Today pot is now legal in Mass and Maine !

Cannabis isn't a drug. It's a natural plant, with vegetable/herb growth characteristics. It also contains many similar terpenes and flavinoids as tomatoes.

Of course it's a drug. It get you high and not sold at vegetable stands. You must be a stoner.

Yeah, and everyone who voted for Trump is racist, religious people are all delusional, and everyone who drives a pickup truck with a lift kit has a small dick. Liberals hate America and Conservatives fuck their cousins, right?


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I was right, you're a stoner. And it's why the DRUG has had such a difficult path to acceptance. Everyone knows a pothead.

I never said I wasn't a connoisseur of a divine yet demonically under-utilized plant. This is what I was just talking about.

It's just that no matter what the topic is, no matter righty or lefty, when one of you basic board bitches sees an opinion you disagree with, it's the same tired style of you looking down your faggoty little face at other people like you're something that matters in this world.

In short, you're a very boring, unoriginal repetition, and your ignorance is duly noted.

You have a Merry Christmas now, ya hear?
The questions passed this last election .

You can have weed on you and a certain number of plants at home . (Up too 10 oz!!) Can't smoke in public. Or sell it .

It'll be a while before stores pop up.

Viva freedom!!!
Great, now you idiots will be even dumber.

Those idiots are already drunk as fuck 4 nights a week and drive like maniacs, now they will be stoned on top of it that's brilliant.
Purely my own opinion, but I would bet alcohol use would go down if pot was legalized. I personally know a lot fo people that drink instead of smoke strictly for legality.
It's a plant.
So is fox glove and oleander. How about having some plant based foxglove tea with your oleander salad. Top it off with a hemlock brownie. Another plant.
Is that why you are single?
I am single by choice. If I am single because I don't use drugs, that's okay.
Your choice, your freedom, the same freedom you would deny other people in their choices...
My choices do not harm a single other person. I can refuse sex and still drive a car. There is no cognitive impairment to refusing sex.
My choices have not harmed anyone either...I have 40 years of driving to prove it..
I never said I wasn't a connoisseur of a divine yet demonically under-utilized plant. This is what I was just talking about.

It's just that no matter what the topic is, no matter righty or lefty, when one of you basic board bitches sees an opinion you disagree with, it's the same tired style of you looking down your faggoty little face at other people like you're something that matters in this world.

In short, you're a very boring, unoriginal repetition, and your ignorance is duly noted.

You have a Merry Christmas now, ya hear?
The other thing pot does is somehow it inhibits the maturing process.
I never said I wasn't a connoisseur of a divine yet demonically under-utilized plant. This is what I was just talking about.

It's just that no matter what the topic is, no matter righty or lefty, when one of you basic board bitches sees an opinion you disagree with, it's the same tired style of you looking down your faggoty little face at other people like you're something that matters in this world.

In short, you're a very boring, unoriginal repetition, and your ignorance is duly noted.

You have a Merry Christmas now, ya hear?
The other thing pot does is somehow it inhibits the maturing process.
Then you must have started smoking weed at a very early age.
Great. I'm really glad maine is doing things that help with the heroine crisis over there. Idiots.
Great. I'm really glad maine is doing things that help with the heroine crisis over there. Idiots.

What does that have to do with weed?

It's the drug companies that caused the heroin problem .

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