to say the least.

Urging that the full House vote on an impeachment inquiry, he proudly displayed the fact that was done in the case of Bill Clinton. He even had another poster to prove it. Problem is, his poster showed the vote on the Articles of Impeachment of Clinton, not an impeachment inquiry.

Then Graham argued that Trump is being denied his rights of due process, failing to mention 47 Republicans and their staffs are in those closed door meetings defending Trump all they want. Graham failed to mention that it is Trump stonewalling the House, not the other way around. He also failed to mention that what the House is doing right now is the investigation stage. To impeach a President, evidence has to be gathered. Graham failed to mention that Ken Starr, as the independent prosecutor, took five years of secret meetings to gather evidence to impeach Clinton. We no longer have an independent prosecutor. Graham didn't mention that, either. The House has to do the investigating.

Then to prove his point that Trump was denied due process, Graham came up with still another poster. Here it is:


Please note the poster says, "All the rights given to Clinton DURING IMPEACHMENT."

Not during the impeachment inquiry, the investigative stage. Trump will have every one of those rights when the Articles of Impeachment are debated and in his Senate trial IF he is impeached.

Trump is going down and he is going to take the Republicans with him. Graham's presentation was childlike in its performance. It as as if he was speaking to the intellectually challenged. Maybe he was.

This presentation along with Republicans storming the secure room in the capitol yesterday shows that they are making complete fools of themselves. Graham bragged he had 41 Republicans, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who had approved his resolution.

Just the idea that Republicans in the Senate wish to pass a resolution that censures the House of Representatives gives some idea how chaotic the Trump government is.

Senator Graham is not stupid. But he is very afraid. He should be. Americans will have their say about all this, and he may become one of the casualties.
What the Dim Dems and Loony Libs don't realize is you can't impeach a president JUST BECAUSE YOU DON'T LIKE HIM. President Trump has committed NO impeachable offenses. If he had, senile old bat Pelosi would have called for a vote by now.

Trump is being impeached because he has committed impeachable offenses. Not because he's not liked. Presidents have not been liked before and were not impeached.
60 million people decided they wanted this president. In our country, Nancy Pelosi and Adam Shitty Schiff don't get to override them.
63 million people decided they did not want this president. So your 60 million can be overridden.
The debate over what constitutes an impeachable offense is robust. But the idea that impeachable conduct need not be an actual crime is well established. In the Federalist Papers, Alexander Hamilton wrote about impeachment in Federalist No. 65, “The subjects of its jurisdiction are those offenses which proceed from the misconduct of public men, or, in other words, from the abuse or violation of some public trust. They are of a nature which may with peculiar propriety be denominated POLITICAL, as they relate chiefly to injuries done immediately to the society itself.”

Why Trump's Ukraine Call Could Be an Impeachable Offense—Even If It's Not Illegal
Therein lies the problem. As matters stand now, the 67 votes needed to remove Trump from office simply won't happen.

Indeed, the very opposite is likely to happen. When the Senate exonerates Trump, the sympathy vote could easily propel Trump toward another four years in office.

There's no historical precedent for that.

When Andrew Johnson was acquitted in 1868, the Democrat did not win the next election.

When Richard Nixon was forced to resign, The Republicans did not win the next election.

When Bill Clinton was impeached, Al Gore did not win the next election.

If Trump survives impeachment (Assuming the Republicans all fall on their swords in the face of criminal action), it's unlikely people would vote an impeached president back into office.
60 million people decided they wanted this president. In our country, Nancy Pelosi and Adam Shitty Schiff don't get to override them.

The states elect the president, not the people.

And the states consequently have the authority to remove a president from office via the impeachment process, where the Senate represents the states.

The House represents the people and has the authority to draft and submit articles of impeachment.

Then the states (Senate) decide whether removing a president from office is warranted by voting to convict.

There is ample compelling, objective, documented evidence of Trump’s wrongdoing to justify impeachment – a blind partisan Republican-controlled Senate will of course ignore that compelling, objective, documented evidence.
Is Senator Lindsey Graham stupid? Does Graham think the American people are stupid?

I ask these questions because, in his presentation today, he didn't know the difference between an impeachment inquiry and articles of impeachment.

He said the full House voted down an impeachment inquiry in July. Then he put up a poster to proves his point. The poster showed clearly that the full House voted down Al Green's Articles of Impeachment of Trump. That has happened a few times in the House. Green is premature, to say the least.

Urging that the full House vote on an impeachment inquiry, he proudly displayed the fact that was done in the case of Bill Clinton. He even had another poster to prove it. Problem is, his poster showed the vote on the Articles of Impeachment of Clinton, not an impeachment inquiry.

Then Graham argued that Trump is being denied his rights of due process, failing to mention 47 Republicans and their staffs are in those closed door meetings defending Trump all they want. Graham failed to mention that it is Trump stonewalling the House, not the other way around. He also failed to mention that what the House is doing right now is the investigation stage. To impeach a President, evidence has to be gathered. Graham failed to mention that Ken Starr, as the independent prosecutor, took five years of secret meetings to gather evidence to impeach Clinton. We no longer have an independent prosecutor. Graham didn't mention that, either. The House has to do the investigating.

Then to prove his point that Trump was denied due process, Graham came up with still another poster. Here it is:


Please note the poster says, "All the rights given to Clinton DURING IMPEACHMENT."

Not during the impeachment inquiry, the investigative stage. Trump will have every one of those rights when the Articles of Impeachment are debated and in his Senate trial IF he is impeached.

Trump is going down and he is going to take the Republicans with him. Graham's presentation was childlike in its performance. It as as if he was speaking to the intellectually challenged. Maybe he was.

This presentation along with Republicans storming the secure room in the capitol yesterday shows that they are making complete fools of themselves. Graham bragged he had 41 Republicans, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who had approved his resolution.

Just the idea that Republicans in the Senate wish to pass a resolution that censures the House of Representatives gives some idea how chaotic the Trump government is.

Senator Graham is not stupid. But he is very afraid. He should be. Americans will have their say about all this, and he may become one of the casualties.
What the Dim Dems and Loony Libs don't realize is you can't impeach a president JUST BECAUSE YOU DON'T LIKE HIM. President Trump has committed NO impeachable offenses. If he had, senile old bat Pelosi would have called for a vote by now.

Trump is being impeached because he has committed impeachable offenses. Not because he's not liked. Presidents have not been liked before and were not impeached.
For the 456,908,098th time, name them.
Indeed, the very opposite is likely to happen. When the Senate exonerates Trump, the sympathy vote could easily propel Trump toward another four years in office.
And rightly so.
Whatever Trumps faults, the Democrats, like you, have demonstrated themselves to be nothing but hate- and spite-filled lunatics.
There will not be a formal impeachment given to the senate...Pelosi is not going to allow if you libs are hoping for one you may as well forget about it....

You don't know wtf you are talking about.

This will be your reward:

Don't doubt me...

Don't doubt you? You are out to lunch.

McConnell is telling Republicans get ready for a trial, but what does he know? :rolleyes:

McConnell eyes quick impeachment trial in Senate

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told Senate Republicans on Wednesday that he expects Speaker Nancy Pelosi to approve articles of impeachment as early as Thanksgiving
He is prepared for IF Pelosi sends it over...but she won't do it...not unless they have an impeachable crime....they haven't found anything and they won't because just like with the Russia hoax there is nothing to find...
This impeachment has nothing to do with the constitution or congressional oversight or congressional duty or any of the half assed hearsay crimes Democrats are alleging. This impeachment was planned as a form of insurance policy before Trump was even elected. The socialist-communist party and their media gerbils are totally flabbergasted that Trump has handled their bombardment this long. We finally elected the right guy and now if we can give him a majority in the house, it will be OUR insurance policy against becoming the next failed socialist-communist nation. So impeach away socialists. Without a viable platform or candidate, there's not much more you can do, and everyone knows it.

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