Tobacco vs marijuana: Full court press of insanity and hypocrisy.

The health issues with tobacco are pretty well documented, whereas those involved with marijuana are much less so.


So are you saying that we should assume smoking marijuana is magically less unhealthy simply because we haven't studied it as much? Or are you actually trying to claim that smoking marijuana is magically less unhealthy than inhaling smoke from any of a million other sources?

I'm saying exactly what I said. The health issues caused by smoking are far more well-documented and well known than any which do/may come from marijuana use. It doesn't mean marijuana is "magically less unhealthy," it means there is very little research indicating that it is anywhere near as unhealthy as cigarette smoking.

You also seem to have ignored the fact that marijuana smokers will smoke far less than cigarette smokers on average.

Marijuana is not always smoked like cigarettes.

Marijuana has not been shown to be physically addictive the way cigarettes are.

Inhaling different types of smoke, while it may always be unhealthy, can absolutely be more or less unhealthy for you. Nothing magical about it. Inhaling the smoke from a basic wood fire will have much less of a health impact than inhaling the same amount of cyanide smoke, for example.

I've no doubt that inhaling marijuana smoke is bad for one's health. That doesn't make it as bad for health as smoking cigarettes.
Thought since I was a teen it was weird how tobacco was so easily available and the story wasn’t even fully out.
Pot so taboo and illegal but pretty pleasant really and absent a lot of the lethality of tobacco.
Why do we need laws for any of this? Using any or all of these substances is stupid.

No free man should submit his life to be controlled by these things. And they.shouldn't need laws to stop them. They should do it because it's for their own good
I'm saying exactly what I said. The health issues caused by smoking are far more well-documented and well known than any which do/may come from marijuana use. It doesn't mean marijuana is "magically less unhealthy," it means there is very little research indicating that it is anywhere near as unhealthy as cigarette smoking.

Well, in that case we should ignore the obvious and what we already know.
Mitch "the bitch" McConnell is adopting one of the liberals' pet projects, calling for a nationwide minimum smoking age hike to 21 years old.

Democrats have been pushing for this for years, as part of their broader goal to eliminate the tobacco industry. Meanwhile, legal marijuana is becoming more and more prevalent. I have yet to see a minimum age requirement for new recreational marijuana laws. Step by step, liberals trying to turn us into a baked out nation. First they stop enforcing the marijuana laws, then they "decriminalize" possession for personal use, and eventually they outright legalize it. And that is the ultimate goal--to legalize marijuana across the country.

How can anyone justify this hypocrisy?
in Nevada its 18 for medical and 21 for recreational....

Having a minimum age for medical use proves that it's not for medical use. Are there minimum age requirements for a codeine prescription?

Yes there are. There are minimum age requirements for a lot of drugs, including Tylenol.
I'm good with a national age of 21 to buy cigarettes, booze and recreational weed. Selective service registration should also be raised to 21, however.
Mitch "the bitch" McConnell is adopting one of the liberals' pet projects, calling for a nationwide minimum smoking age hike to 21 years old.

Democrats have been pushing for this for years, as part of their broader goal to eliminate the tobacco industry. Meanwhile, legal marijuana is becoming more and more prevalent. I have yet to see a minimum age requirement for new recreational marijuana laws. Step by step, liberals trying to turn us into a baked out nation. First they stop enforcing the marijuana laws, then they "decriminalize" possession for personal use, and eventually they outright legalize it. And that is the ultimate goal--to legalize marijuana across the country.

How can anyone justify this hypocrisy?
As a liberal I think both should be legal.

I do smoke, but I don't smoke weed. I do know lots of folks who smoke weed, and they are no more or less functional than the guys I know who drink fairly regularly.
Thought since I was a teen it was weird how tobacco was so easily available and the story wasn’t even fully out.
Pot so taboo and illegal but pretty pleasant really and absent a lot of the lethality of tobacco.
Wait til Phillip Morris gets into the production.
Mitch "the bitch" McConnell is adopting one of the liberals' pet projects, calling for a nationwide minimum smoking age hike to 21 years old.

Democrats have been pushing for this for years, as part of their broader goal to eliminate the tobacco industry. Meanwhile, legal marijuana is becoming more and more prevalent. I have yet to see a minimum age requirement for new recreational marijuana laws. Step by step, liberals trying to turn us into a baked out nation. First they stop enforcing the marijuana laws, then they "decriminalize" possession for personal use, and eventually they outright legalize it. And that is the ultimate goal--to legalize marijuana across the country.

How can anyone justify this hypocrisy?

What does pot and tobacco have to do with each other??

They are both typically inhaled and put a lot of nasty stuff in your lungs, and chemicals in your bloodstream.

Tobacco doesn't come in a delicious chocolatey form

That is truly bullshit. It wasn't pot that killed him.

I guess when he said "My soul is already dead. Marijuana killed my soul + ruined my brain" he was talking about the neighbor's Chihuahua tunneling through his ear.

The kid had mental problems and killed himself. Weed didn't do that to him. I wonder how many people were killed by drunk drivers while I typed this out...
That is truly bullshit. It wasn't pot that killed him.

I guess when he said "My soul is already dead. Marijuana killed my soul + ruined my brain" he was talking about the neighbor's Chihuahua tunneling through his ear.

The kid had mental problems and killed himself. Weed didn't do that to him. I wonder how many people were killed by drunk drivers while I typed this out...
Or drivers high on pot or even more common both high and drunk.
That is truly bullshit. It wasn't pot that killed him.

I guess when he said "My soul is already dead. Marijuana killed my soul + ruined my brain" he was talking about the neighbor's Chihuahua tunneling through his ear.

The kid had mental problems and killed himself. Weed didn't do that to him. I wonder how many people were killed by drunk drivers while I typed this out...
Or drivers high on pot or even more common both high and drunk.

I'm sure you've got some sort of data to back up that assertion...

:lol: Of course you don't.
That is truly bullshit. It wasn't pot that killed him.

I guess when he said "My soul is already dead. Marijuana killed my soul + ruined my brain" he was talking about the neighbor's Chihuahua tunneling through his ear.

The kid had mental problems and killed himself. Weed didn't do that to him. I wonder how many people were killed by drunk drivers while I typed this out...
Or drivers high on pot or even more common both high and drunk.
I wouldn't miss a day..
Why do we need laws for any of this? Using any or all of these substances is stupid.

No free man should submit his life to be controlled by these things. And they.shouldn't need laws to stop them. They should do it because it's for their own good
No one who uses drugs is free. They belong to their addiction.
Why do we need laws for any of this? Using any or all of these substances is stupid.

No free man should submit his life to be controlled by these things. And they.shouldn't need laws to stop them. They should do it because it's for their own good
No one who uses drugs is free. They belong to their addiction.

same holds true for caffeine...

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