To The Children Marching Today Across the USA...

Here's a common sense answer to your gun issue young Mr. Hogg: Restrict ALL violent video games to people 21 or older. Change the culture of America. Go ahead, bring that up.
Please, explain specifically if you can, what damage President Trump has done. I'm curious, I see only good things.

No doubt you see "many fine people" too. I bet they're "dancing on rooftops" while it's "not raining", amirite?

No, there were Mooslims dancing on rooftops after 911.

Thousands of 'em - BIGLY! :D

It was on all... wait, I mean some.... okay, none of the TV reports.
I watched the CBS Evening News coverage of the March on Washington this evening and the emotional speech of Parkland Student Delaney Tarr struck home: "When they give us that inch, that bump stock ban, we will take a mile."

That's the worry of many law abiding gun owners like me. I took her comment to mean, "We'll take the bump stocks today and your guns tomorrow!" Perhaps that's not her meaning, but that's the way it came across.
Make no mistake, total gun confiscation IS the goal of the NAZI FASCIST LEFT. They can't run rough shod over America when citizens still have the means to fight tyranny.

Today was actually a good example of exactly WHY we HAVE the second amendment.
I watched the CBS Evening News coverage of the March on Washington this evening and the emotional speech of Parkland Student Delaney Tarr struck home: "When they give us that inch, that bump stock ban, we will take a mile."

That's the worry of many law abiding gun owners like me. I took her comment to mean, "We'll take the bump stocks today and your guns tomorrow!" Perhaps that's not her meaning, but that's the way it came across.
Make no mistake, total gun confiscation IS the goal of the NAZI FASCIST LEFT. They can't run rough shod over America when citizens still have the means to fight tyranny.

Today was actually a good example of exactly WHY we HAVE the second amendment.

Looks more like a good example of why we have butthurt-soothing cream. :lmao:
Please, explain specifically if you can, what damage President Trump has done. I'm curious, I see only good things.

No doubt you see "many fine people" too. I bet they're "dancing on rooftops" while it's "not raining", amirite?

No, there were Mooslims dancing on rooftops after 911.

Thousands of 'em - BIGLY! :D

It was on all... wait, I mean some.... okay, none of the TV reports.

And yet - Many Trumplings STILL believe it OR they don't give a shit when their Orange God lies his fat ass off

Sad :(
Nope. Not even a little. All neocons have are rage, hate and ugliness. The energy out there was amazing, and I'm sure nothing by comparison to DC. We are gaining in strength and numbers, and you lot are being relegated to the wrong side of history.

It's going to take time. Trump may very well finish out his first term. But November 2018 he's facing impeachment. It's going to take a lot of hard work to undo all the damage he's done, but hell; this country has successfully been down that road before.
. Damage he has done ??? Laugh the heck out loud.. You people slay me with your unending bullcrap, ignorance, and your gullibleness.... It is just flat out right amazing really.
These children are doing just what they are being told to do. The fault for this lands squarely on the parents.

The next time you parents get a note from school about parading your children around to push a political agenda, ask what teacher is teaching math that day, because that is where you prefer your child to be. Saturday? Homework.
Shame on you for allowing your children to be used.

If you would have bothered to watch 39 days on NBC the past hour you'd see that these kids organized every bit of it and no one put them up to it. Get your head out of your ass boy.
These are children whose blather should never have gotten out of the basement. They are two year olds in a Toys R Us wanting a new toy. I do not take orders from children. No adult should. Their best decisions tell them to eat laundry soap and post it on you tube while getting high on pot.

You go shoot 'em in the face then, Sleazeball.
They are killing themselves, they don't need me.
Exactly, so who the hell are they blaming for that (killing each other) ?? Students killing students, but no one knows why ?????? They know why, but that's a huge secret the leftist hide, so they just blame the weapon instead of the sickness eh ?
These children are doing just what they are being told to do. The fault for this lands squarely on the parents.

The next time you parents get a note from school about parading your children around to push a political agenda, ask what teacher is teaching math that day, because that is where you prefer your child to be. Saturday? Homework.
Shame on you for allowing your children to be used.

If you would have bothered to watch 39 days on NBC the past hour you'd see that these kids organized every bit of it and no one put them up to it. Get your head out of your ass boy.
Of course they did after years of leftist brainwashing.
I spent the day with my two youngest daughters, 13 and 14, with their classmates out in Green Bay, in a March for Our Lives rally. Even out here, hundreds of young people gathered together, for sensible laws that will restrict who may purchase and own guns. I'm proud of these kids.

Thanks Wind - I too am VERY proud of these kids and feel VERY good about our future.

Insert another stupid David Hogg Hitler meme here if you must ...


Otherwise STFU and thanks for invoking Godwin

I watched the CBS Evening News coverage of the March on Washington this evening and the emotional speech of Parkland Student Delaney Tarr struck home: "When they give us that inch, that bump stock ban, we will take a mile."

That's the worry of many law abiding gun owners like me. I took her comment to mean, "We'll take the bump stocks today and your guns tomorrow!" Perhaps that's not her meaning, but that's the way it came across.
Make no mistake, total gun confiscation IS the goal of the NAZI FASCIST LEFT. They can't run rough shod over America when citizens still have the means to fight tyranny.

Today was actually a good example of exactly WHY we HAVE the second amendment.

Et tu StoooPE?

I spent the day with my two youngest daughters, 13 and 14, with their classmates out in Green Bay, in a March for Our Lives rally. Even out here, hundreds of young people gathered together, for sensible laws that will restrict who may purchase and own guns. I'm proud of these kids.
. If asking for the right things great, but if go off into leftist propaganda land, then it will be revealed as to the highjacking of the movement that is taking place.
Here's a common sense answer to your gun issue young Mr. Hogg: Restrict ALL violent video games to people 21 or older. Change the culture of America. Go ahead, bring that up.
. Exactly, why stop with guns ? We need to go with everything that has been destroying these young folks and their futures.
I spent the day with my two youngest daughters, 13 and 14, with their classmates out in Green Bay, in a March for Our Lives rally. Even out here, hundreds of young people gathered together, for sensible laws that will restrict who may purchase and own guns. I'm proud of these kids.
. If asking for the right things great, but if go off into leftist propaganda land, then it will be revealed as to the highjacking of the movement that is taking place.

BZZZT. No I'm sorry, "propaganda" was not the catalyst for what these kids rose up against.

Let's show our studio audience and all the folks watching at home what actually inspired them.

Bullets. Flying ones.
I spent the day with my two youngest daughters, 13 and 14, with their classmates out in Green Bay, in a March for Our Lives rally. Even out here, hundreds of young people gathered together, for sensible laws that will restrict who may purchase and own guns. I'm proud of these kids.

Thanks Wind - I too am VERY proud of these kids and feel VERY good about our future.
Bet if you found out that they might not vote or that they might educate themselves better about these things, then your tune will change quickly eh ??

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