To My Fellow Lefties: How Do You Feel About The Planned Parenthood Scandal?

Answered my own question.

WHAT: Planned Parenthood Arizona will host a free mobile mammography clinic, supported by a grant from the Phoenix Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure. Mammography has proven to be the single most beneficial tool in detecting early and treatable cancer. The goal of screening exams, such as mammograms, is to find cancers early before it has a chance to grow and treatment works best.”

WHEN: Saturday, May 16, 2009

8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

WHERE: Planned Parenthood Arizona Maryvale Health Center

4616 N. 51st Ave, #210

Phoenix, AZ 85031

(51st Avenue and Indian School Road)
It appears there are no lefties who want to comment on the abortion industry's appalling criminal behavior.

That's because they condone it. So long as the underlying motive is to kill off those poor black babies, and maybe their moms too, the end justifies the means.

Told you so.
Lifesaving Programs - Planned Parenthood - Central Texas

Through a grant from the local Central Texas Affiliate of the Susan G. Komen Foundation, Planned Parenthood in Waco provides life-saving mammogram screening and abnormal mammogram follow-up diagnostic testing for low-income women.

You may qualify for a free mammogram if you are:

age 40 or over and never had a baseline mammogram
uninsured, low-income
have had a recent gynecological exam
If you are under 40 and have a breast problem with a history of breast cancer in your immediate family, you may also be eligible to participate in the program.

If an abnormal mammogram is detected, funding for further diagnostic testing is available.

Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening

The Breast and Cervical Cancer Services program (BCCS) offers clinical breast examinations, mammograms, pelvic examinations, and Pap tests throughout Texas at no or low-cost to eligible women. The goal of Texas' BCCS is to reduce mortality from breast cancer and cervical cancer in Texas.
The nation’s leading breast cancer charity, Susan G. Komen for the Cure, is drawing controversy for a decision to stop funding screening and prevention programs run by the reproductive rights group Planned Parenthood.

The Komen foundation has confirmed it is cutting off support for 19 of Planned Parenthood’s 83 affiliates, citing a new policy barring funding for any groups under investigation.

Planned Parenthood has been subjected to intense scrutiny from anti-abortion lawmakers, including a current probe of the group’s finances.

The move will stop hundreds of thousands of dollars in grants that were used by Planned Parenthood to provide breast cancer screenings and other related services.

Reacting to Komen’s decision, Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards said, "It’s hard to understand how an organization with whom we share a mission of saving women’s lives could have bowed to this kind of bullying."

Democracy NOW

I say the nation should take a hard look at the anti-abortion lawmakers finances. There we might find fire.
And we would find nothing if we looked at the finances of anti live birth lawmakers? What would we find there? Unicorns?
All I did was Google "planned parenthood free mammograms" and got plenty of results all around the country.

It does not take much in the brain department to fact-check things when you have Google. Just a teensy bit of critical thinking.

So if the intent of the video in the OP was to make you believe the President of Planned Parenthood was lying, then they themselves are large obese flocculent fabricators.
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Why don't we take a hard look at the pro-abortion industry's finances, hmmm?

You know, those people who make money off abortions..that they aren't required to report and over which there is limited oversight?

Why don't we start there.

Oh, wait, we have and lo and behold...PP lies about money, numbers, etc. What a shocker.

Abortions are accomplished in medical clinic's and hospitals...

Fine... but don't ask me to pay for them.... and that includes my taxes. I will not fund murder. You commit that by yourselves. Mmmk?
Republicans for Choice®

In the wake of the House vote to bar Planned Parenthood federal funding, we are proud to have received the following statement of support from Republicans for Planned Parenthood:

For 95 years, Planned Parenthood has made vital health care and education available to millions of American families. As a specialist in women’s health, Planned Parenthood provides vital sexual and reproductive health services to three million patients every year at more than 800 health centers nationwide. One in five American women has received care from a Planned Parenthood health center during her lifetime, and for many Americans, Planned Parenthood’s doctors and nurses are the only health care providers they see.

An essential community provider of lifesaving primary and preventive care, Planned Parenthood represents the very best of traditional Republican values — which is why so many Planned Parenthood health centers were founded by Republicans years ago. Republicans for Planned Parenthood are proud to support this vital American institution, which safeguards women’s rights to control their reproductive health and destinies from government interference, and provides necessary care that enables women to plan their families and lead productive lives.


Planned Parenthood Republicans for Choice® (RFC) is dedicated to the preservation of individual rights and reproductive freedom. We believe our nation is best served by policies that support family planning and a woman's right to choose, and we actively support Planned Parenthood as a critical health care service provider, especially for women and young people worldwide.

The Republican Party was founded on a commitment to individual liberty and freedom. The party has a proud history of defending individual rights — from fighting to end slavery and working to secure equal protection and voting rights for African Americans, to leading the way in achieving women’s suffrage.

Too often, we only hear about anti-choice Republicans who claim to represent the majority of our party. The simple truth is that they don’t. Republicans for Choice is working to make sure pro-choice Republicans’ voices are heard across the country. We will not be silent while others try to perpetuate the myth that most Republicans are anti-choice.

— Darlee Crockett and Randy Moody, National Co-Chairs, Planned Parenthood Republicans for Choice

Our Beliefs:
Republicans for Choice - Pro-Choice Republicans - Planned Parenthood Action Center


I don't think so...
If you look at the full Gallup poll, which you did not actually link to, you would find that two thirds of Americans are okay with abortion in the first trimester, including some people who self-identify as "pro-life".
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Answered my own question.

WHAT: Planned Parenthood Arizona will host a free mobile mammography clinic, supported by a grant from the Phoenix Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure. Mammography has proven to be the single most beneficial tool in detecting early and treatable cancer. The goal of screening exams, such as mammograms, is to find cancers early before it has a chance to grow and treatment works best.”

WHEN: Saturday, May 16, 2009

8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

WHERE: Planned Parenthood Arizona Maryvale Health Center

4616 N. 51st Ave, #210

Phoenix, AZ 85031

(51st Avenue and Indian School Road)
They will HOST a mobile mammogram unit. It is not their unit. I've seen those units set up outside of courthouses and shopping malls. They are not providing mammograms, but merely a place where a different entity can.
Lifesaving Programs - Planned Parenthood - Central Texas

Through a grant from the local Central Texas Affiliate of the Susan G. Komen Foundation, Planned Parenthood in Waco provides life-saving mammogram screening and abnormal mammogram follow-up diagnostic testing for low-income women.

You may qualify for a free mammogram if you are:

age 40 or over and never had a baseline mammogram
uninsured, low-income
have had a recent gynecological exam
If you are under 40 and have a breast problem with a history of breast cancer in your immediate family, you may also be eligible to participate in the program.

If an abnormal mammogram is detected, funding for further diagnostic testing is available.

Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening

The Breast and Cervical Cancer Services program (BCCS) offers clinical breast examinations, mammograms, pelvic examinations, and Pap tests throughout Texas at no or low-cost to eligible women. The goal of Texas' BCCS is to reduce mortality from breast cancer and cervical cancer in Texas.
The Susan G. Komen Foundation has withdrawn support for PP.
They will HOST a mobile mammogram unit. It is not their unit. I've seen those units set up outside of courthouses and shopping malls. They are not providing mammograms, but merely a place where a different entity can.

As I said, just Google "planned parenthood free mammograms" and you will find plenty of PP clinics around the country which provide mammograms to low income women.

So the video in the OP is a "lie of omission". The second lie of omission I've seen today on this forum. It is a favorite tactic of propagandists.
I have also Googled "Planned Parenthood surgical clinic". These type clinics do not offer mammograms.

I would lay a pretty good bet the makers of the video did the same thing I did with Google, and then just called surgical clinics knowing full well that every one of them would tell them they don't do mammograms.

Dishonesty in the extreme.

But the brainless rubes buy it, so what the hell, right? It is okay to bear false witness in those circumstances, I suppose.
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All I did was Google "planned parenthood free mammograms" and got plenty of results all around the country.

It does not take much in the brain department to fact-check things when you have Google. Just a teensy bit of critical thinking.

So if the intent of the video in the OP was to make you believe the President of Planned Parenthood was lying, then they themselves are large obese flocculent fabricators.

Didn't look very far, did you?
From Planned Parenhood's website:
Komen Foundation Ends Funding for Breast Cancer Screenings After Years of Political Pressure
They will HOST a mobile mammogram unit. It is not their unit. I've seen those units set up outside of courthouses and shopping malls. They are not providing mammograms, but merely a place where a different entity can.

As I said, just Google "planned parenthood free mammograms" and you will find plenty of PP clinics around the country which provide mammograms to low income women.

So the video in the OP is a "lie of omission". The second lie of omission I've seen today on this forum. It is a favorite tactic of propagandists.

All dated PRE the foundation revoking support for PP
The Susan G. Komen Foundation has withdrawn support for PP.

No, they have withdrawn support only from PP clinics that are under investigation.

Correction: Komen only supplied funding to a few of PP clinics, not all. It has withdrawn all funding to PP, yes.
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Besides which..they aren't pro-education or pro-science...PP wants certain information to be KEPT from women.

For example, they fought hard to prevent clinics from educating women about the development of the baby...

And how can an organization that refuses to keep records be "pro-science"? Science is about recording data. PP doesn't record data, it hides it.
The decision by Komen to no longer fund PP mammograms was just made. That takes nothing away from the fact that the OP video is a lie. It is guilty of false witness. At the time the President of PP was speaking in that video, PP was offereing mammograms to poor women.

Here is one in Colorado which provides free mammograms and pelvic exams: Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Programs - Planned Parenthood - Rocky Mountains

There is no mention of Komen funding. One should not assume all PP breast exams for poor women were or are funded by Komen.

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