To the Trump supporters, what makes you think they will govern in your best interest?

This is far more emotional than "governing successfully". Trump supporters in Congress are just trying to keep their jobs, because being re-elected is their top priority. So they have to listen to their base (only) and sell their souls, otherwise Trump will see to it that they're primaried and destroyed.

For the base, Trump is their primal scream. The louder and uglier and more vulgar the better. He's the living, breathing expression of the fear, rage, paranoia and frustration that has been building on the right for over 30 years. He was right when he said he could shoot someone and they'd still love him.

This is about raw, stark emotion, not logic or reason or America or "governing successfully". Like Trump cult lieutenant Steve Bannon, they just want to bring down the government that they feel has victimized them and watch it burn. They're the poor little victims, and the rest of us have to pay the price for that.

Yeah, can you imagine me voting for someone that has that kind of view of me?

What are the chances that Mac1958, or someone from his camp, would represent MY interests, when he thinks that I am the problem that needs dealt with?

AirTight, you getting any of this?
Well, here's the thing: It's beginning to look like they're winning, that they're going to get what they want, skillfully manipulating our political systems.

So then, I guess the question is whether what they're winning is what America really is.

Keep calling them bigots. It has not worked yet, so obviously, you need to do more of it.
Yeah, can you imagine me voting for someone that has that kind of view of me?

What are the chances that Mac1958, or someone from his camp, would represent MY interests, when he thinks that I am the problem that needs dealt with?

AirTight, you getting any of this
both parties have bigots
What I say doesn't matter.

I do think there's a pretty good chance that America is going to be closer to what you want in a few years.


Actually, what you say does matter. You have certainly had an effect on me, helping to convince me that we are rapidly moving past the talking point.

And people read these threads. They see the utter contempt you have for people. Some people will be pissed off by it. Others will feel supported in their own anger and hate against the right.

You could have the opposite effect, if you choose.
Actually, what you say does matter. You have certainly had an effect on me, helping to convince me that we are rapidly moving past the talking point.

And people read these threads. They see the utter contempt you have for people. Some people will be pissed off by it. Others will feel supported in their own anger and hate against the right.

You could have the opposite effect, if you choose.

For clearly seeing the world? Thanks. YOu helped me a lot. I could not have done it without you.

It's like the old Reagan line: Are you better off four years ago than you are today?

Republicans are not angels, but our country is in better hands with them than Democrats. Our country went to total hell with an all Democrat government in less than a year. Inflation out of control, labor shortages, supply chain problems, border the worst it's been in over 20 years, gasoline over 30% higher and expected to go more and going from a country that was the worlds largest fuel exporter to us begging OPEC for more oil, heating bills expected over 50% higher than last year................

Sure, we have to weed out the bad Republicans like the ones that supported the Democrat pork bill, but most of the Republicans are for the country instead of the party.
Don't forget the 300% to 500% Bidenflation increase in prices at the local Dollar Tree


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Keep calling them bigots. It has not worked yet, so obviously, you need to do more of it.

They called Larry Elder the black face of white supremacy. They called a bridge racist, want to use our tax dollars to tear it down, and build a less racist bridge, and that was only the past few months. Think they're going to stop now?
They're winning because Biden fucked up in Afghan and he's fucking up on inflation now

A choice between Biden and Trump is frankly scary. Trump doesn't respect the constitution but Biden's choice of Harris and Klain is a disaster.

It's Biden doing both. His Hitler like mandate was just stopped by the courts.
They called Larry Elder the black face of white supremacy. They called a bridge racist, want to use our tax dollars to tear it down, and build a less racist bridge, and that was only the past few months. Think they're going to stop now?

IMO, a liberal crying racist, just proves that they are still breathing. In college it was referred to as a "sign of life". That is ALL the information that that contains.
That's an easy question to answer. That's what Trump did for four years. He helped America and Americans.

Can't say the same for the walking, talking disaster we have now. Check the price of beef and gas in your area.

The Democrats are a party first--country second group of politicians. Dementia is just the talking head, but their hatred and fear of Trump is so that no matter what he did, they got Dementia to reverse it. No matter what was on Trump's agenda for his second term, they are going to do the exact opposite.

That's why we're in the trouble we're in.

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