Tolerant LGBTs calling for Rush Limbaugh's death for him speaking truth about Matthew

Larry Dillon · Follow · Top Commenter · Admin at The Beer Party L.G.B.T.Q.
Lets force feed Limbaugh oxy's until he enters eternal sleep. Now that would be a RUSH
Reply · 12 · Like · Follow Post · 22 hours ago

Jerry Spiegelman · Follow · Top Commenter · President at MacroMation, Inc
Gross drug addled fuck. I wish he'd get hit by a garbage truck.
Reply · 10 · Like · Follow Post · 22 hours ago
Jeffrey J. Vrtis · Old Dominion University
How does he get away with all his HATE SPEECH???
Reply · Like · Follow Post · 6 hours ago

Let us know when they pass laws taking away civil rights from straight people.

What civil rights being taken away are you talking about? Fags have never been able to marry, so what has been taken away from them? They never had the right. How do you take away something they never had? That's like you saying republicans are taking away the right to have sex from pedophiles, despite how badly liberals want it to be legalized. Do pedos have rights taken away from them? After all, they don't choose to be deviant freaks of nature either!
Notice the libfags responding here don't address that Limbaugh speaks fact. That Shephard was killed over a drug deal, not because he was gay. That was part of their defense, to reduce murder to manslaughter, and it failed anyways..

So liberlas need to lie to pursue their agenda. What's it like to have such a pathetic cause you need to commit fraud to perpetrate it?
Go bad those LGBT faggots are wishing him death for daring to not share their view that is a lie.
The funny thing is how much better most gay couples are at marriage than rush limbaugh. And yet he thinks he's on a pedestal above them when he talks about people like Matthew Shepard. What a nut :cuckoo:

Rush is speaking the truth. Why do you need to lie to perpetrate your agenda? The facts aren't on your side, so you need to lie to win people over? Did he say Matthew shepard deserved to be killed? He was killed over drugs. His murderers are worthless scum, but they did NOT kill him because he was gay. Now why do you need to lie and use his murder for political purposes? The nazis did that.They made martyrs out of people based upon lies. You are doing that now. Are you proud?
Larry Dillon · Follow · Top Commenter · Admin at The Beer Party L.G.B.T.Q.
Lets force feed Limbaugh oxy's until he enters eternal sleep. Now that would be a RUSH
Reply · 12 · Like · Follow Post · 22 hours ago

Jerry Spiegelman · Follow · Top Commenter · President at MacroMation, Inc
Gross drug addled fuck. I wish he'd get hit by a garbage truck.
Reply · 10 · Like · Follow Post · 22 hours ago


Great ideas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Watch out for garbage trucks, Sissy Stevie!
The funny thing is how much better most gay couples are at marriage than rush limbaugh. And yet he thinks he's on a pedestal above them when he talks about people like Matthew Shepard. What a nut :cuckoo:

Rush is speaking the truth. Why do you need to lie to perpetrate your agenda? The facts aren't on your side, so you need to lie to win people over? Did he say Matthew shepard deserved to be killed? He was killed over drugs. His murderers are worthless scum, but they did NOT kill him because he was gay. Now why do you need to lie and use his murder for political purposes? The nazis did that.They made martyrs out of people based upon lies. You are doing that now. Are you proud?

Rush is lucky he wasn't killed over drugs

Doesn't this passage from your cited source tell the entire story re: Rush's claim?

The prosecutor in the case alleged that McKinney and Henderson pretended to be gay in order to gain Shepard's trust so they could later rob him.

They wanted to rob him.

What did they use to rob him?

A false narrative.

What was that false narrative?

That they, too, were gay and wanted to have fun with him.

He wasn't being robbed because he was Gay.

He was being robbed because they wanted his money.

Rush's point.

Doesn't this passage from your cited source tell the entire story re: Rush's claim?

The prosecutor in the case alleged that McKinney and Henderson pretended to be gay in order to gain Shepard's trust so they could later rob him.

They wanted to rob him.

What did they use to rob him?

A false narrative.

What was that false narrative?

That they, too, were gay and wanted to have fun with him.

He wasn't being robbed because he was Gay.

He was being robbed because they wanted his money.

Rush's point.

I bet he'd change his point if I offered him a hot dog and some robitussin

Doesn't this passage from your cited source tell the entire story re: Rush's claim?

The prosecutor in the case alleged that McKinney and Henderson pretended to be gay in order to gain Shepard's trust so they could later rob him.

They wanted to rob him.

What did they use to rob him?

A false narrative.

What was that false narrative?

That they, too, were gay and wanted to have fun with him.

He wasn't being robbed because he was Gay.

He was being robbed because they wanted his money.

Rush's point.

I bet he'd change his point if I offered him a hot dog and some robitussin

Notice how you can't/won't address the point.
Doesn't this passage from your cited source tell the entire story re: Rush's claim?

They wanted to rob him.

What did they use to rob him?

A false narrative.

What was that false narrative?

That they, too, were gay and wanted to have fun with him.

He wasn't being robbed because he was Gay.

He was being robbed because they wanted his money.

Rush's point.

I bet he'd change his point if I offered him a hot dog and some robitussin

Notice how you can't/won't address the point.

I address your point with you all the time. It's a futile exercise. Rush's argument has never come the slightest bit close to being proven true. But some guy made a ton of money off of his book from morons like you. :cuckoo:

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