Toilet paper back in stock

Just came from my local Safeway store, and I saw they finally have toilet paper back in stock. There were only two brands, but there was lots of it. I though about grabbing some, but I already have a huge toilet paper hoard. Nice to see the pandemic panic winding down...
Why were you hoarding TP? I still cant figure that one out. Seems to me if you need that much TP then you already have a medical issue.
Ev most likely used the word "hoard" in a general term, ya fartknocker. YOU probably have more toilet paper "hoarded" than HE does. It's incredible how you seem to find fault in ANYTHING a smart, logical conservative posts on these threads. Incredible AND quite pathetic, as well.
The general term hoard is defined as....

a stock or store of money or valued objects, typically one that is secret or carefully guarded.

Are you retarded or just naturally stupid?
And what is YOUR I.Q. again?
146 or 142 but I already told you that was bullshit because its proven IQ tests dont mean shit.

Soooo, it's 6 or 2?? :abgg2q.jpg::poke:
you cant tell the difference between 146 and 6 or 142 and 2? ;)

Of course I can...… was you that wasn't sure of your numbers.

And I was just poking some fun at you for a laugh, cause I mistakenly thought you might have a sense of humor. LIGHTEN UP it's Thursday sheesh
I guess you didnt notice the smiley face?

Just between you and me I spend most of my time laughing at the posts on here.
I just got my shipment of TP. 50 rolls. Of course its nothing unusual since I buy it in bulk anyway. I was surprised to see it actually make it to my porch.
You should have stocked up on it instead of getting a lousy 50 rolls.
No need to stock up. I cant possibly go through 50 rolls in 6 months. I get a shipment every 6 months and I still have plenty left from the last shipment.
Poor fellow, he is just full of it.
The only thing I am full of is a substance more valuable than gold.

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