To pair with Sunni....age yourself with your fav childhood toy

Erector Set for kids that came with little gears and real nuts and bolts. I spent many hours constructing bridges, cranes, towers, etc.
Sometimes I wonder if this toy was responsible for my career in mechanical engineering?

Jacks. Painted of course, to look like ballerinas when you spin them.
Pickup sticks.
My bike.
Tree climbing. Not really a toy, but it was still fun.
Tinkering with my tricycle. (I had the first low rider, ya know. Flip it upside down!)
Hula Hoops
Play Doh
Silly Putty
Magic 8 ball.

NO DOLLS. Never played with them. Nope.
Stretch Armstrong. Soft to the touch but hard as a rock if you hit it hard.
Creek chubs LoL. My gosh the stuff we would pull out of creeks. Craziest was a 20 pound alligator snapping turtle. That sucker was mean!
There was a creek by my house where all the kids would go play.
We cornered one of those large gator snapping turtles and were poking it with sticks. The thing got so mad that it was hissing and trying to bite us. Everyone got scared and let it crawl back into the water. .... :cool:
Paddle ball, tinker toys, click klacks, yoyo, string top, slinkys, i never had a hula hoop, jacks, pick up sticks, Chinese checkers paper dolls.
If I read Google right, I was born the year Lincoln Logs were first made.

God bless you always!!!

Holly (born in 1982)

P.S. The Pac Man video game may have been started that year as well too. :) :) :)
Creek chubs LoL. My gosh the stuff we would pull out of creeks. Craziest was a 20 pound alligator snapping turtle. That sucker was mean!
There was a creek by my house where all the kids would go play.
We cornered one of those large gator snapping turtles and were poking it with sticks. The thing got so mad that it was hissing and trying to bite us. Everyone got scared and let it crawl back into the water. .... :cool:

I was having a bad day, ok?
Jacks. Painted of course, to look like ballerinas when you spin them.
Pickup sticks.
My bike.
Tree climbing. Not really a toy, but it was still fun.
Tinkering with my tricycle. (I had the first low rider, ya know. Flip it upside down!)
Hula Hoops
Play Doh
Silly Putty
Magic 8 ball.

NO DOLLS. Never played with them. Nope.
Mud. The best toy out there.
MUD!!! YES! To make mud clods and toss at the neighbor kids in a mud make mud cakes, frosted with flour, water, food coloring and give it to your mean older sister so you can laugh when she bites into it.

Sand, too. Sand castles. Sand art.

I made mud pies and made my little brother eat 'em.

I bet he gained 10 pounds that one summer.

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