Tobacco vs marijuana: Full court press of insanity and hypocrisy.

I don't hear from lpeole who oppose pot how if we grow our own pot in the US it is Americans who make money not the cartels. Now about driving high, they are still much safer than a drunk. But in one respect alcohol, and pot have a similar thing going. If you have smoked pot for a long time it does not effect you as much. That is also true with alcohol but alcohol has much more physical problems that come with alcohol abuse. Like abuse of other people. You get a big group using alcohol and many times you have violence. The same size of people smoking pot will just love each other. I might add as I was a professional driver I never drove while stoned. I still refuse to drive stoned. I also believe that you should not smoke then go to work. Your employer has a right to expect you to be sober and or not stoned.
I don't hear from lpeole who oppose pot how if we grow our own pot in the US it is Americans who make money not the cartels. Now about driving high, they are still much safer than a drunk. But in one respect alcohol, and pot have a similar thing going. If you have smoked pot for a long time it does not effect you as much. That is also true with alcohol but alcohol has much more physical problems that come with alcohol abuse. Like abuse of other people. You get a big group using alcohol and many times you have violence. The same size of people smoking pot will just love each other. I might add as I was a professional driver I never drove while stoned. I still refuse to drive stoned. I also believe that you should not smoke then go to work. Your employer has a right to expect you to be sober and or not stoned.
Well. Unless the employer owns a titty bar :backpedal:
The health issues with tobacco are pretty well documented, whereas those involved with marijuana are much less so. In addition, the average cigarette smoker smokes WAY more often than the average marijuana user. Because of that, cigarettes likely pose a far greater health risk. Is there some hypocrisy involved? For some people, sure. However, cigarettes are still legal.

The cigarette smoker smokes more then the pot smoker? I don’t know about that. Smoking pot is more socially acceptable then tobacco. With the advent of the vape pen folks are smoking dope all day long. The big weed industry gets all kinds of breaks. With their smokeable stuff, they don’t have to add a SG warning about smoking causing cancer.

Socially acceptable has nothing to do with it. The average cigarette smoker will smoke much more often than the average pot smoker. For example, I smoked cigarettes for more than 20 years. I was a pretty light smoker for most of that time, having around half a pack a day. I've known some people who were fairly heavy pot smokers. None of them averaged 10 joints each day, I don't think. If they did average that much, that was because they were very heavy pot smokers. My 10 cigarettes a day was on the low end for a cigarette smoker.

I'm not talking about the number of people who do one or the other, I'm talking about how often a given individual will smoke.

It’s not 30 years ago anymore. Smoking pot through a vape pen removes the smell. Younger folks smoke way more then y’all smoked in your day. Young people today smoke way to much pot. If they drank beer the way they smoked pot it would not be so accepted.

Vaping and cigarettes are not the same thing and I am not conflating the two.

I also wonder if you are either overestimating how much pot people smoke, or underestimating how much beer people drink. :p
The health issues with tobacco are pretty well documented, whereas those involved with marijuana are much less so. In addition, the average cigarette smoker smokes WAY more often than the average marijuana user. Because of that, cigarettes likely pose a far greater health risk. Is there some hypocrisy involved? For some people, sure. However, cigarettes are still legal.

The cigarette smoker smokes more then the pot smoker? I don’t know about that. Smoking pot is more socially acceptable then tobacco. With the advent of the vape pen folks are smoking dope all day long. The big weed industry gets all kinds of breaks. With their smokeable stuff, they don’t have to add a SG warning about smoking causing cancer.

Socially acceptable has nothing to do with it. The average cigarette smoker will smoke much more often than the average pot smoker. For example, I smoked cigarettes for more than 20 years. I was a pretty light smoker for most of that time, having around half a pack a day. I've known some people who were fairly heavy pot smokers. None of them averaged 10 joints each day, I don't think. If they did average that much, that was because they were very heavy pot smokers. My 10 cigarettes a day was on the low end for a cigarette smoker.

I'm not talking about the number of people who do one or the other, I'm talking about how often a given individual will smoke.

It’s not 30 years ago anymore. Smoking pot through a vape pen removes the smell. Younger folks smoke way more then y’all smoked in your day. Young people today smoke way to much pot. If they drank beer the way they smoked pot it would not be so accepted.

Vaping and cigarettes are not the same thing and I am not conflating the two.

I also wonder if you are either overestimating how much pot people smoke, or underestimating how much beer people drink. :p

Well, folks are vaping pot all over. In Colorado when it was made legal for recreational use the parks were full of teens smoking pot. Many now have moved to vaping. I really don’t care, but big weed is getting a pass that big tobacco got . Do they have to put a Sargon Generals warning on the pot they sell? Even a can of beer has one. And smoking anything is as bad as smoking cigarettes, but big weed gets a pass.
I am fine with it... but rise the voting age as well.

If you are too dumb to know what to do with your body, you are too dumb to know what to do with anyone else's.
America likes its uppers and downers. Coffee, alcohol, cigarettes, sodas. Still to this day a lingering “Reefer Madness” as to pot.
I have no problem with people smoking pot, and think in general drug use should be de-criminalized. I don't smoke, nor take drugs so have no bias, however, we do see tobacco demonized and Pot memorialized in society today by the Media, Entertainment and Government. Why? Do they want a compliant, stoned populace that is more easily controlled?

If that were the case, stoned and easily controlled, why didn't Nixon just control all the stoned hippy protesters in the 60's and 70's instead of intensifying and hyping the rhetorical war on drugs?

I would strongly disagree with a ban on tobacco too.

Just for the record I think the "War on Drugs" has been a HUGE waste of money. Nixon and the Repubs back then were big law enforcement, and grow government LE bureaucracy.

Why now is Pot being mainstreamed, and legalized all of a sudden? Again, I have no problem with it being legal, but what is the motivation?
what else?
The health issues with tobacco are pretty well documented, whereas those involved with marijuana are much less so. In addition, the average cigarette smoker smokes WAY more often than the average marijuana user. Because of that, cigarettes likely pose a far greater health risk. Is there some hypocrisy involved? For some people, sure. However, cigarettes are still legal.

The cigarette smoker smokes more then the pot smoker? I don’t know about that. Smoking pot is more socially acceptable then tobacco. With the advent of the vape pen folks are smoking dope all day long. The big weed industry gets all kinds of breaks. With their smokeable stuff, they don’t have to add a SG warning about smoking causing cancer.

Socially acceptable has nothing to do with it. The average cigarette smoker will smoke much more often than the average pot smoker. For example, I smoked cigarettes for more than 20 years. I was a pretty light smoker for most of that time, having around half a pack a day. I've known some people who were fairly heavy pot smokers. None of them averaged 10 joints each day, I don't think. If they did average that much, that was because they were very heavy pot smokers. My 10 cigarettes a day was on the low end for a cigarette smoker.

I'm not talking about the number of people who do one or the other, I'm talking about how often a given individual will smoke.

It’s not 30 years ago anymore. Smoking pot through a vape pen removes the smell. Younger folks smoke way more then y’all smoked in your day. Young people today smoke way to much pot. If they drank beer the way they smoked pot it would not be so accepted.

Vaping and cigarettes are not the same thing and I am not conflating the two.

I also wonder if you are either overestimating how much pot people smoke, or underestimating how much beer people drink. :p

Well, folks are vaping pot all over. In Colorado when it was made legal for recreational use the parks were full of teens smoking pot. Many now have moved to vaping. I really don’t care, but big weed is getting a pass that big tobacco got . Do they have to put a Sargon Generals warning on the pot they sell? Even a can of beer has one. And smoking anything is as bad as smoking cigarettes, but big weed gets a pass.

Smoking anything is not as bad as smoking cigarettes. That's simply untrue. Different smokes have different components. Some are more dangerous than others.
The health issues with tobacco are pretty well documented, whereas those involved with marijuana are much less so.


So are you saying that we should assume smoking marijuana is magically less unhealthy simply because we haven't studied it as much? Or are you actually trying to claim that smoking marijuana is magically less unhealthy than inhaling smoke from any of a million other sources?

I'm saying exactly what I said. The health issues caused by smoking are far more well-documented and well known than any which do/may come from marijuana use. It doesn't mean marijuana is "magically less unhealthy," it means there is very little research indicating that it is anywhere near as unhealthy as cigarette smoking.

You also seem to have ignored the fact that marijuana smokers will smoke far less than cigarette smokers on average.

Marijuana is not always smoked like cigarettes.

Marijuana has not been shown to be physically addictive the way cigarettes are.

Inhaling different types of smoke, while it may always be unhealthy, can absolutely be more or less unhealthy for you. Nothing magical about it. Inhaling the smoke from a basic wood fire will have much less of a health impact than inhaling the same amount of cyanide smoke, for example.

I've no doubt that inhaling marijuana smoke is bad for one's health. That doesn't make it as bad for health as smoking cigarettes.
Neither if taken in moderation should be any business of the governments.
The hypocrisy on both sides is astounding...
The health issues with tobacco are pretty well documented, whereas those involved with marijuana are much less so.


So are you saying that we should assume smoking marijuana is magically less unhealthy simply because we haven't studied it as much? Or are you actually trying to claim that smoking marijuana is magically less unhealthy than inhaling smoke from any of a million other sources?

I'm saying exactly what I said. The health issues caused by smoking are far more well-documented and well known than any which do/may come from marijuana use. It doesn't mean marijuana is "magically less unhealthy," it means there is very little research indicating that it is anywhere near as unhealthy as cigarette smoking.

You also seem to have ignored the fact that marijuana smokers will smoke far less than cigarette smokers on average.

Marijuana is not always smoked like cigarettes.

Marijuana has not been shown to be physically addictive the way cigarettes are.

Inhaling different types of smoke, while it may always be unhealthy, can absolutely be more or less unhealthy for you. Nothing magical about it. Inhaling the smoke from a basic wood fire will have much less of a health impact than inhaling the same amount of cyanide smoke, for example.

I've no doubt that inhaling marijuana smoke is bad for one's health. That doesn't make it as bad for health as smoking cigarettes.
Neither if taken in moderation should be any business of the governments.
The hypocrisy on both sides is astounding...

I can accept the idea that the health of those around you is affected by smoking, but an adult in their own home, with no children about? Smoke what you want, government should be worried about something else.
Tobacco and marijuana are equally bad for your health. We already did prohibition. Tax both products excessively/run massive ads showing the dangers of each and let everyone over 21 make their own decisions.
Tobacco and marijuana are equally bad for your health. We already did prohibition. Tax both products excessively/run massive ads showing the dangers of each and let everyone over 21 make their own decisions.

I don't know that they are equally bad for health, but I agree with the principle of letting adults make their own choices.
Mitch "the bitch" McConnell is adopting one of the liberals' pet projects, calling for a nationwide minimum smoking age hike to 21 years old.

Democrats have been pushing for this for years, as part of their broader goal to eliminate the tobacco industry. Meanwhile, legal marijuana is becoming more and more prevalent. I have yet to see a minimum age requirement for new recreational marijuana laws. Step by step, liberals trying to turn us into a baked out nation. First they stop enforcing the marijuana laws, then they "decriminalize" possession for personal use, and eventually they outright legalize it. And that is the ultimate goal--to legalize marijuana across the country.

How can anyone justify this hypocrisy?

You have obviously never been to a 420 shop in Colorado then. Because in order to get in the door, you have to show a valid ID, and you must be over 21 to enter. Says so in big letters on the doors.
Mitch "the bitch" McConnell is adopting one of the liberals' pet projects, calling for a nationwide minimum smoking age hike to 21 years old.

Democrats have been pushing for this for years, as part of their broader goal to eliminate the tobacco industry. Meanwhile, legal marijuana is becoming more and more prevalent. I have yet to see a minimum age requirement for new recreational marijuana laws. Step by step, liberals trying to turn us into a baked out nation. First they stop enforcing the marijuana laws, then they "decriminalize" possession for personal use, and eventually they outright legalize it. And that is the ultimate goal--to legalize marijuana across the country.

How can anyone justify this hypocrisy?

You have obviously never been to a 420 shop in Colorado then. Because in order to get in the door, you have to show a valid ID, and you must be over 21 to enter. Says so in big letters on the doors.

Again, legalization versus decriminalization. Most states are using a decriminalization avenue, which subsequently precludes a minimum age.
Mitch "the bitch" McConnell is adopting one of the liberals' pet projects, calling for a nationwide minimum smoking age hike to 21 years old.

Democrats have been pushing for this for years, as part of their broader goal to eliminate the tobacco industry. Meanwhile, legal marijuana is becoming more and more prevalent. I have yet to see a minimum age requirement for new recreational marijuana laws. Step by step, liberals trying to turn us into a baked out nation. First they stop enforcing the marijuana laws, then they "decriminalize" possession for personal use, and eventually they outright legalize it. And that is the ultimate goal--to legalize marijuana across the country.

How can anyone justify this hypocrisy?

You have obviously never been to a 420 shop in Colorado then. Because in order to get in the door, you have to show a valid ID, and you must be over 21 to enter. Says so in big letters on the doors.

Again, legalization versus decriminalization. Most states are using a decriminalization avenue, which subsequently precludes a minimum age.

Colorado has had a minimum age requirement to purchase marijuana ever since they first legalized it for recreational use.
The cigarette smoker smokes more then the pot smoker? I don’t know about that. Smoking pot is more socially acceptable then tobacco. With the advent of the vape pen folks are smoking dope all day long. The big weed industry gets all kinds of breaks. With their smokeable stuff, they don’t have to add a SG warning about smoking causing cancer.

Socially acceptable has nothing to do with it. The average cigarette smoker will smoke much more often than the average pot smoker. For example, I smoked cigarettes for more than 20 years. I was a pretty light smoker for most of that time, having around half a pack a day. I've known some people who were fairly heavy pot smokers. None of them averaged 10 joints each day, I don't think. If they did average that much, that was because they were very heavy pot smokers. My 10 cigarettes a day was on the low end for a cigarette smoker.

I'm not talking about the number of people who do one or the other, I'm talking about how often a given individual will smoke.

It’s not 30 years ago anymore. Smoking pot through a vape pen removes the smell. Younger folks smoke way more then y’all smoked in your day. Young people today smoke way to much pot. If they drank beer the way they smoked pot it would not be so accepted.

Vaping and cigarettes are not the same thing and I am not conflating the two.

I also wonder if you are either overestimating how much pot people smoke, or underestimating how much beer people drink. :p

Well, folks are vaping pot all over. In Colorado when it was made legal for recreational use the parks were full of teens smoking pot. Many now have moved to vaping. I really don’t care, but big weed is getting a pass that big tobacco got . Do they have to put a Sargon Generals warning on the pot they sell? Even a can of beer has one. And smoking anything is as bad as smoking cigarettes, but big weed gets a pass.

Smoking anything is not as bad as smoking cigarettes. That's simply untrue. Different smokes have different components. Some are more dangerous than others.

Bull shit. ALL smoke is a car carcinogen, period, end of discussion. That was about as dumb a thing as I have ever seen posted, lol.
Mitch "the bitch" McConnell is adopting one of the liberals' pet projects, calling for a nationwide minimum smoking age hike to 21 years old.

Democrats have been pushing for this for years, as part of their broader goal to eliminate the tobacco industry. Meanwhile, legal marijuana is becoming more and more prevalent. I have yet to see a minimum age requirement for new recreational marijuana laws. Step by step, liberals trying to turn us into a baked out nation. First they stop enforcing the marijuana laws, then they "decriminalize" possession for personal use, and eventually they outright legalize it. And that is the ultimate goal--to legalize marijuana across the country.

How can anyone justify this hypocrisy?

You have obviously never been to a 420 shop in Colorado then. Because in order to get in the door, you have to show a valid ID, and you must be over 21 to enter. Says so in big letters on the doors.

Again, legalization versus decriminalization. Most states are using a decriminalization avenue, which subsequently precludes a minimum age.

No, CO actually passed laws that state you must be 21 to smoke cannabis.

How Old Do You Have to Be to Smoke Weed in Colorado?

Whether you're a Centennial State resident or you're planning to take a trip there, you may be wondering how old you have to be to smoke weed in Colorado. Since January 1, 2014, it has been legal for anyone at least 21 years of age (resident and visitor alike) to buy retail marijuana flowers, concentrates, and other products for his or her own recreational or medicinal use.

However, it is illegal for anyone under of 21 to possess or consume cannabis, so even if you have the state's “red card” and you're no longer a minor (at least 18 years old) you won't be able to buy weed to smoke for yourself. You have to rely on your legally recognized primary caregiver to obtain your cannabis medicine and administer it to you.

Colorado's rules and regulations regarding cannabis state that residents and tourists alike can buy and possess 1 ounce of the herb while within the state's borders. Remember, it's still illegal to transport cannabis across state lines by plane, train, or automobile (or by mail) even if you're old enough to smoke weed in Colorado.

You have to be 21 years old to smoke weed in Colorado, but just because you're of age doesn't mean you have the liberty to light up wherever you please. The state has strict rules against smoking (or consuming in any way) marijuana in openly in public, as it's meant to be used in the privacy of one's home or establishments that specifically cater to the cannabis community, like weed-friendly hotels and members-only smoking clubs. At this time “coffee shops” and “pot bars” where smoking weed is acceptable aren't allowed in Colorado like they are in Amsterdam, though that may change.
Socially acceptable has nothing to do with it. The average cigarette smoker will smoke much more often than the average pot smoker. For example, I smoked cigarettes for more than 20 years. I was a pretty light smoker for most of that time, having around half a pack a day. I've known some people who were fairly heavy pot smokers. None of them averaged 10 joints each day, I don't think. If they did average that much, that was because they were very heavy pot smokers. My 10 cigarettes a day was on the low end for a cigarette smoker.

I'm not talking about the number of people who do one or the other, I'm talking about how often a given individual will smoke.

It’s not 30 years ago anymore. Smoking pot through a vape pen removes the smell. Younger folks smoke way more then y’all smoked in your day. Young people today smoke way to much pot. If they drank beer the way they smoked pot it would not be so accepted.

Vaping and cigarettes are not the same thing and I am not conflating the two.

I also wonder if you are either overestimating how much pot people smoke, or underestimating how much beer people drink. :p

Well, folks are vaping pot all over. In Colorado when it was made legal for recreational use the parks were full of teens smoking pot. Many now have moved to vaping. I really don’t care, but big weed is getting a pass that big tobacco got . Do they have to put a Sargon Generals warning on the pot they sell? Even a can of beer has one. And smoking anything is as bad as smoking cigarettes, but big weed gets a pass.

Smoking anything is not as bad as smoking cigarettes. That's simply untrue. Different smokes have different components. Some are more dangerous than others.

Bull shit. ALL smoke is a car carcinogen, period, end of discussion. That was about as dumb a thing as I have ever seen posted, lol.

So according to you, since all smoke is equally harmful, smoking a cigarette is the same as breathing in woodsmoke from a campfire is the same as breathing in cyanide smoke?

And here's a quick little article from WebMD which says that a review of studies showed that the effect of carcinogens in cigarettes were enhanced by the nicotine, while the THC in marijuana reduced their effect. That would, once again, indicate that different types of smoke have different health effects.
And another study saying tobacco and marijuana are not equally carcinogenic: Cannabis and tobacco smoke are not equally carcinogenic

You may not realize this, but not all carcinogenic substances are created equal. That most smoke may contain carcinogens does not, in any way, indicate that all types of smoke will have an equally detrimental effect on health if inhaled in equal amounts. In other words, what you described as "about as dumb a thing as I have ever seen posted" was, in fact, entirely factual. ;)

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