To mask, or to not mask, that is the question.........................

I will not wear a mask.

Trump says that you aren't patriotic then. You are only patriotic (according to Trump's tweet today), if you wear a mask.

Look dumbass, I am not a Rump guy. I am a Conservative. You serve Lord Biden and Princess Nancy.
I serve nobody.

If you vote for Trump, then you are a Trump supporter, even if you are embarrassed to admit it. I donn't blame you. It would embarrass me too.

LOL. Have you gotten your period yet honey? I haven't voted since 2004. It's called integrity.
They automatically assume that anyone who is even remotely conservative is a Trump supporter. Sadly, many people can't get past the red helmet vs blue helmet football mentality.

So who do you support in the upcoming election?

No one. I no longer participate in the whole sham. I haven't, since 2012.

Yet you come here to sing Trump's praises every day. Imagine that,
Yet you come here to sing Trump's praises every day. Imagine that,

Trolling? Or does your memory not work at all? Or are you just a liar? Either way, I have no interest in your dishonest games. I've said about 10,000 times over the last few years that I am not a Trump supporter, never have been and never will be. I've never once sung his praises. And we just had this conversation a few days ago on another thread. So whether you're senile, or a liar, or a troll, you bore me, go bother someone else.
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To me, people should be allowed to make their own decisions and if some people don't like being in the presence of those who refuse to wear a mask, their homes are where they are more than welcome to remain until they are no longer chicken to be with the rest of us.

God bless you always!!!

So you`re not pro-life. Got it.
I will not wear a mask.

Trump says that you aren't patriotic then. You are only patriotic (according to Trump's tweet today), if you wear a mask.

If Trump supporters start wearing masks as their patriotic duty when they said it was against their free will and rights just a month or so ago, we will know that his cult is just a bunch of sheep, willing to do whatever Trump says.
My body, my choice. Some old bitch tried to shame me into doning one at Big Lots. I told her to go fuck herself.
The mask is to protect others, not you.
Maintain the (snicker) 6 foot distance from those not wearing a mask.....duh?
Why is the simplest thing to do the hardest thing for you?

Do you wear a shirt and shoes in restaurants and shops? Do you wear a seatbelt in a car? Do you smoke in stores restaurants and elevators?
It's simple to not wear a mask........

I wear shoes, shirt and pants inside shops and eateries because it would be vulgar to not do so. I don't smoke??, I wear a seatbelt and sometimes not. You are barking up the wrong fucking tree if you believe you can convince me to wear one. I do not wish to inhale part of the CO2 that I exhaled. Riding yourself of any flu virus is simple and doesn't require a doctor's visit.

Summation: Mind your own fucking business and you will be too occupied to fret about mine. Are we clear???
When you go out without a mask you're affecting other people. Perhaps me! So it is my business!

If you comply with simple hygiene concerning shirts and shoes, wearing a mask to protect others and slow the spread of the pandemic should be a no brainer! But maybe that's the problem all along!

You'll just have to live with it.
Wow..................what a difference a couple of weeks makes. Just a little while ago, Trump was saying that masks aren't effective, and don't need to be used. He also said it was a free choice issue, not something that should be mandated.

Then, over the weekend, he was photographed wearing a mask, and saying that masks are a good idea in certain conditions.

Now? He's tweeted out a picture of himself wearing a mask, telling people it's the patriotic thing to do.

So which is it, are they ineffective, good in certain conditions, or the patriotic thing to do?’re now mad he wore a mask?

This is a candidate for TDS Thread of the Day award....

No, not mad that he wore a mask, just wondering why he keeps changing his position. And, fwiw, if he had told people to start wearing masks when this thing was known to be airborne, we wouldn't be in the position that we are now.
Wow..................what a difference a couple of weeks makes. Just a little while ago, Trump was saying that masks aren't effective, and don't need to be used. He also said it was a free choice issue, not something that should be mandated.

Then, over the weekend, he was photographed wearing a mask, and saying that masks are a good idea in certain conditions.

Now? He's tweeted out a picture of himself wearing a mask, telling people it's the patriotic thing to do.

So which is it, are they ineffective, good in certain conditions, or the patriotic thing to do?’re now mad he wore a mask?

This is a candidate for TDS Thread of the Day award....

No, not mad that he wore a mask, just wondering why he keeps changing his position. And, fwiw, if he had told people to start wearing masks when this thing was known to be airborne, we wouldn't be in the position that we are now.
The CDC did tell everyone to wear a mask. Everywhere you go you are told to wear a mask. Why do you need the President to tell you?
Wow..................what a difference a couple of weeks makes. Just a little while ago, Trump was saying that masks aren't effective, and don't need to be used. He also said it was a free choice issue, not something that should be mandated.

Then, over the weekend, he was photographed wearing a mask, and saying that masks are a good idea in certain conditions.

Now? He's tweeted out a picture of himself wearing a mask, telling people it's the patriotic thing to do.

So which is it, are they ineffective, good in certain conditions, or the patriotic thing to do?
Again, if you wear a mask, why do I? Don’t you trust your mask?
Wow..................what a difference a couple of weeks makes. Just a little while ago, Trump was saying that masks aren't effective, and don't need to be used. He also said it was a free choice issue, not something that should be mandated.

Then, over the weekend, he was photographed wearing a mask, and saying that masks are a good idea in certain conditions.

Now? He's tweeted out a picture of himself wearing a mask, telling people it's the patriotic thing to do.

So which is it, are they ineffective, good in certain conditions, or the patriotic thing to do?’re now mad he wore a mask?

This is a candidate for TDS Thread of the Day award....

No, not mad that he wore a mask, just wondering why he keeps changing his position. And, fwiw, if he had told people to start wearing masks when this thing was known to be airborne, we wouldn't be in the position that we are now.
His top expert said they weren’t necessary
Wow..................what a difference a couple of weeks makes. Just a little while ago, Trump was saying that masks aren't effective, and don't need to be used. He also said it was a free choice issue, not something that should be mandated.

Then, over the weekend, he was photographed wearing a mask, and saying that masks are a good idea in certain conditions.

Now? He's tweeted out a picture of himself wearing a mask, telling people it's the patriotic thing to do.

So which is it, are they ineffective, good in certain conditions, or the patriotic thing to do?
Oh! So it's really about Trump? Guess who's in your head 24/7 365, dude.

TDS turns your brain to potato.

If masks are so necessary; Why no Biohazardous Waste bins needed for them?
Wow..................what a difference a couple of weeks makes. Just a little while ago, Trump was saying that masks aren't effective, and don't need to be used. He also said it was a free choice issue, not something that should be mandated.

Then, over the weekend, he was photographed wearing a mask, and saying that masks are a good idea in certain conditions.

Now? He's tweeted out a picture of himself wearing a mask, telling people it's the patriotic thing to do.

So which is it, are they ineffective, good in certain conditions, or the patriotic thing to do?’re now mad he wore a mask?

This is a candidate for TDS Thread of the Day award....

No, not mad that he wore a mask, just wondering why he keeps changing his position. And, fwiw, if he had told people to start wearing masks when this thing was known to be airborne, we wouldn't be in the position that we are now.
His top expert said they weren’t necessary

Fauci said that when it first started and nobody knew much about this virus, also, he said that so health workers would have enough PPE. However, after we found out it was airborne (due to a couple of church choirs getting sick during practice), he and many others changed their tune and said masks were necessary. Fauci and the others have modified their view of the virus as new data came to light. Trump hasn't changed his stance at all, even in spite of the new data.
Wow..................what a difference a couple of weeks makes. Just a little while ago, Trump was saying that masks aren't effective, and don't need to be used. He also said it was a free choice issue, not something that should be mandated.

Then, over the weekend, he was photographed wearing a mask, and saying that masks are a good idea in certain conditions.

Now? He's tweeted out a picture of himself wearing a mask, telling people it's the patriotic thing to do.

So which is it, are they ineffective, good in certain conditions, or the patriotic thing to do?’re now mad he wore a mask?

This is a candidate for TDS Thread of the Day award....

No, not mad that he wore a mask, just wondering why he keeps changing his position. And, fwiw, if he had told people to start wearing masks when this thing was known to be airborne, we wouldn't be in the position that we are now.
His top expert said they weren’t necessary

Fauci said that when it first started and nobody knew much about this virus, also, he said that so health workers would have enough PPE. However, after we found out it was airborne (due to a couple of church choirs getting sick during practice), he and many others changed their tune and said masks were necessary. Fauci and the others have modified their view of the virus as new data came to light. Trump hasn't changed his stance at all, even in spite of the new data.
And you believed that bullshit spewed by Fausci the jesuit POS? He was the conduit to make sure this virus created at Fort Detrick to then send to Wuhan. If ignorance and stupidity ever becomes a virus, you and your commie pals are goners.
Wow..................what a difference a couple of weeks makes. Just a little while ago, Trump was saying that masks aren't effective, and don't need to be used. He also said it was a free choice issue, not something that should be mandated.

Then, over the weekend, he was photographed wearing a mask, and saying that masks are a good idea in certain conditions.

Now? He's tweeted out a picture of himself wearing a mask, telling people it's the patriotic thing to do.

So which is it, are they ineffective, good in certain conditions, or the patriotic thing to do?’re now mad he wore a mask?

This is a candidate for TDS Thread of the Day award....

No, not mad that he wore a mask, just wondering why he keeps changing his position. And, fwiw, if he had told people to start wearing masks when this thing was known to be airborne, we wouldn't be in the position that we are now.
His top expert said they weren’t necessary

Fauci said that when it first started and nobody knew much about this virus, also, he said that so health workers would have enough PPE. However, after we found out it was airborne (due to a couple of church choirs getting sick during practice), he and many others changed their tune and said masks were necessary. Fauci and the others have modified their view of the virus as new data came to light. Trump hasn't changed his stance at all, even in spite of the new data.
And you believed that bullshit spewed by Fausci the jesuit POS? He was the conduit to make sure this virus created at Fort Detrick to then send to Wuhan. If ignorance and stupidity ever becomes a virus, you and your commie pals are goners.'re really good at spinning conspiracy theories. Apparently, by your own metric, you're a goner.
Wow..................what a difference a couple of weeks makes. Just a little while ago, Trump was saying that masks aren't effective, and don't need to be used. He also said it was a free choice issue, not something that should be mandated.

Then, over the weekend, he was photographed wearing a mask, and saying that masks are a good idea in certain conditions.

Now? He's tweeted out a picture of himself wearing a mask, telling people it's the patriotic thing to do.

So which is it, are they ineffective, good in certain conditions, or the patriotic thing to do?’re now mad he wore a mask?

This is a candidate for TDS Thread of the Day award....

No, not mad that he wore a mask, just wondering why he keeps changing his position. And, fwiw, if he had told people to start wearing masks when this thing was known to be airborne, we wouldn't be in the position that we are now.
His top expert said they weren’t necessary

Fauci said that when it first started and nobody knew much about this virus, also, he said that so health workers would have enough PPE. However, after we found out it was airborne (due to a couple of church choirs getting sick during practice), he and many others changed their tune and said masks were necessary. Fauci and the others have modified their view of the virus as new data came to light. Trump hasn't changed his stance at all, even in spite of the new data.
And you believed that bullshit spewed by Fausci the jesuit POS? He was the conduit to make sure this virus created at Fort Detrick to then send to Wuhan. If ignorance and stupidity ever becomes a virus, you and your commie pals are goners.'re really good at spinning conspiracy theories. Apparently, by your own metric, you're a goner.
Fucking everybody over for maybe is a retarded idea.
Wow..................what a difference a couple of weeks makes. Just a little while ago, Trump was saying that masks aren't effective, and don't need to be used. He also said it was a free choice issue, not something that should be mandated.

Then, over the weekend, he was photographed wearing a mask, and saying that masks are a good idea in certain conditions.

Now? He's tweeted out a picture of himself wearing a mask, telling people it's the patriotic thing to do.

So which is it, are they ineffective, good in certain conditions, or the patriotic thing to do?’re now mad he wore a mask?

This is a candidate for TDS Thread of the Day award....

No, not mad that he wore a mask, just wondering why he keeps changing his position. And, fwiw, if he had told people to start wearing masks when this thing was known to be airborne, we wouldn't be in the position that we are now.
His top expert said they weren’t necessary

Fauci said that when it first started and nobody knew much about this virus, also, he said that so health workers would have enough PPE. However, after we found out it was airborne (due to a couple of church choirs getting sick during practice), he and many others changed their tune and said masks were necessary. Fauci and the others have modified their view of the virus as new data came to light. Trump hasn't changed his stance at all, even in spite of the new data.
And you believed that bullshit spewed by Fausci the jesuit POS? He was the conduit to make sure this virus created at Fort Detrick to then send to Wuhan. If ignorance and stupidity ever becomes a virus, you and your commie pals are goners.'re really good at spinning conspiracy theories. Apparently, by your own metric, you're a goner.
Wow..................what a difference a couple of weeks makes. Just a little while ago, Trump was saying that masks aren't effective, and don't need to be used. He also said it was a free choice issue, not something that should be mandated.

Then, over the weekend, he was photographed wearing a mask, and saying that masks are a good idea in certain conditions.

Now? He's tweeted out a picture of himself wearing a mask, telling people it's the patriotic thing to do.

So which is it, are they ineffective, good in certain conditions, or the patriotic thing to do?’re now mad he wore a mask?

This is a candidate for TDS Thread of the Day award....

No, not mad that he wore a mask, just wondering why he keeps changing his position. And, fwiw, if he had told people to start wearing masks when this thing was known to be airborne, we wouldn't be in the position that we are now.
His top expert said they weren’t necessary

Fauci said that when it first started and nobody knew much about this virus, also, he said that so health workers would have enough PPE. However, after we found out it was airborne (due to a couple of church choirs getting sick during practice), he and many others changed their tune and said masks were necessary. Fauci and the others have modified their view of the virus as new data came to light. Trump hasn't changed his stance at all, even in spite of the new data.
Wow..................what a difference a couple of weeks makes. Just a little while ago, Trump was saying that masks aren't effective, and don't need to be used. He also said it was a free choice issue, not something that should be mandated.

Then, over the weekend, he was photographed wearing a mask, and saying that masks are a good idea in certain conditions.

Now? He's tweeted out a picture of himself wearing a mask, telling people it's the patriotic thing to do.

So which is it, are they ineffective, good in certain conditions, or the patriotic thing to do?

Better late than never.
Wow..................what a difference a couple of weeks makes. Just a little while ago, Trump was saying that masks aren't effective, and don't need to be used. He also said it was a free choice issue, not something that should be mandated.

Then, over the weekend, he was photographed wearing a mask, and saying that masks are a good idea in certain conditions.

Now? He's tweeted out a picture of himself wearing a mask, telling people it's the patriotic thing to do.

So which is it, are they ineffective, good in certain conditions, or the patriotic thing to do?’re now mad he wore a mask?

This is a candidate for TDS Thread of the Day award....

No, not mad that he wore a mask, just wondering why he keeps changing his position. And, fwiw, if he had told people to start wearing masks when this thing was known to be airborne, we wouldn't be in the position that we are now.
His top expert said they weren’t necessary

Fauci said that when it first started and nobody knew much about this virus, also, he said that so health workers would have enough PPE. However, after we found out it was airborne (due to a couple of church choirs getting sick during practice), he and many others changed their tune and said masks were necessary. Fauci and the others have modified their view of the virus as new data came to light. Trump hasn't changed his stance at all, even in spite of the new data.
They don’t know shit
Wow..................what a difference a couple of weeks makes. Just a little while ago, Trump was saying that masks aren't effective, and don't need to be used. He also said it was a free choice issue, not something that should be mandated.

Then, over the weekend, he was photographed wearing a mask, and saying that masks are a good idea in certain conditions.

Now? He's tweeted out a picture of himself wearing a mask, telling people it's the patriotic thing to do.

So which is it, are they ineffective, good in certain conditions, or the patriotic thing to do?
Again, if you wear a mask, why do I? Don’t you trust your mask?

Because you stop the spread by limiting what comes from you.

Why do you think doctors and nurses wear masks in the operating room?

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