To The Children Marching Today Across the USA...

.You use Trump as a way to attack conservatism in this country ?? Yes you do.. So what exactly is your issue with good clean conservative living that keeps the left trying to destroy it ?? You against hard work, church going citizens, home ownership, low to zero debt, father and mother families, responsible gun ownership, good neighborhoods, safety, investments, small business start up's, educated children, Christianity or other religious values etc ??

"Conservatism" in this country is officially dead. You have vilified literally every REAL conservative and placed your chips on a Dotard.

Enjoy the ride to Hell
The Demon-crats are losing out on making the illegals legal in order to vote, so now they figure they have fallen into a gold mine with these students who they will coach all the way to the registration process to vote, and then to seal the deal afterwards with their vote.

Yes and No. These whiny bitches were set to be Democrats from the time their worthless parents (who were largely my classmates in svhool) birthed them.
What you saw today was the product of public school indoctrination by the radical fascist left.

What I saw today were profiles in courage from teenagers, and even younger children.

Then I come to usmb, ans I see nothing but right wing cowards and pukes, spouting their same tired bullshit.

Mommy and daddy were total failures on you pukes toilet training.
No... what we ALL saw today was another FASCIST, UNHINGED, HYSTERICAL bunch of WHINY LITTLE BRAIN WASHED CHILDREN waltzing down the street as if they even knew what the fuck they were doing there, organized and paid for by the AMERICA HATING SOROS and his FASCIST LEFTIST DEMOCRAT SUPPORTERS.

You can't sugar coat and lie about this, and people are sick of it. PROTEST FATIGUE is the new trending hash tag on twitter.
Nope. Not even a little. All neocons have are rage, hate and ugliness. The energy out there was amazing, and I'm sure nothing by comparison to DC. We are gaining in strength and numbers, and you lot are being relegated to the wrong side of history.

It's going to take time. Trump may very well finish out his first term. But November 2018 he's facing impeachment. It's going to take a lot of hard work to undo all the damage he's done, but hell; this country has successfully been down that road before.
And one would guess, you are in favor of repealing child labor laws.

Yep. I'm in favor of repealing the laws that let kids work prior to getting a high school diploma. Until then their job is school.

How do you repeal a law that does not exist?

I got my first job delivering the Miami News at 10, started working on a tropical fish farm at 13 and bagging groceries, for less than minimum wage at 16. I did fine, I got my degree from the University of Miami in Marine Biology, never used it but came out just fine and comfortable after being a Realtor for 45 years. In between, I served in the Army and worked in retail management among a dozen other jobs working through college.
Umm.... I believe they're protesting getting shot. Nice try though.

No, they are protesting against certain types of guns. They, like many left wing loons, are too damn ignorant to know they are on the wrong track. Most likely, because they are being led and cheered on by less ignorant left wing loons with a much broader agenda. They are being used as pawns, and that says a whole lot about the character of those who are using them.

No, they are protesting getting shot. Which is, again, what I posted in the first place.

But don't take my word for it --- what's the name of the event?

You couldn't possibly be that daft. You can call a turd a potato, but that doesn't make it a potato. Since few of them have been shot, it is obvious they are not protesting getting shot. They are pawns being led into the streets by lowlife left wing scumbags with a political agenda.

Nope. They're kids tired of being targets, saying "we've had enough".

Apparently you don't think they've had enough?

No, I think they are going down the wrong rabbit hole, and pushing for change that will not prevent them from being targets. But, I don't think that you, and your ilk, care whether they remain targets, you just want to ban guns, and you are willing to use these teenagers to that end.

Oh do I.


(^^ How to keep a moron busy...)
Apparently you don't know fake news when you read it. According to the Pew Poll, 30% of the American public own guns, and 36% of those who said they did not own a gun could see themselves owning a gun in the future. Not to mention that many gun owners will not tell pollsters that they own a gun.

The only people who know how many joined the NRA since this last round of left wing nonsense are the NRA leadership. It might help if you actually read the crap you reference.

Tens of THOUSANDS of voters who will register and vote AGAINST your overlords in 2018 ..

Add to that tens of thousands more - Women, immigrants (see Puerto Rico FUBAR) and minorities.

Soon you Trumpflakes will eat it in unimaginable ways - Enjoy your meal!

it was people with guns that gave them the right to protest. what hypocrisy.

Actually it was Liberals, with quills and a nice supply of hemp paper.
You forgot to tell them to stay the hell off your lawn!

That's what the signs and the trip wires are for.
I find it interesting that because kids took a stand and are marching to make their stand known, you find them worthless. When kids excerise their constitutionally protected rights, you find them spoiled and self possessed. When kids voice their concerns for their own safety, you tell them that their safety is illusionary. When kids say they are fed up with school,shootings, you tell them to buck up and accept their deaths as the cost of doing business.
.I think he's just frustrated that the kids are so gullible and clueless, where as they can't figure out when they are being used or not. The left pouncing on the situation (never let a crisis go to waste), should be a red flag to them. Nothing wrong with a March, but when certain players get involved then everyone should worry as to what is truly going on in the situation.
I think that calling the kids gullible and searching for bogeymen, puppeteers pulling the strings is a simplistic and underhanded way of trying to silence them and discredit their message.

Ya can't really shoot them enough, can ya? So cutting their legs out from under them serves just as weall.

I just call it "butthurt". It's been raining butthurt all day, but it was forecast.
These are children whose blather should never have gotten out of the basement. They are two year olds in a Toys R Us wanting a new toy. I do not take orders from children. No adult should. Their best decisions tell them to eat laundry soap and post it on you tube while getting high on pot.

You go shoot 'em in the face then, Sleazeball.
They are killing themselves, they don't need me.
Nope. Not even a little. All neocons have are rage, hate and ugliness. The energy out there was amazing, and I'm sure nothing by comparison to DC. We are gaining in strength and numbers, and you lot are being relegated to the wrong side of history.

It's going to take time. Trump may very well finish out his first term. But November 2018 he's facing impeachment. It's going to take a lot of hard work to undo all the damage he's done, but hell; this country has successfully been down that road before.

Please, explain specifically if you can, what damage President Trump has done. I'm curious, I see only good things.
.You use Trump as a way to attack conservatism in this country ?? Yes you do.. So what exactly is your issue with good clean conservative living that keeps the left trying to destroy it ?? You against hard work, church going citizens, home ownership, low to zero debt, father and mother families, responsible gun ownership, good neighborhoods, safety, investments, small business start up's, educated children, Christianity or other religious values etc ??

"Conservatism" in this country is officially dead. You have vilified literally every REAL conservative and placed your chips on a Dotard.

Enjoy the ride to Hell

Nope. Not even a little. All neocons have are rage, hate and ugliness. The energy out there was amazing, and I'm sure nothing by comparison to DC. We are gaining in strength and numbers, and you lot are being relegated to the wrong side of history.

It's going to take time. Trump may very well finish out his first term. But November 2018 he's facing impeachment. It's going to take a lot of hard work to undo all the damage he's done, but hell; this country has successfully been down that road before.

Please, explain specifically if you can, what damage President Trump has done. I'm curious, I see only good things.

No doubt you see "many fine people" too. I bet they're "dancing on rooftops" while it's "not raining", amirite?
I spent the day with my two youngest daughters, 13 and 14, with their classmates out in Green Bay, in a March for Our Lives rally. Even out here, hundreds of young people gathered together, for sensible laws that will restrict who may purchase and own guns. I'm proud of these kids.
.You use Trump as a way to attack conservatism in this country ?? Yes you do.. So what exactly is your issue with good clean conservative living that keeps the left trying to destroy it ?? You against hard work, church going citizens, home ownership, low to zero debt, father and mother families, responsible gun ownership, good neighborhoods, safety, investments, small business start up's, educated children, Christianity or other religious values etc ??

"Conservatism" in this country is officially dead. You have vilified literally every REAL conservative and placed your chips on a Dotard.

Enjoy the ride to Hell

Lordy they were good - another fave:

MOST adults, parents, are aware that they should never, ever involve their children in adult discussions and decisions. If there are problems in the marriage, financial problems, infidelity on the part of either or both parents, it is NOT good nor helpful to any involved to include the children.

When did that change? Using children as a pawn, as a tool is despicable and shameful. Shouldn't we expect more? Even from the anti-gun nuts and progressives or is that too much to ask?
Yes, Guns solve problems. If those HS student all had guns, they would have taken out the shooter before he got off more than two shots. Instead of 17 dead, we have just one dead shooter. More guns means more safety.

I watched the CBS Evening News coverage of the March on Washington this evening and the emotional speech of Parkland Student Delaney Tarr struck home: "When they give us that inch, that bump stock ban, we will take a mile."

That's the worry of many law abiding gun owners like me. I took her comment to mean, "We'll take the bump stocks today and your guns tomorrow!" Perhaps that's not her meaning, but that's the way it came across.

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