Today's Challenge -- Can You Do It?

Given you will deny any answer as you have already proven the thread is irrelevant.
You know "bipartisan"? That's the ideal the wags on this board claim to lament the absence of, yet spend every waking moment fomenting a stupid, childish black-white dichotomy that is its antithesis.

And you can take off the robe, put down the Bible, step down from the pulpit and cease the preaching. Even Time Magazine knew who was responsible for acting as the key agent in getting the bill passed:

Name ONE positive thing to come from Republican policy.
Kept shrill from getting in the White House.
By believing and repeating ad nauseum a huge pile of crap. Way to ignore history and issues, superdupes...
The huge pile of crap stood in front of us for two years in a pantsuit lying her ass off. What history are you referencing here?
Name ONE positive thing to come from Republican policy.
Kept shrill from getting in the White House.
By believing and repeating ad nauseum a huge pile of crap. Way to ignore history and issues, superdupes...
The huge pile of crap stood in front of us for two years in a pantsuit lying her ass off. What history are you referencing here?

Wow. Use enough caps there buddy?
You know "bipartisan"? That's the ideal the wags on this board claim to lament the absence of, yet spend every waking moment fomenting a stupid, childish black-white dichotomy that is its antithesis.

And you can take off the robe, put down the Bible, step down from the pulpit and cease the preaching. Even Time Magazine knew who was responsible for acting as the key agent in getting the bill passed:

By listening to his constituents and not obstructing Dem bills. Those were the days!
Name ONE positive thing to come from Republican policy.

Um ...ah ..., hmmmm... a positive thing? that's a tough one..... Hey, I know, in 1956 President Eisenhower signed Public Law 84-627. Unfortunately he got sucker punched by the oil, battery and tire complex, much like Obama's effort to provide affordable health care when the pharmaceutical/hospital/medical insurance companies screwed him over.
Name ONE positive thing to come from Republican policy.
Kept shrill from getting in the White House.
By believing and repeating ad nauseum a huge pile of crap. Way to ignore history and issues, superdupes...

Lib please, we kept old harpy out of the White House you owe us big time for that. Nobody wanted to listen to Hillary endlessly harp for the next 4 years.
Before Comey, she would have won by enough to end GOP obstruction. A close win would've been another 8 years of GOP disfunction. 4 years of Trump lies and bs propaganda from you fools being checked may be a good thing. The Pubcrappe propaganda you dupes and it appears Trump believe is the worst thing ever in US politics...
You know "bipartisan"? That's the ideal the wags on this board claim to lament the absence of, yet spend every waking moment fomenting a stupid, childish black-white dichotomy that is its antithesis.

And you can take off the robe, put down the Bible, step down from the pulpit and cease the preaching. Even Time Magazine knew who was responsible for acting as the key agent in getting the bill passed:

By listening to his constituents and not obstructing Dem bills. Those were the days!

You have no clue what we're talking about, do you?

The Democrats were trying to obstruct their own President's bill!
Name ONE positive thing to come from Republican policy.

Remind us again, who controls the presidency, congress, SCOTUS, majority of governorships and State houses? Now immigration laws are being enforced. American consumers and businesses have a positive outlook. I could go on, but I won't over tax you wittle bwain.
You know "bipartisan"? That's the ideal the wags on this board claim to lament the absence of, yet spend every waking moment fomenting a stupid, childish black-white dichotomy that is its antithesis.

And you can take off the robe, put down the Bible, step down from the pulpit and cease the preaching. Even Time Magazine knew who was responsible for acting as the key agent in getting the bill passed:

By listening to his constituents and not obstructing Dem bills. Those were the days!

You have no clue what we're talking about, do you?

The Democrats were trying to obstruct their own President's bill!
The Southern Dems, of course. Who then became Southern GOPers...
End to slavery, desegregation, civil rights, economic prosperity, self reliance, charity. Etc. a bit more specific there, champ. Especially the part about civil rights and economic prosperity. Maybe you can start with the failed "trickle down economics" or how it was your side that insisted on segregating blacks from whites.

You need to go back to school and learn to read so you can see how blatantly wrong your ideas are on this topic. You sound like a third grader trying to explain how Democrats supported the Civil Rights Act without ever knowing anything about it.
when I come back, at least ONE of you need to at least try to name something positive without hopping into your conservative hot tub time machine to find something.

  1. I don't have a "conservative hot tub time machine." Several members here have inanely and ignorantly called me a liberal. I am neither a liberal nor a conservative. I'm merely a individual who sees things for what they are and who, having tenured and set of guiding principles that remain consistent across all issues, forms rational conclusions and behaves with integrity and maturity.
  2. I already "tried" to name several things. In fact I did name them. Your response to that was to deny that it was in fact Republicans who brought those things to fruition. That's sad and it's partisan, and in so many words, I told you so. Just as Obama got to blame the poor economic performance of his early Presidency on the failings of those who preceded him, so too does Trump get to claim the growth the country now experiences even though he's got nothing to do with it. That's just the way it goes. Intellectually responsible people understand the role timing plays in Presidents' inculpability for such things.

    So too it is with the things I listed. One can prattle pedantically about who started what, and if one can find nitwits who'll engage one on that level, fine, but the fact of the matter is that Republicans made them reality and they get credit for that. There is also another reason why the get credit for it. That reason is, quite simply, because they didn't have to do them. They could have simply refused, but they did not.
Truly I meant to add you to the list of folks whom I ignore, and but for getting distracted before I could and returning to find the cat sprawled across my keyboard, I would have. I happened upon this post as I sought find your ID and click "ignore." Make of that what you will. I don't have any grandiose sense of self importance. I just don't want to waste my time seeing posts from people who have only inane comments to offer. It doesn't bother me that people differ with me, but I won't suffer their doing so childishly.

I corrected you and your bullshit. Sorry it hurt your feelings.

Yeah, put me on ignore. Now run along, ostrich boy.

Boy, wow. What can I say? Getting a whole lot of NOTHING from the conservatards here. lol, none of you have jack shit to say, do you?

Riddle me this, 'tards, if you have to go back 150 years to find something good to come from your "party," which used to be very progressive, why do you vote for these useless turds at all?
we freed the slaves

unfortunately, modern democrats are hellbent to put them back on & keep them on the plantation

great thread - thanks!

Ehhhh Wrong!!! Nice try though, made me laugh.
You lie

No, you lie. The parties were essentially reversed more or less up until the 60's/70's. Obama won every state that Lincoln won in 1860; and almost every state that voted against Lincoln voted against Obama.

You can also read this Republican Party Platforms: Republican Party Platform of 1860
Jesus Christ! This is fucking PATHETIC!!!

Can't you stupid rubes name ONE goddamn good thing to come from Republican policy? Do Republicans do ANYTHING good at all for the country?
So far the DOW is in record territory withinin thirty days of Trump's election and he doesn't even have his entire appointments due to the democrat party dragging their feet to avoid the inevitable. Barry Hussein gave us "cash for clunkers" in his first year.

A policy that purported to help the economy by intentionally and gratuitously destroying billions of dollars in wealth, in the form of serviceable automobiles. Such a policy could only have been born either of an extraordinary degree of ignorance, or else a willful, malicious desire to cause harm to the very economy that it purported to be intended to help.

Parable of the broken window - Wikipedia
So the great GOP contribution is a huge pile of

You were responding to guano, whose name literally refers to bird or bat excrement, in a thread started by SYTFE, whose name also sounds an awful lot like a common slang term for excrement. I guess the symbolic meaning is clear, here, that extreme left wrong-wing ideology is shit.

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