Today's Challenge -- Can You Do It?

January 1, 1863:

Republican President Abraham Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation

January 31, 1865:

The 38th Congress, majority Republican, passes the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery.

January 13, 1866:

Republicans unanimously support the passage of the 14th Amendment, amid fierce Democratic opposition.

March 1, 1872:

The 42nd Congress, majority Republican, establishes Yellowstone National Park as America's first national park.

December 9, 1872:

Louisiana Republican Pinckney Pinchback becomes the first African American elected to a governorship.

April 2, 1917:

Montana Republican Representative Jeannette Rankin becomes the first woman to be sworn in to Congress.

May 21, 1919:

The 66th Congress, majority Republican, passes the 19th Amendment which guarantees women the right to vote.

June 2, 1924:

The 68th Congress, majority Republican, along with President Calvin Coolidge, grant citizenship to Native Americans.

December 7, 1928:

Republican Senator Octaviano Larrazolo becomes the first Hispanic to serve in the US Senate.

January 3, 1949:

Maine Republican Margaret Chase Smith becomes first woman to serve in both the Senate and House of Representatives.

May 17, 1954:

Republican and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Earl Warren, pens the majority opinion in Brown v. Board of Education. The decision is responsible for ending racial segregation in public schools.

September 9, 1957:

President Dwight Eisenhower signs the 1957 Civil Rights Act.

August 21, 1959:

Hawaii Republican Senator Hiram Fong becomes first Asian American to be seated in the Senate.

June 10, 1964:

Republican Minority leader from Illinois, Everett Dirksen, defeats Democratic filibuster of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

September 5, 1981:

Republican President Ronald Reagan appoints Sandra Day O'Connor as the first woman to serve on the US Supreme Court.

June 12, 1987:

Republican President Ronald Reagan proves instrumental in bringing down the Berlin Wall with his "Tear down this wall" speech.
So far the DOW is in record territory withinin thirty days of Trump's election and he doesn't even have his entire appointments due to the democrat party dragging their feet to avoid the inevitable. Barry Hussein gave us "cash for clunkers" in his first year.

A policy that purported to help the economy by intentionally and gratuitously destroying billions of dollars in wealth, in the form of serviceable automobiles. Such a policy could only have been born either of an extraordinary degree of ignorance, or else a willful, malicious desire to cause harm to the very economy that it purported to be intended to help.

Parable of the broken window - Wikipedia
It was in record territory BEFORE Trump, too duh. They were crap cars duh. Good program, like the rest of the stimulus. Thanks for 9/11 thru sheer incompetence , the stupidest wars ever, AND a corrupt world depression, Foxbot dupe. or whatever GOP propaganda outlet.
January 1, 1863:

Republican President Abraham Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation

January 31, 1865:

The 38th Congress, majority Republican, passes the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery.

January 13, 1866:

Republicans unanimously support the passage of the 14th Amendment, amid fierce Democratic opposition.

March 1, 1872:

The 42nd Congress, majority Republican, establishes Yellowstone National Park as America's first national park.

December 9, 1872:

Louisiana Republican Pinckney Pinchback becomes the first African American elected to a governorship.

April 2, 1917:

Montana Republican Representative Jeannette Rankin becomes the first woman to be sworn in to Congress.

May 21, 1919:

The 66th Congress, majority Republican, passes the 19th Amendment which guarantees women the right to vote.

June 2, 1924:

The 68th Congress, majority Republican, along with President Calvin Coolidge, grant citizenship to Native Americans.

December 7, 1928:

Republican Senator Octaviano Larrazolo becomes the first Hispanic to serve in the US Senate.

January 3, 1949:

Maine Republican Margaret Chase Smith becomes first woman to serve in both the Senate and House of Representatives.

May 17, 1954:

Republican and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Earl Warren, pens the majority opinion in Brown v. Board of Education. The decision is responsible for ending racial segregation in public schools.

September 9, 1957:

President Dwight Eisenhower signs the 1957 Civil Rights Act.

August 21, 1959:

Hawaii Republican Senator Hiram Fong becomes first Asian American to be seated in the Senate.

June 10, 1964:

Republican Minority leader from Illinois, Everett Dirksen, defeats Democratic filibuster of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

September 5, 1981:

Republican President Ronald Reagan appoints Sandra Day O'Connor as the first woman to serve on the US Supreme Court.

June 12, 1987:

Republican President Ronald Reagan proves instrumental in bringing down the Berlin Wall with his "Tear down this wall" speech.
Yup, the GOP wasn't horrible, until Nixon. Now they're the Southern conservative, bs propaganda, pander to the greedy idiot megarich, Reaganist party, dupe..
So the great GOP contribution is a huge pile of

You were responding to guano, whose name literally refers to bird or bat excrement, in a thread started by SYTFE, whose name also sounds an awful lot like a common slang term for excrement. I guess the symbolic meaning is clear, here, that extreme left wrong-wing ideology is shit.
RW "logic" lol. After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!
Jesus Christ! This is fucking PATHETIC!!!

Can't you stupid rubes name ONE goddamn good thing to come from Republican policy? Do Republicans do ANYTHING good at all for the country?

Your refusal to see the piles of evidence presented to you does not, in the least, invalidate any of that evidence.

LOL @ "piles" of evidence.
we freed the slaves

That's pretty much it.

Nothing more to see here.

SYTFE what were you thinking?

So far the DOW is in record territory withinin thirty days of Trump's election and he doesn't even have his entire appointments due to the democrat party dragging their feet to avoid the inevitable. Barry Hussein gave us "cash for clunkers" in his first year.

A policy that purported to help the economy by intentionally and gratuitously destroying billions of dollars in wealth, in the form of serviceable automobiles. Such a policy could only have been born either of an extraordinary degree of ignorance, or else a willful, malicious desire to cause harm to the very economy that it purported to be intended to help.

Parable of the broken window - Wikipedia
It was in record territory BEFORE Trump, too duh. They were crap cars duh. Good program, like the rest of the stimulus. Thanks for 9/11 thru sheer incompetence , the stupidest wars ever, AND a corrupt world depression, Foxbot dupe. or whatever GOP propaganda outlet.

It was in record territory BEFORE Trump, too duh. They were crap cars duh.

There are links in the post. Did you even read the post? Click on them.

Cash for Clunkers was a horrendous failure. Fraud was rampant, excellent used cars were junked forcing the price of all used cars up. That forced buyers who could not afford a new car to pay more for a car in worse condition than they could have afforded previously.
So far the DOW is in record territory withinin thirty days of Trump's election and he doesn't even have his entire appointments due to the democrat party dragging their feet to avoid the inevitable. Barry Hussein gave us "cash for clunkers" in his first year.

I hope you haven't forgotten that the Dow climbed from 7,949.09 when Obama took office, after the previous Republican "ideas" obliterated the stock market, and took it to just under 20,000 his last day in office.


Was waiting for that partisan claim to be made by some fully fanatical lying SOB...

MOST of the past 2 year gain in the Dow came AFTER the night of the Trump win.. Obama had nothing to do with the last 1400 points.
So far the DOW is in record territory withinin thirty days of Trump's election and he doesn't even have his entire appointments due to the democrat party dragging their feet to avoid the inevitable. Barry Hussein gave us "cash for clunkers" in his first year.

A policy that purported to help the economy by intentionally and gratuitously destroying billions of dollars in wealth, in the form of serviceable automobiles. Such a policy could only have been born either of an extraordinary degree of ignorance, or else a willful, malicious desire to cause harm to the very economy that it purported to be intended to help.

Parable of the broken window - Wikipedia
It was in record territory BEFORE Trump, too duh. They were crap cars duh. Good program, like the rest of the stimulus. Thanks for 9/11 thru sheer incompetence , the stupidest wars ever, AND a corrupt world depression, Foxbot dupe. or whatever GOP propaganda outlet.

It was in record territory BEFORE Trump, too duh. They were crap cars duh.

There are links in the post. Did you even read the post? Click on them.

Cash for Clunkers was a horrendous failure. Fraud was rampant, excellent used cars were junked forcing the price of all used cars up. That forced buyers who could not afford a new car to pay more for a car in worse condition than they could have afforded previously.
So far the DOW is in record territory withinin thirty days of Trump's election and he doesn't even have his entire appointments due to the democrat party dragging their feet to avoid the inevitable. Barry Hussein gave us "cash for clunkers" in his first year.

A policy that purported to help the economy by intentionally and gratuitously destroying billions of dollars in wealth, in the form of serviceable automobiles. Such a policy could only have been born either of an extraordinary degree of ignorance, or else a willful, malicious desire to cause harm to the very economy that it purported to be intended to help.

Parable of the broken window - Wikipedia
It was in record territory BEFORE Trump, too duh. They were crap cars duh. Good program, like the rest of the stimulus. Thanks for 9/11 thru sheer incompetence , the stupidest wars ever, AND a corrupt world depression, Foxbot dupe. or whatever GOP propaganda outlet.

It was in record territory BEFORE Trump, too duh. They were crap cars duh.

There are links in the post. Did you even read the post? Click on them.

Cash for Clunkers was a horrendous failure. Fraud was rampant, excellent used cars were junked forcing the price of all used cars up. That forced buyers who could not afford a new car to pay more for a car in worse condition than they could have afforded previously.
Only on Fox, dupe.
So far the DOW is in record territory withinin thirty days of Trump's election and he doesn't even have his entire appointments due to the democrat party dragging their feet to avoid the inevitable. Barry Hussein gave us "cash for clunkers" in his first year.

I hope you haven't forgotten that the Dow climbed from 7,949.09 when Obama took office, after the previous Republican "ideas" obliterated the stock market, and took it to just under 20,000 his last day in office.


Was waiting for that partisan claim to be made by some fully fanatical lying SOB...

MOST of the past 2 year gain in the Dow came AFTER the night of the Trump win.. Obama had nothing to do with the last 1400 points.

Huh? :alcoholic:
Global markets drop as U.S. election results shock - Nov. 8, 2016
Nov 8, 2016 - Dow futures were down about 300 points early Wednesday morning, or about 1.5%. At their low point on Tuesday night, Dow futures were ...
Dow futures plunge 750 points as Trump takes key battleground states ... › Markets
Nov 8, 2016 - Futures for the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged as Republican presidential ... Stock markets are not handling Election Night well. Futures ...
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So far the DOW is in record territory withinin thirty days of Trump's election and he doesn't even have his entire appointments due to the democrat party dragging their feet to avoid the inevitable. Barry Hussein gave us "cash for clunkers" in his first year.

I hope you haven't forgotten that the Dow climbed from 7,949.09 when Obama took office, after the previous Republican "ideas" obliterated the stock market, and took it to just under 20,000 his last day in office.


Was waiting for that partisan claim to be made by some fully fanatical lying SOB...

MOST of the past 2 year gain in the Dow came AFTER the night of the Trump win.. Obama had nothing to do with the last 1400 points.

Huh? :alcoholic:

Figured you wouldnt follow.. It's a systemic issue with leftists and statistics. You wrote

I hope you haven't forgotten that the Dow climbed from 7,949.09 when Obama took office, after the previous Republican "ideas" obliterated the stock market, and took it to just under 20,000 his last day in office.

ANY statistic on the performance of the DOW during Obama's term that calculates "to his last day in office" -- is a misrepresentation of the REALITY that on Election night -- the Dow was about 1500 points CLOSER to 18,500 than it was to 20,000.. And that ALL of that gain was correction for the UNexpected election victory.

Obama had NOTHING to do that last 1500 points.

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