Tohono O'Odham Nation says no to Trump wall

And many sovereign First Peoples nations have the law on their side to say no to the Wall.


AZ Indian Tribe That Controls 75 Miles of Border Won’t Allow TRUMP WALL on their Land (VIDEO)

Tribal leadership of Tohono O’odham Nation in southern Arizona said they won’t support a border wall project on their land. Part of their reservation extends into Mexico and covers 75 miles of the international border.

The tribe’s chairman and vice chair said the plan was always to try to work with whoever holds the office of the United States President. But, they added, it’s still too early to tell exactly how Donald Trump’s administration will impact the tribe.

Vice Chairman Verlon Jose explained tribal members have traversed their ancestral land since time immemorial, and a wall of any sort would not be supported by the community.

“Over my dead body will a wall be built,” Jose said, describing some community members’ sentiments. “I don’t wish to die but I do wish to work together with people so we can truly protect the homeland of this place they call the United States of America. Not only for our people but for the American people.”

Think this will make a difference?

BTW, Trump gets to choose 100+ lower court judges whenever he gets around to it.

I have no doubt Don and his Wall Street/Goldman Sachs buddies would like to move toward a police state.
Take a detour around their land building the wall so that the tribal lands are south of the wall
That is the future, the elites will build walls around their own compounds to protect them from the masses and the decline of the american empire as they continue to redistribute and concentrate societal wealth.

If they want to be part of Mexico, fine with me
Take a detour around their land building the wall so that the tribal lands are south of the wall
That is the future, the elites will build walls around their own compounds to protect them from the masses and the decline of the american empire as they continue to redistribute and concentrate societal wealth.

If they want to be part of Mexico, fine with me

You will also wind up "being part of Mexico" my friend, the american sacrifice zones will widen. The societal trajectory is what it is.
Beautiful. Fucking beautiful. This land mass' original inhabitants were right about this disease all along; this perceptual reality and view of the universe euros infected this hemisphere with wherein all life and humanity is nothing more than a commodity to be monetized and exploited.

Before Europeans showed up, those people had no concept of the wheel. They had nothing to pull a wheeled carriage with, they had no metallurgy, they had no concept of medicine other than some chants and herbs, they treated their women like dogs, they had no animal husbandry outside of a few rabbits and turkeys -- Which is why many of them had institutionalized cannibalism, (in the Algonquin tongue the word Mohawk actually means "flesh-eater.") even moreso in the SW portion of North America , they had no written language, their spoken language consisted of a series of grunts and signs...............

I do not have the least bit of sympathy for native americans. Not a bit.

They really were savages and they're lucky we let ANY of them live
Take a detour around their land building the wall so that the tribal lands are south of the wall
That is the future, the elites will build walls around their own compounds to protect them from the masses and the decline of the american empire as they continue to redistribute and concentrate societal wealth.

If they want to be part of Mexico, fine with me

You will also wind up "being part of Mexico" my friend, the american sacrifice zones will widen. The societal trajectory is what it is.

You stopped making sense after "You will also wind up "being part of Mexico" my friend, the american...." did you want a Mulligan?
Beautiful. Fucking beautiful. This land mass' original inhabitants were right about this disease all along; this perceptual reality and view of the universe euros infected this hemisphere with wherein all life and humanity is nothing more than a commodity to be monetized and exploited.

Before Europeans showed up, those people had no concept of the wheel. They had nothing to pull a wheeled carriage with, they had no metallurgy, they had no concept of medicine other than some chants and herbs, they treated their women like dogs, they had no animal husbandry outside of a few rabbits and turkeys -- Which is why many of them had institutionalized cannibalism, even moreso in the SW portion of North America (in the Algonquin tongue the word Mohawk actually means "flesh-eater."), they had no written language, their spoken language consisted of a series of grunts and signs...............

I do not have the least bit of sympathy for native americans. Not a bit.

They really were savages and they're lucky we let ANY of them live

I've been subjected to the same institutionalized propaganda son. And then I learned to truth.
Then we do what we should have done a century ago...... take the conquered land from these people and give them the option to ASSIMILATE or DIE.
Now that is a true fascist talking: nationalistic, jingoistic, nativistic, and racialist all in one swoop.
Take a detour around their land building the wall so that the tribal lands are south of the wall
That is the future, the elites will build walls around their own compounds to protect them from the masses and the decline of the american empire as they continue to redistribute and concentrate societal wealth.

If they want to be part of Mexico, fine with me

You will also wind up "being part of Mexico" my friend, the american sacrifice zones will widen. The societal trajectory is what it is.

You stopped making sense after "You will also wind up "being part of Mexico" my friend, the american...." did you want a Mulligan?

Watch. Your economic system is still a colonial wealth extraction enterprise. Everything this system has done to others is turning its sights on what it has left to cannibalize.
Beautiful. Fucking beautiful. This land mass' original inhabitants were right about this disease all along; this perceptual reality and view of the universe euros infected this hemisphere with wherein all life and humanity is nothing more than a commodity to be monetized and exploited.

Before Europeans showed up, those people had no concept of the wheel. They had nothing to pull a wheeled carriage with, they had no metallurgy, they had no concept of medicine other than some chants and herbs, they treated their women like dogs, they had no animal husbandry outside of a few rabbits and turkeys -- Which is why many of them had institutionalized cannibalism, (in the Algonquin tongue the word Mohawk actually means "flesh-eater.") even moreso in the SW portion of North America , they had no written language, their spoken language consisted of a series of grunts and signs...............

I do not have the least bit of sympathy for native americans. Not a bit.

They really were savages and they're lucky we let ANY of them live

It's pretty clear who the savages were/are son.

I've been subjected to the same institutionalized propaganda son. And then I learned to truth.

Every word I wrote is factually correct and can be proven with archaeological evidence. You're just blowing smoke, Tonto

And I might be your daddy but I GODDAMNED sure ain't your son

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