To mask, or to not mask, that is the question.........................

I will not wear a mask.

Trump says that you aren't patriotic then. You are only patriotic (according to Trump's tweet today), if you wear a mask.

Look dumbass, I am not a Rump guy. I am a Conservative. You serve Lord Biden and Princess Nancy.
I serve nobody.

If you vote for Trump, then you are a Trump supporter, even if you are embarrassed to admit it. I donn't blame you. It would embarrass me too.

LOL. Have you gotten your period yet honey? I haven't voted since 2004. It's called integrity.

I support you in your choice.
Classic and classy come back to someone who isn't.
Bulldawg is a punk ass little bitch that lacks basic two are kindred souls
Awww, Come on Dale. I'll admit I'm no 214, but you know you're exaggerating just a little bit there, don't you?
Wearing a mask should be an individual decision. I comply with mask Nazis. I wear the mask. I wear one with an insulting message. The more insulting the better. I may have to embroider "fuck black lives" to get that mask.
It would be ashame if you missed a chance to be a ****.
I do my best. Now I need one that says "17 shot. Vote democrat".
Why not just embroider a turd where your mouth is?
If I have to wear a Gestapo democrat mask I'll wear one with the message I want to say
Then the turd would be appropriate. And it re enforces your image of a total unrepentant twat.
You think I'm you. You do live on your knees under a rock, don't you.
You have no concept of what being an adult human is like. You're vapid selfish and inconsequential.
Sorry but the opinion of an enemy just doesn't matter.
I'm not your enemy. I loathe you as a person, but politically I see you as opposition, not foe.

If you acted more like an adult, no doubt we would get along. Ityour personality, not your politics that I find revolting.
No no no. You are most definitely MY enemy. I could never think you better than a form of snake vomit. It's not your decision to make.
Sorry. I can't stand you as a person, but you are an American and, as such, not my enemy but opposition. You vote in the same elections as I do, you pay taxes as I do, you fly the same flag as I do. You're loathesome as a human and unworthy of respect, but not my enemy.
Wearing a mask should be an individual decision. I comply with mask Nazis. I wear the mask. I wear one with an insulting message. The more insulting the better. I may have to embroider "fuck black lives" to get that mask.
It would be ashame if you missed a chance to be a ****.
I do my best. Now I need one that says "17 shot. Vote democrat".
Why not just embroider a turd where your mouth is?
If I have to wear a Gestapo democrat mask I'll wear one with the message I want to say
Then the turd would be appropriate. And it re enforces your image of a total unrepentant twat.
You think I'm you. You do live on your knees under a rock, don't you.
You have no concept of what being an adult human is like. You're vapid selfish and inconsequential.
Sorry but the opinion of an enemy just doesn't matter.
I'm not your enemy. I loathe you as a person, but politically I see you as opposition, not foe.

If you acted more like an adult, no doubt we would get along. Ityour personality, not your politics that I find revolting.

Speaking for myself, but you are my enemy. You and your ilk are a parasitic plague and a blight on the history of humanity that turns everything that they touch into shit. I also found it hilarious that you believe that you "act like an adult", I could do a history search of your past musings and post all day long where you act exactly like what you claim to have such disdain for. I don't want to be your "pal" or your "friend" and your well-being and health doesn't mean shit to me. Your ideology is responsible for killing 140 million people over the last 120 years and that is a conservative estimate.
I will bust on you, I will destroy what ever narrative you are pushing but be cordial to sacks of shit such as yourself? Not in this lifetime......
Wearing a mask should be an individual decision. I comply with mask Nazis. I wear the mask. I wear one with an insulting message. The more insulting the better. I may have to embroider "fuck black lives" to get that mask.
It would be ashame if you missed a chance to be a ****.
I do my best. Now I need one that says "17 shot. Vote democrat".
Why not just embroider a turd where your mouth is?
If I have to wear a Gestapo democrat mask I'll wear one with the message I want to say
Then the turd would be appropriate. And it re enforces your image of a total unrepentant twat.
You think I'm you. You do live on your knees under a rock, don't you.
You have no concept of what being an adult human is like. You're vapid selfish and inconsequential.
Sorry but the opinion of an enemy just doesn't matter.
I'm not your enemy. I loathe you as a person, but politically I see you as opposition, not foe.

If you acted more like an adult, no doubt we would get along. Ityour personality, not your politics that I find revolting.

Speaking for myself, but you are my enemy. You and your ilk are a parasitic plague and a blight on the history of humanity that turns everything that they touch into shit. I also found it hilarious that you believe that you "act like an adult", I could do a history search of your past musings and post all day long where you act exactly like what you claim to have such disdain for. I don't want to be your "pal" or your "friend" and your well-being and health doesn't mean shit to me. Your ideology is responsible for killing 140 million people over the last 120 years and that is a conservative estimate.
I will bust on you, I will destroy what ever narrative you are pushing but be cordial to sacks of shit such as yourself? Not in this lifetime......

You're more likely to squat to shit, and then fall back in it.
I will not wear a mask.

Trump says that you aren't patriotic then. You are only patriotic (according to Trump's tweet today), if you wear a mask.

Look dumbass, I am not a Rump guy. I am a Conservative. You serve Lord Biden and Princess Nancy.
I serve nobody.

If you vote for Trump, then you are a Trump supporter, even if you are embarrassed to admit it. I donn't blame you. It would embarrass me too.

LOL. Have you gotten your period yet honey? I haven't voted since 2004. It's called integrity.

I support you in your choice.
Classic and classy come back to someone who isn't.
Bulldawg is a punk ass little bitch that lacks basic two are kindred souls
Awww, Come on Dale. I'll admit I'm no 214, but you know you're exaggerating just a little bit there, don't you?

My I.Q score on a website that I took back in 2007 was 128 when I was working third shift and bored. I suspect that Dark Fury's test score was 214 and then you look at the chart to translate it into the accepted "I.Q". I tested outstanding on logic like the ability to see numerical patterns and was way above average on reading comprehension but totally bombed on the Geometry part that requires one to see three or 4 different shapes and within those were other shapes some of which are shaded and you had to choose which "shape within a shape" would be logically next and got more difficult with each question. This test was based on cognitive abilities and each category had a time limit. According to their scale I was "Above Average/ Bright" and I was on the high end of that class which was a score of 115 to 130. Dark Fury certainly got under your extremely thin skin just like he did other leftards that would join in and attempt to "dog-pile" him. I have found that leftards have that tendency on every discussion forum I have ever posted in.
Wearing a mask should be an individual decision. I comply with mask Nazis. I wear the mask. I wear one with an insulting message. The more insulting the better. I may have to embroider "fuck black lives" to get that mask.
It would be ashame if you missed a chance to be a ****.
I do my best. Now I need one that says "17 shot. Vote democrat".
Why not just embroider a turd where your mouth is?
If I have to wear a Gestapo democrat mask I'll wear one with the message I want to say
Then the turd would be appropriate. And it re enforces your image of a total unrepentant twat.
You think I'm you. You do live on your knees under a rock, don't you.
You have no concept of what being an adult human is like. You're vapid selfish and inconsequential.
Sorry but the opinion of an enemy just doesn't matter.
I'm not your enemy. I loathe you as a person, but politically I see you as opposition, not foe.

If you acted more like an adult, no doubt we would get along. Ityour personality, not your politics that I find revolting.

Speaking for myself, but you are my enemy. You and your ilk are a parasitic plague and a blight on the history of humanity that turns everything that they touch into shit. I also found it hilarious that you believe that you "act like an adult", I could do a history search of your past musings and post all day long where you act exactly like what you claim to have such disdain for. I don't want to be your "pal" or your "friend" and your well-being and health doesn't mean shit to me. Your ideology is responsible for killing 140 million people over the last 120 years and that is a conservative estimate.
I will bust on you, I will destroy what ever narrative you are pushing but be cordial to sacks of shit such as yourself? Not in this lifetime......

You're more likely to squat to shit, and then fall back in it.

Squat to shit, Bulldog? Ever heard of indoor plumbing? Most low I.Q leftards struggle with the concept and simply crap on the floor. But to stay on topic, do you believe that you and your ilk are worthy of being cordial and polite too given that the chasm that exists between us is a gulf that is deep and wide? I don't like your kind, I don't want to be "chummy" and neither will I ever budge on what I know to be true and nor shall I compromise. Busting on you emotional cripples is a guilty pleasure of mine.

Hope this helps!!!!
Wow..................what a difference a couple of weeks makes. Just a little while ago, Trump was saying that masks aren't effective, and don't need to be used. He also said it was a free choice issue, not something that should be mandated. Then, over the weekend, he was photographed wearing a mask, and saying that masks are a good idea in certain conditions.
A little while ago, Pelosi was telling everyone to come on down to SanFran to shop, there was nothing to worry about.

When Trump DIDN'T wear the mask, you bitched. When Trump wears a mask, you bitch.

Have you considered dilaudid?
I will not wear a mask.

Trump says that you aren't patriotic then. You are only patriotic (according to Trump's tweet today), if you wear a mask.

Look dumbass, I am not a Rump guy. I am a Conservative. You serve Lord Biden and Princess Nancy.
I serve nobody.

If you vote for Trump, then you are a Trump supporter, even if you are embarrassed to admit it. I donn't blame you. It would embarrass me too.

LOL. Have you gotten your period yet honey? I haven't voted since 2004. It's called integrity.

I support you in your choice.
Classic and classy come back to someone who isn't.
Bulldawg is a punk ass little bitch that lacks basic two are kindred souls
Awww, Come on Dale. I'll admit I'm no 214, but you know you're exaggerating just a little bit there, don't you?

My I.Q score on a website that I took back in 2007 was 128 when I was working third shift and bored. I suspect that Dark Fury's test score was 214 and then you look at the chart to translate it into the accepted "I.Q". I tested outstanding on logic like the ability to see numerical patterns and was way above average on reading comprehension but totally bombed on the Geometry part that requires one to see three or 4 different shapes and within those were other shapes some of which are shaded and you had to choose which "shape within a shape" would be logically next and got more difficult with each question. This test was based on cognitive abilities and each category had a time limit. According to their scale I was "Above Average/ Bright" and I was on the high end of that class which was a score of 115 to 130. Dark Fury certainly got under your extremely thin skin just like he did other leftards that would join in and attempt to "dog-pile" him. I have found that leftards have that tendency on every discussion forum I have ever posted in.

I completely understand your difficulty wih the geometry part. You have splinters in the windmills of your mind.
Wearing a mask should be an individual decision. I comply with mask Nazis. I wear the mask. I wear one with an insulting message. The more insulting the better. I may have to embroider "fuck black lives" to get that mask.
It would be ashame if you missed a chance to be a ****.
I do my best. Now I need one that says "17 shot. Vote democrat".
Why not just embroider a turd where your mouth is?
If I have to wear a Gestapo democrat mask I'll wear one with the message I want to say
Then the turd would be appropriate. And it re enforces your image of a total unrepentant twat.
You think I'm you. You do live on your knees under a rock, don't you.
You have no concept of what being an adult human is like. You're vapid selfish and inconsequential.
Sorry but the opinion of an enemy just doesn't matter.
I'm not your enemy. I loathe you as a person, but politically I see you as opposition, not foe.

If you acted more like an adult, no doubt we would get along. Ityour personality, not your politics that I find revolting.

Speaking for myself, but you are my enemy. You and your ilk are a parasitic plague and a blight on the history of humanity that turns everything that they touch into shit. I also found it hilarious that you believe that you "act like an adult", I could do a history search of your past musings and post all day long where you act exactly like what you claim to have such disdain for. I don't want to be your "pal" or your "friend" and your well-being and health doesn't mean shit to me. Your ideology is responsible for killing 140 million people over the last 120 years and that is a conservative estimate.
I will bust on you, I will destroy what ever narrative you are pushing but be cordial to sacks of shit such as yourself? Not in this lifetime......
Whatit like in your world? Surrounded by enemies and consumed by unwarranted and useless hate must be both frightening and exhausting! A joyless, paranoid lifestyle dependent on conspiracy while eschewing curiosity makes for just a nub of a person. Short changed by your parents and obviously mistreated by your peers, this is all life has left you. I truly pity your self inflicted condition. Seek professional help! The sun is shining.
I will not wear a mask.

Trump says that you aren't patriotic then. You are only patriotic (according to Trump's tweet today), if you wear a mask.

Look dumbass, I am not a Rump guy. I am a Conservative. You serve Lord Biden and Princess Nancy.
I serve nobody.

If you vote for Trump, then you are a Trump supporter, even if you are embarrassed to admit it. I donn't blame you. It would embarrass me too.

LOL. Have you gotten your period yet honey? I haven't voted since 2004. It's called integrity.

I support you in your choice.
Classic and classy come back to someone who isn't.
Bulldawg is a punk ass little bitch that lacks basic two are kindred souls
Awww, Come on Dale. I'll admit I'm no 214, but you know you're exaggerating just a little bit there, don't you?

My I.Q score on a website that I took back in 2007 was 128 when I was working third shift and bored. I suspect that Dark Fury's test score was 214 and then you look at the chart to translate it into the accepted "I.Q". I tested outstanding on logic like the ability to see numerical patterns and was way above average on reading comprehension but totally bombed on the Geometry part that requires one to see three or 4 different shapes and within those were other shapes some of which are shaded and you had to choose which "shape within a shape" would be logically next and got more difficult with each question. This test was based on cognitive abilities and each category had a time limit. According to their scale I was "Above Average/ Bright" and I was on the high end of that class which was a score of 115 to 130. Dark Fury certainly got under your extremely thin skin just like he did other leftards that would join in and attempt to "dog-pile" him. I have found that leftards have that tendency on every discussion forum I have ever posted in.

I completely understand your difficulty wih the geometry part. You have splinters in the windmills of your mind.

You remind me of this short, fat fuck that was obviously inebriated and suffered from "little man syndrome" that followed Ric Flair into the gym I was working out in 1984. He waddles up to Flair and challenges him to a fight, Flair refuses and the short, fat fuck waddles away with his chest puffed out and believing that Flair "feared" him. I sighed in disgust and told Flair "Welcome to Amarillo" and he just laughed and gave me a high five.

I am sure that this little man bellied up to the bar afterwards and boasted that Flair "backed down from him. You and that short fat fuck share the same mentality.
Wearing a mask should be an individual decision. I comply with mask Nazis. I wear the mask. I wear one with an insulting message. The more insulting the better. I may have to embroider "fuck black lives" to get that mask.
It would be ashame if you missed a chance to be a ****.
I do my best. Now I need one that says "17 shot. Vote democrat".
Why not just embroider a turd where your mouth is?
If I have to wear a Gestapo democrat mask I'll wear one with the message I want to say
Then the turd would be appropriate. And it re enforces your image of a total unrepentant twat.
You think I'm you. You do live on your knees under a rock, don't you.
You have no concept of what being an adult human is like. You're vapid selfish and inconsequential.
Sorry but the opinion of an enemy just doesn't matter.
I'm not your enemy. I loathe you as a person, but politically I see you as opposition, not foe.

If you acted more like an adult, no doubt we would get along. Ityour personality, not your politics that I find revolting.

Speaking for myself, but you are my enemy. You and your ilk are a parasitic plague and a blight on the history of humanity that turns everything that they touch into shit. I also found it hilarious that you believe that you "act like an adult", I could do a history search of your past musings and post all day long where you act exactly like what you claim to have such disdain for. I don't want to be your "pal" or your "friend" and your well-being and health doesn't mean shit to me. Your ideology is responsible for killing 140 million people over the last 120 years and that is a conservative estimate.
I will bust on you, I will destroy what ever narrative you are pushing but be cordial to sacks of shit such as yourself? Not in this lifetime......
Whatit like in your world? Surrounded by enemies and consumed by unwarranted and useless hate must be both frightening and exhausting! A joyless, paranoid lifestyle dependent on conspiracy while eschewing curiosity makes for just a nub of a person. Short changed by your parents and obviously mistreated by your peers, this is all life has left you. I truly pity your self inflicted condition. Seek professional help! The sun is shining.

I deal in reality and I see the global elites plan for the NWO being ramped up after decades of small, incremental steps. I am not surrounded by enemies because Texas isn't a commie stronghold. Thousands upon thousands of hours of dedicated research and vetting of information and kicking my TV to the curb played a huge role in my deprogramming. I love the irony of how you claim that I don't possess intellectual curiosity when you are so fucking stuck in the left versus right paradigm.
Fortunately, I wasn't raised by parents that suffered from emotional development or believed that "da gubermint" owed them a giving. I was taught to be responsible for myself, taught that hard work has many rewards and that no one is going to give you something for nothing without wanting something in return.

I have few peers but there is an awakening going on and you aren't part of it. You have some ugly realizations coming your way...a "Come to Jesus" moment that is going to shake you to the core. Keep living in your little fantasy world and believing that "da gubermint" gives a shit about you. You are simply a resource with an ever declining value with future costs that they do not wish to pay for. Spare me a thought when it happens.

I will not wear a mask.

Trump says that you aren't patriotic then. You are only patriotic (according to Trump's tweet today), if you wear a mask.

Look dumbass, I am not a Rump guy. I am a Conservative. You serve Lord Biden and Princess Nancy.
I serve nobody.

If you vote for Trump, then you are a Trump supporter, even if you are embarrassed to admit it. I donn't blame you. It would embarrass me too.

LOL. Have you gotten your period yet honey? I haven't voted since 2004. It's called integrity.

I support you in your choice.
Classic and classy come back to someone who isn't.
Bulldawg is a punk ass little bitch that lacks basic two are kindred souls
Awww, Come on Dale. I'll admit I'm no 214, but you know you're exaggerating just a little bit there, don't you?

My I.Q score on a website that I took back in 2007 was 128 when I was working third shift and bored. I suspect that Dark Fury's test score was 214 and then you look at the chart to translate it into the accepted "I.Q". I tested outstanding on logic like the ability to see numerical patterns and was way above average on reading comprehension but totally bombed on the Geometry part that requires one to see three or 4 different shapes and within those were other shapes some of which are shaded and you had to choose which "shape within a shape" would be logically next and got more difficult with each question. This test was based on cognitive abilities and each category had a time limit. According to their scale I was "Above Average/ Bright" and I was on the high end of that class which was a score of 115 to 130. Dark Fury certainly got under your extremely thin skin just like he did other leftards that would join in and attempt to "dog-pile" him. I have found that leftards have that tendency on every discussion forum I have ever posted in.

I completely understand your difficulty wih the geometry part. You have splinters in the windmills of your mind.

You remind me of this short, fat fuck that was obviously inebriated and suffered from "little man syndrome" that followed Ric Flair into the gym I was working out in 1984. He waddles up to Flair and challenges him to a fight, Flair refuses and the short, fat fuck waddles away with his chest puffed out and believing that Flair "feared" him. I sighed in disgust and told Flair "Welcome to Amarillo" and he just laughed and gave me a high five.

I am sure that this little man bellied up to the bar afterwards and boasted that Flair "backed down from him. You and that short fat fuck share the same mentality.

It's not surprising that a studio wrestler is one of your heros. You still have that picture of Hulk Hogan hanging over your bed?
I will not wear a mask.

Trump says that you aren't patriotic then. You are only patriotic (according to Trump's tweet today), if you wear a mask.

Look dumbass, I am not a Rump guy. I am a Conservative. You serve Lord Biden and Princess Nancy.
I serve nobody.

If you vote for Trump, then you are a Trump supporter, even if you are embarrassed to admit it. I donn't blame you. It would embarrass me too.

LOL. Have you gotten your period yet honey? I haven't voted since 2004. It's called integrity.

I support you in your choice.
Classic and classy come back to someone who isn't.
Bulldawg is a punk ass little bitch that lacks basic two are kindred souls
Awww, Come on Dale. I'll admit I'm no 214, but you know you're exaggerating just a little bit there, don't you?

My I.Q score on a website that I took back in 2007 was 128 when I was working third shift and bored. I suspect that Dark Fury's test score was 214 and then you look at the chart to translate it into the accepted "I.Q". I tested outstanding on logic like the ability to see numerical patterns and was way above average on reading comprehension but totally bombed on the Geometry part that requires one to see three or 4 different shapes and within those were other shapes some of which are shaded and you had to choose which "shape within a shape" would be logically next and got more difficult with each question. This test was based on cognitive abilities and each category had a time limit. According to their scale I was "Above Average/ Bright" and I was on the high end of that class which was a score of 115 to 130. Dark Fury certainly got under your extremely thin skin just like he did other leftards that would join in and attempt to "dog-pile" him. I have found that leftards have that tendency on every discussion forum I have ever posted in.

I completely understand your difficulty wih the geometry part. You have splinters in the windmills of your mind.

You remind me of this short, fat fuck that was obviously inebriated and suffered from "little man syndrome" that followed Ric Flair into the gym I was working out in 1984. He waddles up to Flair and challenges him to a fight, Flair refuses and the short, fat fuck waddles away with his chest puffed out and believing that Flair "feared" him. I sighed in disgust and told Flair "Welcome to Amarillo" and he just laughed and gave me a high five.

I am sure that this little man bellied up to the bar afterwards and boasted that Flair "backed down from him. You and that short fat fuck share the same mentality.

It's not surprising that a studio wrestler is one of your heros. You still have that picture of Hulk Hogan hanging over your bed?

One would think that someone who actually knows Ric Flair would know that "Ric Flair" isn't his real name.
Wearing a mask should be an individual decision. I comply with mask Nazis. I wear the mask. I wear one with an insulting message. The more insulting the better. I may have to embroider "fuck black lives" to get that mask.
It would be ashame if you missed a chance to be a ****.
I do my best. Now I need one that says "17 shot. Vote democrat".
Why not just embroider a turd where your mouth is?
If I have to wear a Gestapo democrat mask I'll wear one with the message I want to say
Then the turd would be appropriate. And it re enforces your image of a total unrepentant twat.
You think I'm you. You do live on your knees under a rock, don't you.
You have no concept of what being an adult human is like. You're vapid selfish and inconsequential.
Sorry but the opinion of an enemy just doesn't matter.
I'm not your enemy. I loathe you as a person, but politically I see you as opposition, not foe.

If you acted more like an adult, no doubt we would get along. Ityour personality, not your politics that I find revolting.

Speaking for myself, but you are my enemy. You and your ilk are a parasitic plague and a blight on the history of humanity that turns everything that they touch into shit. I also found it hilarious that you believe that you "act like an adult", I could do a history search of your past musings and post all day long where you act exactly like what you claim to have such disdain for. I don't want to be your "pal" or your "friend" and your well-being and health doesn't mean shit to me. Your ideology is responsible for killing 140 million people over the last 120 years and that is a conservative estimate.
I will bust on you, I will destroy what ever narrative you are pushing but be cordial to sacks of shit such as yourself? Not in this lifetime......
Whatit like in your world? Surrounded by enemies and consumed by unwarranted and useless hate must be both frightening and exhausting! A joyless, paranoid lifestyle dependent on conspiracy while eschewing curiosity makes for just a nub of a person. Short changed by your parents and obviously mistreated by your peers, this is all life has left you. I truly pity your self inflicted condition. Seek professional help! The sun is shining.

I deal in reality and I see the global elites plan for the NWO being ramped up after decades of small, incremental steps. I am not surrounded by enemies because Texas isn't a commie stronghold. Thousands upon thousands of hours of dedicated research and vetting of information and kicking my TV to the curb played a huge role in my deprogramming. I love the irony of how you claim that I don't possess intellectual curiosity when you are so fucking stuck in the left versus right paradigm.
Fortunately, I wasn't raised by parents that suffered from emotional development or believed that "da gubermint" owed them a giving. I was taught to be responsible for myself, taught that hard work has many rewards and that no one is going to give you something for nothing without wanting something in return.

I have few peers but there is an awakening going on and you aren't part of it. You have some ugly realizations coming your way...a "Come to Jesus" moment that is going to shake you to the core. Keep living in your little fantasy world and believing that "da gubermint" gives a shit about you. You are simply a resource with an ever declining value with future costs that they do not wish to pay for. Spare me a thought when it happens.


You deal in Bigfoot, chemtrails, some nefarious cabal of rich people that rule the world, and little green men who abduct people to implant chips in their brain, and anally probe them.
I will not wear a mask.

Trump says that you aren't patriotic then. You are only patriotic (according to Trump's tweet today), if you wear a mask.

Look dumbass, I am not a Rump guy. I am a Conservative. You serve Lord Biden and Princess Nancy.
I serve nobody.

If you vote for Trump, then you are a Trump supporter, even if you are embarrassed to admit it. I donn't blame you. It would embarrass me too.

LOL. Have you gotten your period yet honey? I haven't voted since 2004. It's called integrity.

I support you in your choice.
Classic and classy come back to someone who isn't.
Bulldawg is a punk ass little bitch that lacks basic two are kindred souls
Awww, Come on Dale. I'll admit I'm no 214, but you know you're exaggerating just a little bit there, don't you?

My I.Q score on a website that I took back in 2007 was 128 when I was working third shift and bored. I suspect that Dark Fury's test score was 214 and then you look at the chart to translate it into the accepted "I.Q". I tested outstanding on logic like the ability to see numerical patterns and was way above average on reading comprehension but totally bombed on the Geometry part that requires one to see three or 4 different shapes and within those were other shapes some of which are shaded and you had to choose which "shape within a shape" would be logically next and got more difficult with each question. This test was based on cognitive abilities and each category had a time limit. According to their scale I was "Above Average/ Bright" and I was on the high end of that class which was a score of 115 to 130. Dark Fury certainly got under your extremely thin skin just like he did other leftards that would join in and attempt to "dog-pile" him. I have found that leftards have that tendency on every discussion forum I have ever posted in.

I completely understand your difficulty wih the geometry part. You have splinters in the windmills of your mind.

You remind me of this short, fat fuck that was obviously inebriated and suffered from "little man syndrome" that followed Ric Flair into the gym I was working out in 1984. He waddles up to Flair and challenges him to a fight, Flair refuses and the short, fat fuck waddles away with his chest puffed out and believing that Flair "feared" him. I sighed in disgust and told Flair "Welcome to Amarillo" and he just laughed and gave me a high five.

I am sure that this little man bellied up to the bar afterwards and boasted that Flair "backed down from him. You and that short fat fuck share the same mentality.

It's not surprising that a studio wrestler is one of your heros. You still have that picture of Hulk Hogan hanging over your bed?

Ric Flair wasn't a "hero" but he was a very nice guy and conducted himself like a gentleman. I loved professional wrestling when I was young and didn't believe it was scripted. Ric Flair spent a Summer feuding with Terry and Dory Funk Jr back in 1977. I worked out at the gym regularly with Dick Murdoch, also part of the pro-wrestling scene and they did a lot of charity work in the community. I respected them because they were genuinely good people. Unfortunately Murdoch had a serious drinking problem and died too young. He embarrassed me at a gig I was playing that he had been previously barred from. I gave the staff my word that I would make sure that Dick would be cool. He was knocking back beer using the pitcher as a mug. We were on break before our last set and Dick was being a dick, getting loud and the bouncers were looking nervous. I went over to him and told him "Hey, getting a little loud, do me a favor and relax". He looked at me like "Who the fuck are you?" and he started getting belligerent and he was "escorted" out the door and I paid for his cab ride. He had to go to Atlanta to wrestle and didn't see him for a couple of weeks. When I saw him next? He was like "Hey, Dale ol buddy, wanna work chest and tri's (triceps) today?". I looked at him and said "Do you even remember the Caravan Club gig I played where you acted like an ass?" He just laughed and slapped me on the back and said "Sometimes ya just gotta howl at the moon". He was a character ....
I will not wear a mask.

Trump says that you aren't patriotic then. You are only patriotic (according to Trump's tweet today), if you wear a mask.

Look dumbass, I am not a Rump guy. I am a Conservative. You serve Lord Biden and Princess Nancy.
I serve nobody.

If you vote for Trump, then you are a Trump supporter, even if you are embarrassed to admit it. I donn't blame you. It would embarrass me too.

LOL. Have you gotten your period yet honey? I haven't voted since 2004. It's called integrity.

I support you in your choice.
Classic and classy come back to someone who isn't.
Bulldawg is a punk ass little bitch that lacks basic two are kindred souls
Awww, Come on Dale. I'll admit I'm no 214, but you know you're exaggerating just a little bit there, don't you?

My I.Q score on a website that I took back in 2007 was 128 when I was working third shift and bored. I suspect that Dark Fury's test score was 214 and then you look at the chart to translate it into the accepted "I.Q". I tested outstanding on logic like the ability to see numerical patterns and was way above average on reading comprehension but totally bombed on the Geometry part that requires one to see three or 4 different shapes and within those were other shapes some of which are shaded and you had to choose which "shape within a shape" would be logically next and got more difficult with each question. This test was based on cognitive abilities and each category had a time limit. According to their scale I was "Above Average/ Bright" and I was on the high end of that class which was a score of 115 to 130. Dark Fury certainly got under your extremely thin skin just like he did other leftards that would join in and attempt to "dog-pile" him. I have found that leftards have that tendency on every discussion forum I have ever posted in.

I completely understand your difficulty wih the geometry part. You have splinters in the windmills of your mind.

You remind me of this short, fat fuck that was obviously inebriated and suffered from "little man syndrome" that followed Ric Flair into the gym I was working out in 1984. He waddles up to Flair and challenges him to a fight, Flair refuses and the short, fat fuck waddles away with his chest puffed out and believing that Flair "feared" him. I sighed in disgust and told Flair "Welcome to Amarillo" and he just laughed and gave me a high five.

I am sure that this little man bellied up to the bar afterwards and boasted that Flair "backed down from him. You and that short fat fuck share the same mentality.

It's not surprising that a studio wrestler is one of your heros. You still have that picture of Hulk Hogan hanging over your bed?

One would think that someone who actually knows Ric Flair would know that "Ric Flair" isn't his real name.

I only met him that one time and it was a very brief conversation. He wasn't there to visit, he was there to work out and I respected that and his space. Lex Luger and Rick Rude were also there for the event. They acted extremely arrogant and I didn't even say "Hi" to them. They were obviously in the middle of a steroid cycle. The acne break-out on the back on muscle-bound guys in their 30's is always a dead give-away. I was offered them many times during my weight-lifting days but never wanted to get addicted to the jump in strength that goes away unless you remain on growth hormones and they were not synthetic like they are today. These were hybrids of what were given to cows.
Wearing a mask should be an individual decision. I comply with mask Nazis. I wear the mask. I wear one with an insulting message. The more insulting the better. I may have to embroider "fuck black lives" to get that mask.
It would be ashame if you missed a chance to be a ****.
I do my best. Now I need one that says "17 shot. Vote democrat".
Why not just embroider a turd where your mouth is?
If I have to wear a Gestapo democrat mask I'll wear one with the message I want to say
Then the turd would be appropriate. And it re enforces your image of a total unrepentant twat.
You think I'm you. You do live on your knees under a rock, don't you.
You have no concept of what being an adult human is like. You're vapid selfish and inconsequential.
Sorry but the opinion of an enemy just doesn't matter.
I'm not your enemy. I loathe you as a person, but politically I see you as opposition, not foe.

If you acted more like an adult, no doubt we would get along. Ityour personality, not your politics that I find revolting.

Speaking for myself, but you are my enemy. You and your ilk are a parasitic plague and a blight on the history of humanity that turns everything that they touch into shit. I also found it hilarious that you believe that you "act like an adult", I could do a history search of your past musings and post all day long where you act exactly like what you claim to have such disdain for. I don't want to be your "pal" or your "friend" and your well-being and health doesn't mean shit to me. Your ideology is responsible for killing 140 million people over the last 120 years and that is a conservative estimate.
I will bust on you, I will destroy what ever narrative you are pushing but be cordial to sacks of shit such as yourself? Not in this lifetime......
Whatit like in your world? Surrounded by enemies and consumed by unwarranted and useless hate must be both frightening and exhausting! A joyless, paranoid lifestyle dependent on conspiracy while eschewing curiosity makes for just a nub of a person. Short changed by your parents and obviously mistreated by your peers, this is all life has left you. I truly pity your self inflicted condition. Seek professional help! The sun is shining.

I deal in reality and I see the global elites plan for the NWO being ramped up after decades of small, incremental steps. I am not surrounded by enemies because Texas isn't a commie stronghold. Thousands upon thousands of hours of dedicated research and vetting of information and kicking my TV to the curb played a huge role in my deprogramming. I love the irony of how you claim that I don't possess intellectual curiosity when you are so fucking stuck in the left versus right paradigm.
Fortunately, I wasn't raised by parents that suffered from emotional development or believed that "da gubermint" owed them a giving. I was taught to be responsible for myself, taught that hard work has many rewards and that no one is going to give you something for nothing without wanting something in return.

I have few peers but there is an awakening going on and you aren't part of it. You have some ugly realizations coming your way...a "Come to Jesus" moment that is going to shake you to the core. Keep living in your little fantasy world and believing that "da gubermint" gives a shit about you. You are simply a resource with an ever declining value with future costs that they do not wish to pay for. Spare me a thought when it happens.


You deal in Bigfoot, chemtrails, some nefarious cabal of rich people that rule the world, and little green men who abduct people to implant chips in their brain, and anally probe them.

Why are you lying? I have never mentioned "Bigfoot" nor have I ever posted about "little green men". When you lie and make shit up, you lose what tiny bit of credibility you may have left. I notice that leftards intentionally lie in a lame attempt to discredit someone. It's a nasty trait you and your ilk possess.
Keep living in your little fantasy world and believing that "da gubermint" gives a shit about you. You are simply a resource with an ever declining value with future costs that they do not wish to pay for.

I think you pinpointed the problem with these people. Pretty much everything they believe is based on a faulty premise, the idea that the government actually cares about them. Until that changes, they will continue to be wrong about most things and continue to fall for lies, propaganda, psyops, etc. All the while thinking that we are the crazy ones for not marching in lockstep with the establishment BS.

That reminds me of the things talked about in this video. I think everyone here should watch it, she brings up some very good points.

(It doesn't start til :32 in, so skip over the beginning part.)


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