Told ya so...

Maybe from Shingles.....not the chicken pox.....Shingles are way worse and have a separate vaccination and hit adults.....

The chicken pox is not a serious sucks for a week or two and then you move on. People do not die from Chicken Pox nor do they suffer serious issues unless they have additional problems to begin with, which then you can vaccinate if you want. To make everyone do it for this is rediculous

You don't know much about medicine, do you? People DO die from chickenpox, I posted several links that said as such. And no, you are wrong in saying that adults can't catch it, because they can.

And, having everyone vaccinated keeps the whole population safe.
but you haven't answered why anyone would be afraid of a virus that they were vaccinated for?

You seem to have never understood the concept of vaccinations.
To prevent why don't we worry about shit that's dangerous....Chicken Pox are like caffeine where AIDS are like Heroin.........
mothers used to expose their babies to the virus to vaccinate them.
Yeah and Vaccines were developed during the revolutionary war by giving small pox to soldiers.....
Maybe from Shingles.....not the chicken pox.....Shingles are way worse and have a separate vaccination and hit adults.....

The chicken pox is not a serious sucks for a week or two and then you move on. People do not die from Chicken Pox nor do they suffer serious issues unless they have additional problems to begin with, which then you can vaccinate if you want. To make everyone do it for this is rediculous

You don't know much about medicine, do you? People DO die from chickenpox, I posted several links that said as such. And no, you are wrong in saying that adults can't catch it, because they can.

And, having everyone vaccinated keeps the whole population safe.
but you haven't answered why anyone would be afraid of a virus that they were vaccinated for?

You seem to have never understood the concept of vaccinations.
To prevent why don't we worry about shit that's dangerous....Chicken Pox are like caffeine where AIDS are like Heroin.........

You are correct. AIDS is more dangerous than Chicken Pox. However...........we don't know enough about the HIV virus yet to develop a vaccine. There are some trials over in Africa that are being ran right now, but they currently don't have a vaccine that can be used yet.

We can't immunize against what we don't have vaccines for.

HIV Vaccines
I agree, all I'm saying is if people don't want it, you cant force them. I grew up when you got a tetanus shot, a booster and that was about it......This nanny state where everything is going to kill you and we need the govt to protect us, is ridiculous.......
You don't know much about medicine, do you? People DO die from chickenpox, I posted several links that said as such. And no, you are wrong in saying that adults can't catch it, because they can.

And, having everyone vaccinated keeps the whole population safe.
but you haven't answered why anyone would be afraid of a virus that they were vaccinated for?

You seem to have never understood the concept of vaccinations.
To prevent why don't we worry about shit that's dangerous....Chicken Pox are like caffeine where AIDS are like Heroin.........

You are correct. AIDS is more dangerous than Chicken Pox. However...........we don't know enough about the HIV virus yet to develop a vaccine. There are some trials over in Africa that are being ran right now, but they currently don't have a vaccine that can be used yet.

We can't immunize against what we don't have vaccines for.

HIV Vaccines
I agree, all I'm saying is if people don't want it, you cant force them. I grew up when you got a tetanus shot, a booster and that was about it......This nanny state where everything is going to kill you and we need the govt to protect us, is ridiculous.......
excessive and extreme.
And, you know, while I do endorse people vaccinating their kids, there are times that the government can go too far........................

Police Raid Home, Take Children From Parents Who Failed to Obey Doctor’s Orders

The Arizona Republic reports that Sarah Beck, a pregnant mother in Chandler, Arizona, and her partner, Brooks Bryce, had taken their two-year-old toddler, Heber, to the doctor on February 25 for a fever of 105 degrees and were instructed by the doctor to bring the baby to the hospital because Heber was unvaccinated and the doctor feared the child had meningitis. The doctor reportedly called the hospital to alert them to the child’s arrival, but by the time Beck had left the doctor’s office, she states that the child was markedly improved and that his temperature had dropped dramatically.

“He’s acting normal. He’s dancing with his sisters in his car seat. And I take his temperature and it’s 102,” said Beck.

The mother made the decision that a trip to the emergency room was unnecessary. In fact, unless an actual emergency presents itself, trips to the emergency room for children could often expose them to illnesses they otherwise may not have contracted.

The parents also noted that an emergency room visit would have cost them $2,500, money that they did not see fit to spend for a child that appeared to be healthy and recovering.

By the time Heber went to bed that evening, his temperature was down to 100 degrees.

The mother took the kid to the doctor, the doc told her to go to the emergency room, but when she put the kid in the car, he started dancing in the car seat. Mom checked the temp again, and it was on the way down.

Where I strongly disagree with this is that the police shouldn't have gone in like they were doing a SWAT raid on a dangerous person. And, if the kid was recovering (his temp was going down), why in the hell do they need to raid the home? Couldn't they simply have knocked on the door, escorted the doctor in so she could check out the kid? Why did they have to knock their door down and take away all their kids.

I mean, the kid was recovering, the temp was going down, and besides that, a visit to the ER would have cost the family around 2,500 bucks.

Nope................sorry, but this is a case where the government went too far.
I grew up in the '50s, (you know, when America was Great) and we had to get shots before we could go to school.

This is nothing new, just something else for the wingers to whine about.

The vaccines are dirtier these days.
And, you know, while I do endorse people vaccinating their kids, there are times that the government can go too far........................

Police Raid Home, Take Children From Parents Who Failed to Obey Doctor’s Orders

The Arizona Republic reports that Sarah Beck, a pregnant mother in Chandler, Arizona, and her partner, Brooks Bryce, had taken their two-year-old toddler, Heber, to the doctor on February 25 for a fever of 105 degrees and were instructed by the doctor to bring the baby to the hospital because Heber was unvaccinated and the doctor feared the child had meningitis. The doctor reportedly called the hospital to alert them to the child’s arrival, but by the time Beck had left the doctor’s office, she states that the child was markedly improved and that his temperature had dropped dramatically.

“He’s acting normal. He’s dancing with his sisters in his car seat. And I take his temperature and it’s 102,” said Beck.

The mother made the decision that a trip to the emergency room was unnecessary. In fact, unless an actual emergency presents itself, trips to the emergency room for children could often expose them to illnesses they otherwise may not have contracted.

The parents also noted that an emergency room visit would have cost them $2,500, money that they did not see fit to spend for a child that appeared to be healthy and recovering.

By the time Heber went to bed that evening, his temperature was down to 100 degrees.

The mother took the kid to the doctor, the doc told her to go to the emergency room, but when she put the kid in the car, he started dancing in the car seat. Mom checked the temp again, and it was on the way down.

Where I strongly disagree with this is that the police shouldn't have gone in like they were doing a SWAT raid on a dangerous person. And, if the kid was recovering (his temp was going down), why in the hell do they need to raid the home? Couldn't they simply have knocked on the door, escorted the doctor in so she could check out the kid? Why did they have to knock their door down and take away all their kids.

I mean, the kid was recovering, the temp was going down, and besides that, a visit to the ER would have cost the family around 2,500 bucks.

Nope................sorry, but this is a case where the government went too far.

Meningitis isn't anything to play around with.
Government wants to force you to inject diseases into your children to make them immune. What could possibly go wrong with that?

How about letting people make their own choices about their families?
And, you know, while I do endorse people vaccinating their kids, there are times that the government can go too far........................

Police Raid Home, Take Children From Parents Who Failed to Obey Doctor’s Orders

The Arizona Republic reports that Sarah Beck, a pregnant mother in Chandler, Arizona, and her partner, Brooks Bryce, had taken their two-year-old toddler, Heber, to the doctor on February 25 for a fever of 105 degrees and were instructed by the doctor to bring the baby to the hospital because Heber was unvaccinated and the doctor feared the child had meningitis. The doctor reportedly called the hospital to alert them to the child’s arrival, but by the time Beck had left the doctor’s office, she states that the child was markedly improved and that his temperature had dropped dramatically.

“He’s acting normal. He’s dancing with his sisters in his car seat. And I take his temperature and it’s 102,” said Beck.

The mother made the decision that a trip to the emergency room was unnecessary. In fact, unless an actual emergency presents itself, trips to the emergency room for children could often expose them to illnesses they otherwise may not have contracted.

The parents also noted that an emergency room visit would have cost them $2,500, money that they did not see fit to spend for a child that appeared to be healthy and recovering.

By the time Heber went to bed that evening, his temperature was down to 100 degrees.

The mother took the kid to the doctor, the doc told her to go to the emergency room, but when she put the kid in the car, he started dancing in the car seat. Mom checked the temp again, and it was on the way down.

Where I strongly disagree with this is that the police shouldn't have gone in like they were doing a SWAT raid on a dangerous person. And, if the kid was recovering (his temp was going down), why in the hell do they need to raid the home? Couldn't they simply have knocked on the door, escorted the doctor in so she could check out the kid? Why did they have to knock their door down and take away all their kids.

I mean, the kid was recovering, the temp was going down, and besides that, a visit to the ER would have cost the family around 2,500 bucks.

Nope................sorry, but this is a case where the government went too far.

Meningitis isn't anything to play around with.

You know, I understand that meningitis is dangerous, but you have to admit, if it actually WAS meningitis, the kid's fever wouldn't have broke and his temp started to return to normal. The fever would have stayed there.

And, like I said, if the doctor was so concerned, why in the hell didn't she accompany the police so that she could make a proper assessment herself? If they had done that and the kid was still in the 100's, THEN I would be okay with police action against the parents. But, because the temp was going down right after they saw the doctor, and by that evening, it had dropped a full 5 degrees down to 100, so no, there wasn't any meningitis.

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