Tobacco vs marijuana: Full court press of insanity and hypocrisy.

The kid had mental problems and killed himself. Weed didn't do that to him.

Did you not read the link, pointing research showing that marijuana causes a fivefold increase in mental health problems?
And scientists caution that a direct link has not been found. Did the marijuana use increase the likelihood of the mental illness or did the mental illness lead to the marijuana use.
The kid had mental problems and killed himself. Weed didn't do that to him.

Did you not read the link, pointing research showing that marijuana causes a fivefold increase in mental health problems?
And scientists caution that a direct link has not been found. Did the marijuana use increase the likelihood of the mental illness or did the mental illness lead to the marijuana use.

Nice try, but schizophrenia does not cause a person to smoke marijuana. You're coming dangerously close to spreading the same tired negative stigmas about mental health disorders that people with mental health disorders are crazy, and just do crazy things. While mood disorders can sometimes lead to people self medicating with booze and other drugs in hopes of alleviating symptoms, psychotic disorders are not going to cause someone to do drugs because an imaginary elf on their shoulder made them do it.

The research demonstrated a dose dependent increase in risk of psychotic disorders. Daily use of low grade stuff causes a three times increase in risk, while the high potency stuff causes a five times risk. The dose dependency link additionally demonstrates that the illness cannot be a cause of the drug use, as the imaginary elf on the shoulder is not going to make a point to require the afflicted patient to test the marijuana for potency and only consume marijuana of a certain THC level. If the the illness was causing these people to use marijuana as a self medication technique then we should expect to find no such differentiation; instead we should see consumption volumes fluctuating to adjust for potency in order to render comparable total amounts of THC. Furthermore, the fact that these were "first episode" cases makes it effectively impossible to maintain your suggestion that the psychosis preceded and led to the marijuana use.

As the paper states "Cross-sectional and prospective epidemiological studies, as well as biological evidence support a causal link between cannabis use and psychotic disorder."
Mitch "the bitch" McConnell is adopting one of the liberals' pet projects, calling for a nationwide minimum smoking age hike to 21 years old.

Democrats have been pushing for this for years, as part of their broader goal to eliminate the tobacco industry. Meanwhile, legal marijuana is becoming more and more prevalent. I have yet to see a minimum age requirement for new recreational marijuana laws. Step by step, liberals trying to turn us into a baked out nation. First they stop enforcing the marijuana laws, then they "decriminalize" possession for personal use, and eventually they outright legalize it. And that is the ultimate goal--to legalize marijuana across the country.

How can anyone justify this hypocrisy?

Think this is another why aren't we blaming Democrats for something thread...
The kid had mental problems and killed himself. Weed didn't do that to him.

Did you not read the link, pointing research showing that marijuana causes a fivefold increase in mental health problems?
And scientists caution that a direct link has not been found. Did the marijuana use increase the likelihood of the mental illness or did the mental illness lead to the marijuana use.

Nice try, but schizophrenia does not cause a person to smoke marijuana. You're coming dangerously close to spreading the same tired negative stigmas about mental health disorders that people with mental health disorders are crazy, and just do crazy things. While mood disorders can sometimes lead to people self medicating with booze and other drugs in hopes of alleviating symptoms, psychotic disorders are not going to cause someone to do drugs because an imaginary elf on their shoulder made them do it.

The research demonstrated a dose dependent increase in risk of psychotic disorders. Daily use of low grade stuff causes a three times increase in risk, while the high potency stuff causes a five times risk. The dose dependency link additionally demonstrates that the illness cannot be a cause of the drug use, as the imaginary elf on the shoulder is not going to make a point to require the afflicted patient to test the marijuana for potency and only consume marijuana of a certain THC level. If the the illness was causing these people to use marijuana as a self medication technique then we should expect to find no such differentiation; instead we should see consumption volumes fluctuating to adjust for potency in order to render comparable total amounts of THC. Furthermore, the fact that these were "first episode" cases makes it effectively impossible to maintain your suggestion that the psychosis preceded and led to the marijuana use.

As the paper states "Cross-sectional and prospective epidemiological studies, as well as biological evidence support a causal link between cannabis use and psychotic disorder."

The science is still murky. Some simple “rules”:

Teens should avoid marijuana or delay using it until they are adults. (Hence the 21 year old requirement to purchase)

If you have schizophrenia, don’t use marijuana.

If you have a family history of schizophrenia or other psychotic illness, avoid marijuana.

CBD is okay for the above.
Mitch "the bitch" McConnell is adopting one of the liberals' pet projects, calling for a nationwide minimum smoking age hike to 21 years old.

Democrats have been pushing for this for years, as part of their broader goal to eliminate the tobacco industry. Meanwhile, legal marijuana is becoming more and more prevalent. I have yet to see a minimum age requirement for new recreational marijuana laws. Step by step, liberals trying to turn us into a baked out nation. First they stop enforcing the marijuana laws, then they "decriminalize" possession for personal use, and eventually they outright legalize it. And that is the ultimate goal--to legalize marijuana across the country.

How can anyone justify this hypocrisy?

I only seen it in Colorado, but I believe the minimum age was 21 to buy recreational. But no surgeon general’s warning on smokables.
The health issues with tobacco are pretty well documented, whereas those involved with marijuana are much less so. In addition, the average cigarette smoker smokes WAY more often than the average marijuana user. Because of that, cigarettes likely pose a far greater health risk. Is there some hypocrisy involved? For some people, sure. However, cigarettes are still legal.

The cigarette smoker smokes more then the pot smoker? I don’t know about that. Smoking pot is more socially acceptable then tobacco. With the advent of the vape pen folks are smoking dope all day long. The big weed industry gets all kinds of breaks. With their smokeable stuff, they don’t have to add a SG warning about smoking causing cancer.
The kid had mental problems and killed himself. Weed didn't do that to him.

Did you not read the link, pointing research showing that marijuana causes a fivefold increase in mental health problems?
And scientists caution that a direct link has not been found. Did the marijuana use increase the likelihood of the mental illness or did the mental illness lead to the marijuana use.

Nice try, but schizophrenia does not cause a person to smoke marijuana. You're coming dangerously close to spreading the same tired negative stigmas about mental health disorders that people with mental health disorders are crazy, and just do crazy things. While mood disorders can sometimes lead to people self medicating with booze and other drugs in hopes of alleviating symptoms, psychotic disorders are not going to cause someone to do drugs because an imaginary elf on their shoulder made them do it.

The research demonstrated a dose dependent increase in risk of psychotic disorders. Daily use of low grade stuff causes a three times increase in risk, while the high potency stuff causes a five times risk. The dose dependency link additionally demonstrates that the illness cannot be a cause of the drug use, as the imaginary elf on the shoulder is not going to make a point to require the afflicted patient to test the marijuana for potency and only consume marijuana of a certain THC level. If the the illness was causing these people to use marijuana as a self medication technique then we should expect to find no such differentiation; instead we should see consumption volumes fluctuating to adjust for potency in order to render comparable total amounts of THC. Furthermore, the fact that these were "first episode" cases makes it effectively impossible to maintain your suggestion that the psychosis preceded and led to the marijuana use.

As the paper states "Cross-sectional and prospective epidemiological studies, as well as biological evidence support a causal link between cannabis use and psychotic disorder."

The science is still murky. Some simple “rules”:

Teens should avoid marijuana or delay using it until they are adults. (Hence the 21 year old requirement to purchase)

If you have schizophrenia, don’t use marijuana.

If you have a family history of schizophrenia or other psychotic illness, avoid marijuana.

CBD is okay for the above.

Science isn't that murky anymore... It is less harmful than Alcohol...

From the research:
Traditional herbal cannabis and cannabis resin (hashish) are estimated to have a THC level of less than 10%. High-strength cannabis, known as skunk, can have a THC level as high as 67%.

So drinking Whiskey is Okay but drinking close to 100% Moonshine drives you crazy... Got it... It is a drug, use sensibly...

Daily use of high-strength cannabis increases risk of psychosis
Even the research is flawed by the researchers own admission... They still didn't rule out that psychosis makes people want to use cannabis...
The health issues with tobacco are pretty well documented, whereas those involved with marijuana are much less so. In addition, the average cigarette smoker smokes WAY more often than the average marijuana user. Because of that, cigarettes likely pose a far greater health risk. Is there some hypocrisy involved? For some people, sure. However, cigarettes are still legal.

The cigarette smoker smokes more then the pot smoker? I don’t know about that. Smoking pot is more socially acceptable then tobacco. With the advent of the vape pen folks are smoking dope all day long. The big weed industry gets all kinds of breaks. With their smokeable stuff, they don’t have to add a SG warning about smoking causing cancer.

Socially acceptable has nothing to do with it. The average cigarette smoker will smoke much more often than the average pot smoker. For example, I smoked cigarettes for more than 20 years. I was a pretty light smoker for most of that time, having around half a pack a day. I've known some people who were fairly heavy pot smokers. None of them averaged 10 joints each day, I don't think. If they did average that much, that was because they were very heavy pot smokers. My 10 cigarettes a day was on the low end for a cigarette smoker.

I'm not talking about the number of people who do one or the other, I'm talking about how often a given individual will smoke.
The health issues with tobacco are pretty well documented, whereas those involved with marijuana are much less so. In addition, the average cigarette smoker smokes WAY more often than the average marijuana user. Because of that, cigarettes likely pose a far greater health risk. Is there some hypocrisy involved? For some people, sure. However, cigarettes are still legal.

The cigarette smoker smokes more then the pot smoker? I don’t know about that. Smoking pot is more socially acceptable then tobacco. With the advent of the vape pen folks are smoking dope all day long. The big weed industry gets all kinds of breaks. With their smokeable stuff, they don’t have to add a SG warning about smoking causing cancer.

Socially acceptable has nothing to do with it. The average cigarette smoker will smoke much more often than the average pot smoker. For example, I smoked cigarettes for more than 20 years. I was a pretty light smoker for most of that time, having around half a pack a day. I've known some people who were fairly heavy pot smokers. None of them averaged 10 joints each day, I don't think. If they did average that much, that was because they were very heavy pot smokers. My 10 cigarettes a day was on the low end for a cigarette smoker.

I'm not talking about the number of people who do one or the other, I'm talking about how often a given individual will smoke.

It’s not 30 years ago anymore. Smoking pot through a vape pen removes the smell. Younger folks smoke way more then y’all smoked in your day. Young people today smoke way to much pot. If they drank beer the way they smoked pot it would not be so accepted.
Mitch "the bitch" McConnell is adopting one of the liberals' pet projects, calling for a nationwide minimum smoking age hike to 21 years old.

Democrats have been pushing for this for years, as part of their broader goal to eliminate the tobacco industry. Meanwhile, legal marijuana is becoming more and more prevalent. I have yet to see a minimum age requirement for new recreational marijuana laws. Step by step, liberals trying to turn us into a baked out nation. First they stop enforcing the marijuana laws, then they "decriminalize" possession for personal use, and eventually they outright legalize it. And that is the ultimate goal--to legalize marijuana across the country.

How can anyone justify this hypocrisy?

The only hypocrisy is that it is legal to get drunk in your living room but according to the Fed Govt it is illegal to get stoned in your living room.

You control freaks never whine about us being a blasted drunk nation.
i spent 18 years as an olympic level alcoholic. save off about 1 year when i *almost* quit. in the end it about killed me, which is why i had to stop. when i talked with doctors of all types at every level they all pretty much reiterated how bad the drinking was and how it almost cost me. when i spoke about smoking, they were like "that's nice, stop drinking".
Mitch "the bitch" McConnell is adopting one of the liberals' pet projects, calling for a nationwide minimum smoking age hike to 21 years old.

Democrats have been pushing for this for years, as part of their broader goal to eliminate the tobacco industry. Meanwhile, legal marijuana is becoming more and more prevalent. I have yet to see a minimum age requirement for new recreational marijuana laws. Step by step, liberals trying to turn us into a baked out nation. First they stop enforcing the marijuana laws, then they "decriminalize" possession for personal use, and eventually they outright legalize it. And that is the ultimate goal--to legalize marijuana across the country.

How can anyone justify this hypocrisy?
Tell us, all those people bitching about tobacco, suddenly love dope......which is just as bad for you.....and it puts you under the influence.....which tobacco does not......
I have no problem with people smoking pot, and think in general drug use should be de-criminalized. I don't smoke, nor take drugs so have no bias, however, we do see tobacco demonized and Pot memorialized in society today by the Media, Entertainment and Government. Why? Do they want a compliant, stoned populace that is more easily controlled?

If that were the case, stoned and easily controlled, why didn't Nixon just control all the stoned hippy protesters in the 60's and 70's instead of intensifying and hyping the rhetorical war on drugs?

I would strongly disagree with a ban on tobacco too.
Mitch "the bitch" McConnell is adopting one of the liberals' pet projects, calling for a nationwide minimum smoking age hike to 21 years old.

Democrats have been pushing for this for years, as part of their broader goal to eliminate the tobacco industry. Meanwhile, legal marijuana is becoming more and more prevalent. I have yet to see a minimum age requirement for new recreational marijuana laws. Step by step, liberals trying to turn us into a baked out nation. First they stop enforcing the marijuana laws, then they "decriminalize" possession for personal use, and eventually they outright legalize it. And that is the ultimate goal--to legalize marijuana across the country.

How can anyone justify this hypocrisy?

What does pot and tobacco have to do with each other??

If you smoke tobacco, you should think about adding a little Kief to your mix to help reduce the risk of lung cancer.
I have no problem with people smoking pot, and think in general drug use should be de-criminalized. I don't smoke, nor take drugs so have no bias, however, we do see tobacco demonized and Pot memorialized in society today by the Media, Entertainment and Government. Why? Do they want a compliant, stoned populace that is more easily controlled?

If that were the case, stoned and easily controlled, why didn't Nixon just control all the stoned hippy protesters in the 60's and 70's instead of intensifying and hyping the rhetorical war on drugs?

I would strongly disagree with a ban on tobacco too.

Just for the record I think the "War on Drugs" has been a HUGE waste of money. Nixon and the Repubs back then were big law enforcement, and grow government LE bureaucracy.

Why now is Pot being mainstreamed, and legalized all of a sudden? Again, I have no problem with it being legal, but what is the motivation?
I have no problem with people smoking pot, and think in general drug use should be de-criminalized. I don't smoke, nor take drugs so have no bias, however, we do see tobacco demonized and Pot memorialized in society today by the Media, Entertainment and Government. Why? Do they want a compliant, stoned populace that is more easily controlled?

If that were the case, stoned and easily controlled, why didn't Nixon just control all the stoned hippy protesters in the 60's and 70's instead of intensifying and hyping the rhetorical war on drugs?

I would strongly disagree with a ban on tobacco too.

Just for the record I think the "War on Drugs" has been a HUGE waste of money. Nixon and the Repubs back then were big law enforcement, and grow government LE bureaucracy.

Why now is Pot being mainstreamed, and legalized all of a sudden? Again, I have no problem with it being legal, but what is the motivation?

Big Ag. Big Money.

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