To Kill a Mockingbird becomes an Obama Re election commercial

What was the movie Bush introduced?

Porky's ?

My pet goat the movie, He starts with 7 minutes of silence and then calls Cheney.

That's "winning" in the mind of the conservative.

[ame=]Songify This - Winning - a Song by Charlie Sheen - YouTube[/ame]

Funny thing is Charlie Sheen is a liberal. Nice.... Yeah Bush doesnt know literature, he's not as smart as AlGore

But hey there is no clip, so it should be safe.
Obama is the most divisive president of my entire lifetime. He should be trying to unite the country. Instead he just continues to open wounds which should have healed long ago. It will get worse. This is his last term. He has only a short time now to incite as much racial hatred as he can. And he will do it too!

This is SO inappropriate for a president to be doing. If he wanted to introduce classical literature turned vid, there is plenty of good stuff out there. But he chooses the one most likely to damage the country.

are you people fucking idiots....its the 50th anniversary of the book.....get a fucking life people

if this is all you can bitch about then life is good....

classic literature was written in the 20th you know the depth of classic literature?

LOL. Ahh, the great scholar of classic literature who barely finished 8th grade has weighed in! LMAO. :lmao:

so now you just make up shit to say about people? you have no clue about anything about my life that i havent posted do you?
Is that what Sunshine is?

No.....white people are.
Not quite sure how that relates to what appears to be Sunshine's take on To Kill a Mockingbird's famous closing argument by Peck: "Classic. Blame the victim."

That theya is absolutely Wow worthy

She was not acting the victim so much as disliking being slimed by the President.

Imagine what blacks would think of whites seeing a movie that shows them acting all racist using long dead racial slurs.

The only reason blacks would want to tune in is because Obama has advertized that he would introduce the movie. So what we have here is a form of brainwashing using a classic film. One that I enjoy mind you.

I think Obama is a despicable racial opportunist and this is just another example of it.
Is that what Sunshine is?

No.....white people are.
Not quite sure how that relates to what appears to be Sunshine's take on To Kill a Mockingbird's famous closing argument by Peck: "Classic. Blame the victim."

That theya is absolutely Wow worthy

"Nigrah" is what refined whites called blacks in public in those days. They still got half the word in! LOL. Do peole have to explain everything to you? Obviously so!
myself i enjoyed the movie......having read the book, seen it at the barter and always loved the b/w film

lets see how long did obama lee was good with it...
Wow...the President is introducing a movie and the RW want to make it into a reason to accuse the President of "race baiting". Gee, I wonder why Republican approval is at an all time low...
This president can only win by dividing us; "divide and conquer." Whatever happened to "unite and lead?"

If racial tensions continue to increase, Obama's going to have a truly historic decision to make: Would he bravely put himself on the line, seize the opportunity to try to heal the wounds now and lead this country out of the fire, or will he leverage the situation for political advantage? Does he finally become the transformational leader he promised to be, or does he behave like just another politician?

I suspect I know the answer, and I very much hope I'm wrong.

President Obama to introduce 'To Kill a Mockingbird' on TV -

racial prejudice will never fully go away, all races are to blame, not just the white
But I am so sick of these race baiting the main stream media and our president are lock step in

A great Movie becomes a damn commercial for the re-elect Obama caimpaign

Could you see GWB given the same chance?
Where does this crap stop?
racial prejudce in the work force is over. If some stupip SOB does not like you because of your race
IGNORE the POS and move on
At work, you dont have to tolerate it

We have millions of people needing work,
Yet we have 3 major news orginizations lying about an event that took place in Florida in which is so out of control and so far from the norm of what really occured, it is sick

When is enough enough people?

I am going to enjoy this movie as I did 40 years ago, in the deep south having no idea I was suppose to hate any-one

Well libs, you have found a new low here, or should say the main stream media has

If you think any-one has to tolerate racial in-justice, your dead wrong
Again, those few who hate, IGNORE The POS and move on

And if you think getting BHO re-elected like this? its back-firing I promise you. In the work place we have laws to protect every-one but the white man, what else is it we need to do?

Well, there you have it, another failed attempt to race bait the election on the back of one of the greatest movies of all time

You need to lighten up. I watched it and took no issue with his introduction at all. This was a book about this country's historical racial prejudice, among other things. It is clearly symbolic for the first black president to introduce the movie.
No.....white people are.
Not quite sure how that relates to what appears to be Sunshine's take on To Kill a Mockingbird's famous closing argument by Peck: "Classic. Blame the victim."

That theya is absolutely Wow worthy

"Nigrah" is what refined whites called blacks in public in those days. They still got half the word in! LOL. Do peole have to explain everything to you? Obviously so!
Peck (Harper Lee) referred to Negroes, because that was the terminology back then. Duh.

That wasn't what made me go Wow.

Your response to Peck's closing arguments was:
"Classic. Blame the victim."

Is that what you took away from the movie, that scene where Peck defends the "negro" who was accused of raping a white woman?

That was your reaction?
Wow...the President is introducing a movie and the RW want to make it into a reason to accuse the President of "race baiting". Gee, I wonder why Republican approval is at an all time low...

Just how many movies has this president endorsed? Why this one?
Those of you criticizing the president's introduction are allowing your bias and dislike of the man to supercede logic and common sense.

He is pulling out ALL the stops and if he gets reelected, God forbid, this country will be in turnoil like it has not seen in the last two centuries!
....'Cause, who knows more about two centuries of History, than some fuckin' Bubblehead?!!

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Wow...the President is introducing a movie and the RW want to make it into a reason to accuse the President of "race baiting". Gee, I wonder why Republican approval is at an all time low...

get a grip. the main thing is when DOES this man WORK?
he is here and there, introducing movies, giving ugly speeches every week, playing golf all THE TIME..while the rest of us are out here struggling to pay for gas, food and take care of our families.

I guess being king has it's perks
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Reread his comments on race made a few of years ago. Your answer is there.

Obama?s Speech on Race - Interactive Feature -

I read the comments and it appears he has an obsession of race and it follows that his actions in office follows that same idea. Rather than just letting us move on as all of us being equals, he cannot find it in him not to bring up the past of indecencies which will haunt the wounds of our ancestors.

It's time to live in the present and evaluate each individual on their character and what they can bring to the table as decent human beings not on the color of their skin.

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