To Liberal Russian Posters on This Board: Here is Putin’s Fate. Such be to Tyrants.


May 23, 2014
Vlad will suffer same fate. So liberals can forget about Trump being impeached and worry about the man who is closer to them ideologically.
Nothing is going to happen to Putin as long as he is being protected by Donald Trump.
Nothing is going to happen to Putin as long as he is being protected by Donald Trump.
Are you fucking suffering from a mental disorder?
I'm not the one who follows a cult leader.

Trump caught lying again? So what? Everyone knows Republicans lie all that time.

You followed Obama.

Obama wasn't a cult leader. Your kind just thinks he was because he's black. Who could vote for a black? Trump asks the same question.
Two of the biggest Putin sycophants here are Baron and Stratford. Neither of whom are liberals.
Yet another example of liberal “revolution” and its results. Yep...the left of political spectrum has murdered millions.
Nothing is going to happen to Putin as long as he is being protected by Donald Trump.
Are you fucking suffering from a mental disorder?
I'm not the one who follows a cult leader.

Trump caught lying again? So what? Everyone knows Republicans lie all that time.

Cult huh? You should know.

Trump video.

Creepy, huh?

What does this have to with seriousness of liberal threat to mankind?
Nothing is going to happen to Putin as long as he is being protected by Donald Trump.
Are you fucking suffering from a mental disorder?
I'm not the one who follows a cult leader.

Trump caught lying again? So what? Everyone knows Republicans lie all that time.

Jim Jones, Lee Harvey Oswald, Pelosi, Waters, Schumer, all share same political beliefs.

Trump, Hitler, Kim Jung Un, Putin all share the same political beliefs.

How do we know?

Trump tells us.
Liberals: “2+2= 5” Orwell warned us about socialist governments.
Political Spectrum

Left ————————————————-——————————Right
More government less freedom. Less government more freedom.

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