Today's Challenge -- Can You Do It?

Alright 'tards, I've gotta make a run to Home Depot, but when I come back, at least ONE of you need to at least try to name something positive without hopping into your conservative hot tub time machine to find something.

I'll be back kids...
Enforcing immigration law. You may have spotted an illegal or two down at the Depot.
End to slavery, desegregation, civil rights, economic prosperity, self reliance, charity. Etc.

So the great GOP contribution is a huge pile of

End to slavery, desegregation, civil rights, economic prosperity, self reliance, charity. Etc.

So the great GOP contribution is a huge pile of

You're melting snowflake.

Anything at ALL, brainwashed functional moron hater dupe?
The Republican party built the Warthog, get some!!

Alright 'tards, I've gotta make a run to Home Depot, but when I come back, at least ONE of you need to at least try to name something positive without hopping into your conservative hot tub time machine to find something.

I'll be back kids...
Enforcing immigration law. You may have spotted an illegal or two down at the Depot.
Enforcing unconstitutional harassment laws, distracting the chumps with useless fences at election time, and refusing a good SS ID card to keep this bs going, dupe.
Name ONE positive thing to come from Republican policy.

What? Surely you aren't that partisan?

The GOP have done plenty of positive things, though none are recent.

Setting up the Interstate Highway System, one of the greatest achievements post WWII -- Eisenhower.

You can actually thank Franklin D. Roosevelt for proposing it. Eisenhower only followed through on Roosevelt's proposal. (source)

Making NASA a civilian space agency, passing the Science Education Law -- Eisenhower.

You can actually thank Kennedy for challenging us to make it to the moon, and it was under his and Johnson's administration that allowed the space program to take off. Republicans just followed, as usual.

Sending in troops to Little Rock, Arkansas to enforce racial desegregation in schools -- Eisenhower.

Big whoop. Liberal ideals were the main driver behind the Civil Rights movements in the 50's and 60's. All of the major opponents of civil rights were conservatives.

Opening up relations with China, one of the biggest accomplishments -- Nixon.

Ok. Now look at how well that's worked out for us.

Large scale desegregation of public schools down South -- Nixon.

Man on the Moon in 1969 -- Nixon (though the ground work was done during Johnson's time).

Glad you recognize that.

Cooperation between NASA and Soviet space program -- Nixon.

End of the Cold War, fall of the Communist regimes in Eastern Europe- Ronald Reagan.

This one is subjective. Many Eastern European's have wished things were "like they used to be." There was an interesting write up about this in National Geographic recently.

No Child Left Behind Act -- this was a landmark act for disadvantaged students -- George W. Bush

This was a HORRIBLE act. Jesus.

Promotion of alternative fuels to reduce US dependence on Oil -- George W. Bush

LOL, that one's just funny.

Produced William F. Buckley, Jr.

Not a product of Republican policy.

The Republican party wasn't always the sh*tstorm it is today. There was a time when it was a party was suffused with, and more importantly led by humane, intelligent and thoughtful individuals of integrity, or at least more of it than is apparent these days, even considering Watergate, which was an abuse of executive power for political gain, not for personal gain, self-aggrandizement and browbeating opponents.

Agreed that it used to be a thousand times better than the current hate-circus-circle-jerk it is today.

Well, I know now that you are just that partisan. Good day.

Yeah, Pogo

If you think I'm moving the goalposts, you need to read this exchange between the OP and Xelor.

This thread got trashed and you're doing your damndest to rescue a failure.

I am neither "the OP' nor "Xelor", nor have I conversed with either.

I challengd YOU. On your childish fantasy of Everett Dirksen swooping in on a white charger to singlehandedly go "hey you guys, knock it off". Again, the Congress does not work that way. Never did. That's an inane message board fantasy. Which you're now running away from. And now apparently, trying to move the goalposts yet again to "the OP and Xelor".

I'm old enough to remember Everett Dirksen. Very distinctive voice, very very theatrical. A voice that could not be ignored, and a good man with a good heart and good values. But he could not, and did not, do it alone. Humphrey and Mansfiled were his partners. Humphrey buzzed around constantly wangling votes and keeping count. Mansfield maneuvered the bill to cloture to get the filibuster shut down. And LBJ of course was pushing people one on one, challenging Republicans with "either you're the party of Lincoln or your're not, now put up or shut up".

CRA 64 was, as we've pointed out a million times, never a political party issue but a geographic culture issue --- North versus South. Humphrey of course had his own history of stirring that soup -- it was his speech at the 1948 Democratic convention that caused Strom Thurmond and a large Southern delegation to walk out and run their own candidate (Thurmond) in protest.

CRA 64 wasn't done by Democrats and it wasn't done by Republicans. It was a bipartisan effort from both. You know "bipartisan"? That's the ideal the wags on this board claim to lament the absence of, yet spend every waking moment fomenting a stupid, childish black-white dichotomy that is its antithesis.
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Alright 'tards, I've gotta make a run to Home Depot, but when I come back, at least ONE of you need to at least try to name something positive without hopping into your conservative hot tub time machine to find something.

I'll be back kids...
Enforcing immigration law. You may have spotted an illegal or two down at the Depot.
Enforcing unconstitutional harassment laws, distracting the chumps with useless fences at election time, and refusing a good SS ID card to keep this bs going, dupe.
How is deporting an illegal unconstitutional or harassing? No illegal should ever get a SS card. And a fence would certainly help.

I'm just happy to see we are enforcing our laws now. The only thing "broken" about our immigration system has been not following the law. Now maybe it will be fixed, and we didn't have to pass a new law to do it.
Alright 'tards, I've gotta make a run to Home Depot, but when I come back, at least ONE of you need to at least try to name something positive without hopping into your conservative hot tub time machine to find something.

I'll be back kids...
Enforcing immigration law. You may have spotted an illegal or two down at the Depot.
Enforcing unconstitutional harassment laws, distracting the chumps with useless fences at election time, and refusing a good SS ID card to keep this bs going, dupe.
How is deporting an illegal unconstitutional or harassing? No illegal should ever get a SS card. And a fence would certainly help.

I'm just happy to see we are enforcing our laws now. The only thing "broken" about our immigration system has been not following the law. Now maybe it will be fixed, and we didn't have to pass a new law to do it.
Only a good unfakable SS ID card will end this GOP bs, dupe.
Alright 'tards, I've gotta make a run to Home Depot, but when I come back, at least ONE of you need to at least try to name something positive without hopping into your conservative hot tub time machine to find something.

I'll be back kids...
Enforcing immigration law. You may have spotted an illegal or two down at the Depot.
Enforcing unconstitutional harassment laws, distracting the chumps with useless fences at election time, and refusing a good SS ID card to keep this bs going, dupe.
How is deporting an illegal unconstitutional or harassing? No illegal should ever get a SS card. And a fence would certainly help.

I'm just happy to see we are enforcing our laws now. The only thing "broken" about our immigration system has been not following the law. Now maybe it will be fixed, and we didn't have to pass a new law to do it.
Only a good unfakable SS ID card will end this GOP bs, dupe.
Keeping illegals from getting to that point in the first place would solve it. Retard.
when I come back, at least ONE of you need to at least try to name something positive without hopping into your conservative hot tub time machine to find something.

  1. I don't have a "conservative hot tub time machine." Several members here have inanely and ignorantly called me a liberal. I am neither a liberal nor a conservative. I'm merely a individual who sees things for what they are and who, having tenured and set of guiding principles that remain consistent across all issues, forms rational conclusions and behaves with integrity and maturity.
  2. I already "tried" to name several things. In fact I did name them. Your response to that was to deny that it was in fact Republicans who brought those things to fruition. That's sad and it's partisan, and in so many words, I told you so. Just as Obama got to blame the poor economic performance of his early Presidency on the failings of those who preceded him, so too does Trump get to claim the growth the country now experiences even though he's got nothing to do with it. That's just the way it goes. Intellectually responsible people understand the role timing plays in Presidents' inculpability for such things.

    So too it is with the things I listed. One can prattle pedantically about who started what, and if one can find nitwits who'll engage one on that level, fine, but the fact of the matter is that Republicans made them reality and they get credit for that. There is also another reason why the get credit for it. That reason is, quite simply, because they didn't have to do them. They could have simply refused, but they did not.
Truly I meant to add you to the list of folks whom I ignore, and but for getting distracted before I could and returning to find the cat sprawled across my keyboard, I would have. I happened upon this post as I sought find your ID and click "ignore." Make of that what you will. I don't have any grandiose sense of self importance. I just don't want to waste my time seeing posts from people who have only inane comments to offer. It doesn't bother me that people differ with me, but I won't suffer their doing so childishly.
I am neither "the OP' nor "Xelor", nor have I conversed with either.

LOL You knew, before you typed that, all three of us knew that to be so, right? LOL

Nevermind...I see now why you wrote that....Sorry. Well, actually, no, I'm not sorry. I don't have anything to be sorry for; I was messin' with you, after all. I just had the wrong impression in my head and I didn't see that you were replying to someone.
BTW, OP, there are more Republican accomplishments I left out, and the only reason I did is because I didn't really want to be bothered here with having to respond to a lot of carrying on about the specific items themselves for they are even today "hot button" items. Make no mistake, however, one of them dates from Reagan and came to conclusion under Bush II.
I'm old enough to remember Everett Dirksen. Very distinctive voice, very very theatrical. A voice that could not be ignored, and a good man with a good heart and good values. But he could not, and did not, do it alone.

Calm down, Methuselah.

Really... actually...

Yanno... I'm watching an older adult try to play down a Republican accomplishment, with your only argument being:

"B-but the Democrats helped, damn it!"

Sorry. Dirksen led the charge. Dirksen was a Republican. He broke the Democratic filibuster, with minute amounts of help from some enlightened Democrats.

Everett Dirksen and the 1964 Civil Rights Act
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Name ONE positive thing to come from Republican policy.
Name ONE positive thing to come from Republican policy.
You've got to be joking right ? Ended slavery, gave black people the right to vote, gave women the right to vote, and overall not being Democrats is a major accomplishment although there are a few "republicans" that are playing dress up, but its all good they won't be around much longer.
CRA 64 wasn't done by Democrats and it wasn't done by Republicans. It was a bipartisan effort from both.

And this is what I mean by you downplaying it. This is an attempt at relativism. As the argument goes, "Democrats helped, therefore it wasn't a Republican accomplishment, it was bipartisan."

You can't put ten grains of sand on a sandcastle someone else built and say you helped build it. They did the work, you didn't. Dirksen did the work by garnering the Republican support he needed to help overcome the filibuster, his "partners" merely assisted with the procedural side.

Without Dirksen, the Senate would never have been able to invoke cloture on the CRA of 64. The Bill would have never passed. No Dirksen, no Republican support, no bill, no nothing.
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