To impeach or not to impeach, that is the question

Is Senator Lindsey Graham stupid? Does Graham think the American people are stupid?

I ask these questions because, in his presentation today, he didn't know the difference between an impeachment inquiry and articles of impeachment.

He said the full House voted down an impeachment inquiry in July. Then he put up a poster to proves his point. The poster showed clearly that the full House voted down Al Green's Articles of Impeachment of Trump. That has happened a few times in the House. Green is premature, to say the least.

Urging that the full House vote on an impeachment inquiry, he proudly displayed the fact that was done in the case of Bill Clinton. He even had another poster to prove it. Problem is, his poster showed the vote on the Articles of Impeachment of Clinton, not an impeachment inquiry.

Then Graham argued that Trump is being denied his rights of due process, failing to mention 47 Republicans and their staffs are in those closed door meetings defending Trump all they want. Graham failed to mention that it is Trump stonewalling the House, not the other way around. He also failed to mention that what the House is doing right now is the investigation stage. To impeach a President, evidence has to be gathered. Graham failed to mention that Ken Starr, as the independent prosecutor, took five years of secret meetings to gather evidence to impeach Clinton. We no longer have an independent prosecutor. Graham didn't mention that, either. The House has to do the investigating.

Then to prove his point that Trump was denied due process, Graham came up with still another poster. Here it is:


Please note the poster says, "All the rights given to Clinton DURING IMPEACHMENT."

Not during the impeachment inquiry, the investigative stage. Trump will have every one of those rights when the Articles of Impeachment are debated and in his Senate trial IF he is impeached.

Trump is going down and he is going to take the Republicans with him. Graham's presentation was childlike in its performance. It as as if he was speaking to the intellectually challenged. Maybe he was.

This presentation along with Republicans storming the secure room in the capitol yesterday shows that they are making complete fools of themselves. Graham bragged he had 41 Republicans, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who had approved his resolution.

Just the idea that Republicans in the Senate wish to pass a resolution that censures the House of Representatives gives some idea how chaotic the Trump government is.

Senator Graham is not stupid. But he is very afraid. He should be. Americans will have their say about all this, and he may become one of the casualties.
What the Dim Dems and Loony Libs don't realize is you can't impeach a president JUST BECAUSE YOU DON'T LIKE HIM. President Trump has committed NO impeachable offenses. If he had, senile old bat Pelosi would have called for a vote by now.

This is what Trump and his lawyer, William Barr, do not want you to know as they, House Republicans, and Senator Graham throw out various diversions to obscure the work in the impeachment inquiry. As Trump continues to say, "no quid pro quo," his own words, the evidence, and his own acting chief of staff say differently.

In his testimony on Tuesday, William B. Taylor Jr., the top American diplomat in Kiev, effectively confirmed that the President withheld military aid from Ukraine in a quid pro quo effort to pressure that country’s leader to incriminate former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and smear other Democrats.

Government sources in the Ukrainian capital said Washington pressured Zelensky's camp directly about the need to accommodate Trump's desires or no military aid.

After confirming quid pro quo, acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney said this is how business is done in the Trump administration and "Get over it."

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Laura Cooper — who handles Ukraine, Russia and Eastern European policy for the Pentagon — testified that U.S. military assistance was restored on September 11 without any public statement by Zelenskiy about investigations then or since.

On September 10, Trump was informed by his advisors that there was a serious problem regarding his political aims in Ukraine and the withholding of military aid, and Schiff knew about it.

Next week, investigators want to hear from two officials on the national security council: Charles Kupperman, the former deputy national security adviser; and Tim Morrison, a top Russia and Eastern Europe policy specialist.

Is it any wonder why frustrated Republicans in the House stormed the meeting room in the capitol and Graham gave us that infantile presentation, asking for a censure of the House! Republicans are desperate because the White House is avoiding the evidence and only objecting to the process. That objection has no basis in fact or circumstance. They are very concerned about the avoidance of the evidence by the White House, and Trump being the only litigator. Everyone else is silent on the issue, even Trump's counsel.

Fool that he is, Trump even admitted his weakness. "I don't have a team ... I am the team." He never knows when to keep his mouth shut. helped with this report.
This is what Trump and his lawyer, William Barr, do not want you to know as they, House Republicans, and Senator Graham throw out various diversions to obscure the work in the impeachment inquiry. As Trump continues to say, "no quid pro quo," his own words, the evidence, and his own acting chief of staff say differently.
All of this is a lie.
Rather hard to keep the public informed when you have testimoney behind closed doors and the only information the public gets is through selective leaking by the majority. You can't inform the public while doing everything behind closed doors.
Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, the National Security Council's top Ukraine expert, testified today. He is first current White House staffer to testify, and the Ukrainian expert was in on the phone call, Vindman, a decorated veteran from the Iraq War, speaks both Ukrainian and Russian, a distinct advantage over other witnesses who have confirmed the quid pro quo nature of the call.

According to a copy of his statement, Vindman was so troubled by the call that he reported his concerns to a superior.

"I was concerned by the call. I did not think it was proper to demand that a foreign government investigate a U.S. citizen, and I was worried about the implications for the U.S. government's support of Ukraine," Vindman said in his opening statement. "I realized that if Ukraine pursued an investigation into the Bidens and Burisma, it would likely be interpreted as a partisan play which would undoubtedly result in Ukraine losing the bipartisan support it has thus far maintained."

"This would all undermine U.S. national security. Following the call, I again reported my concerns to NSC's lead counsel."

According to the Ukrainian expert on the NSC, Trump created a national security threat to our country.

Why? Ukraine is the first line of defense against Russian aggression.

There is more. Suffice to say Vindman's testimony was devastating for Trump. It is why Trump, his press secretary, and Trump's Republican defenders in the House made complete fools of themselves trying to change the subject and resorted to name calling.
"I was concerned by the call. I did not think it was proper to demand that a foreign government investigate a U.S. citizen, and I was worried about the implications for the U.S. government's support of Ukraine," Vindman said in his opening statement. "I realized that if Ukraine pursued an investigation into the Bidens and Burisma, it would likely be interpreted as a partisan play which would undoubtedly result in Ukraine losing the bipartisan support it has thus far maintained."
So... where's the impeachable offense?
I mean, the whole lie about "demand" aside...

Trump will remain your President until least January of 2021 and there's nothing you can do about it.
An emerging defense of Trump by Trump Republicans is they will admit the obvious, but they are being coy about it. Some are saying that, yes, it is true, Trump did ask the Ukrainian President to investigate the Bidens, but that is not an impeachable offense.

That is like saying, yes, it is true, my friend did withdraw money from the bank, omitting the fact that the man's friend robbed the bank.

Similarly, Trump Republicans will not say that, in the wake of the 2016 election, Russian interference in our election on behalf of Trump, and the Mueller Report, that Trump requested foreign interference in our Presidential election on his behalf.

Nor will they admit that Trump's own chief of staff told a television audience that Trump used quid pro quo to get what he wanted. That amounts to bribery, an impeachable offense in its own right.

Trump Republicans may try to get this by American voters, but, when the impeachment inquiry goes public, Americans will learn the truth. Following the 2016 election and foreign interference in that election, it is extremely doubtful Americans will accept that as business as usual in 2020.

There is no wonder why Trump will not allow his people to testify to all this. Thus, his obstruction of Congress and the game of delay. It is the only thing he can do.
Is Senator Lindsey Graham stupid? Does Graham think the American people are stupid?

I ask these questions because, in his presentation today, he didn't know the difference between an impeachment inquiry and articles of impeachment.

He said the full House voted down an impeachment inquiry in July. Then he put up a poster to proves his point. The poster showed clearly that the full House voted down Al Green's Articles of Impeachment of Trump. That has happened a few times in the House. Green is premature, to say the least.

Urging that the full House vote on an impeachment inquiry, he proudly displayed the fact that was done in the case of Bill Clinton. He even had another poster to prove it. Problem is, his poster showed the vote on the Articles of Impeachment of Clinton, not an impeachment inquiry.

Then Graham argued that Trump is being denied his rights of due process, failing to mention 47 Republicans and their staffs are in those closed door meetings defending Trump all they want. Graham failed to mention that it is Trump stonewalling the House, not the other way around. He also failed to mention that what the House is doing right now is the investigation stage. To impeach a President, evidence has to be gathered. Graham failed to mention that Ken Starr, as the independent prosecutor, took five years of secret meetings to gather evidence to impeach Clinton. We no longer have an independent prosecutor. Graham didn't mention that, either. The House has to do the investigating.

Then to prove his point that Trump was denied due process, Graham came up with still another poster. Here it is:


Please note the poster says, "All the rights given to Clinton DURING IMPEACHMENT."

Not during the impeachment inquiry, the investigative stage. Trump will have every one of those rights when the Articles of Impeachment are debated and in his Senate trial IF he is impeached.

Trump is going down and he is going to take the Republicans with him. Graham's presentation was childlike in its performance. It as as if he was speaking to the intellectually challenged. Maybe he was.

This presentation along with Republicans storming the secure room in the capitol yesterday shows that they are making complete fools of themselves. Graham bragged he had 41 Republicans, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who had approved his resolution.

Just the idea that Republicans in the Senate wish to pass a resolution that censures the House of Representatives gives some idea how chaotic the Trump government is.

Senator Graham is not stupid. But he is very afraid. He should be. Americans will have their say about all this, and he may become one of the casualties.
What the Dim Dems and Loony Libs don't realize is you can't impeach a president JUST BECAUSE YOU DON'T LIKE HIM. President Trump has committed NO impeachable offenses. If he had, senile old bat Pelosi would have called for a vote by now.
Well how nice was Trump to commit crimes to justify being impeached?
An emerging defense of Trump by Trump Republicans is they will admit the obvious, but they are being coy about it. Some are saying that, yes, it is true, Trump did ask the Ukrainian President to investigate the Bidens, but that is not an impeachable offense.
It takes a special breed of partisan bigot to believe asking a country to help investigate the potentially corrupt actions of a sitting VPotUS, taken with respect to that country, is an impeachable offense.
I knew you wouldn't disappoint us.
An emerging defense of Trump by Trump Republicans is they will admit the obvious, but they are being coy about it. Some are saying that, yes, it is true, Trump did ask the Ukrainian President to investigate the Bidens, but that is not an impeachable offense.
It takes a special breed of partisan bigot to believe asking a country to help investigate the potentially corrupt actions of a sitting VPotUS, taken with respect to that country, is an impeachable offense.
I knew you wouldn't disappoint us.
Even worse, it's human scum to think it's perfectly acceptable for a president to use the power of their office to get a foreign national to look for dirt they can use against a rival in their campaign for re-election.
An emerging defense of Trump by Trump Republicans is they will admit the obvious, but they are being coy about it. Some are saying that, yes, it is true, Trump did ask the Ukrainian President to investigate the Bidens, but that is not an impeachable offense.
It takes a special breed of partisan bigot to believe asking a country to help investigate the potentially corrupt actions of a sitting VPotUS, taken with respect to that country, is an impeachable offense.
I knew you wouldn't disappoint us.
Even worse, it's human scum to think it's perfectly acceptable for a president to use the power of their office to get a foreign national to look for dirt they can use against a rival in their campaign for re-election.
Why do you believe someone running against an incumbent President is immune from federal investigation of potentially corrupt actions he took while an elected official of the US?
An emerging defense of Trump by Trump Republicans is they will admit the obvious, but they are being coy about it. Some are saying that, yes, it is true, Trump did ask the Ukrainian President to investigate the Bidens, but that is not an impeachable offense.
It takes a special breed of partisan bigot to believe asking a country to help investigate the potentially corrupt actions of a sitting VPotUS, taken with respect to that country, is an impeachable offense.
I knew you wouldn't disappoint us.
Even worse, it's human scum to think it's perfectly acceptable for a president to use the power of their office to get a foreign national to look for dirt they can use against a rival in their campaign for re-election.
Why do you believe someone running against an incumbent President is immune from federal investigation of potentially corrupt actions he took while an elected official of the US?
What a pity you're incapable of comprehending what I actually said as I didn't say that.
An emerging defense of Trump by Trump Republicans is they will admit the obvious, but they are being coy about it. Some are saying that, yes, it is true, Trump did ask the Ukrainian President to investigate the Bidens, but that is not an impeachable offense.
It takes a special breed of partisan bigot to believe asking a country to help investigate the potentially corrupt actions of a sitting VPotUS, taken with respect to that country, is an impeachable offense.
I knew you wouldn't disappoint us.
Even worse, it's human scum to think it's perfectly acceptable for a president to use the power of their office to get a foreign national to look for dirt they can use against a rival in their campaign for re-election.
Why do you believe someone running against an incumbent President is immune from federal investigation of potentially corrupt actions he took while an elected official of the US?
What a pity you're incapable of comprehending what I actually said as I didn't say that.
Ah. You cannot honestly answer the question, so you pretend it doesn't apply to what you said.
As expected.
An emerging defense of Trump by Trump Republicans is they will admit the obvious, but they are being coy about it. Some are saying that, yes, it is true, Trump did ask the Ukrainian President to investigate the Bidens, but that is not an impeachable offense.
It takes a special breed of partisan bigot to believe asking a country to help investigate the potentially corrupt actions of a sitting VPotUS, taken with respect to that country, is an impeachable offense.
I knew you wouldn't disappoint us.
Even worse, it's human scum to think it's perfectly acceptable for a president to use the power of their office to get a foreign national to look for dirt they can use against a rival in their campaign for re-election.
Why do you believe someone running against an incumbent President is immune from federal investigation of potentially corrupt actions he took while an elected official of the US?
What a pity you're incapable of comprehending what I actually said as I didn't say that.
We don't understand libtard gibberish....
An emerging defense of Trump by Trump Republicans is they will admit the obvious, but they are being coy about it. Some are saying that, yes, it is true, Trump did ask the Ukrainian President to investigate the Bidens, but that is not an impeachable offense.
It takes a special breed of partisan bigot to believe asking a country to help investigate the potentially corrupt actions of a sitting VPotUS, taken with respect to that country, is an impeachable offense.
I knew you wouldn't disappoint us.
Even worse, it's human scum to think it's perfectly acceptable for a president to use the power of their office to get a foreign national to look for dirt they can use against a rival in their campaign for re-election.
Why do you believe someone running against an incumbent President is immune from federal investigation of potentially corrupt actions he took while an elected official of the US?
What a pity you're incapable of comprehending what I actually said as I didn't say that.
Ah. You cannot honestly answer the question, so you pretend it doesn't apply to what you said.
As expected.
Why would I answer a question about something I never said, Fruitcake?

An emerging defense of Trump by Trump Republicans is they will admit the obvious, but they are being coy about it. Some are saying that, yes, it is true, Trump did ask the Ukrainian President to investigate the Bidens, but that is not an impeachable offense.
It takes a special breed of partisan bigot to believe asking a country to help investigate the potentially corrupt actions of a sitting VPotUS, taken with respect to that country, is an impeachable offense.
I knew you wouldn't disappoint us.
Even worse, it's human scum to think it's perfectly acceptable for a president to use the power of their office to get a foreign national to look for dirt they can use against a rival in their campaign for re-election.
Why do you believe someone running against an incumbent President is immune from federal investigation of potentially corrupt actions he took while an elected official of the US?
What a pity you're incapable of comprehending what I actually said as I didn't say that.
We don't understand libtard gibberish....
And by "libtard gibberish," you mean coherent English.

Case in point, I said...

"Even worse, it's human scum to think it's perfectly acceptable for a president to use the power of their office to get a foreign national to look for dirt they can use against a rival in their campaign for re-election."

Perfect English the brain-dead conservative confesses it cannot understand.

It takes a special breed of partisan bigot to believe asking a country to help investigate the potentially corrupt actions of a sitting VPotUS, taken with respect to that country, is an impeachable offense.
I knew you wouldn't disappoint us.
Even worse, it's human scum to think it's perfectly acceptable for a president to use the power of their office to get a foreign national to look for dirt they can use against a rival in their campaign for re-election.
Why do you believe someone running against an incumbent President is immune from federal investigation of potentially corrupt actions he took while an elected official of the US?
What a pity you're incapable of comprehending what I actually said as I didn't say that.
Ah. You cannot honestly answer the question, so you pretend it doesn't apply to what you said.
As expected.
Why would I answer a question about something I never said, Fruitcake?

Especially since you have no answer to any questions at all....just CNN propaganda....that's all you got...and that is why I knew I would be right when I said Flynn will walk for are a dummy....
Even worse, it's human scum to think it's perfectly acceptable for a president to use the power of their office to get a foreign national to look for dirt they can use against a rival in their campaign for re-election.
Why do you believe someone running against an incumbent President is immune from federal investigation of potentially corrupt actions he took while an elected official of the US?
What a pity you're incapable of comprehending what I actually said as I didn't say that.
Ah. You cannot honestly answer the question, so you pretend it doesn't apply to what you said.
As expected.
Why would I answer a question about something I never said, Fruitcake?

Especially since you have no answer to any questions at all....just CNN propaganda....that's all you got...and that is why I knew I would be right when I said Flynn will walk for are a dummy....
Imbecile. I answer questions to things I discuss. I don't bother with questions I'm asked based on rightards' confusion and not what I actually say.

As far as Flynn, he has still not walked and his sentencing is still scheduled for next month.
Imbecile. I answer questions to things I discuss.
As you refuse to tell us why you believe someone running against an incumbent President is immune from federal investigation of potentially corrupt actions he took while an elected official of the US, your statement is a lie.
Is Senator Lindsey Graham stupid? Does Graham think the American people are stupid?

I ask these questions because, in his presentation today, he didn't know the difference between an impeachment inquiry and articles of impeachment.

He said the full House voted down an impeachment inquiry in July. Then he put up a poster to proves his point. The poster showed clearly that the full House voted down Al Green's Articles of Impeachment of Trump. That has happened a few times in the House. Green is premature, to say the least.

Urging that the full House vote on an impeachment inquiry, he proudly displayed the fact that was done in the case of Bill Clinton. He even had another poster to prove it. Problem is, his poster showed the vote on the Articles of Impeachment of Clinton, not an impeachment inquiry.

Then Graham argued that Trump is being denied his rights of due process, failing to mention 47 Republicans and their staffs are in those closed door meetings defending Trump all they want. Graham failed to mention that it is Trump stonewalling the House, not the other way around. He also failed to mention that what the House is doing right now is the investigation stage. To impeach a President, evidence has to be gathered. Graham failed to mention that Ken Starr, as the independent prosecutor, took five years of secret meetings to gather evidence to impeach Clinton. We no longer have an independent prosecutor. Graham didn't mention that, either. The House has to do the investigating.

Then to prove his point that Trump was denied due process, Graham came up with still another poster. Here it is:


Please note the poster says, "All the rights given to Clinton DURING IMPEACHMENT."

Not during the impeachment inquiry, the investigative stage. Trump will have every one of those rights when the Articles of Impeachment are debated and in his Senate trial IF he is impeached.

Trump is going down and he is going to take the Republicans with him. Graham's presentation was childlike in its performance. It as as if he was speaking to the intellectually challenged. Maybe he was.

This presentation along with Republicans storming the secure room in the capitol yesterday shows that they are making complete fools of themselves. Graham bragged he had 41 Republicans, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who had approved his resolution.

Just the idea that Republicans in the Senate wish to pass a resolution that censures the House of Representatives gives some idea how chaotic the Trump government is.

Senator Graham is not stupid. But he is very afraid. He should be. Americans will have their say about all this, and he may become one of the casualties.
What the Dim Dems and Loony Libs don't realize is you can't impeach a president JUST BECAUSE YOU DON'T LIKE HIM. President Trump has committed NO impeachable offenses. If he had, senile old bat Pelosi would have called for a vote by now.
If we were imoeachiim because we didn't like him he wouldn't have lasted a week.
Oh, that was obvious when the idiots were talking about doing it before he even took office.
Imbecile. I answer questions to things I discuss.
As you refuse to tell us why you believe someone running against an incumbent President is immune from federal investigation of potentially corrupt actions he took while an elected official of the US, your statement is a lie.
Since that's not what I said, you double down on imbecile and repeat your nonsense.


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