Told ya so...

Good idea. All kids should be inoculated just like you and I were.

If there are no physical reasons that the child cannot receive the vaccine, then they should be vaccinated as a requirement to attend public school.

Kinda messed up that diseases that were thought to be eradicated are now coming back because some people refuse to vaccinate their kids.
Its fucking measles and chicken pox...kiddie diseases that go away and you are immune's not TB and the plague

Those "kiddie diseases" can still cause permanent damage, even if it doesn't kill you.
Dude I grew up in the 80s and got the chicken one fucking died or got permanent damge from them.
What is this utter pussy CANNOT childproof the world.........people die and get hurt, chicken pox and measles are low on the list.....
You're a friggin idiot

From the CDC

Chickenpox Can Be Serious. Most children who get chickenpox recover completely. But chickenpox can be serious, even deadly, especially for babies,adolescents, adults, pregnant women, and people with a weakened immune system.

Go live on an uninhabited island
OMG how did people live before the vaccine......HOW.......what healthy adult has died from the chicken pox?
Jesus you guys are part of that everything is horrible culture.....let me guess the chicken pox causes everything else
you guys are for anything to restrict's sad......
Measles affects about 20 million people a year,[3] primarily in the developing areas of Africa and Asia.[6] It is one of the leading vaccine-preventable disease causes of death.[12][13] In 1980, 2.6 million people died of it,[6] and in 1990, 545,000 died; by 2014, global vaccination programs had reduced the number of deaths from measles to 73,000
I grew up in the '50s, (you know, when America was Great) and we had to get shots before we could go to school.

This is nothing new, just something else for the wingers to whine about.

That's fine.

But either make school compulsory, or shots compulsory, NOT BOTH. Family's should always have the right to determine their own divine course.

With no choices left, it is tyranny.

That's smacks of Huxley's Brave New World where you challenge the political sovereignty of the family. It makes the STATE the father by default.

If there are no physical reasons that the child cannot receive the vaccine, then they should be vaccinated as a requirement to attend public school.

Kinda messed up that diseases that were thought to be eradicated are now coming back because some people refuse to vaccinate their kids.
Its fucking measles and chicken pox...kiddie diseases that go away and you are immune's not TB and the plague

Those "kiddie diseases" can still cause permanent damage, even if it doesn't kill you.
Dude I grew up in the 80s and got the chicken one fucking died or got permanent damge from them.
What is this utter pussy CANNOT childproof the world.........people die and get hurt, chicken pox and measles are low on the list.....
You're a friggin idiot

From the CDC

Chickenpox Can Be Serious. Most children who get chickenpox recover completely. But chickenpox can be serious, even deadly, especially for babies,adolescents, adults, pregnant women, and people with a weakened immune system.

Go live on an uninhabited island
OMG how did people live before the vaccine......HOW.......what healthy adult has died from the chicken pox?
Jesus you guys are part of that everything is horrible culture.....let me guess the chicken pox causes everything else
you guys are for anything to restrict's sad......

Link posted has facts and figures as to how many died before vaccinations were widespread, and how many died after vaccinations became the norm. Yes, healthy adults have died from this disease as well.

Varicella (Chickenpox) Cases, Deaths, and Vaccination Rates - Vaccines -
Its fucking measles and chicken pox...kiddie diseases that go away and you are immune's not TB and the plague

Those "kiddie diseases" can still cause permanent damage, even if it doesn't kill you.
Dude I grew up in the 80s and got the chicken one fucking died or got permanent damge from them.
What is this utter pussy CANNOT childproof the world.........people die and get hurt, chicken pox and measles are low on the list.....
You're a friggin idiot

From the CDC

Chickenpox Can Be Serious. Most children who get chickenpox recover completely. But chickenpox can be serious, even deadly, especially for babies,adolescents, adults, pregnant women, and people with a weakened immune system.

Go live on an uninhabited island
OMG how did people live before the vaccine......HOW.......what healthy adult has died from the chicken pox?
Jesus you guys are part of that everything is horrible culture.....let me guess the chicken pox causes everything else
you guys are for anything to restrict's sad......

Link posted has facts and figures as to how many died before vaccinations were widespread, and how many died after vaccinations became the norm. Yes, healthy adults have died from this disease as well.

Varicella (Chickenpox) Cases, Deaths, and Vaccination Rates - Vaccines -
Maybe from Shingles.....not the chicken pox.....Shingles are way worse and have a separate vaccination and hit adults.....

The chicken pox is not a serious sucks for a week or two and then you move on. People do not die from Chicken Pox nor do they suffer serious issues unless they have additional problems to begin with, which then you can vaccinate if you want. To make everyone do it for this is rediculous
If there are no physical reasons that the child cannot receive the vaccine, then they should be vaccinated as a requirement to attend public school.

Kinda messed up that diseases that were thought to be eradicated are now coming back because some people refuse to vaccinate their kids.
Its fucking measles and chicken pox...kiddie diseases that go away and you are immune's not TB and the plague

Those "kiddie diseases" can still cause permanent damage, even if it doesn't kill you.
Dude I grew up in the 80s and got the chicken one fucking died or got permanent damge from them.
What is this utter pussy CANNOT childproof the world.........people die and get hurt, chicken pox and measles are low on the list.....
Ummmmm.....nope, too easy.

Well Bode, you might not be willing to take the shot, so allow me.......................

Buckeye, while you may not have suffered permanent physical impairment, your brain function has obviously been affected, and not in a positive way.
so dude, if you got vaccinated, what are you worried about? close the border and keep it in hispanic lands.
Good idea. All kids should be inoculated just like you and I were.

If there are no physical reasons that the child cannot receive the vaccine, then they should be vaccinated as a requirement to attend public school.

Kinda messed up that diseases that were thought to be eradicated are now coming back because some people refuse to vaccinate their kids.
Funny how there were no reports of autism, and other maladies until vaccinations came along...
they existed, but ADD, ADHD and Autism were all used to sell drugs and make excuses for the 80s you were called hyper and didn't drug them.
BTW, that was me in the 60s.
Those "kiddie diseases" can still cause permanent damage, even if it doesn't kill you.
Dude I grew up in the 80s and got the chicken one fucking died or got permanent damge from them.
What is this utter pussy CANNOT childproof the world.........people die and get hurt, chicken pox and measles are low on the list.....
You're a friggin idiot

From the CDC

Chickenpox Can Be Serious. Most children who get chickenpox recover completely. But chickenpox can be serious, even deadly, especially for babies,adolescents, adults, pregnant women, and people with a weakened immune system.

Go live on an uninhabited island
OMG how did people live before the vaccine......HOW.......what healthy adult has died from the chicken pox?
Jesus you guys are part of that everything is horrible culture.....let me guess the chicken pox causes everything else
you guys are for anything to restrict's sad......

Link posted has facts and figures as to how many died before vaccinations were widespread, and how many died after vaccinations became the norm. Yes, healthy adults have died from this disease as well.

Varicella (Chickenpox) Cases, Deaths, and Vaccination Rates - Vaccines -
Maybe from Shingles.....not the chicken pox.....Shingles are way worse and have a separate vaccination and hit adults.....

The chicken pox is not a serious sucks for a week or two and then you move on. People do not die from Chicken Pox nor do they suffer serious issues unless they have additional problems to begin with, which then you can vaccinate if you want. To make everyone do it for this is rediculous

You don't know much about medicine, do you? People DO die from chickenpox, I posted several links that said as such. And no, you are wrong in saying that adults can't catch it, because they can.

And, having everyone vaccinated keeps the whole population safe.
Good idea. All kids should be inoculated just like you and I were.

If there are no physical reasons that the child cannot receive the vaccine, then they should be vaccinated as a requirement to attend public school.

Kinda messed up that diseases that were thought to be eradicated are now coming back because some people refuse to vaccinate their kids.
It should be blamed on the vaccines
Dude I grew up in the 80s and got the chicken one fucking died or got permanent damge from them.
What is this utter pussy CANNOT childproof the world.........people die and get hurt, chicken pox and measles are low on the list.....
You're a friggin idiot

From the CDC

Chickenpox Can Be Serious. Most children who get chickenpox recover completely. But chickenpox can be serious, even deadly, especially for babies,adolescents, adults, pregnant women, and people with a weakened immune system.

Go live on an uninhabited island
OMG how did people live before the vaccine......HOW.......what healthy adult has died from the chicken pox?
Jesus you guys are part of that everything is horrible culture.....let me guess the chicken pox causes everything else
you guys are for anything to restrict's sad......

Link posted has facts and figures as to how many died before vaccinations were widespread, and how many died after vaccinations became the norm. Yes, healthy adults have died from this disease as well.

Varicella (Chickenpox) Cases, Deaths, and Vaccination Rates - Vaccines -
Maybe from Shingles.....not the chicken pox.....Shingles are way worse and have a separate vaccination and hit adults.....

The chicken pox is not a serious sucks for a week or two and then you move on. People do not die from Chicken Pox nor do they suffer serious issues unless they have additional problems to begin with, which then you can vaccinate if you want. To make everyone do it for this is rediculous

You don't know much about medicine, do you? People DO die from chickenpox, I posted several links that said as such. And no, you are wrong in saying that adults can't catch it, because they can.

And, having everyone vaccinated keeps the whole population safe.
but you haven't answered why anyone would be afraid of a virus that they were vaccinated for?
You're a friggin idiot

From the CDC

Chickenpox Can Be Serious. Most children who get chickenpox recover completely. But chickenpox can be serious, even deadly, especially for babies,adolescents, adults, pregnant women, and people with a weakened immune system.

Go live on an uninhabited island
OMG how did people live before the vaccine......HOW.......what healthy adult has died from the chicken pox?
Jesus you guys are part of that everything is horrible culture.....let me guess the chicken pox causes everything else
you guys are for anything to restrict's sad......

Link posted has facts and figures as to how many died before vaccinations were widespread, and how many died after vaccinations became the norm. Yes, healthy adults have died from this disease as well.

Varicella (Chickenpox) Cases, Deaths, and Vaccination Rates - Vaccines -
Maybe from Shingles.....not the chicken pox.....Shingles are way worse and have a separate vaccination and hit adults.....

The chicken pox is not a serious sucks for a week or two and then you move on. People do not die from Chicken Pox nor do they suffer serious issues unless they have additional problems to begin with, which then you can vaccinate if you want. To make everyone do it for this is rediculous

You don't know much about medicine, do you? People DO die from chickenpox, I posted several links that said as such. And no, you are wrong in saying that adults can't catch it, because they can.

And, having everyone vaccinated keeps the whole population safe.
but you haven't answered why anyone would be afraid of a virus that they were vaccinated for?

You seem to have never understood the concept of vaccinations.
OMG how did people live before the vaccine......HOW.......what healthy adult has died from the chicken pox?
Jesus you guys are part of that everything is horrible culture.....let me guess the chicken pox causes everything else
you guys are for anything to restrict's sad......

Link posted has facts and figures as to how many died before vaccinations were widespread, and how many died after vaccinations became the norm. Yes, healthy adults have died from this disease as well.

Varicella (Chickenpox) Cases, Deaths, and Vaccination Rates - Vaccines -
Maybe from Shingles.....not the chicken pox.....Shingles are way worse and have a separate vaccination and hit adults.....

The chicken pox is not a serious sucks for a week or two and then you move on. People do not die from Chicken Pox nor do they suffer serious issues unless they have additional problems to begin with, which then you can vaccinate if you want. To make everyone do it for this is rediculous

You don't know much about medicine, do you? People DO die from chickenpox, I posted several links that said as such. And no, you are wrong in saying that adults can't catch it, because they can.

And, having everyone vaccinated keeps the whole population safe.
but you haven't answered why anyone would be afraid of a virus that they were vaccinated for?

You seem to have never understood the concept of vaccinations.
enlighten me!
Whether anybody gets vaccinated or not it’s no one else’s business… End of story
OMG how did people live before the vaccine......HOW.......what healthy adult has died from the chicken pox?
Jesus you guys are part of that everything is horrible culture.....let me guess the chicken pox causes everything else
you guys are for anything to restrict's sad......

Link posted has facts and figures as to how many died before vaccinations were widespread, and how many died after vaccinations became the norm. Yes, healthy adults have died from this disease as well.

Varicella (Chickenpox) Cases, Deaths, and Vaccination Rates - Vaccines -
Maybe from Shingles.....not the chicken pox.....Shingles are way worse and have a separate vaccination and hit adults.....

The chicken pox is not a serious sucks for a week or two and then you move on. People do not die from Chicken Pox nor do they suffer serious issues unless they have additional problems to begin with, which then you can vaccinate if you want. To make everyone do it for this is rediculous

You don't know much about medicine, do you? People DO die from chickenpox, I posted several links that said as such. And no, you are wrong in saying that adults can't catch it, because they can.

And, having everyone vaccinated keeps the whole population safe.
but you haven't answered why anyone would be afraid of a virus that they were vaccinated for?

You seem to have never understood the concept of vaccinations.
To prevent why don't we worry about shit that's dangerous....Chicken Pox are like caffeine where AIDS are like Heroin.........
Link posted has facts and figures as to how many died before vaccinations were widespread, and how many died after vaccinations became the norm. Yes, healthy adults have died from this disease as well.

Varicella (Chickenpox) Cases, Deaths, and Vaccination Rates - Vaccines -
Maybe from Shingles.....not the chicken pox.....Shingles are way worse and have a separate vaccination and hit adults.....

The chicken pox is not a serious sucks for a week or two and then you move on. People do not die from Chicken Pox nor do they suffer serious issues unless they have additional problems to begin with, which then you can vaccinate if you want. To make everyone do it for this is rediculous

You don't know much about medicine, do you? People DO die from chickenpox, I posted several links that said as such. And no, you are wrong in saying that adults can't catch it, because they can.

And, having everyone vaccinated keeps the whole population safe.
but you haven't answered why anyone would be afraid of a virus that they were vaccinated for?

You seem to have never understood the concept of vaccinations.
To prevent why don't we worry about shit that's dangerous....Chicken Pox are like caffeine where AIDS are like Heroin.........
mothers used to expose their babies to the virus to vaccinate them.
Link posted has facts and figures as to how many died before vaccinations were widespread, and how many died after vaccinations became the norm. Yes, healthy adults have died from this disease as well.

Varicella (Chickenpox) Cases, Deaths, and Vaccination Rates - Vaccines -
Maybe from Shingles.....not the chicken pox.....Shingles are way worse and have a separate vaccination and hit adults.....

The chicken pox is not a serious sucks for a week or two and then you move on. People do not die from Chicken Pox nor do they suffer serious issues unless they have additional problems to begin with, which then you can vaccinate if you want. To make everyone do it for this is rediculous

You don't know much about medicine, do you? People DO die from chickenpox, I posted several links that said as such. And no, you are wrong in saying that adults can't catch it, because they can.

And, having everyone vaccinated keeps the whole population safe.
but you haven't answered why anyone would be afraid of a virus that they were vaccinated for?

You seem to have never understood the concept of vaccinations.
To prevent why don't we worry about shit that's dangerous....Chicken Pox are like caffeine where AIDS are like Heroin.........

You are correct. AIDS is more dangerous than Chicken Pox. However...........we don't know enough about the HIV virus yet to develop a vaccine. There are some trials over in Africa that are being ran right now, but they currently don't have a vaccine that can be used yet.

We can't immunize against what we don't have vaccines for.

HIV Vaccines
Dude I grew up in the 80s and got the chicken one fucking died or got permanent damge from them.
What is this utter pussy CANNOT childproof the world.........people die and get hurt, chicken pox and measles are low on the list.....
You're a friggin idiot

From the CDC

Chickenpox Can Be Serious. Most children who get chickenpox recover completely. But chickenpox can be serious, even deadly, especially for babies,adolescents, adults, pregnant women, and people with a weakened immune system.

Go live on an uninhabited island
OMG how did people live before the vaccine......HOW.......what healthy adult has died from the chicken pox?
Jesus you guys are part of that everything is horrible culture.....let me guess the chicken pox causes everything else
you guys are for anything to restrict's sad......

Link posted has facts and figures as to how many died before vaccinations were widespread, and how many died after vaccinations became the norm. Yes, healthy adults have died from this disease as well.

Varicella (Chickenpox) Cases, Deaths, and Vaccination Rates - Vaccines -
Maybe from Shingles.....not the chicken pox.....Shingles are way worse and have a separate vaccination and hit adults.....

The chicken pox is not a serious sucks for a week or two and then you move on. People do not die from Chicken Pox nor do they suffer serious issues unless they have additional problems to begin with, which then you can vaccinate if you want. To make everyone do it for this is rediculous

You don't know much about medicine, do you? People DO die from chickenpox, I posted several links that said as such. And no, you are wrong in saying that adults can't catch it, because they can.

And, having everyone vaccinated keeps the whole population safe.
Except for the ones who get permanently fucked up from them...
Do Vaccines Cause Autism? | History of Vaccines

In 1998, Wakefield, along with 12 co-authors, published a case series study in the Lancet claiming that they found evidence, in many of the 12 cases they studied, of measles virus in the digestive systems of children who had exhibited autism symptoms after MMR vaccination.[10] Though in the paper they stated that they could not demonstrate a causal relationship between MMR vaccination and autism, Wakefield suggested in a video released to coincide with the paper’s publication that a causal relationship existed between the MMR and autism: “…the risk of this particular syndrome [what Wakefield termed autistic enterocolitis] developing is related to the combined vaccine, the MMR, rather than the single vaccines.”[11] He then recommended that the combination MMR vaccine be suspended in favor of single-antigen vaccinations given separately over time. (Wakefield himself had filed for a patent for a single-antigen measles vaccine in 1997 and so would seem to have a potential financial interest in promoting this view.[12])

Reaction to the Wakefield publication was immediate. Press outlets covered the news widely and frightened parents began to delay or completely refuse vaccination for their children, both in Britain and the United States. MMR vaccination rates in Britain plummeted.[13]

Over the next twelve years, the possibility of a link between MMR and autism was studied exhaustively. No reputable, relevant study confirmed Wakefield’s findings; instead, many well-designed studies have found no link between MMR and bowel disease or MMR and autism.[6],[14]


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